Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 179 Little Green Tea Na'er

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er finally stayed in Tiandou City for seven days and visited almost all the places recommended by Yali.

Considering the majestic scale of Tiandou City, that is just the tip of the iceberg. The two of them were just experiencing the profound historical heritage and customs of Tiandou City.

About to return to Shrek City, Na'er doesn't feel much nostalgia. She has never liked Tiandou City. She just wants to play in Tiandou City with Yu Nanyuan and enjoy the happy time when the two of them are alone.

In the luxurious suite on the top floor of the hotel, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er simply packed up and prepared to leave.

The sun rises outside the crystal floor-to-ceiling windows, and the soft morning light falls on the spacious living room.

Na'er looked back, then closed the door, and she and Yu Nanyuan walked into the soul elevator that led directly to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. After the fun, the mood always seems to be a little down.

"Let's go, senior sister." Yu Nanyuan looked at Na'er with a smile on his face, and then pressed the metal button in the elevator.

With a "ding" sound, the metal door of the elevator slowly closed. Na'er's previously depressed mood was instantly swept away, and she raised her head to look at Yu Nanyuan with a sweet smile.

"Junior brother, should we go find the dance teacher first?"

Na'er's height is over 1.75 meters, which is relatively tall among girls. She has a perfect height difference with Yu Nanyuan. She habitually listened to Yu Nanyuan's ideas, and her travel plans in Tiandou City these days were all arranged by Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said: "Teacher Wu has contacted me before. He is waiting for us at the Tiandou City Soul Train Station. We can just go directly to him."

"Okay!" Na'er responded with a smile.

Both of them have storage soul guides on their bodies, so they don't need to carry any luggage with them. Traveling lightly along the way, they hailed a soul guide taxi in front of the hotel and soon arrived at the Tiandou City Soul Guide Train Station.

Although Tiandou City is not as big as Shrek City, it is still one of the top big cities in the Sun-Moon Federation.

The waiting room of the Tiandou Soul Train Station was crowded with people and filled with noisy sounds. Na'er naturally took one of Yu Nanyuan's arms. She always showed great initiative under reasonable circumstances. And she always maintains a certain degree of control, never crossing the line too much, but at the same time declaring her sovereignty to a certain extent.

Just like Xu Xiaoyan wanted to use her childhood sweetheart status to hijack Yu Nanyuan's care, Na'er wanted to use her senior sister status to make Yu Nanyuan unable to refuse some of her intimate behaviors.

Yu Nanyuan was looking for Wu Changkong's figure, and in the next moment, he turned around with feeling.

I saw Wu Zhangkong coming behind them at some point. The expression on Wu Zhangkong's face was still cold, and he nodded towards Yu Nanyuan and Na'er.

"This is what the previous train conductor asked me to pass on to you." As he said that, Wu Zhangkong took out a card from his storage soul guide and handed it to Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan took it subconsciously and recognized its origin at a glance.

"The highest level pass in the league."

Within the Sun-Moon Federation, the number of passes issued at this level is extremely rare. Only top soul masters, dignitaries with missions, and soldiers with outstanding achievements are eligible to possess it. When taking any soul guide train, you can enjoy the exclusive private room treatment by showing this card. And it's all free, no fees are charged.

With the contribution Yu Nanyuan's parents made to the Sun-Moon Federation, they could definitely enjoy such preferential treatment, but Yu Nanyuan never asked for it.

But he earned this pass by himself, so he accepted it as a matter of course.

When taking the soul train back to Shrek City, Yu Nanyuan immediately used the privileges of this pass card. As for Wu Zhangkong, he bought a second-class ticket for himself as usual.

Yu Nanyuan knew Wu Changkong's character, so he didn't invite him to rest in the private room again.

After all, we were on the soul train, and the box wasn't particularly big, about a dozen square meters. Of course, it is much better than the ordinary seats outside.

It has a sofa and two bunk beds, enough for four people. There is also a table in front of the sofa. On one side of the table is the car window, with a very wide view.

Yu Nanyuan sat on the sofa, took out his soul communication device, and then dialed Gu Yue's soul communication number.

Perhaps because he felt guilty, he would call Gu Yue whenever he had time in the past few days to clarify some things. But Gu Yue's soul communicator has been unable to get through, which makes him feel a little anxious and stressed now.

He even thought of a possibility, that is, could Gu Yue not answer his call on purpose?

