Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 174 The Fifth Soul Skill Space Barrier

In the distant wilderness, another figure appeared.

This man was thin and wearing gray clothes, but his arms were extremely thick. The five fingers of his right hand drilled out ferocious bone spurs that were more than a foot long, and the left hand was burning with the same source of green flames as the previous attack.

Without the heat of ordinary flames, this group of green flames gave everyone an eerie and cold feeling. Just looking at him, his whole soul seemed to be frozen.

These green phosphorus fires are the origin of the martial soul of the man in gray, and he cherishes every bit of them extremely. They were refined by him constantly using the phosphorus fire soul refining method to obtain the resentful soul flames. His natal phosphorus fire can directly cause harm to the soul and the sea of ​​spirit, and it is definitely one of the most vicious methods in the world.

The gray-clothed evil spirit master named Youhuo is far more powerful than the Plaguebringer, and his own martial spirit is also much more powerful.

All the passengers on the train saw this scene through the carriage, and their hearts were involuntarily moved by it.

The current situation can be described as one wave after another. The appearance of the second evil soul master made their hearts hang up again.

Although the number of green phosphorus fires that filled the sky was not large, the diameter of each group of phosphorus fires was more than one meter. Once it falls and explodes, a radius of a thousand meters may turn into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant.

Youhuo's eyes were full of madness and greed, as if he had seen a death feast where the soul was refined with phosphorous fire.

He did not hesitate to use almost all of his natal phosphorus fire this time. In fact, he did not simply want to save the plague messenger, but more just to achieve his own goal.

The soul refined by phosphorus fire and full of resentment is the greatest tonic for his cultivation. The more spiritually powerful a soul master is, the more resentful dead souls that remain after refining the soul with phosphorus fire will be a great supplement.

When you saw the five black ten-thousand-year soul rings next to Yu Nanyuan, Youhuo knew that his opportunity had come. A soul master who can fuse thousands of years of souls cannot be weak in spiritual power.

His natal phosphorus fire is not comparable to the plague of the Plaguebringer, and it is simply difficult to resist it with ordinary means.

Na'er followed Yu Nanyuan's instructions and stayed in Car No. 6 to prevent other incidents.

Her expression was always calm, and among everyone present, she was the only one who had absolute confidence in Yu Nanyuan.

Na'er, who was always paying attention to Yu Nanyuan, suddenly noticed Wu Zhangkong's figure out of the corner of her eye.

Wu Zhangkong frowned slightly and looked forward. Even for him, the abilities of these two evil soul masters were more difficult to deal with than the other.

With his strength, he could easily kill the two evil soul masters. But on the premise of protecting the entire train passengers, it is a bit reluctant.

After all, he is an offensive combat spirit master. He is best at frontal combat and has always lacked the kind of large-scale protective spirit skills.

Yu Nanyuan previously subdued the robbers, used his martial soul ability to protect all the passengers in the car, and now stepped forward to fight the two evil soul masters. Wu Zhangkong had seen all this from beginning to end.

Even he himself didn't have much sense of reality. Yu Nanyuan had grown to such an extent without knowing it.

But Wu Zhangkong was also ready to take action at any time.

Balls of green phosphorus fire were about to devour this space. Yu Nanyuan pinned the Phantom Spear behind his back with his right hand and raised his left hand with a calm expression.

"The fifth soul skill, space barrier."

The fifth-ranked black ten-thousand-year soul ring suddenly shined, creating a deep halo.

"Crash-" The chains of the void transformed into clones, and each clone chain gradually became illusory, blending into the sky and the earth, sealing off a space, forming silver cubic barriers suspended in the air.

Every surface of the silver cubic barrier is covered with obscure and complicated runes, which seem to contain the truth of heaven and earth.

The huge space barrier quickly shrank and became smaller, thousands of lights and shadows overlapped, becoming more and more solid. Each silver cubic barrier was eventually compressed into a cube with a side length of two meters.

The clouds of green phosphorus fire released by the ghost fire were also imprisoned by part of the space barrier.

"Asshole, my phosphorus fire!" This unexpected turn of events made Youhuo wail in confusion, constantly trying to take back the phosphorus fire. But the barrier between Yu Nanyuan's fifth soul skill, the space barrier, completely severed the connection between them.

These phosphorous fires are his most powerful ability. Without these phosphorus fires, his strength would be reduced by at least half.

Yu Nanyuan tiptoed and immediately stood up. He landed on one of the silver space barriers, looking down at the Nether Fire and Plaguebringer with an indifferent expression.

Both Netherfire and Plaguebringer were shocked, their eyelids twitching wildly.

The Plaguebringer, who had personally experienced Yu Nanyuan's terrifying power, was the first to react. He squatted down without warning, roared, and turned into a green light like smoke and fled into the distance.

Because Youhuo was unwilling to give up the phosphorus fire he had acquired through years of soul refining, he hesitated for a moment. From his perspective, Yu Nanyuan suddenly waved the phantom gun in his hand.

