The soul train takes about one day and one night to travel from Shrek City in the central region of the mainland to Donghai City on the eastern coast.

After lunch, Yu Nanyuan leaned on the sofa, supported his chin on his right wrist, and looked out the window. The scenery outside the window is constantly changing, the sun sets, the moon rises, and night falls.

Gu Yue's whole body was nestled against Yu Nanyuan's body, her eyes were slightly closed, and her long eyelashes fell on her eyelids. She was rarely practicing today, and she showed far more attachment to Yu Nanyuan than before.

Yu Nanyuan glanced sideways, caressing Gu Yue's cheek, and gently combed her hair between her ears and temples.

When he was alone with Gu Yue, he always felt particularly peaceful inside.

The soft warm-toned lights in the box fell, illuminating Gu Yue's delicate face, which was as smooth as jade.

Feeling Yu Nanyuan's burning gaze, Gu Yue opened her eyes with emotion. The moment their eyes met, each other's faces were clearly reflected in their eyes.

Different from the shyness in the past, Gu Yue took the initiative to raise her head and get close to Yu Nanyuan's face this time.

After reacting, Yu Nanyuan gradually began to take over the dominant position.

Through the car window, you can just see the two people embracing each other. This scene is extremely warm.

At this moment, Gu Yue had some sense of reality. No one could predict what would happen in the future, but at least she was the one who grasped the present moment, not Na'er.

No matter what Na'er's confidence is, she will never lose.

Tunghai College, Dean’s Office.

Yu Zhen was sitting behind his desk processing some documents.

The holiday times for soul master academies across the continent are basically the same. As the holidays approach, the dean of Donghai College is really busy.

Not only are there arrangements for the graduation of senior students, but there are also matters for recruiting new students.

However, since Yu Zhen condensed his soul core and broke through to the soul saint realm, one year has passed, and he looks younger.

Because the energy of heaven and earth absorbed by the soul core will subtly nourish the body of the soul master, it is already fundamentally different from ordinary people at the life level.

At this moment, Long Hengxu, the teaching director of the Intermediate Department of Donghai College, came to the door of the office and knocked on the door.


"What's the matter?" Yu Zhen raised his head and looked at Long Hengxu who was walking to the desk, and asked doubtfully.

Long Hengxu quickly took out a document from the storage soul guide and put it respectfully on Yu Zhen's desk.

"Dean, these are some arrangements I have made for the enrollment of the Intermediate Department next semester. Please take a look."

"Hengxu, I can rest assured about your work." Yu Zhen nodded with a smile, and then signed his signature directly on the lower right corner of the document.

"The admissions work for the Intermediate Division will be entirely left to you. However, I still want to remind you that the admissions work for the Intermediate Division is the top priority of our college."

"Dean, don't worry, I will definitely not betray your trust." Long Hengxuzhi promised again and again with pride. At this point, the expression on his face suddenly became serious again.

"Dean, I have another suggestion."

"Tell me about it." Yu Zhen stopped what he was doing and said with interest.

Long Hengxu said sternly: "Dean, our Donghai College's status in the Tianhai League has been rising over the years. Ultimately, it is because Nanyuan and the others defeated the Shrek team in the Tianhai League competition, and they have become famous since then. And then there is the , and later all seven of them were admitted to Shrek Academy again, which is almost unheard of in our Tianhai Alliance. There is no need for all of them to be present. If Nanyuan comes back to Donghai City during the holidays, you might as well ask him to help promote it For a moment. Here’s what I’m thinking, is it possible to arrange a few public spirit-fighting competitions?”

"Hengxu, your suggestion is good." Yu Zhen's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and I have to say that he was moved by Long Hengxu's words.

At the beginning, he concentrated the best resources in Donghai College to train the members of Class Zero, hoping that the members of Class Zero would add luster to the college, so that more talents could be recruited in the future enrollment.

"Well, Nanyuan contacted me not long ago. He should be returning to Donghai City in the next two days. I will tell him personally then."

"Grandpa, you don't have to wait until that time. I'm back." Two figures pushed open the door and entered. It was Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue who had just returned to Donghai City.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and stepped forward with a gentle smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Director Long."

"Nanyuan, the dean and I just talked about you. I didn't expect you to arrive." Long Hengxu patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder affectionately.

In addition to Wu Zhangkong, the other person who would participate in the teaching of Class Zero was Long Hengxu. They can be considered relatively familiar.

Under the gazes of Yu Zhen and Long Hengxu, Gu Yue's expression looked obviously unnatural. It was Yu Nanyuan who squeezed her hand before she walked to Yu Nanyuan's side.

"Dean Yu."

Although Yu Zhen was a little surprised by the development of the relationship between his grandson and Gu Yue, he was not too surprised. He stood up and greeted with a smile.

"Gu Yue, no need to be polite, you and Nan Yuan sit down first and then talk. Heng Xu, you sit down too."

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue sat on the sofa on the right side of the office, and Long Hengxu sat on the other side.

Yu Zhen showed great enthusiasm and personally poured Gu Yue a cup of fragrant black tea. Even Long Hengxu was touched by Gu Yue this time.

Gu Yue was reserved, Long Hengxu was flattered, and only Yu Nanyuan was the most casual.

"Grandpa, I don't see any problem with arranging a few public soul fighting competitions as Director Long said before. It just so happens that Gu Yue and Xiao Yan have to complete the final assessment task. Every time they pass through a city, they need to challenge at least one of them with high soul power cultivation. A soul master of level five or above. Just come forward to help an ordinary and suitable opponent."

