Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 183 Join forces to destroy the giant ape

Arriving at the eighteenth floor of the Soul Tower, Yu Nanyuan's expression gradually became solemn.

The soul beasts encountered in the previous floors were all restrained by his ability, but the Titan ape on the eighteenth floor was different.

The Titan apes that existed in ancient times and ancient times were the undisputed overlords in any soul beast forest. They have unparalleled strength, speed, attack power and defense, and almost no flaws.

And they themselves also control powerful domain capabilities.

Facing the next Titan ape, Yu Nanyuan could only defeat it head-on through sheer strength.

The metal door in the distance has been fully opened, and a huge mountain-like creature silently walked out of it.

This is a being that looks like both an ape and a chimpanzee. Except for its shining crystal-yellow eyes, its entire body was covered with jet-black hair. The height when standing upright is more than eight meters. Moreover, every part of the body is covered with muscles that are even more exaggerated than granite, and the bulges are like hills. It looks majestic.

"Titan Giant Ape?!" Le Zhengyu's eyes suddenly widened. He finally knew Yuan En Yehui's goal of breaking into the tower this time.

If it weren't for Yu Nanyuan's existence, he might really think that Yuan En Yehui was crazy.

The cultivation level of this titan ape is at least eight thousand years, so even if the elite soul emperor from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy takes action, he probably won't have much chance of winning. Of course, this is without using Doukai.

After all, the use of external forces such as battle armor, mechas, and soul guides is prohibited in the Soul Tower.

Perhaps only Wu Zhangkong, who was at the peak level of the Soul Emperor back then, could be said to have a certain degree of confidence when facing this titan ape.

The strength of the Titan apes' own race is enough to make them superior to most soul beasts. Although the Titan ape in front of him only has eight thousand years of cultivation, in terms of combat power, it is a complete dimensionality reduction blow to ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts.

The Titan Giant Ape raised his head and let out a shocking roar. The rolling sound wave swept over and made the entire space tremble.

At the same time, its huge body jumped high into the air and landed in the center of the rotunda. The terrifying momentum carried an unparalleled heaviness, invisibly oppressing the bodies of Yu Nanyuan and the four others.

Yuanen Yehui clenched his fists, and the look in his eyes became more determined. She believed that this Titan ape was the best choice for her.

She will do her best to get a chance to fuse with this soul.

"I'm blocking the front." After saying that, Yuanen Yehui opened his arms and pretended to release his Titan Giant Ape Spirit. He seemed to have completely forgotten what he was wearing now.

The scene of a stunning girl wearing a long black dress using the titan ape martial spirit to burst her clothes is a bit unacceptable just thinking about it.

Yu Nanyuan raised his hand to stop Yuan En Yehui and said in a deep voice, "Leave it to me and Gu Yue. We are old acquaintances with this Titan ape."

The moment he saw the titan ape in front of him, Yu Nanyuan felt familiar. After some confirmation, he gradually confirmed his guess.

The Titan ape he and Gu Yue had encountered in the East China Sea's primary spiritual ascension platform should have the same origin as the Titan ape in front of him.

The difference between the two is that the former is mostly an illusory existence simulated using the soul bones of the Titan ape in the primary spiritual ascension platform, while the latter is the real soul of the Titan ape.

The reason why the giant titan ape in front of him has a cultivation level of eight thousand years is that the Spirit Transferring Tower must have spent a lot of resources on it.

Real top-level souls can evolve by devouring other soul beasts in the Spirit Ascension Platform at the Spirit Transferring Tower Headquarters. The Tyrannosaurus rex soul in Yu Nanyuan's past life memory is a typical example.

The Titan ape that landed in the center of the rotunda seemed to have some inexplicable hostility when it saw Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. It raised its fists and hammered its chest hard several times, and its fierce crystal-yellow eyes locked onto the two of them instantly.

Its huge size did not affect its speed at all. It rushed in front of Yu Nanyuan like a ghost and punched out boldly.

This punch is just a combination of pure strength and soul power, but its power is by no means inferior to real soul skills.

Yu Nanyuan was not afraid and punched out with the same cold expression.