However, Xu Xiaoyan, who had returned to Donghai City, would take the initiative to call Yu Nanyuan from time to time and talk about family affairs. Although Xu Xiaoyan was very disgusted with Xu Xiaoyu, he was really happy to be reunited with his relatives after being away from home for a year.

"Junior brother, who are you talking to on the phone?" Na'er asked nonchalantly, sitting on the soft lower bunk bed.

Yu Nanyuan's vacant eyes gradually regained focus and he smiled calmly.

"That's the Gu Yue you met before, senior sister."

"It turns out that she hasn't answered your call, junior brother." Na'er nodded pretending to be enlightened, and then showed an apologetic smile to Yu Nanyuan.

"Junior brother, is she angry because you came out with me this time, so she deliberately didn't answer your call? How about I accompany you to explain to her after we go back."

"She's still very generous, so it shouldn't be a problem. I just need to make it clear to her."

Yu Nanyuan had actually guessed this possibility, but in front of Na'er, he needed to speak out to defend Gu Yue no matter what. This is the most basic issue of principle.

"No matter what, I shouldn't have deliberately ignored your calls for so many days." Na'er pursed her red lips and murmured softly.

"If it were me, I definitely wouldn't make my junior brother so worried..."

Yu Nanyuan instantly became alert, and he sensed an unusual meaning from Na'er's words.

In the past, subconsciously, he would not be wary of Na'er. But once something happens too frequently, people will always notice it.

Na'er looked at Yu Nanyuan with a normal expression, her eyes were pure and there was no trace of anything strange at all.

"What's wrong, junior brother?"

"Nothing." Yu Nanyuan smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's drink something first. Senior sister, what do you think of green tea?"

"Okay, green tea tastes fresher. I like it very much." Na'er stood up in high spirits and came forward to sit next to Yu Nanyuan.

There was already ready-made high-grade green tea on the table for entertaining distinguished guests, as well as a hot water kettle for boiling water. Put the mountain spring water specially used for making tea into the hot water kettle, and the soul guide base below will heat itself.

Yu Nanyuan made two cups of steaming green tea and placed one cup in front of Na'er.

"Thank you, junior brother."

Na'er held the transparent glass in both hands and took a sip with a smile. The feeling of freshness and warmth spread throughout her body instantly.

Yu Nanyuan looked sideways out of the window. As time passed, the soul guide train had left the area where Tiandou City was located.

At this moment, the soul communicator placed on the table suddenly rang.

Yu Nanyuan quickly looked away and looked at the screen of the soul guide communicator impatiently, but the call was not from Gu Yue, but from Yuan En Yehui.

"Yuan En?" Yu Nanyuan casually connected to the soul guide communicator.

After a moment of silence, Yuanen Yehui's voice came from the other side of the soul guide communicator.

"Are you still over there in Tiandou City?"

"I just got on the Soul Guidance Train. I should be able to return to Shrek City at noon today." Yu Nanyuan said clearly.

"Is it about breaking into the tower?"

"Yeah." You can hear Yuan En Yehui's discomfort and entanglement from her tone. She is not the kind of person who likes to trouble others.

Yu Nanyuan has her own affairs. From this point of view, she should not make this call. But recently, she could feel that her fallen angel spirit was almost suppressing the titan ape spirit from all directions. She had to add a spirit to the main spirit of the titan ape as soon as possible to maintain balance.

Of course Yu Nanyuan saw what Yuan En Yehui was thinking, and immediately said: "Well, are you free this afternoon? If you have time, I can accompany you to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda Headquarters that afternoon. After you arrive at the Shrek Soul Guidance Train Station, come directly to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda Headquarters." Yuanen Yehui didn't say too many words of thanks. Her character has always been like this. I will only keep Yu Nanyuan's friendship in my heart.

Yu Nanyuan felt Na'er's gaze as soon as he hung up the soul communicator.

"Senior sister, when we arrive at Shrek City, Teacher Shen will drive to the Shrek Soul Train Station to pick you up. You should return to the academy with Teacher Shen and Teacher Wu first. I have another thing to deal with."

"Junior brother, are you going back to Poseidon Island tonight?" Na'er usually lives on Poseidon Island, but this doesn't mean that she doesn't know anything about the situation in the outer courtyard. At least she knew very well about Yuan En Yehui. Female soul masters with fallen angel spirits were definitely among the best in appearance and charm.

