Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue stayed in the same hotel they chose when they applied for Shrek Academy. It was not far from the inner city of Shrek.

The sun is setting in the west and night is about to fall. From a distance, the walls of Shrek's inner city look like a giant dragon entrenched here. There are no special decorations on the city wall. The style is simple and contains a deep sense of history.

Although Shrek City is not as old as Tiandou City, it has been inherited for more than 20,000 years.

The Shrek inner city today is the Shrek City back then, and the inner city walls were basically built at that time. Only under the maintenance and repairs hosted by Shrek Academy can it be kept so complete.

The streets outside the city gate were brightly lit and bustling with activity.

In the luxurious suite on the top floor of the hotel, Yu Nanyuan was sitting on the sofa in the living room near the balcony, feeling the gentle evening breeze blowing in his face.

The view here is extremely wide, and beyond the city wall, one can clearly see the scene inside Shrek's inner city.

After sending a text message to his wife to explain the situation, Yu Nanyuan casually placed the soul communicator on the crystal table in front of him, and suddenly felt as if he had experienced it before.

He looked around subconsciously, and a strange look appeared in his eyes. Because the architectural style here is exactly the same as the hotel he and Naer stayed in Tiandou City before. The overall pattern is almost the same, with only a few minor differences.

At this moment, a slender figure walked out of the bathroom, it was Gu Yue who had just finished bathing.

The difference with Na'er is that Gu Yue has always been conservative and cannot do such things as wearing a bath towel. Instead, she put on a pure white long skirt with a high texture. She was not as naked as Naer, and she was quite well-dressed.

Only her long, silky black hair spread over her shoulders, making her look more lazy and approachable than usual.

"You go take a bath too, I've put the water for you."

The expression on Yu Nanyuan's face became increasingly weird. If it's a coincidence once, it doesn't make sense if it happens every time.

Feeling Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Gu Yue's eyes were obviously unnatural, but she still looked expressionless.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." At this time, Yu Nanyuan definitely needed to pretend to be stupid and obey Gu Yue.

If his guess was correct, Gu Yue should have known everything that he and Na'er experienced during their time in Tiandou City. As for how Gu Yue learned about it, he was not sure.

However, he believed that there was some kind of special connection between Gu Yue and Na'er. Sharing memories and experiences, even emotions.

Watching Yu Nanyuan walk into the bathroom, Gu Yue sat on the sofa with a pretty face and a slight blush, but her eyes showed unparalleled strength and dominance.

Yu Nanyuan's physique was almost dust-free. He simply washed it with water and lay down in the bath. The fatigue from the journey and the tower rush seemed to disappear instantly at this moment. Under the immersion in the warm water, my whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

The water vapor rose along with the faint fragrance. Yu Nanyuan's nose moved slightly and he suddenly raised his right hand out of the water. I saw strands of black hair lingering between the five fingers of his right hand.

This is clearly Gu Yue's hair.

However, Yu Nanyuan had already made a guess and did not show the slightest surprise. Instead, he found Gu Yue's behavior a bit funny.

Half an hour later, he put on clean clothes and returned to the living room.

Gu Yue was sitting on the sofa with a dignified posture and a quiet temperament. The light outside the floor-to-ceiling window reflected on her face, adding a bit of misty beauty, like an elf in the night.

Yu Nanyuan didn't turn on the light, so he walked up to Gu Yue and sat down next to him. He naturally hugged Gu Yue's soft and delicate body.

Gu Yueqiong's nose wrinkled slightly, smelling the familiar scent of Yu Nanyuan, and then she pursed her red lips with satisfaction, and the corners of her mouth outlined a faint arc.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"About my parents." Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath and buried his head in Gu Yue's hair.

"My attitude towards Yuanen Yehui is different from others, and it's also because of these things..."

At the same time, Poseidon Island.

The silver moon hangs high in the night sky, and a soft light embellishes the quiet canyon.

This light came from a room on the second floor of the wooden attic in the valley.

Na'er sat on the wooden bed in her room.

Yali also stayed with Na'er, looking at the text message received on the soul guide communicator, and hugged Na'er gently with great distress.

