The innate soul skill of Evil Eye Gaze will activate the most original power of the Evil Eye clan's bloodline. Every time it is used, it will take a long time to make up for the missing part of the original power. If it is not a critical moment, it will never be used easily. Especially for the evil eye with a cultivation level of less than ten thousand years.

Only by breaking through to the ten-thousand-year realm can the Evil Eye clan stabilize their own original power and no longer have such big restrictions.

Those top ten thousand year soul beasts with noble bloodline will condense beast cores in their bodies, while the Evil Eye clan will condense special soul crystals. Both of these are existences similar to the soul core of a human soul master.

This is also the reason why the evil eye with a cultivation level of ten thousand years or above is also called the evil eye tyrant.

Although the dual-attribute evil eye on the 16th floor of the Soul Tower only had about six thousand years of cultivation, it naturally did not dare to hold back at the critical moment of life and death. The original power in the body pours out crazily, and this evil eye gaze is definitely its strongest blow in the true sense.

Even in ancient times, the thunder attribute evil eye was extremely rare.

The Evil Eye clan's spiritual attributes are already quite difficult to deal with, and coupled with their thunder attribute abilities, which are known for their amazing explosive power, they are enough to make them one of the top soul beasts.

And its evil eye gaze perfectly blends its two attributes together.

The evil eye gaze after the fusion of spiritual attributes and thunder attributes exudes a heart-stopping aura. The moment the purple beam of light burst out, the light in this space became much dimmer.

There is no doubt about the terrifying destructive power it contains.

In comparison, the evil eye gaze released by Yu Nanyuan's ten thousand-year evil eye tyrant is not so oppressive. All the energy was restrained, as if it were just an ethereal silver beam.

But under this silver beam of light, the purple beam of light instantly disappeared and melted. There was no huge momentum and energy fluctuations, everything seemed so calm and calm.

It was like the vast and undulating sea suddenly became calm, and the sea surface was as smooth as a mirror.

The silver halo infects the space in the rotunda with the same color, losing all other colors and giving it no real feeling. Space freezes and time flows quietly.

However, this change only lasted for a moment, and the silver light between the sky and the earth began to fade quickly. The body of the dual-attribute evil eye gradually became transparent and illusory, and finally disappeared completely.

"Level 16 of Soul Tower, passed. You can choose soul, evil eye. Thousand-year soul. Choose whether to absorb it within ten seconds." The electronic sound sounded again.

The whole place was silent. Le Zhengyu couldn't help but swallowed as he looked at Yu Nanyuan's back slowly walking towards the golden light door.

He really wanted to know how much strength Yu Nanyuan had hidden.

Facing the dual-attribute evil eye with six thousand years of cultivation just now, even if he and Yuan En Yehui at their peak form join forces, the chance of winning may not be more than 30%. However, Yu Nanyuan killed him without any suspense in a single encounter.

Le Zhengyu gradually corrected his mentality.

In the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, the reason why he only showed closeness to Yu Nanyuan was because he felt that only Yu Nanyuan was at the same level as him.

Whether it is talent in cultivation or background.

But it turns out that these are just some of his imagination. Yu Nanyuan was never something he could touch from beginning to end.

Such a person is destined to suppress an era and amaze the world.

The frustration in his heart is undeniable, but there are fundamental differences between Le Zhengyu and Ye Xinglan, who is also proud by nature. He is more rational than Ye Xinglan and not so paranoid.

At this time, he became more and more determined to establish a good relationship with Yu Nanyuan.

Yuanen Yehui calmed down and followed Yu Nanyuan silently. She seemed to accept Yu Nanyuan's power more easily than Le Zhengyu.

Gu Yue, on the other hand, glanced at Yuan En Yehui inexplicably.

On the seventeenth floor, Yuanen Yehui's eyes began to brighten.

Only the last two levels are left. After passing the seventeenth level, she only needs to defeat the Titan ape on the eighteenth level, and she will have the opportunity to try to fuse the Titan ape's soul.

Under normal circumstances, the basic soul ring life that the fourth soul ring can withstand is about four thousand years.

However, Yuanen Yehui is a twin martial soul, and both are top-level martial souls. It is entirely possible to fuse the soul of the Titan ape with eight thousand years of cultivation. What's more, her main martial spirit is the Titan Giant Ape. It is inevitable that the fusion of similar martial spirits and souls will give her greater advantages.

