The number of passengers on the soul guide train exceeds at least five hundred.

So many people gathered in the wilderness outside the train tracks to cheer, and the scene was quite shocking.

Seeing this scene, coupled with the evidence of conductor Mo Lan and a group of conductors, the first mecha brigade of Tiandou City led by Liu An gradually let down their guard against Yu Nanyuan.

Amidst the low roar, each mecha landed slowly, but no one left the cockpit of the mecha.

A mecha master's strength mainly comes from his own mecha. The Sun-Moon Federation has clear regulations. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties and losses caused by sudden changes, the mecha divisions affiliated to the Federation are not allowed to leave the cockpit without authorization when performing tasks.

"Conductor Mo Lan, I am Liu An, the captain of Tiandou City's No. 1 mecha team. Because of the mission, I can't get off the mecha now, please forgive me."

Liu An is not only a black-level mecha master, but also a seven-ring soul saint level powerhouse. However, with his status and cultivation, he also respects Mo Lan very much.

After all, Mo Lan's father, Mo Wu, the governor of Tiandou City, can be said to be his immediate boss. Moreover, in the face of successive attacks by robbers and evil soul masters, just being able to prevent any casualties among the passengers on the soul guide train was enough to prove that Mo Lan had definitely shouldered his responsibilities as a train conductor.

No matter how capable you are, not everyone can step forward regardless of their own safety in a critical moment.

Although Mo Wu, the governor of Tiandou City, has a high and powerful position, he is an honest official and is widely popular among the people in Tiandou City. Putting this father and daughter together is even more precious.

"Can you tell us what happened in detail?"

"Captain Liu, let me ask Li Feng, the security captain on the train, to explain to you. He was present during the whole process, and he is also a soul master. It should not be easy for him to miss some potentially important details." Mo Lan nodded towards Liu An .

Liu An responded readily: "That's fine."

As Mo Lan said, it is indeed more convenient for Li Feng, who is also a soul master, to take over.

"Hello, Captain Liu, I am the security captain Li Feng, please give me instructions." Li Feng stepped forward respectfully and saluted.

On the other side, the two evil soul masters, Youhuo and Plaguebringer, both fell into the space barrier of Yu Nanyuan's fifth soul skill, leaving no bones left.

The essence of Yu Nanyuan's fifth soul skill is to seal off a space and form a barrier. The inside of the barrier contains terrifying space squeezing power.

A large-scale space barrier is just a powerful group control soul skill. And after reducing the scope of the space barrier and compressing it countless times, it becomes an explosive barrier with astonishing power.

With Yu Nanyuan's current soul power cultivation and control over the power of space, he has compressed the space barrier to the extreme. Each space barrier explosion has a power that is at least comparable to the fifth-level fixed soul cannon.

The most important point is that compressing such a space barrier does not consume a lot of his soul power. Ultimately, this is a different use of the same soul skill, and it is a usage that saves more soul power.

In other words, as long as he can make arrangements in advance and compress and create enough explosive barriers, he can completely defeat more powerful opponents.

The abilities of Ghost Fire and Plaguebringer were just restrained by Yu Nanyuan, and what he had shown previously was far from the limit of his fifth soul skill, Space Barrier.

Along with the fall of the ghost fire, the green phosphorus fire sealed in the space barrier gradually became dim, and finally turned into nothingness and dissipated invisible.

Yu Nanyuan landed lightly.

But looking at the grateful eyes of everyone and listening to the cheers in his ears, his eyes became darker and darker.

At this time, he may have understood what kind of mood his parents had in fighting against the abyssal plane. But he still couldn't understand it, and the resentment towards his parents in his heart became even deeper.

Why do you always dream of becoming a hero who saves others when you clearly have insufficient abilities? !

Yu Nanyuan clenched his fists, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time could not stop surging deep in his heart.

At this moment, the fragrant wind blew against his face, and a soft and delicate body fell into his arms. In his sight, he only saw a soft long silver hair flying up.

Na'er hugged Yu Nanyuan gently.

Although she didn't know what Yu Nanyuan had gone through, she, with her pure heart, could clearly feel Yu Nanyuan's loneliness. She was comforting Yu Nanyuan in her own way.

