With the improvement of his soul power, although Yu Nanyuan has acquired many powerful new soul skills in recent years, the Sky-Tearing Claw, which is based on the Dark Gold Terror Claw and integrated with the power of space cutting, has always been his trump card. .

After all, this Sky-Tearing Claw is the famous stunt of Xiong Jun, the King of Dark-Gold Terrorclaw Bears, and it even injured the Beast God Di Tian.

Yu Nanyuan used his martial soul talent and the right metacarpal bone of the dark-gold Terrorclaw Bear to perfectly carve out the Sky-Tearing Claw. Compared to the Bear Lord, what he lacks now is just the cultivation of soul power.

The destructive power of the Sky-Tearing Claw is absolutely beyond doubt.

The power of the earth controlled by the titan ape was stripped away by Gu Yue's fourth soul skill, the elemental staff. After using only his physical body and soul power to withstand Yu Nanyuan's sky-breaking claw, he suffered heavy injuries on the spot.

However, there was another key factor in Yu Nanyuan's ability to severely injure the Titan ape, and that was the abrupt nature of space teleportation.

The fourth soul skill, Dimensional Cage, is itself a domain soul skill, which creates an excellent battlefield for him. While inside the dimensional cage, all his martial soul talents and soul skills will gain a certain degree of amplification effect, even allowing him to directly control the void.

Whether it is space teleportation or the forbidden air used when fighting Li Qiankun and Mo Jue, in the final analysis, it is the application of the power of space.

When preparing to teleport the Titan Giant Ape in front of him, Yu Nanyuan had already accumulated enough soul power for the Sky-Tearing Claw. Even more powerful soul beasts can only resist his set of explosions.

Unless he can control the power of space at a higher level than him, but how easy is it?

The heavily injured Titan Ape was naturally unable to exert its strongest strength at its peak, and was continuously weakened by the bombardment of Gu Yue's elemental storm and Yu Nanyuan's explosive barrier. No matter how powerful the Titan Ape's defense is, just protecting itself will consume a lot of soul power.

The consumption of the Titan Ape when it forcibly broke through the elemental storm and blasted the barrier several times was even more intense. At this time, Yu Nanyuan would teleport it back to the core area of ​​​​the bombardment, making all its efforts in vain.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue used this method to forcefully kill the Titan ape, leaving no room for it to develop at all.

Although this method seems simple and crude, it is indeed extremely effective.

To deal with a soul beast like the Titan Giant Ape, if you cannot crush it head-on with absolute strength, then the most correct choice is to engage in a long-distance consumption battle.

And Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue have achieved the latter to the extreme, which is also the essence of the control-type battle soul master.

Because Yu Nanyuan has a soul core in his body that absorbs the energy of heaven and earth in time to help restore his soul power, the consumption of this battle is still within the range he can bear. But perhaps Gu Yue was trying to vent her emotions or demonstrate to Yuan En Yehui, so she barely held back this time, and the consumption was quite large.

Gu Yue's chest rose and fell slightly, and she raised her head to look at Yu Nanyuan, her eyes gradually becoming calmer.


Yu Nanyuan looked at Gu Yue with a gentle smile, and then gently embraced her into his arms.

Le Zhengyu came back to his senses and couldn't help but stepped forward and complained: "Hey, hey, there are others here. You just show off your affection like no one else, right? Can you pay attention to the impact?"

Feeling Gu Yue's obedience in his arms, Yu Nanyuan glanced at Le Zhengyu in a good mood, and joked with a smile: "Isn't it possible that the eldest young master of the Holy Angel Family hasn't hugged a girl yet? No way? No way? "

"How is that possible?! Do you think I'm the kind of person with no experience?"

Le Zhengyu's face darkened, and his expression was extremely stiff. Although Yu Nanyuan's words hit a sore spot, he couldn't admit it for the sake of his own face.

"I don't have anything to do with it, you know. The main reason is that the squad leader is here and she might not feel comfortable. I've always done that, I just want to take care of the squad leader's feelings."

During the period of breaking into the tower, Le Zhengyu stood from the perspective of a bystander. Of course, he also noticed something strange about Yuan En Yehui.

It is difficult to conceal the attention of the opposite sex.

Le Zhengyu has always been relatively open-minded and said whatever came to his mind. Especially now that he has been stabbed in a sore spot by Yu Nanyuan, he has already lost his previous calmness.