The size of Titan ape and Yu Nanyuan are not at the same level at all. In the eyes of Yuan En Yehui and Le Zhengyu, Yu Nanyuan's choice to compete head-on with the titan ape in a head-to-head strength competition was like a mayfly shaking a tree. It's really not rational.

But as soon as they had this idea, they saw a dazzling silver light burst out from Yu Nanyuan's right fist. His punch was like hitting a non-existent mirror, and fine spatial cracks quickly appeared in the space.

"Boom——" The terrifying power of space explosion raged, making it impossible for the Titan Ape's huge right fist to move forward.

Violent energy fluctuations erupted centered in the open space between the fists of Yu Nanyuan and the Titan Ape. The space was distorted and the sky was filled with flickering lights and shadows.

The Titan ape's body was swept up by a wave of air and moved back dozens of meters. His right fist couldn't stop trembling.

The power of space explosion can almost ignore all defenses. Only a soul master who controls the power of space at the same level can defeat it. The Titan ape was not unable to compete with Yu Nanyuan in terms of strength, but because it felt that there were some cracks in the bones of its right arm, it took the initiative to use the air wave to distance itself from Yu Nanyuan.

This was also the reason why Yun Ming did not hand over the soul bones of the void beast's arms to Yu Nanyuan prematurely. The soul skill of space blast is too overbearing. If you don't control the power of space enough, you will easily hurt yourself.

Relying on the 100,000-year-old soul bone skill Space Explosion, Yu Nanyuan had a clear advantage in this confrontation with the Titan Ape.

Seeing this scene, Yuanen Yehui and Lezhengyu felt incredible. Coming from a large family of soul masters, they all recognized the abilities used by Yu Nanyuan.

Soul bone? !

How powerful would it be to be able to force back the soul bone skills of a giant ape that had cultivated for eight thousand years?

Yu Nanyuan stopped paying attention to the Titan ape, and instead looked at Gu Yue behind him with a smile.

Facing Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Gu Yue, although still looking expressionless and indifferent, silently took a few steps forward and came to Yu Nanyuan's side.

The smile on Yu Nanyuan's face became stronger and stronger. He raised his left hand and made a gesture of holding it empty.

The fourth soul ring, as dark as ink, shines, and thick chains start from the sky above the center of the rotunda and extend outward. The sharp wedge penetrated deeply into the floor at the edge of the hall, forming a huge chain cage.

The chain cage enveloped Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue and the Titan ape, while Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu were separated from the cage.

Following the space cage, a huge silver spear descended from the void and fell around the space cage. Pieces of silver light curtains rose from between the silver spears and shot straight into the sky.

This silver light curtain looks very strange, transparent and yet real. The strong spatial fluctuations cut off all atmosphere, and the spaces inside and outside the light curtain seemed to be no longer in the same dimension.

The combination of the space cage in the form of a chain and the dimensional division in the form of a gun is this dimensional cage that forms its own realm.

Yu Nanyuan is the absolute controller of this space.

Four circles of purple soul rings rose up from Gu Yue's feet in rhythm, as if in response to Yu Nanyuan's actions, the fourth soul ring beside her also lit up.

As Le Zhengyu and Yuan En Yehui watched, a colorful ray of light extended from Gu Yue's hand and turned into a slender staff. The long handle under the staff is a luxurious and bright silver color, and the top is a seven-color light ball, which is filled with light.

As soon as the staff came out, the various elements in the dimensional cage seemed to boil, becoming chaotic and active in an instant.

The fourth soul skill, the elemental staff.

Gu Yue stretched out her right hand to hold the elemental staff suspended in front of her, and stood side by side with Yu Nanyuan.

This situation made them feel as if they had returned to many years ago.

At this time, the corners of Gu Yue's mouth also outlined a slight arc.

The Titan ape is not only powerful, but also possesses intelligence that is no less than human beings. After suffering a big loss in that tentative confrontation, it did not attack rashly again.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan's slender white index finger and middle finger came together on his left hand, and then suddenly lifted it up.

Without any warning, the Titan ape's figure just moved out of thin air and appeared in front of them. What greeted it were five dark golden sharp blades emerging from the sky.

The five dark golden sharp blades were fifty meters long, tearing apart the space in an instant and falling from the sky towards the Titan ape. The dark space cracks around the dark golden blade erupted with huge suction force, leaving the Titan ape with no time to react.

