Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 173 Fighting the Two Evil Souls

Listening to Yu Nanyuan's questioning, Mo Lan was actually frightened for a while. But in the previous situation, as a train conductor, she had no choice but to step forward.

Fulfilling the duties of a train conductor is actually only part of the reason. She must also consider the impact of subsequent public opinion. After all, she is the daughter of a federal congressman. In the end, it was out of the righteousness in her heart that she was willing to sacrifice herself in order to save others.

Human nature is complex, and there is no need to deny Mo Lan's sincerity because of this.

Yu Nanyuan has never disliked people like Mo Lan, and even replaced Mo Lan as his parents who sacrificed themselves in the struggle against the abyss. He hated this meaningless sacrifice from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Mo Lan's reaction, Yu Nanyuan knew that no matter what he said, it would be impossible for him to change his inner thoughts. He lowered his eyelids in disinterest, preparing to return to Car No. 1 with Na'er.

"All the robbers are here, you can watch and deal with them yourself. Let me remind you, some of them carry soul-guided cluster bombs."

"Soul-guided cluster bomb?!" Hearing Yu Nanyuan's words, Mo Lan and security captain Li Feng couldn't help but take a breath, and their expressions changed drastically.

With soul-guided cluster bombs, the problem is much more serious. A few months ago, the soul-guided train that was hijacked in the west of the mainland was caused by a soul-guided cluster bomb that caused the soul-guided train to explode, which led to such a tragedy.

If these gangsters hadn't been subdued, Mo Lan's behavior just now might have had immeasurable consequences.

She quickly gave the order in a deep voice.

"Li Feng, please quickly take people to control these robbers, take them to the vacant No. 6 carriage, and immediately dismantle the soul-guided cluster bombs on them."

Having said this, Mo Lan turned back to the other conductors.

"The remaining people go to each carriage to comfort the passengers and report the detailed situation here to the headquarters."

"Yes, conductor." Under Mo Lan's instructions, everyone did not dare to neglect and started to act immediately.

Li Feng, the security captain of the soul train, was the only soul master among everyone present. After checking the status of the group of robbers, he seemed to have discovered something. He stood up and came to Mo Lan with a solemn expression.

"Conductor, these robbers seem to be possessed by mental illusions."

Although Li Feng is only a two-ring great soul master, because of his daily work, he often comes into contact with various types of soul masters.

Soul masters with spiritual attributes have always been the most difficult to deal with. Once they do evil, they will often have a very bad impact on society. Therefore, the Sun-Moon Federation also has the strictest control over this type of soul master.

"It seems that the young man just now should be a soul master." Li Feng felt even more ashamed.

To be able to deal with this group of robbers so easily, that young man's cultivation level must be far above his own. And the girl who was following the boy was probably also a soul master.

He must be a top student in some soul master academy.

Mo Lan raised his head and looked thoughtfully at the backs of Yu Nanyuan and Na'er who gradually disappeared from sight, and then reminded Li Feng: "Don't worry about those things for the time being, just know that they helped us subdue them. That group of robbers is enough. The top priority now is to ensure the safety of the passengers on this train. Have the soul cluster bombs been dismantled?"

"The demolition has been completed." Li Feng responded seriously.

Mo Lan breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, contact the headquarters and ask them to send people to deal with these robbers and soul-guided cluster bombs as soon as possible. And conduct an investigation on all the carriages of this soul-guided train. If necessary, you can send an application to the headquarters to stop the operation. Prevent the train from entering Tiandou City and causing more serious consequences."


While Mo Lan and Li Feng were talking, a deafening roar suddenly came from the distance. The fire outside the window shot into the sky, and the soul train trembled slightly.

Because Yu Nanyuan stopped the group of robbers in time, the carriages and cabs in front were hardly affected, and he was not even aware that there were gangsters hijacking the soul train.

The driver in the car noticed the change in front of the track and panicked and used the emergency braking system to slow down the soul train.

If the high-speed soul train derails, I am afraid that all the passengers in the train will not be spared.

Amidst the harsh friction and screams of fear, all passengers were affected by inertia, and their bodies suddenly leaned forward uncontrollably.

Yu Nanyuan, who had just returned to Car No. 1, reacted immediately and took Na'er into his arms. At the same time, he released his spiritual power to cover an area several kilometers in diameter.

Silver light flashed, and countless strange chains with bright halos appeared from the void, filling all the carriages. Silver chains were wound up precisely, helping the passengers to cushion.

After gliding for a certain distance, the soul train finally stopped. The track in front has been blown up, leaving a huge crater.

Large swaths of green mist swept in from all directions, and were about to engulf the soul train.

Surrounded by an uninhabited wilderness, judging from the changes that happened one after another, it was obvious that they were man-made.

Before the passengers who survived the disaster had time to feel lucky, their hearts sank to the bottom again. The green mist that filled the air was really weird.

In Car No. 6, Mo Lan, Li Feng and others were also protected by Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit. Although there were some scratches, fortunately it was nothing serious.

A low and hoarse voice came from the soul communicator that Li Feng found from the robber leader.

