Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 187 The war between Gu Yue and Na'er

After explaining some things to Yu Nanyuan, Yali paid the bill and left early.

She had also come from Na'er's age, and her heart was like a mirror. After all, it is necessary to give Yu Nanyuan and Na'er some time alone.

When returning to Poseidon Island, the two wandered around Shrek's inner city.

Unlike Yu Nanyuan who was harboring strange emotions, Na'er was overjoyed and danced gracefully on the quaint and quiet streets. As the figure jumped, the long silver hair was bathed in the light of the morning sun, shining with a faint luster.

If it were the past, Yu Nanyuan might still be able to maintain a normal mind. But after what happened last night, he found that he seemed a little unable to look directly at Na'er.

Every look and every look of Na'er in the dream left a deep impression on him. And Na'er is now truly by his side.

This change between illusion and reality made him unable to relax for a while.

Moreover, Yu Nanyuan always thought that he only had the pure feelings between men and women for Gu Yue, but before that, he was thinking of Na'er. Once thoughts of self-doubt arise, it becomes difficult to maintain a normal mind.

He didn't notice it until he arrived at Lingbing Square.

It was early in the morning, and the morning classes in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy were about to begin. The huge Lingbing Square was almost empty and looked particularly deserted.

The fountain on the central stone platform spurts out a curtain of water, scattering a misty halo of seven colors under the sunlight.

Na'er sat on the stone platform, swinging her legs gently. She was wearing a pure white dress, and when she swung her legs, she revealed a straight calf as white as jade.

The sudden amorous feelings made Yu Nanyuan's eyes trance.

Na'er raised her head and looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

"Junior brother, can we rest here in Lingbing Square for a while before leaving?"


Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and came forward to sit next to Na'er.

Na'er naturally held Yu Nanyuan's arm, and her gently swaying calves became more and more cheerful.

"Junior brother, when are you going to leave?"

"Just these two days, I plan to help them complete the final assessment as soon as possible and then return to the academy." Yu Nanyuan responded casually.

Na'er pursed her red lips coquettishly.

"Actually, I also want to go out with you, junior brothers, but my junior wife asked me to stay here in the academy and break through the fifty-level bottleneck as soon as possible."

"Senior Wife, this is also for our future trip to Star Luo Continent. Based on your situation, senior sister, after breaking through the five-ring soul king realm, your body should be able to gradually withstand the energy impact of the two-word battle armor. Complete the two-word battle armor as soon as possible. When the time comes to practice, the teacher and mistress will be able to feel more at ease." After hearing Na'er's words, Yu Nanyuan quickly expressed relief.

Judging from the last meeting between Na'er and Gu Yue, if Na'er really went with her, he would really be able to bear it.

Na'er lowered her head and stopped talking, but she didn't dwell on it.

On the contrary, she and Yu Nanyuan will have plenty of time in Xingluo Continent from now on.

Yu Nanyuan looked up at the blue sky and changed the topic.

"Senior sister, your one-word battle armor should have just been completed not long ago. Exchanging core materials to make a two-word battle armor again means tearing everything down and starting over. You'd better be prepared."

For Doukai masters, the process of Doukai moving from one level to a higher level is a special period of weakness. Because the higher-level battle armor is not fully formed, its overall power is not even as good as before.

Especially Na'er, a battle armor master who has moved from one-word battle armor to two-word battle armor.

Na'er shook her head with a smile and looked at Yu Nanyuan with pure eyes.

"Junior brother, I'm not in a hurry. You can wait until you finish your own two-word battle armor and then turn around and help me make a brand new two-word battle armor. This way, not only will the success rate be higher, but our strength will not be affected too much. Influence. Aren’t we going to practice in Star Luo Continent for a few years anyway? Just bring the spiritual alloy for making the battle armor in advance.”

Again, she has plenty of time.

There are other people who should be worried now.

"fair enough."

Yu Nanyuan did not shirk and nodded seriously. The abilities of his three sub-professionals have basically reached level six. Because of the existence of the soul core, the consumption of soul power is not a problem, and he has all the conditions to make a two-word battle armor.

"When I return to the academy this time, I will start making my battle armor."

At this moment, a black soul car stopped at the edge of Lingbing Square.

A middle-aged butler in formal attire got out of the car and opened the door on the right side of the rear seat of the soul guide car. Yu Nanyuan happened to see Le Zhengyu walking out of it.

The sight line in Lingbing Square is very wide. The moment he got off the bus, Le Zhengyu spotted Yu Nanyuan and Na'er beside him.

As the future heir of the Holy Angel Family, he has been exposed to many outstanding-looking members of the opposite sex since he was a child. But even with his eyesight, he was amazed by Naer's stunning appearance and perfect temperament.

The smile on Na'er's pretty face seemed to eclipse everything else in the world.

The key is that Na'er still behaves so intimately with Yu Nanyuan, and the relationship is obviously extraordinary.

Le Zhengyu looked at Yu Nanyuan and Na'er, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What time management guru?

Yesterday I was still hanging out with Gu Yue Niwai, but today I turned around and got together with another girl.

In addition to his talent and strength, Le Zhengyu was impressed by Yu Nanyuan again. However, he wisely did not come forward to disturb Yu Nanyuan and Na'er, and walked quickly towards the main teaching building.

Of course he was somewhat confused.

Is Yu Nanyuan really not afraid of being discovered by Gu Yue? With Gu Yue's strong character, if she bumped into him, she would probably explode on the spot.