Just like Yu Nanyuan hit Le Zhengyu's sore spot, Le Zhengyu's words also made Yuanen Yehui instantly become sensitive, and asked Le Zhengyu with a little excitement: "Why do I feel unhappy?" Comfortable?!"

Le Zhengyu and Yu Nanyuan both looked slightly startled.

Le Zhengyu only realized belatedly that he had spilled the beans. Facing Yuan En Ye Hui's cold and sinister gaze, he really wanted to slap himself twice.

Yu Nanyuan, on the other hand, felt something unusual and looked at Yuan En Yehui with a slight frown.

Gu Yue, who was leaning her head against Yu Nanyuan's chest, suddenly hugged Yu Nanyuan's waist tightly with her backhand, showing her strong possessiveness towards Yu Nanyuan in front of others for the first time.

Gu Yue and Yuan En Ye Hui's eyes met, and the scene suddenly fell into silence.

If it were normal times, Yu Nanyuan would definitely be wishing for Gu Yue to be so proactive. But in this case, he felt tremendous pressure.

When Le Zhengyu saw this scene, he immediately took a step back calmly.

If you really want to start a war, don't spatter him with blood.

In the end, Yu Nanyuan could only stand up and smooth things over by pretending to be confused.

"Yuan En, let's fuse the soul first, don't waste this opportunity."

After pondering for a long time, Yuanen Yehui turned his eyes away from Gu Yue and nodded solemnly towards Yu Nanyuan.


After saying this, Yuanen Yehui walked straight to the golden light door and touched the phantom of the Titan ape with the white tip of his right index finger.

A thick black light quickly integrated into her body, and her figure sitting cross-legged on the ground began to tremble.

The Titan ape soul is obviously not willing to merge with Yuanen Yehui. This is basically the case for unyielding souls of this level.

However, the moment Yuanen Yehui released the phantom of the Titan Giant Ape's martial spirit, her body stopped trembling. The blood in her body that had the same origin as the Titan ape was aroused, and the two had a strange resonance.

The same Titan apes have different levels from each other.

For example, Er Ming, the loyal dog of the Tang family, is the undisputed king of the Titan ape clan, and he later cultivated to the level of a god.

As a descendant of Er Ming, Yuan En Ye Hui's bloodline level was inherently superior to that of the Titan Giant Ape in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Soon, Yuanen Yehui's breath became calmer.

It can be expected that the fusion of similar martial spirits and souls will definitely benefit her a lot.

In fact, if you don't count Gu Yue and Na'er, Yuan En Yehui's talent can be said to be the first among those in Shrek Academy under Yu Nanyuan. When her Titan Giant Ape Spirit also possesses the fourth spirit ring, its combat power may be enough to crush most of the five-ring spirit kings.

Yu Nanyuan withdrew his gaze and looked at Le Zhengyu again.

"You can help Yuan En protect the law here."

"Okay." Le Zhengyu nodded with a stern expression. At this time, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. It would be a good thing if Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue didn't cause trouble for him.

In the memory of the previous life, it was no wonder that these two guys, Le Zhengyu and Xie Xie, could play together. When it comes to talking, these two guys are really on the same page.

Yu Nanyuan led Gu Yue to the corner of the rotunda, put his hands on Gu Yue's snow-white and delicate shoulders, and asked knowingly: "Gu Yue, what happened to you just now?"

"You really don't know?" Gu Yue glanced at Yu Nanyuan with a faint look.

Just when Yu Nanyuan was about to say something, he suddenly turned back angrily and looked in the direction of Le Zhengyu.

Le Zhengyu seemed to be protecting Yuanen Yehui honestly, but in fact he had been gossiping and eavesdropping on their conversation. Soul masters have sharp ears and eyes. As long as they are intentional, it is common for them to hear conversations hundreds of meters away.

As expected, when Yu Nanyuan looked over, Le Zhengyu instinctively shrank his body.

Yu Nanyuan waved his right hand, and the surrounding space was slightly distorted, forming a layer of silver light that was isolated from the surrounding space. This feeling is very strange, like being wrapped in a huge bubble.

This is a higher-level use of soul power, combined with the spatial attributes contained in his soul power. It is enough to isolate sound and breath, and even distort space to achieve the effect of hiding the body. Only after condensing the soul core did he gain complete control.

"Because of Yuan En?" Yu Nanyuan said seriously.

"There is really nothing between Yuan En and me."

"You can't represent her thoughts." Gu Yue gently pushed Yu Nanyuan's hand away and looked directly at Yu Nanyuan, her eyes full of domineering and stubbornness.