The metal door opened, and a green light suddenly shot out. The moment it suddenly accelerated, the surrounding space erupted with a strong roar as it broke the sound barrier.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to distinguish.

Yu Nanyuan was able to capture the figure of this soul beast only through the ability of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

It was a bird-spirit beast whose entire body was turquoise, and its body was not too big. Its wings are spread out only over half a meter, and its body is no more than a foot long. The turquoise feathers all over the body are like emeralds, the long, transparent and slender mouth has a touch of gold, and the body is slender and extremely streamlined.

While in the air, the bird soul beast suddenly accelerated a second time. It seemed as if a blue-green tail flame was spitting out from behind it, pushing its body like lightning, and came directly in front of Yu Nanyuan and the four of them.

The silver eyes between his eyebrows turned, and the palm of Yu Nanyuan's right hand suddenly raised.

Illusory gun shadows fell from the sky one after another, forming layers of gun formations. Transparent silver light curtains rose from the gun formations and shot straight into the sky.

Dimension division!

"Boom -" Yu Nanyuan condensed a total of nine layers of silver light curtain this time, four of which shattered almost instantly. Even the broken sounds were superimposed together, with no gap between them.

Even on the fifth layer of the light curtain, fine silver cracks appeared under the impact of the bird soul beast's sharp mouth.

Yu Nanyuan's fourth soul skill in the form of a spear has extremely strong defensive power in dimensional division. It has a strong resistance to physical attacks and energy attacks. Only this kind of ultimate attack concentrated on one point can restrain the dimensional light curtain to a certain extent. .

And this is obviously the ability that this bird soul beast is best at.

Through the layers of Yuan Light Screen, both Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu recognized the origin of this soul beast, and their pupils shrank.

"Is this the emerald demon bird?!"

The emerald demon birds are cruel in nature, and their growth depends entirely on sucking the brains of various creatures. Whether it is soul beasts or humans, they are their targets.

Even in the world of soul beasts, the Emerald Demon Bird is one of the most notorious ones.

But there is no denying the power of this kind of soul beast. The Emerald Demon Bird is definitely one of the pinnacle existences among flying soul beasts. Not only is its own speed extremely fast, but its long mouth is also invincible, enough to easily break through the defenses of most soul masters and soul beasts.

It is said that there was a king of emerald demon birds that even sucked the brains of a true dragon. After that, he continued to evolve and became the most terrifying killer of that era.

"Gu Yue, your Spirit Transferring Tower puts soul beasts like the Emerald Demon Bird into the Soul Spirit Tower. Isn't this because you don't want to let people who break into the tower pass?" Le Zhengyu managed to calm down, but the look of fear in his eyes was It takes a long time to dissipate.

"The cultivation level of this emerald demon bird must be at least seven thousand years or more. If it were not for its ability to restrain itself, a soul master at the level of a sixth-ring soul emperor would not be able to gain favor in front of it."

With his current cultivation and strength, facing this Emerald Demonic Bird, there is a high probability that he will not be able to stop even this first attack of the Emerald Demonic Bird.

"The souls in the Soul Tower are not fixed and will be replaced regularly." Gu Yue gave a rare explanation this time. Of course, her words were mostly meant for Yu Nanyuan.

Just as Gu Yue and Le Zhengyu were talking, the fifth-level Yuan Light Screen also shattered and turned into countless silver lights that dissipated in the air.

The eyes of the emerald demon bird were filled with coldness, and the jade light on its body shone brightly, blooming with a layer of jade-green halo. This turquoise halo is condensed from pure wind elemental energy, and is so dense that it is almost substantial.

This halo enveloped the body of the Emerald Demonic Bird, and its long, transparent beak became more slender, and was also filled with a layer of emerald green light. It was like two long swords uniting into one, bursting out with a green sword light, shooting out towards the front.

The remaining four layers of silver dimensional light curtain could no longer block the emerald demon bird and shattered in an instant.

The long beak of the emerald demon bird was about to hit Yu Nanyuan's eyebrows, but it was blocked by a layer of silver light film. Different from the previous dimensional light curtain, this light film is more solid, with obscure and complicated strange runes imprinted on it.

From the perspective of Gu Yue, Yuan En Yehui, and Le Zhengyu, a huge silver cube appeared in front of them. The side of this space barrier is a hundred meters long, quietly suspended in the air, occupying the central area of ​​the rotunda. That layer of light film is one of them.

This is the initial form of the space barrier of Yu Nanyuan's fifth soul skill.