Le Zhengyu's eyes were burning with the fire of gossip, and he had already imagined the war between Gu Yue and Na'er in his mind.

This is much more interesting than anything else.

Noticing Yu Nanyuan's strangeness, Na'er couldn't help but asked softly: "Junior brother, do you know that person just now?"

"We know each other." Yu Nanyuan replied helplessly, and then stood up.

"Okay, senior sister, let's go back to Poseidon Island."

"Yes." Na'er also stood up with a smile and followed Yu Nanyuan.

The bright sunshine in the winter brought a little warmth. Yu Nanyuan and Na'er returned to Poseidon Island and entered a state of meditation and practice directly in the valley outside the attic.

The two of them sat cross-legged opposite each other, with a large piece of blue and silver grass beneath them, swaying with the wind. Silver light flickers in the sky, and space cracks appear from time to time, from which the silhouette of the silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake can be vaguely seen.

Since successfully condensing the soul core, Yu Nanyuan no longer uses the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake's innate ability Void Vientiane to increase his cultivation speed. Because the effect of all phenomena in the void on increasing the speed of cultivation is not as good as the soul core itself passively absorbing the energy of the outside world.

After all, he was able to receive the energy fed back by everything in the void through the Soul Silver Wings Breaking the Void Snake. After a transit, it is normal for the efficiency to be low.

Therefore, Yu Nanyuan now makes the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake hide in the void when he practices, and continues to absorb the energy of space elements through the innate ability of Void Vientiane, thereby improving his cultivation.

When the sun was rising, Yu Nanyuan's soul communicator suddenly rang.

Unexpectedly, the person who dialed his soul guide's communication number was Gu Yue, who had left in shame and anger just this morning.

The expression on Yu Nanyuan's face was a little strange. He connected the soul communicator and called out tentatively.

"Gu Yue?"

"Go to Donghai City today." Gu Yue's cold voice came from the other side of the soul guide communicator.

Yu Nanyuan asked subconsciously: "Now?"

"I'll wait for you at the Shrek Soul Guidance Train Station." Gu Yue hung up the soul communicator on the spot without explaining too much.

However, from Gu Yue's tone, Yu Nanyuan discovered that her state was a little different from usual.

Na'er had also finished her training long ago, and there was a slight mocking look in her pale silver eyes.

As she had predicted before, someone was anxious.

Na'er looked at Yu Nanyuan with faint eyes and pursed her red lips.

"Junior brother, are you leaving today?"

"Go back early and come back early." Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly.

He currently has certain problems with his mentality when facing Na'er, so it would be best to stay apart for a while.

After all, Na'er did not stop Yu Nanyuan and personally sent him away from Poseidon Island.

The surface of the clear Poseidon Lake was sparkling, and Yu Nanyuan's figure had long since disappeared in the distance.

Na'er looked at the shore, her eyes moving, and her expression was inexplicable.

One year, and one more year to go. And she will also decide the outcome with Gu Yue at that time.

An hour later, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue met at the Shrek Soul Train Station.

Yu Nanyuan still used the privileges of the pass card given to him by Mo Lan and asked for a separate private room.

As the soul guide train moved, the scenery outside the window passed quickly.

Yu Nanyuan sat on the sofa in the private room, and Gu Yue sat next to him with a cold face, as if he was fighting with someone.

The two of them have been in this state for a while.

Coupled with what happened in the hotel before, Yu Nanyuan naturally didn't want to get into trouble again. When Gu Yue's mood relaxed a little, he put his arms around Gu Yue's slender and soft waist to comfort her.

"Gu Yue, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Gu Yue's chest rose and fell slightly. At this time, the anger in her heart completely suppressed her shame and anger.

The movements of Yu Nanyuan's hands were also in accordance with his own preferences, and in the end, Gu Yue rolled his eyes. But she didn't know whether it was because of some stimulation, but she just didn't stop Yu Nanyuan.

However, the more Gu Yue behaved like this, the more Yu Nanyuan did not dare to continue.

Gu Yue really didn't feel right today, and he was basically certain of one thing.

If this inexplicable anger is directed at Na'er, there is only one possibility. Gu Yue and Na'er shared their experiences and learned about his upcoming trip to Star Luo Continent with Na'er.

After a while, Yu Nanyuan's outrageous behavior seemed to break the balance, and the shame and anger in Gu Yue's heart took over. With a blushing face, she opened one of Yu Nanyuan's hands and took out three food boxes from the storage ring.

The three large food boxes contained a total of nine dishes, each of which was a large plate.

Gu Yue opened all the food boxes on the table in front of her, her eyes full of domineering and stubbornness.

"I did it."

"It just so happens that I haven't had lunch yet, so I want to try your handiwork."

Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly. He didn't need Gu Yue to say anything else, he was already enjoying the meal in a dignified manner.

The taste of these dishes is really not that good, but the advantage is that they are all extremely nutritious and high-grade ingredients, and they are not that difficult to swallow after all.

Gu Yue watched him eat silently, a faint smile finally appeared on her face, and she hummed proudly.

Whenever Yu Nanyuan empties a plate, she immediately brings new food until Yu Nanyuan has eaten all the food.

But Yu Nanyuan felt secretly bitter in his heart.

Well done, don't do it again next time.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. He has been accustomed to being refined since he was a child, and it is indeed not easy for him to accept this kind of taste that can only be barely swallowed. Especially the food box prepared by Naer before as a comparison.

But in front of Gu Yue, Yu Nanyuan definitely couldn't show it.

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