Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 186 The Master’s Wife Comes to the Door

Gu Yue's cheeks were flushed with shame, and she stepped on the soft carpet with her bare feet. Most of the plain white dress was soaked, leaving obvious marks. The hem of the skirt and the skin between the waist and hips fit together, being warm and a little sticky.

There is even a special smell in the air.

After Gu Yue and Yu Nanyuan looked at each other for a moment, they quickly walked into the bathroom.

Yu Nanyuan shook his head helplessly, and then sat alone on the sofa, slightly dazed.

I was stimulated by Na'er in Tiandou City a few days ago, and I did something like this as soon as I relaxed tonight. The key is that when he was confused just now, he was thinking of Na'er.

It was for this reason that he felt a little guilty when Gu Yue looked at him like that.

The sky in the distance has turned a layer of fish belly white. Half of the magnificent Shrek City has welcomed the morning of the next day, while the other half is still in the night. Half-light and half-dark, it looked extremely strange.

It wasn't until it became daylight that Gu Yue walked out of the bathroom and put on a clean dress again.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and looked at Gu Yue, making certain preparations in his heart.

"I'll go back to the spiritual tower headquarters first."

However, Gu Yue acted even more uncomfortable than Yu Nanyuan. When she rinsed her body in the bathroom afterwards, the more she thought about it, the more ashamed and angry she became, and she didn't dare to look directly into Yu Nanyuan's eyes again.

After the Silver Dragon King escaped from the God Realm, he had been hiding under the Star Dou Forest to heal his injuries.

Gu Yue's total experience in the human world is actually less than ten years. Regarding this matter, she is much simpler than imagined.

After saying this, Gu Yue left in a panic, leaving Yu Nanyuan alone.

Seeing Gu Yue's reaction, Yu Nanyuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"As long as you're not angry."

At this point, Yu Nanyuan no longer had the interest to stay in the hotel. After taking a bath, he planned to return to Poseidon Island.

The morning sun rises and falls from the east, like the grace of this world.

Although the process and method were not right, Yu Nanyuan felt that his whole body felt refreshed at this time. Her bright silver long hair was spread casually and messily behind her back, letting a few rays of the warm morning sun pass through her hair, as if she were walking out of a painting.

There are two young men wearing dark green uniforms on duty in front of the city gate of Shrek's inner city. Both of them are senior students from the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

In the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, after a certain age, it becomes much easier. After all, if you want to be admitted to the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, there is a strict age limit. Either become a one-word armor master before the age of twenty, or become a two-word armor master before the age of thirty-five.

Most of the senior students in Shrek Academy's outer academy know that they have no hope of getting admitted to the inner academy, so they can only settle for the next best thing and graduate from the outer academy.

The graduation requirement of the outer academy is to become a one-word armor master before the age of thirty-five. Those senior students were once the proud ones from all over the mainland, so this condition is not too harsh for them.

Some of them will even take on such duty tasks, not only to earn contribution points, but also to experience the final college life.

After Yu Nanyuan handed his student card to the two senior students for verification, he successfully entered Shrek's inner city.

And before he took a few steps, he saw two familiar figures.

"Master's wife? Senior sister?"

Yali and Naer walked over, as if they knew Yu Nanyuan's whereabouts in advance.

It was also a pure white long dress, but when worn on Na'er, it was completely opposite to Gu Yue's temperament. Gu Yue is dignified and quiet, while Na'er is pure and ethereal, as if she was born to be favored by God.

Yali is wearing a light green dress, elegant and gentle yet charming, making people feel close to her.

Na'er smiled sweetly and stepped forward to hold Yu Nanyuan's arm.

"Junior brother, I knew I could meet you here."

The corner of Yu Nanyuan's mouth twitched, and he became more and more sure of his previous guess.

Na'er and Gu Yue can probably share experiences with each other.

Thinking that Na'er might know what happened early this morning, he suddenly felt guilty. Especially with his wife Yali present, the expression on his face became even more unnatural.