"And I don't like how you treat her."

Yu Nanyuan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Gu Yue was referring to. After thinking about it carefully, he vaguely noticed something.

Because of similar life experiences, he somewhat empathized with, or sympathized with, Yuan En Yehui's experience. After later entering Shrek Academy, he had been silently keeping the secret for Yuan En Yehui.

In the team battle later in the exchange competition, he questioned Yuan En Ye Hui because he didn't understand.

Why didn't Yuanen Yehui resent his father's incompetence and cowardice? If his father was strong enough, it would not lead to such a tragedy.

Why don't you understand that in this world, the struggle of the weak has no meaning other than increasing sacrifices? Some things just should be done by competent people.

Perhaps it was from these details that Gu Yue discovered that his attitude towards Yuan En Yehui was different from that towards other people.

Yu Nanyuan apologetically reached out and caressed Gu Yue's cheek, smiling bitterly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider your feelings, but things are really not what you thought."

Gu Yue did not dodge this time, letting Yu Nanyuan hug her into his arms again, lightly pursed her red lips and said, "I believe you."

Listening to Gu Yue's words, Yu Nanyuan felt much relieved and seemed to have made up his mind.

"Are you free tonight?"

"What are you doing?" Feeling Yu Nanyuan's burning gaze, and having lived with Yu Nanyuan for seven days from Na'er's perspective, she subconsciously thought wrong. The shyness and reverie in her heart made her cheeks feel hot.

Le Zhengyu, who was watching from a distance, didn't know what Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue said, but he saw that their roles seemed to have been reversed instantly.

Gu Yue, who was so strong just now, suddenly withered.

Yu Nanyuan came to Gu Yue's ear with a smile on his face and said, "I just want to talk to you about some things. I'll go to your residence in Spirit Transferring Pagoda later."

"No!" Gu Yue's reaction was particularly strong. The residence at Spirit Transferring Pagoda was right next to her teacher.

The teasing smile in Yu Nanyuan's eyes faded, and his empty eyes seemed to have an invisible sense of loneliness.

"I was joking about the last sentence, but the first sentence is true. Let's just find a quiet place later."

"Go to the hotel and get a suite like the one you stayed in before." The jealousy in Gu Yue's heart suddenly surged up again, and she replied coldly.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Gu Yue in shock, and the corner of his mouth twitched. At this time, he certainly couldn't ask Gu Yue how he knew.

And Gu Yue didn't explain anything.

What Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue didn't know was that Gu Yue's teacher, Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu, was sitting in the office and witnessed their entire process of breaking into the tower through the soul guidance screen hanging from the ceiling.

Crossing his hands to support his chin, Leng Yaozhu's plump and perfect figure is more and more highlighted. The black uniform further highlights the charm of a mature woman.

Seeing some of the subsequent intimate interactions between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, she couldn't help but smile, a look of relief appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she murmured to herself.

"Perhaps this is the reincarnation of fate. I lost to you back then, but my disciples will never follow my old path again."

Yu Nanyuan's talent is no less than that of Yun Ming back then. In Leng Yaozhu's view, the two are indeed a perfect match. When they grow up in the future, the relationship between Shrek Academy and Spirit Transferring Tower may also improve.

It was already dusk when everyone left the Spirit Transferring Tower.

The soul of the Titan ape was fused with Yuanen Yehui, and the Spirit Transferring Tower did not come forward to embarrass him. However, the price of the Titan Giant Ape Soul is really not low, as high as 100 million federal coins, and it is even at a discount.

According to the rules of the Soul Tower, as long as you pass that level, you can buy the soul at half price. Delivery deadline is within one month.

For Yuan En Yehui, it is not easy to collect these 100 million federal coins. After merging the soul of the Titan ape, she left to collect money before she had time to feel it carefully.

The afterglow of the setting sun shrouded Shrek City, without the tranquility of Tiandou City, it showed its majestic prosperity. Especially the Heavenly Spirit Pagoda at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters behind everyone, which goes straight into the clouds.

After Yuan En Yehui left, Le Zhengyu also got into the soul guide car and waved to Yu Nanyuan through the car window.

"Okay, I won't influence you here."

The roar of the engine started, and the black soul-guided car Le Zhengyu was riding in quickly disappeared from sight.

But this guy was in a hurry to leave, not entirely because he was sensible enough. Mainly because he was afraid that Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue would cause trouble for him.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and smiled slightly.

"Let's go to the hotel."

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