"Junior brother, no matter what you want to do, I believe you will do it. I will always support you."

"Thank you, senior sister."

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan seemed to be touched, and his whole body relaxed. It was like a string that had been tense was finally relieved.

Na'er was the first person to truly see his thoughts.

At the age of six, he made up his mind. He wants to use his own way to completely resolve the disputes and hidden dangers in the Douluo plane.

Although Yu Nanyuan was unwilling to admit it, to a certain extent, he wanted to fulfill his parents' last wish.

Of course, this is also due to the paranoia in his heart. He wants to use what he has practiced to negate everything his parents did back then.

Na'er, who had her face pressed against Yu Nanyuan's chest, raised her head and smiled immediately when she saw the gentle smile emerging from Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes.

There was a sound of slightly hasty footsteps. Na'er slowly let go of her hands and looked over with Yu Nanyuan.

Mo Lan was seen staggering over here.

The previous space barriers exploded, leaving countless overlapping deep pits in this wilderness. The deepest depth reaches more than ten meters.

Mo Lan was not a powerful soul master like Na'er. For her, passing through this area was definitely not easy.

Following Mo Lan, there were also purple-level mechas that ascended into the air again.

This is the arrangement of Liu An, the captain of Tiandou City's first mecha battalion. The situation here is considered safe at the moment, but for the sake of safety, he still sent several of his men to drive mechas to protect Mo Lan personally.

Liu An himself was responsible for guarding the surroundings on the passengers' side. We must not be careless before the follow-up support from Tiandou City arrives.

According to Liu An's idea, he originally wanted his men to send Mo Lan there with a mecha, but Mo Lan insisted on coming over and expressed his gratitude to Yu Nanyuan.

No matter how brave Mo Lan is, she is still a woman. Who in this world is willing to give up his life? Her child was still so young, and she was really full of reluctance.

Yu Nanyuan's action changed the fate of her and all the passengers on the train.

Mo Lan came here specifically to thank Yu Nanyuan this time, not just for himself, but also for all the passengers on the train.

When the two sides were still hundreds of meters apart, Yu Nanyuan calmly stopped Mo Lan.

"If it's for gratitude, it's not necessary. The reason why I took action was not to get your thanks, and I don't want to be that so-called hero."

Because of Na'er, he has become more determined in his own thoughts and will no longer be influenced by anyone.

Silver light flashed in the sky, and space collapsed. The figure of the silver-winged void-breaking snake appeared from the void, circling around the figures of Yu Nanyuan and Na'er.

Yu Nanyuan took Na'er's hand and jumped onto the head of the silver-winged void-breaking snake. The two pairs of light wings behind the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake waved and suddenly turned into a silver light and disappeared into the distant sky.

Mo Lan froze on the spot with a slightly stunned look, her eyes were lost in thought for a while, but her eyes were extremely gentle, and she buried all the words of thanks in her heart.

As a mother, she could feel the kindness in Yu Nanyuan's bones.

Sometimes don't look at what a person says, but look at what he does. She just needs to know that Yu Nanyuan saved them all.

"Who are you?" Mo Lan looked away and found that a young man with a stern face had appeared next to him. The young man has a handsome appearance and a somewhat special temperament.

Wu Zhangkong said calmly: "I am his mentor."

"Shrek Academy?" Mo Lan's heart moved, and she vaguely guessed something.

Wu Zhangkong nodded coldly.

"Stop trying to find out and promote their identities. Their original intention is not to gain fame and rewards. I believe you can understand."

After saying this, Wu Zhangkong's figure also disappeared.

Liu An, captain of the Tiandou City mecha team, has been paying attention to the situation here. From the communication system inside the mecha, he clearly heard the conversation between Wu Zhangkong and Mo Lan.

Although the conversation between the two was very brief, the amount of information contained was huge.

Is it really Shrek Academy? !

When it comes to Shrek Academy, everything seems to be taken for granted.

When Yu Nanyuan and Na'er arrived at Tiandou City, it was already an hour later.

Entering Tiandou City, the two of them directly found the headquarters of the Tiandou City Blacksmiths Association.

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