This emerald demon bird possesses wisdom no less than that of a human being. It failed to break through the blockade of this light film. It immediately wanted to break through from other places within the space barrier.

Yu Nanyuan slowly raised his right hand and held it in the air. The space within the space barrier stagnated without warning.

The space is distorted, and thousands of lights and shadows overlap. The terrifying force of space squeezing surged wildly within the silver cube barrier, causing the emerald demon bird to suddenly stop at lightning speed.

The emerald demon bird struggled to flap its wings, its whole body flashing with green light, but its speed was unknown how many times slower.

Immediately afterwards, the silver space barrier suddenly became pitch black, deep and gloomy, as if the stars from outside the territory came out of thin air. Everything in the space realm seemed to have returned to deathly silence, and there was no longer any energy fluctuation.

After a moment, the black cubic barrier shrank and dissipated, and finally turned into a black point of light and merged into the void. In the space within this rotunda, the figure of the emerald demon bird has long disappeared.

A golden light door appeared in the center of the hall, and the phantom of the Emerald Demonic Bird appeared in front of this golden light door.

The expression on Le Zhengyu's face was numb, and he fell into deep self-doubt.

Are you sure he's not asking for a blow by following you into the tower this time?

When Gu Yue and Yuan En Yehui saw this scene, they both had strange expressions on their faces.


They clearly felt the characteristics of vacuum from Yu Nanyuan's fifth soul skill. Only in an absolute vacuum environment can all energy be isolated.

The emerald demon bird had its soul power stripped away and was trapped to death.

Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly, confirming Gu Yue and Yuan En Ye Hui's guesses.

On the basis of the fifth soul skill's space barrier, he incorporated the effect of the absolute vacuum field. The combination of the two is this absolute vacuum barrier.

With the improvement of soul power cultivation and strength, Yu Nanyuan rarely uses the martial soul talent of absolute vacuum field anymore. After all, he had not been able to combine the absolute vacuum field with his soul skills before. If the absolute vacuum field only acted on the phantom gun, it would not be as powerful as the combination of gun light and gun intention.

Until you have this fifth soul skill space barrier. The space barrier is perfectly adapted to the effect of the absolute vacuum field, and it just restrains the ability of the emerald demon bird.

Yu Nanyuan put away the soul ring and reminded everyone: "There is only the last level left, let's go."

Only then did Le Zhengyu understand that Yuan En Ye Hui had a target for a long time.

The Emerald Demon Bird with seven thousand years of cultivation appeared on the seventeenth floor. He didn't dare to think how terrifying the soul beast on the eighteenth floor must be.

"Don't you need to take a rest?" Yuanen Yehui looked at Yu Nanyuan hesitantly, with a slightly worried look in his eyes.

Using several ten-thousand-year soul skills and the ability of ten-thousand-year souls continuously, Yu Nanyuan's current consumption should be quite large. Trying to get stuck and enter the light gate at the last moment is the most correct approach.

Before Yu Nanyuan could respond, Gu Yue had already spoken coldly: "He doesn't need to rest. I think he enjoys it."

As soon as Gu Yue said this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became subtle.

Yu Nanyuan didn't know that Gu Yue was jealous again. He walked up to Gu Yue with a helpless expression on his face.

"Gu Yue, don't be like this. This is just a mutual help between classmates." As he said this, Yu Nanyuan pulled Gu Yue's hand.

The expression on Gu Yue's face was still cold, but she did not break away from Yu Nanyuan's hand and moved her eyes to Yuan En Yehui aside.

She knew that there was nothing between Yu Nanyuan and Yuan En Yehui, but seeing Yuan En Yehui's eyes paying attention to Yu Nanyuan, she just felt uncomfortable.

Looking at each other with Gu Yue, Yuan En Ye Hui's aura seemed to be inherently weaker, and his expression was unnatural.

Gu Yue's words just said that her relationship with Yu Nanyuan was extraordinary.

As for Le Zhengyu, he simply has the mentality of not being afraid of the stage when watching a show, with a playful smile on his face.

Moreover, this play is very exciting, and it is well worth the trip.

At this moment, the electronic sound began the final countdown.

Only then did Gu Yue stop her confrontation with Yuan En Ye Hui.

Yu Nanyuan breathed a sigh of relief. While pulling Gu Yue across the golden light door, he also urged Yuan En Yehui and Le Zhengyu.

"Let's get through the eighteenth floor first."

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