For Yu Nanyuan and Na'er, ordinary food just satisfies their appetites. Unlike the kind of dishes carefully made with top-quality ingredients and natural treasures, they are directly beneficial to cultivation.

It was the first time for the two of them to eat Yuhao's grilled fish. Although they found it novel, they didn't eat too much.

"Let's go." Wu Zhangkong paid the bill and led the two of them out of the store.

"What are your next plans in Tiandou City?"

"The business has been finished today, but I plan to spend a few more days in Tiandou City with my senior sister." Yu Nanyuan said casually.

"For now, we should find a place to stay first."

"I will also stay in Tiandou City for a while. If anything happens, please contact me at any time." Wu Zhangkong also came from Yu Nanyuan's age, so he naturally knows some of Yu Nanyuan's thoughts. After saying this, he turned around and left.

However, Wu Zhangkong misunderstood Yu Nanyuan. He was now worried about how to explain to Gu Yue when he went back, and he had other thoughts.

But after hearing what Yu Nanyuan said, the smile on Na'er's pretty face grew stronger.

"Junior brother, are we looking for a hotel to stay at?"

"Yes." Yu Nanyuan smiled and nodded.

"Let's go, senior sister."

"Okay!" Na'er chuckled, with a somewhat inexplicable look in her eyes.

Staying alone in a hotel with Yu Nanyuan was something Gu Yuedu had never experienced before. The expression on her other half's face must be even more exciting at this time.

Yu Nanyuan chose a top-notch hotel in the center of Tiandou City, which happened to be not far from the headquarters of the Tiandou Blacksmiths Association.

During the check-in process, there is no need to worry about whether to book one room or two rooms. The most luxurious suite on the top floor of the hotel solves the problem in one go.

This suite contains three bedrooms, two main and secondary living rooms, and special places such as a gym, swimming pool, flower room, etc. to meet various needs. The area of ​​the suite exceeds 300 square meters, and the price for one night's stay is as high as 50,000 federal dollars.

Tang Wulin would definitely be reluctant to stay in such a luxurious suite, but Yu Nanyuan would never consider such a problem. The concept he has accepted since childhood is that anything that can be solved with money is not a big deal, and there is no need to be demanding on yourself in terms of daily needs.

And even without relying on his family, with his three sub-professional levels close to level six, it is completely enough to easily maintain such expenses.

Yu Nanyuan temporarily paid the room fee for three days, which was a total of 150,000 federal coins. The guests who choose to stay in this luxurious suite are basically rich or expensive. In order to show respect and trust for these distinguished guests, the hotel will not charge additional deposits.

In the magnificent and spacious living room, Yu Nanyuan sat on the sofa and looked out through the crystal floor-to-ceiling windows on the side. It's getting late now, but the lights in Tiandou City are still bright. Different from the modern city like Donghai City, which is full of high-rise buildings, this place is full of historical accumulation and has a strong human touch.

His cultivation and strength had grown so fast over the years, and it was rare for Yu Nanyuan to have such free time to calm down and think about the direction of his future cultivation.

He is said to be a control-type battle spirit master, but he can be said to have achieved the ultimate in other aspects.

The two 100,000-year-old arm soul bones of the Void Beast and the dark-gold Terrorclaw Bear's right metacarpal gave him the soul skills, giving him a head-on combat capability that far exceeded that of an attack-type soul master of the same level.

The Void Chain Martial Spirit's innate instinct to move instantly makes him unique in terms of speed and explosive power.

In terms of defense, there are the fourth soul skill space cage in the form of a chain and the fourth soul skill dimensional division in the form of a gun. The dimensional cage formed by the combination of the two can form a realm of its own.

Coupled with the two ten-thousand-year souls of Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake and Evil-Eyed Tyrant and other martial soul talents, he has too many abilities. This does not include the method of conquering the world taught to him by Yun Ming.

In the future, if he wants to give full play to all his strengths, he will inevitably need to go through a long period of training. But the most important thing is that among his peers, he has never met an opponent who can bring enough pressure to him.

I hope that my trip to Star Luo Continent one year from now will not disappoint me.

Yu Nanyuan gathered his thoughts and thought of Long Yue from the Star Luo Continent Monster Academy. If the plot in his past life memory had not changed, the delegation from Star Luo Continent should have arrived at the Sun-Moon Federation.