Although her biggest competitor currently is Gu Yue, it is always good to be able to prevent some things before they happen.

"Don't worry, senior sister. You will come back after the matter is settled." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly.

"I made a promise to her before, and I have to fulfill my promise."

"Then I'll wait for you to come back tonight, junior brother."

Shrek Academy outer courtyard, second grade class one.

"That's all for today's class. Class is over now." Long Xiu, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 2, announced and walked out of the classroom quickly.

The atmosphere in the classroom seemed a bit dull, and none of the students in Class 1, Grade 2, left immediately.

Ever since they were defeated miserably by the first graders in the exchange competition last time, the students and teachers of Class 1 of the second graders have been under tremendous pressure. The most direct result is that the college has increased the difficulty of the final exam for Class 1 of the second grade students on the original basis.

This has been Shrek Academy's long-standing practice. Underclassmen will be rewarded for defeating seniors, while losses to underclassmen by seniors will also be punished.

The only one who still behaves calmly and calmly about this is probably Le Zhengyu.

His current soul power cultivation level has reached the bottleneck of level 40. He only needs to find an opportunity to return to his family and fuse a suitable soul to successfully advance to the fourth-ring soul sect realm. With the power of the Holy Angel's martial spirit, passing the final assessment of the second grade will not be a problem at all.

And he doesn't care about what other students in the class will do like Yuan En Yehui does.

At this time, Le Zhengyu was sitting in his seat, crossing his legs and playing with his slender fingers carelessly, posing in a posture that he thought could attract the attention of countless opposite sexes.

If his talent and strength are not as good as Yu Nanyuan's, then he should look at his appearance and temperament to regain his place. In his opinion, compared to this aspect, he has the advantage.

In fact, no one in the classroom paid attention to Le Zhengyu at all. Compared with Yu Nanyuan's mellow and natural gentleness, Le Zhengyu's pretentious look seems rather greasy.

For a long time, he could not feel the admiring looks from the female students in the class, so Le Zhengyu sat upright in boredom. And in his sight, he happened to see Yuan En Yehui leaving in a hurry.

This is quite different from Yuan En Yehui's previous calm and cold image.

Yuanen Yehui possesses the fallen angel martial spirit, which has always been a thorn in Le Zhengyu's heart. Combined with Yuan En Ye Hui's current sneakiness, he couldn't help but frown slightly and followed him suspiciously.

A quarter of an hour later, Yuan En Yehui reappeared in Lingbing Square in front of the main teaching building of the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, but rarely returned to her original female appearance. She has short chestnut-red hair that reaches her shoulders, a delicate and flawless face, and a pair of very beautiful big black eyes, giving her a pitiful temperament.

After stopping a soul taxi, Yuanen Yehui's figure disappeared from Lingbing Square.

Le Zhengyu crossed his arms across his chest, leaned against a huge stone pillar at the edge of Lingbing Square, and looked deeply into the blue sky.

"I really don't want to doubt you..."

On the other side, after Yu Nanyuan and Na'er separated, they took a soul guide taxi alone to the open space in front of the Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters.

The Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters and the Shrek Soul Guidance Train Station are both located in the outer city of Shrek, and they are not far from each other. So instead, he arrived here before Yuanen Yehui.

During this period, he called Gu Yue's soul guide number several times, but still no one answered.

Yu Nanyuan put away the soul communicator, sighed helplessly, and then inadvertently raised his head and looked forward. He seemed to have seen something incredible, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"what happened to you?"

"The people at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda may have information about me. If they knew that my martial spirit was a Titan Giant Ape, the process of breaking into the tower might not be so smooth. As you know, the relationship between the academy and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has always been delicate. .This time, I will only use the fallen angel spirit."

Wearing a long black dress, Yuan En Yehui got out of the soul taxi and walked quickly to Yu Nanyuan, with a slight blush on her fair cheeks.

At the same time, another black soul car parked at the entrance of the Spirit Transferring Tower. Le Zhengyu, who was secretly following Yuan En Yehui, also arrived.

Yu Nanyuan and Yuan En Yehui faced each other face to face. From Le Zhengyu's perspective, he could only see Yuan En Yehui's graceful back and Yu Nanyuan's face.

"When did you get together?!" Le Zhengyu was stunned when he saw Yu Nanyuan.

"Okay, okay! This is how underground love is done, right?!"

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