"Well, I've heard from Xiao Yan about your final assessment, and I'll arrange it for you." Yu Zhen nodded slightly with a smile on his face, and then changed his voice.

"By the way, Nanyuan, don't you need to take the assessment?"

"My assessment task has been completed." Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly.

"But grandpa, if you want me to help promote it, I won't be able to cooperate with you."

"Okay, I will discuss some other details with Hengxu, and the time will be tomorrow. After riding the soul train for so long, you should take Gu Yue to rest first." Yu Zhen had long heard this from Xu Xiaoyan I talked about some of Yu Nanyuan’s deeds in Shrek Academy.

He knew that his grandson might have grown far beyond his imagination.

Yu Nanyuan safely left the matter to his grandfather to arrange, and he also needed to consider Gu Yue's current feelings and give him a buffer time.

"Grandpa, let's go home first."

Gu Yue had officially met his parents in another capacity, and it was completely understandable for him to feel uncomfortable for a moment.

By the time Yu Nanyuan took Gu Yue back to his home, it was already dusk.

The sky in coastal cities is much clearer than in inland areas, and the golden-red sunset renders the sky the same color. The entire Donghai City seemed to be enveloped in a rose-gold ocean.

The transparent soul elevator climbed toward the top of the building, and Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were able to see this beautiful scene.

Looking into the distance, Yu Nanyuan sighed from the bottom of his heart: "If possible, I hope to stay here in Donghai City forever. Although it is a corner, it is peaceful and harmonious."

"Some things are always beyond your control." Gu Yue frowned slightly and lowered her head slightly. As if she was thinking about something, she clenched her hands tightly and then slowly loosened them.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Gu Yue beside him thoughtfully. Of course he knew the profound meaning of Gu Yue's words.

As the half body of the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue was born with the responsibility of revitalizing the soul beast clan.

And why isn't he like this? The obsession in his heart has driven him until today, and he will continue to go forward unswervingly in the future.

Perhaps this is what they have in common, the resonance deep in their hearts.

Yu Nanyuan smiled at Gu Yue and said, "Then when we are no longer helpless, let's return to Donghai City together."

"Okay." Facing Yu Nanyuan's sincere gaze, Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

That night, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue never left the flat attic. Even dinner was prepared and served by Yu Zhen's personal chef.

Dark night fell again. After Yu Nanyuan took a bath, he was sitting on the sofa in the living room bored and watching some programs broadcast by Soul Guide TV.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom, which made him really unable to calm down.

At this moment, the soul communicator placed on the desk suddenly rang.

Yu Nanyuan glanced at the screen of the soul communicator and pressed the connect button.

"Hello, Xiaoyan?"

"Nanyuan, why didn't you tell me that you and Sister Gu Yue returned to Donghai City?! If it hadn't been for Grandpa Yu, I wouldn't have known about it until now." Xu Xiaoyan's charming voice came from the other side of the soul guide communicator Come, the tone is very dissatisfied.

Yu Nanyuan said helplessly: "Then you should also know that it was already afternoon when we returned to Donghai City. Your and Gu Yue's actual combat assessment in Donghai City is scheduled for tomorrow. After all, you need to make some preparations. Anyway, it will be tomorrow We can meet, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

"Huh!" Xu Xiaoyan was still a little unhappy. She always felt that Yu Nanyuan was hiding something from her.

"By the way, where did Sister Gu Yue go?"

The expression on Yu Nanyuan's face suddenly froze, but before he could say anything, Xu Xiaoyan continued talking on his own.

"Forget it, you don't need to tell me to know that Sister Gu Yue must have gone to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda. It seems that I have to be more serious this time."

"Do you know your opponent tomorrow?" Yu Nanyuan knew clearly.

Xu Xiaoyan chuckled and replied with Yu Nanyuan's previous words.

"Humph! I won't tell you, anyway, you will know tomorrow. That's it, hang up."

As soon as Xu Xiaoyan hung up the soul communicator, Gu Yue, neatly dressed, walked out of the bathroom.

"Who called?"

"Don't think too much, it's Xiao Yan." Yu Nanyuan stood up with a smile and walked to Gu Yue.

Gu Yue rolled her eyes at Yu Nanyuan.

"What did Xiaoyan say?"

"She said you were in the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda." Yu Nanyuan chuckled and said something that left Gu Yue confused. Then he pulled Gu Yue and walked towards the bedroom.

Gu Yue's cheeks felt hot and she said with a vigilant look on her face: "What do you want to do?"

"Have a rest, just like you did in the hotel before." Yu Nanyuan said matter-of-factly.

"There may not be any chance after that."

"Don't do that again."

It's okay that Yu Nanyuan didn't say it, but this statement reminded Gu Yue of the scene in the early morning of that day, and she instantly blushed with embarrassment. However, because Na'er pressed forward step by step, she did not refuse Yu Nanyuan's request.

The more Gu Yue said this, the more she gave Yu Nanyuan a subconscious hint.

Just like that, in the early morning of that day, Yu Nanyuan once again achieved success.

The sky outside the crystal floor-to-ceiling window began to change from dark to clear. Gu Yue stood beside the bed with a frosty face, leaving a large mark on the waist and abdomen of her close-fitting nightgown.

Yu Nanyuan was lying on the bed, thinking about life.

It was indeed embarrassing, but he felt a little more confident this time. Because this time it was Gu Yue who appeared in his dream.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan's behavior, Gu Yue finally couldn't help biting her red lips and asked: "Did you do it on purpose?!"

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