Yu Nanyuan and Naer left with Wu Zhangkong.

Wu Zhangkong was obviously very familiar with Tiandou City, and he led Yu Nanyuan and the others around, from the lively streets to the deserted alleys.

Yu Nanyuan keenly noticed a hint of melancholy flashing through Wu Changkong's usually cold eyes.

It seemed that Wu Zhangkong's purpose of going to Tiandou City this time was as he expected, most likely for Long Bing.

When passing a flower shop, Yu Nanyuan suddenly stopped Wu Changkong.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Wu."

Wu Zhangkong was immersed in the memories of the past and subconsciously stopped, staring at the familiar streets around him in a daze.

Although Na'er rarely has contact with outsiders, because of her pure inner world, she is often particularly sensitive to changes in emotions and feelings.

From Wu Changkong, she felt gloom, longing, and melancholy, but from Yu Nanyuan, she felt as warm as the white snow in spring.

Not long after, Yu Nanyuan had already walked out of the flower shop holding two bouquets of pure white carnations. Then he handed one of the bunches to Na'er with a gentle smile.

Na'er took the bouquet and also showed a smile. She knew that Yu Nanyuan's bouquet of flowers was not for her, but she felt Yu Nanyuan's tenderness firsthand.

Wu Zhangkong was still in his own world. He took steps again and turned into a small road. This street is very narrow and can only accommodate two soul-guiding cars traveling side by side, and there are even fewer people.

On one side of the path is a high fence, which can be vaguely seen. There are many green plants sprouting inside the fence, and on the other side are woods.

After walking along the path for about five hundred meters, a gate appeared on the high wall.

"Tian Dou Cemetery."

When Na'er, who was walking side by side with Yu Nanyuan, saw these four words, she opened her red lips slightly, and a look of surprise appeared in her strange light silver eyes. But as the half-body of the Silver Dragon King, she was not able to truly experience the human emotions of separation and death.

After all, it had only been eight years since Na'er entered the human world, and Yun Ming and Yali, who had adopted her since childhood, were both top soul masters who stood at the pinnacle of the human world. These are really too far away for her. So when she followed Wu Zhangkong and Yu Nanyuan into Tiandou Cemetery, she felt more confused and unfamiliar.

The vegetation I saw earlier was the greenery in Tiandou Cemetery. Big trees are arranged neatly, and there are tombstones between the trees.

There are very few people in the cemetery, and you can only occasionally see people worshiping here.

Wu Chang's white clothes fluttered, and he wandered like a ghost when he walked in. Finally, he stopped in front of a tombstone in the innermost part of the cemetery.

The tombstone is tall, with only a few simple words engraved on it, Tomb of Long Bing.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, the tombstone was scattered with a halo of mist, and Wu Changkong's white clothes were also stained with the same color.

Wu Zhangkong's eyes at this time were no longer cold, but only gentle. He had a piece of white cloth in his hand and wiped it gently in front of the tombstone. His movements were gentle, as if he were touching something precious.

The tombstone was not dirty to begin with, but after cleaning off the layer of loose soil on it, it quickly became as white as jade.

Wu Changkong's eyes were always gentle, the previous melancholy and sadness had disappeared, and there was even a smile at the corner of his mouth. He wiped it for a full hour before it was finished.

Returning to the tombstone again, the gentle smile on Wu Changkong's face became more intense, like the spring breeze blowing on his face, seeming to make everything around him warm.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er did not disturb Wu Changkong, but placed the two bunches of pure white carnations in front of Long Bing's tombstone.

After a long time, the gentle smile on Wu Zhangkong's face gradually faded and returned to its previous coldness. Seeing a glimpse of the two bunches of pure white carnations in front of the tombstone, he seemed to fall into memories again.

When he buried Long Bing in Tiandou Cemetery, he was completely disappointed. If he hadn't met those two people, maybe he would have stayed with Long Bing in Tiandou City forever until he died.

"Has Dean Yu told you everything?"

"What?" Yu Nanyuan looked at Wu Changkong in surprise.

Wu Zhangkong looked sideways at Yu Nanyuan for a moment, with no intention of hiding anything.

"Fourteen years ago, it was in this Tiandou Cemetery that I met your parents. It was your father who introduced me to Donghai City and taught at Donghai College."

"I don't care about their business."

Yu Nanyuan looked slightly startled, but the expression on his face was extremely cold. Although he was a little surprised that his parents had interacted with Wu Zhangkong back then, his thoughts had not changed in any way compared to a year ago. He didn't want to know about his parents' past at all.