The content of the text message Yu Nanyuan sent her was very direct, and he didn't even hide the fact that he and Gu Yue were alone. And this kind of calmness just expresses an attitude in disguise.

In Yu Nanyuan's mind, although Na'er also occupies an important position, it is obvious that she cannot surpass Gu Yue at the moment.

Yali sighed softly.

"Do you want me to call Nanyuan?"

"No need, Master." To Yali's surprise, not only did Na'er not show any signs of depression, but a smile from the bottom of her heart appeared on her pretty face.

"Let's not disturb our junior brother tonight."

"You girl, you better think about it." Yali couldn't help but remind Na'er. As someone who has experienced this, she cannot understand Na'er's thoughts at this time.

Since you like someone, you should try your best to fight for it and then keep it to yourself. Emotionally, I have always been selfish. That's why she acquiesced to Na'er's behavior during this period.

Na'er looked at Yali with a smile, her eyes full of determination.

"Master's wife, I've really thought about it. I like my junior, but I hope he can follow his own wishes. I will stick to it until he takes the initiative to choose me."

"If Nan Yuan had joined your teacher earlier, there would not have been so many things. But fortunately, you are still young and there will be opportunities in the future." Yali gently stroked Na'er's cheek and sighed.

"The Star Luo Continent mission that arrived in the Federation some time ago invited us. Your teacher and I are going to let you and Nanyuan represent the academy to go to Star Luo Continent for exchanges. It just so happens that after the exchange event is over, you can continue to stay in Star Luo Continent. Travel for a while. Always staying in the academy to practice is not good for your future improvement. There is about one year left, and after one year, you can go out for a walk."

"Going to Star Luo Continent?" Na'er's eyes widened in surprise.

Yali smiled and said, "Why, don't you want to go with Nanyuan?"

Although this was something she and Yun Ming had decided long ago, there was some selfishness involved. They planned to let Yu Nanyuan and Na'er stay in Xingluo Continent for two to three years, and these few years were Na'er's last chance.

Na'er quickly hugged Yali coquettishly.

"Of course I want to, but Na'er is a little reluctant to leave her teacher and mistress."

"Puyu needs more tempering. Just being here is not enough. This is something you must experience." Yali shook her head gently.

"You girl should be about to break through level 50."

"Yeah." Na'er nodded slightly.

"Master Wife, I will work hard to practice and strive for an early breakthrough."

"This is not enough. In the year before leaving for Star Luo Continent, your teacher and I will have stricter requirements on you. This way we can feel more at ease when the time comes." Yali said with a smile.

On the other side, Yu Nanyuan had already told Gu Yue everything about his parents.

As the half-body of the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue had never experienced anything like this before and could not empathize with Yu Nanyuan, but she was comforting Yu Nanyuan in her own way.

In the dimly lit living room, two overlapping figures were vaguely visible. This is Gu Yue's first initiative.

After a while, the living room fell silent again.

Yu Nanyuan hugged Gu Yue and lay on his side on the sofa, their bodies touching each other.

Yu Nanyuan just quietly enjoyed the inner peace and did not do anything else out of the ordinary.

Of course, this was what he thought was true.

Gu Yue's back was facing Yu Nanyuan, her jade legs were curled up, and she was leaning on Yu Nanyuan's arms. Her figure was slightly stiff, and she bit her red lips with an expression of shame and anger, but in the end she still did not pry away Yu Nanyuan's hand.

She now understood why Yu Nanyuan had such a hobby. I didn't experience it when I was a child, and now I have to get it all back from her.

This guy……

Just when Gu Yue was thinking wildly, Yu Nanyuan's confused voice sounded in her ears again.

"Stop meditating and practicing today and have a good night's rest."

In Yu Nanyuan's warm embrace, Gu Yue gradually relaxed.

The two of them hugged each other and soon fell into a deep sleep. Usually they are too tired from practicing and rarely relax.

And in the early hours of the morning, Gu Yue suddenly reached out and touched the hem of her skirt between her waist and hips while she was half asleep. She felt warmth everywhere she touched it. She instantly sat up without any sleep, and looked at Yu Nanyuan with shame and anger.


Yu Nanyuan suddenly woke up and was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

For a teenager who has entered puberty, this is a normal thing, but in this case, even he feels ashamed.

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