At this time, Yu Nanyuan was like the controller of this world, giving orders from a high position. With the downward movement of the phantom gun in his hand, a space barrier that appeared as a silver cube immediately moved around him, catching up with the Plaguebringer in an instant.

Drawn by the energy, the Plaguebringer couldn't help but look back. I saw that the space barrier that had been compressed countless times suddenly released all its restraints at this moment, and dazzling silver light burst out from the surface of the space barrier.


His scalp suddenly felt numb, and he roared like a beast. He, who had always enjoyed spreading plague and killing people, felt for the first time the fear of death.

"Rumble--" A loud explosion sounded, and a blazing white light group swept away. The ground shook, and the space within a hundred meters in diameter felt slightly distorted. The sputtered rocks were also engulfed in the blazing white light and turned into powder.

It lasted for several seconds before the light gradually became dim.

A huge deep pit was formed on the ground, as if it had been bombarded by a fixed soul cannon.

The Plaguebringer, who had recovered his body, was lying in the middle of the pit like a dead dog, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

There was a hint of panic in Youhuo's eyes, and he no longer paid attention to the tragic situation of the Plaguebringer, because now he had no time to take care of himself.

Under the control of Yu Nanyuan, the transparent silver space barriers blocked all his escape routes.

What greeted him next was a series of explosions belonging to the space barrier.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--" The silver barrier suspended in the air lit up one after another, followed closely by the roars one after another.

In the direction of Tiandou City, a series of harsh whistling sounds sounded, and more than a dozen lights and shadows shot towards this direction quickly.

The leader was a black-level mecha with a powerful aura. Following it were a dozen purple-level mechas.

The tracks of the soul train were blown up, and combined with the incident of gangsters hijacking the soul train, Tiandou City immediately paid great attention to it. The top management of Tiandou City immediately dispatched Tiandou City's first mecha brigade to support them.

Liu An, the captain of Tiandou City's first mecha battalion, who was in the cockpit of the black-level mecha, noticed the movement in the distance, and a trace of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"Asshole! Doesn't the Federation strictly control fixed soul cannons?! Where did those robbers get so many fixed soul cannons?!"

Through the energy fluctuations detected by the mecha, this is definitely a custom-installed soul cannon of at least level five or above, and there are quite a lot of them.

Under the bombardment of a sufficient number of level 5 fixed soul cannons, even he, a strong man at the Soul Saint level, dare not say that he can escape unscathed. Unless he had the protection of a black-level mecha, he would have some confidence.

As early as ten thousand years ago, custom-installed soul cannons were already the most lethal soul tools at that time. The power of a custom-installed soul guide cannon is usually one level higher than that of a soul guide of the same level. In other words, the fifth-level fixed soul cannon may threaten the life of the sixth-ring soul emperor.

With such a large number of level five custom-installed soul cannons bombing a soul train, the results can be imagined. There was no way anyone would survive this.

This may become the most costly terrorist attack in the history of the Sun-Moon Federation.

"Don't worry about energy consumption anymore, get to the scene as quickly as possible! Be ready to fight at any time!" Liu An's mood was extremely heavy now, and he immediately and decisively issued orders to his subordinates.

"Yes, Captain!"

Now that things have happened, they can't change anything, but at least they must do their best to catch the culprit that caused this tragedy. Not only to give an explanation to the higher-ups, but also to have a clear conscience.

The wilderness outside the soul guide train track was filled with billowing smoke and dust.

Deep pits on the ground are intertwined with undulations, and there is no intact place anymore.

In addition to the silver space barrier where Yu Nanyuan is based, there are also a dozen other cubic barriers suspended in the sky that previously imprisoned and blocked the phosphorus fire. The green phosphorus fire burning inside renders these silver barriers the same color.

The green light shone on Yu Nanyuan's face. He held the phantom gun and turned around to look in the direction of Car No. 6 of the Soul Guidance Train.

The whole place fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Yu Nanyuan.

"Don't move!" Electronic sounds sounded from all directions. Amidst the lightning, Tiandou City's first mecha brigade led by Liu An finally arrived and surrounded Yu Nanyuan. Rays of light locked on Yu Nanyuan's body, and the soul-guided cannon carried by the mecha had completed its aiming.

Yu Nanyuan withdrew the phantom gun calmly, raised his head, and his deep eyes fell on the black-level mecha Liu An was riding.

Liu An obviously regarded Yu Nanyuan as an evil soul master. Whether it's the green phosphorus fire burning in the space barrier or the five black ten thousand year soul rings around him, everything is full of weirdness.

In his understanding, it is impossible for a normal soul master to have such a terrifying combination of soul power cultivation and soul ring at this age.

"Don't act rashly. All the passengers on the train are fine. He saved us!" Mo Lan came to his senses and ran out of the carriage in time, shouting at the mechas in the sky.

"I am conductor Mo Lan!"

Security captain Li Feng immediately followed with a group of conductors.

Immediately afterwards, the long-suppressed emotions of the passengers on the train also broke out. They walked out of the carriage one after another, their faces filled with joyful smiles of surviving the disaster, and cheers soared into the sky.

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