During this period, there was no need for Yu Nanyuan to remind him, Gu Yue had already taken action tacitly.

The ball of light at the top of the elemental staff in Gu Yue's hand suddenly turned into a thick yellow color, and she pointed towards the Titan Ape. The earth elemental energy controlled by the Titan Ape suddenly began to drain crazily and was absorbed by the light ball at the top of the elemental staff.

Yuanen Yehui stared at Gu Yue's back in shock.

Her main martial spirit is the Titan Giant Ape, and she knows exactly what Gu Yue has done. The power of the earth of the titan ape was obviously gradually deprived of by Gu Yue's elemental staff.

The name Titan represented the God of the Earth in the ancient times of Douluo Continent. According to legend, the Titan ape has the blood of the God of the Earth, so it is also called the son of the earth. The earth is the source of their power. As long as there is land, the Titan Apes can exert their greatest strength.

That's why the Titan ape can become the king of the forest.

How could the Titan Ape's innate ability derived from his blood be completely suppressed by Gu Yue's soul skill? !

Without the blessing of the power of the earth, the Titan Ape's own defense power dropped sharply. He almost used his body to bear the inevitable sky-searing claw.

Bloody light burst out, and ferocious scars with bone-deep bones appeared on the Titan Ape's chest and shoulders. However, judging from the life level of the Titan ape, such trauma is obviously not fatal enough.

In pain, the Titan ape roared angrily.

A thick khaki halo filled the air, and everything in front of him was slightly distorted.

Gravity control field!

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue felt that their bodies were as heavy as lead. Even with the reduction of the Ancient Moon Elemental Staff, it is impossible for the Titan Ape's gravity control field to fail in a short period of time.

The Titan Ape's fists had already slammed down on the heads of the two of them.

Yu Nanyuan laughed mockingly and made another gesture with his left hand. And in the next moment, the Titan Giant Ape was teleported a hundred meters away by him.

In just two rounds of confrontation, he firmly controlled the situation and manipulated the Titan Ape into the palm of his hand.

He is no longer the Yu Nanyuan who needed to avoid his sharp edges.

"Boom -" The Titan ape's fists hit the ground hard, and the ground collapsed in the tremors, forming a huge pit. Just as it reacted, its eyes were fixed on Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue in the distance, and it roared and was about to charge again.

Gu Yue took a step forward and struck the ground with the elemental staff in his hand. The light ball instantly appeared in four colors: blue, red, yellow and green.

The elemental storm broke out.

Gu Yue pointed the elemental staff at the Titan Ape, and balls of light nearly one meter in diameter were blasted out like a barrage of cannons.

The blue wind ball contains a storm, the red fire ball is blazing and high temperature, the meteorite earth ball is solid and bright, and the spiked ice ball rotates at high speed. The four elements continuously alternate and explode, covering a large space overwhelmingly.

Within the elemental storm, the Titan Ape could not dodge at all. It could only rely on its powerful offensive and defensive capabilities to shatter the elemental balls, but the terrifying elemental power still oppressed it and kept retreating.

And every time the Titan ape desperately tries to break out of the elemental storm, Yu Nanyuan will teleport it to the core area of ​​the elemental storm. In addition to this, he also condensed and compressed explosive barriers in the space within the dimensional cage, and cooperated with Gu Yue's elemental storm to bombard the Titan ape.

Under normal circumstances, the soul power of top-level soul beasts is much deeper than that of soul masters of the same level. But Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue are exceptions.

Because of the existence of the soul core in his body, Yu Nanyuan could no longer judge it with common sense.

Gu Yue's control and use of elements is not only related to his own soul power, but also has an inseparable connection with his spiritual power. Only mental power can attract the controlling element. In this way, Gu Yue's cultivation is the superposition of mental power and soul power, and his ability to continue fighting will naturally be greatly improved.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--" The roars one after another continued to sound in the dimensional cage, and the lights of various colors mixed together, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the space cage returned to calm.

Yu Nanyuan stood aside holding Gu Yue's hand. Another illusory golden light door appeared in the center of the field. What was suspended in front of the light door was the phantom of the Titan ape's soul.

Outside the space cage, Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu were both stunned on the spot with dull eyes.

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