In the future, the Sun-Moon Federation will also send envoys to Star Luo Continent for exchanges. The first one to be invited was Shrek Academy.

At this moment, a pretty figure walked out of the bathroom and came to Yu Nanyuan.

Na'er's naked, crystal-white, delicate feet were stepping on the soft blanket in the living room. A thin white bath towel could not cover up her proud figure. Her jade arms and shoulders were exposed, and her long silver hair fell down to her waist.

Before anyone arrived, a fragrant breeze hit my face.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and suddenly felt astonished, and even his heart became restless. Entering adolescence is the time when you are yearning for the opposite sex. This is a completely instinctive reaction.

There was a charming blush on Na'er's cheeks. She didn't know whether it was because she had just finished taking a bath or because of the shyness in her heart.

"Junior brother, you should also take a bath. I have put the water for you."

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan stood up stiffly, his tone obviously unnatural. Passing by Na'er, he quickly walked into the bathroom.

The strong energy and blood in his body made the agitation in his heart particularly strong. After washing with cold water three times in a row, he calmed down and soaked in the bath.

I don't know if it's because of psychological effects, but Yu Nanyuan always feels that the warm pool water vaguely carries Na'er's elegant fragrance. Putting his hands on the edge of the bathtub, he couldn't help but look up and sighed.

Even the most dull person can feel Na'er's deliberateness, not to mention that he is not a dull person in the first place.

At the same time, Na'er wrapped her hands in a bath towel and sat in Yu Nanyuan's previous position. She pursed her red lips gently, and her rosy cheeks were charming.

What she didn't tell Yu Nanyuan was that she had just soaked in that pool of water. She wanted to use this method to let Yu Nanyuan be tainted with her aura.

Na'er, who had always been at a disadvantage, once again provoked Gu Yue in her own way.

Half an hour later, Yu Nanyuan also came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Na'er was still sitting on the sofa in the living room, seemingly waiting for him.

Yu Nanyuan had no choice but to step forward and sit next to Na'er.

"Senior sister, why don't you go back to your room and rest?"

"Junior brother, there is something I forgot to tell you before. The junior lady asked us to have a video call with her after we arrive in Tiandou City." Na'er looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile, and at the same time she did not forget to talk lazily. Stretched his body.

"Really?" Yu Nanyuan did not doubt that he was there, and immediately picked up the soul communication device from the desk in front of him and dialed Yali's soul communication number.

The other side of the soul guide communicator was quickly connected, and the screen of the soul guide communicator was projected into the air. In the Sun-Moon Federation, video calls have only just become popular. Only the most advanced soul communicators have this function, and the communication fee is quite expensive.

Yali's face and the background behind her gradually appeared in the projection. It can be seen that Yali is currently sitting by the lakeside of Poseidon Island, with her slender white legs crossed, her posture elegant, and her face smiling gently.

Yu Nanyuan greeted Naer and Yali.

"Master's wife."

But the smile on Yali's face in the picture was much reduced, and she asked in surprise: "Nanyuan, Na'er, do you live together?"

It is indeed easy for people to misunderstand Yu Nanyuan and Na'er sitting together wrapped in bath towels, and it is no wonder that Yali thinks too much.

But there was another reason why Yali was surprised.

She had told Na'er before that as a girl, she should know how to control her own happiness. The implication is that Naer can fight for it appropriately. But she didn't expect that Na'er would live directly with Yu Nanyuan.

This is only what she has seen so far, what about what she has not seen?

Thinking of this, Yali's expression rarely became serious. She is not that kind of old-fashioned person, but based on her life experience, she feels that Yu Nanyuan and Na'er are still young now, and it is not a good thing to take that step too early.

Na'er's pretty face turned red, and she instantly understood that Master's wife had misunderstood. Yu Nanyuan quickly explained: "Master's wife, the hotel we booked is a suite, not what you imagined."

"I didn't say anything, I just asked if you two live together." Listening to Yu Nanyuan's answer, Yali breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"How's it going? Are you still used to it in Tiandou City?"

"Na'er likes this place very much." Na'er said coquettishly: "Master's wife, can my junior brother and I hang out here for a few more days before going back."