"Junior brother..." Na'er held Yu Nanyuan's hand comfortingly.

Yu Nanyuan shook his head gently towards Na'er, saying that he was fine, but his inner emotions were by no means calm.

Wu Zhangkong had long guessed that Yu Nanyuan's paranoia might be related to his parents, and now judging from Yu Nanyuan's performance, he had confirmed his guess.

He knew something about Yu Nanyuan's parents. But Yu Nanyuan didn't take the initiative to bring it up, and because of his character, he wouldn't ask.

It was already evening when the three of them left Tiandou Cemetery.

The lights in Tiandou City are bright, and the bustling crowds of people are passing through the streets. Various shops line the streets and alleys.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Wu Zhangkong turned to Yu Nanyuan and Na'er in a rare turn and asked.

Yu Nanyuan was not very interested, but he still considered Na'er's thoughts.

"Senior sister, what do you want to eat?"

"I can do anything!" Na'er held Yu Nanyuan's arm affectionately and said with a smile.

Wu Changkong said: "Then let's go eat grilled fish. The grilled fish is particularly delicious."

It's rare to see Wu Changkong give such an evaluation to a kind of food.

Afterwards, Wu Changkong brought Yu Nanyuan and Na'er to a shop. A plaque hangs above the store.

"Yuhao grilled fish."

Seeing these four words, the expression on Yu Nanyuan's face couldn't help but become weird.

Wu Changkong explained: "Yuhao's grilled fish is very famous in the central region of the mainland, especially in Tiandou City, Shrek City, and Xingluo City. It is said that the recipe for this grilled fish is the first generation of the Spirit Pagoda Lord Spirit Ice Dou It was handed down from Luo Huo Yuhao, and he used this skill to pursue Dragon Butterfly Douluo."

"I've heard of it, and the story about the sesame cakes." Yu Nanyuan was unable to complain, and even his mood recovered a little.

Na'er asked doubtfully: "Junior brother, what's the story about sesame cakes? How come I've never heard of it in Shrek City?"

"Senior sister, I think you should never hear this." Yu Nanyuan laughed out loud.

The business at Yuhao's Grilled Fish Shop is very good, and it's dinner time now, with more than 80% of the customers already sitting inside.

Wu Changkong had obviously been to this store before. While Yu Nanyuan was talking to Na'er, he had already walked into the store, found a corner to sit down, and skillfully ordered several flavors of grilled fish.

When Yu Nanyuan and Na'er took their seats, a waiter brought them pieces of grilled fish, which was very efficient.

The fish skin on the outside of the grilled fish is crispy and fragrant, and the fish meat is tender and juicy. The two are perfectly paired together, and it is indeed a delicacy in the world.

Wu Zhangkong just gracefully finished two pieces and then stopped eating, then looked at Yu Nanyuan and Na'er opposite. From the two of them, he seemed to see the shadows of himself and Long Bing.

Although there was no smile, there was tenderness in his eyes.

"Nanyuan, you have talents that ordinary people don't have, and the future is full of infinite possibilities. But don't ignore the people around you who deserve to be cherished, and don't have regrets like me." This is the first time Wu Zhangkong has spoken out with emotion. .

Yu Nanyuan put down the tableware in his hand and raised his head to meet Wu Changkong's gaze. Na'er, on the other hand, immediately came closer and carefully wiped the oil stains from the corners of Yu Nanyuan's mouth with a napkin. A smile appeared on her pretty face, and she was enjoying it all.

Seeing this scene, all Wu Zhangkong's previous emotions instantly dissipated, and the muscles on his face twitched.

Na'er's heart was clearly tied to Yu Nanyuan, why did she need his reminder?

However, he could feel that the relationship between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue was also extraordinary, even though the two had never shown any intimate behavior in public.

"Teacher Wu, what did you just say?" Yu Nanyuan was thinking about the changes in the evil-eyed tyrant's soul before, and then he came back to his senses.

Wu Changkong said coldly: "I just said that concentration is a good virtue."

"Uh..." Yu Nanyuan suddenly showed a look of astonishment on his face, wondering why Wu Zhangkong suddenly said this. Until he found Na'er leaning against his arms, wiping the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, the expression on his face instantly became stiff.

Gu Yue's instructions to him before leaving have long been forgotten by him.

Na'er looked up at Yu Nanyuan, her face was close and she pursed her lips and smiled softly.

"Junior brother, are you okay?"

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