After Yali looked at Yu Nanyuan carefully, she smiled and said, "Nanyuan, Na'er, let's go. My wife will take you to a place to have breakfast first."

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er both nodded and followed Yali.

During this period, Yu Nanyuan's attitude towards Na'er was inevitably a little subtle. Na'er knew very well what was going on, but she never showed it and remained as usual.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at a noodle shop. The area of ​​the noodle shop is not large, but it is antique, somewhat similar to the architectural style of ancient times.

A middle-aged man came out. He was of medium build, resolute in appearance, with neat short hair, and distinctive bronze skin. Moreover, his clothes are also very retro, and his black double-breasted coat still has buttons. Standing there, he had an air of calmness and dignity.

Seeing Yali, the middle-aged boss's majestic face instantly softened, and he saluted Yali respectfully.

"Crown of the Holy Spirit."

"No need to be polite." Yali smiled slightly.

"I remember that the last time I came here with Brother Ming was more than thirty years ago. I don't know if there have been any changes now. You can make arrangements for us."

"Yes." The middle-aged boss led the three people to a separate and quiet room behind the courtyard, and he went down first to prepare.

The room is about thirty to forty square meters, and the layout is quite elegant.

Yali motioned for Yu Nanyuan and Na'er to take their seats, while explaining: "This noodle shop has been passed down for dozens of generations, and the taste and reputation have always been good. Your teacher and I used to like coming here, so I just happened to bring you here to try it. .”

Not long after, the middle-aged boss served three bowls of clear soup noodles on a tray. The milky white soup base is paired with vegetables and meatballs. It's too simple, but the aroma is extraordinary.

After eating the noodles with the soup in his stomach, Yu Nanyuan felt the blood and energy in his body rushing uncontrollably, making his whole body sweat slightly.

The effect of this bowl of noodles is amazing. It seems that some special natural materials and treasures were incorporated into it during its production.

Yali and Naer were also savoring it carefully, looking extremely elegant in their movements.

Yali's appetite was very small, she only ate a little and then stopped. At her level of cultivation, she no longer needs to eat to maintain daily consumption.

"Nanyuan, your teacher gave instructions before leaving the academy so that you do not need to continue to participate in the final assessment of the outer academy. Just killing the two evil soul masters is enough."

"Teacher has left the college?" Yu Nanyuan asked in surprise.

"Your teacher seems to have gotten some news and decided to personally participate in the encirclement and suppression of those evil soul masters. I don't know the specific details now." Yali nodded slightly and said: "What are your plans for the next vacation? "

"I have to go back to Donghai City. I have already agreed with Gu Yue and the others." Yu Nanyuan said his plan without any concealment.

"Master Wife, I'm planning to go back in the next few days and help them complete the assessment before returning to the academy."

"That's fine." Yali subconsciously glanced at Na'er beside her.

"This girl Na'er also needs to practice quietly for a period of time in order to break through the fifty-level bottleneck as soon as possible. One year later, your teacher and I plan to let you follow the Douluo Continent's mission to Star Luo Continent to participate in exchange activities. Nanyuan, you The teacher hopes that you can complete your two-word battle armor within a year, are you sure?"

"The time is a bit tight, but it shouldn't be a big problem." Yu Nanyuan responded in a deep voice.

As for going to Star Luo Continent to participate in exchange activities, he was not surprised.

Yali grabbed Yu Nanyuan's hand on the wooden table with a smile.

"After the exchange activities on the Star Luo Continent are over, you and Na'er don't have to rush back to the Douluo Continent and continue to stay there for a few more years. This is also what your teacher means. When the time comes, you must support each other, Rely on each other.”

Hearing what Yali said next, Yu Nanyuan was stunned for a moment.

"Senior Wife, how long are you and the teacher going to let me and my senior sister practice in Star Luo Continent?"

"About two to three years. As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. This is something you must experience in your future growth. Your teacher has traveled overseas in the Star Luo Continent and Tiandou Continent. Yali said with a smile.

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