"It's okay to hang out for a few more days, but you must pay more attention to safety. You are too simple girl. You should listen to Nanyuan on everything." Yali nodded slightly, and then said seriously.

"I have heard that the soul guide train you were on was attacked by evil soul masters before. Nanyuan You did a good job. In recent years, those evil soul masters have been ready to make moves. This incident should be It has been planned for a long time. Your teacher has already communicated with the college and the federation, and is preparing to unite multiple forces to launch a clearing operation against the evil soul master. Wu Zhangkong is also in Tiandou City, and you will return to the college with him when the time comes."

"Yes, Master Wife."

Yali smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's talk about the business, let's talk about other things. When your teacher and I were young, we actually liked the atmosphere here in Tiandou City. This kind of city with a profound heritage is That’s right. I recommend you to go to some places…”

The three of them chatted enthusiastically until late at night before hanging up the soul communicator. Then Yu Nanyuan and Na'er returned to their respective rooms to meditate and practice, but nothing happened during this period.

The next morning, the two took a soul guide taxi to the headquarters of the Tiandou Blacksmith Association to find Zhenhua.

In the office, not only Zhenhua was there, but also Makino, the leader of the Noumenal Sect who tested Yu Nanyuan yesterday.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er walked into Zhenhua's office and were surprised when they saw Makino. But Makino just sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated, and did not interfere with the conversation between Yu Nanyuan and Zhenhua from beginning to end.

"Everything you want is in here."

Zhenhua handed a storage ring to Yu Nanyuan and said with a smile.

"There is something I just learned today. It turns out that you were the ones who killed those two evil soul masters yesterday. But you can rest assured that your college specifically asked Tiandou City officials to cooperate in concealing your identities. After all, it was too early. It's not a good thing to be targeted by an evil soul master. Do you need me to send someone to take you back to the academy?"

"No need, Your Majesty Zhenhua. A teacher from our college is also here in Tiandou City. We will return to the college with him then." Yu Nanyuan politely refused.

Zhenhua nodded slightly and said, "Okay then, contact me again if you need anything."

Just when Yu Nanyuan and Na'er were about to leave, Makino, who had remained silent, suddenly opened his shining eyes and stared at Yu Nanyuan with burning eyes.

"Do you really only have one martial spirit?"

"Master Makino, I think this is not a secret." Yu Nanyuan chuckled.

Makino's temptation yesterday was a blessing in disguise for him. He didn't have much ill feelings towards Makino.

Makino looked at Yu Nanyuan with furrowed brows, but didn't say anything else until Yu Nanyuan and Na'er left.

Zhenhua glanced at Makino doubtfully.

"You wouldn't give up even though you knew he was the disciple of Poseidon Pavilion, would you?"

"You know nothing!" Makino snorted angrily.

"Many people in the outside world believe that the most important thing about our Noumenon sect's martial arts is the harmony with the martial soul. In fact, the most important thing is not the martial soul, but the blood. Only with strong power of qi and blood can we truly practice our martial arts. To the advanced level. In fact, the masters of the Noumenon Sect in the past generations are not particularly strong in martial arts, but they are absolutely gifted in terms of Qi and blood. Because the beast soul master possesses part of the blood power of his martial soul, even if the spirit in his body is No matter how powerful the power of qi and blood is, it cannot be pure. Only soul masters who possess the original martial soul have such a unique advantage in cultivating qi and blood. It is for this reason that the original martial soul is called the Divine Familiar. .”

"The martial soul of a weapon soul master is expressed in the form of separation from the body, and the power of qi and blood in the body is even more pure. However, in the history of the existence of human soul masters, there has never been a weapon soul with such strong power of qi and blood. Master. In this world, I am afraid that there is no one more suitable for practicing this secret method than him. When a top weapon soul master also tempers the power of qi and blood to the extreme, do you know what will happen?"

"What?" Zhenhua asked subconsciously.


Makino said in a solemn voice: "This is a hypothesis put forward by the previous sect leaders of this sect. When the physical body, soul power cultivation, and spiritual power reach the extreme state at the same time, a strange resonance and sublimation will occur. Can it be done in one fell swoop? No one can be sure of becoming a god, but he must be the one closest to the realm of true god.”

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