"It seems that our people have failed. In this case, then you can all be buried with them together. It is your honor to die in my plague. I will sacrifice your souls and make you happy forever. This is not a waste of time in this world. If the Federation dares to arrest our people, we must consider this day. Remember, this is the revenge of this Plaguebringer against you."

"Evil Soul Master?!" Mo Lan's heart trembled. Although she is just an ordinary person without soul power, she can learn some information that ordinary people cannot access through her father, who is a federal congressman.

As expected, these things are related to the evil soul master organization.

Even with her strong psychological quality, Rao felt a little desperate at this time. Facing the evil soul master who is cruel by nature, there is no room for maneuver.

The evil soul master opposite had indeed hung up his soul guide communicator, and the surrounding green mist gradually became thicker and thicker.

Mo Bluetooth clenched his fist tightly, still holding on to his last glimmer of hope.

"When will support arrive?"

"It will probably take another twenty minutes, but if we wait until twenty minutes later, I'm afraid..." Security captain Li Feng was also covered in cold sweat. No one can remain absolutely calm in the face of the threat of death.

The expression on Mo Lan's face suddenly became calm.

"Li Feng, open the door of carriage No. 6."

"Conductor, what are you going to do?" Li Feng looked stunned. Having worked with Mo Lan for many years, he instantly guessed what Mo Lan was thinking.

"Do you still want to negotiate with the evil soul master?"

"No matter what, for the lives of all the passengers in the car, I will try my best." Mo Lan said resolutely.

"Excuting an order."

In the event of an emergency on the soul train, the train conductor is the highest commander.

The conductors all looked over.

"Open the car door!"

Li Feng's eyes were filled with sadness, and he waved vigorously to his men.

"Federal Security Forces, you are a soldier when you carry a gun! Conductor, although I am not a soldier, at this time, I must not watch you take on all this alone. Just let me go with you."

Mo Lan knew that he could no longer hesitate at this moment and had to race against time, so he did not say anything to extinguish the enthusiasm in Li Feng's heart.

The carriage door opened, and the strange green mist filling the sky was already close at hand.

At this moment, a calm voice sounded from behind everyone.

"Security guards can't protect anyone. What you call negotiation is just to die."

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er didn't know when they came to Car No. 6 again.

Na'er stayed inside the carriage, while Yu Nanyuan walked step by step towards the wilderness outside the carriage. There was no trace of ridicule in the expression on his face or in his tone, as if he was stating an established fact.

black! black! black! black! black!

Five ten-thousand-year-old soul rings, as black as ink, rose up from under Yu Nanyuan's feet one after another as he moved forward.

The pupils of everyone present suddenly shrank, and all doubts and doubts disappeared in an instant under Yu Nanyuan's terrifying soul ring matching.

On Douluo Continent, even the most ordinary people have martial souls, and everything about soul masters is clear.

Five soul rings, but all were black ten thousand year soul rings, giving them a dreamlike feeling.

After a brief silence, hope was rekindled in everyone's hearts.

Yu Nanyuan raised his right hand expressionlessly, and the dazzling silver light burst out from it, and then quickly converged, turning into a solid silver light film to wrap his right hand.

As he made a gesture of clenching his right hand into a fist, silver space cracks quietly appeared in the space, and they continued to extend to the surroundings, spreading out countless branches.

"Bang, bang, bang-"

There was a crisp sound similar to the breaking of ice. There was no huge momentum. There was only an invisible wave of air that exploded outward from the center of this space.

The thick green mist was dispersed in an instant.

The same soul skill, used in different ways, will have completely different effects.

In nearly a year, Yu Nanyuan has already gained a deeper understanding of the skills of his pair of soul bones.

Without the cover of the green mist, a figure slowly appeared not far away. This man's whole body was covered in a large black cloak, and he held a scepter in his right hand.

When Mo Lan and others in Car No. 6 saw him, they felt as cold as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. It was clearly daytime, but it felt particularly eerie.

"Originally, I just wanted to sacrifice the souls of this car on the spur of the moment, but I didn't expect that I would encounter a big fish." The plague messenger stared at Yu Nanyuan and smiled.

"Boy, you should have come out of that place. After you grow up, you might really be able to pose some threat to us, but it's a pity that you met this messenger because of your bad luck."

Circles of soul rings lit up from the feet of the Plaguebringer.

Two yellow, two purple, two black, six soul rings. But his soul ring looks very different from that of a normal soul master. The soul ring does not appear all at once, but appears as misty as smoke. Moreover, there is still a faint green smoke on the outer layer of his six soul rings.

Before the Plaguebringer finished speaking, Yu Nanyuan's figure had disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of him the next moment with a cold voice.

"Why so much nonsense?"

Yu Nanyuan's right fist was seen blasting towards the Plaguebringer's face with the effect of space explosion, and the silver light film on his right fist expanded. Although there was no direct contact, the Plaguebringer was struck by an extremely terrifying impact, and his face became exaggeratedly distorted.


This punch directly caused the Plaguebringer to spurt out a mouthful of blood, causing him to become confused and severely injured.

Evil soul masters excel in their weirdness, and their abilities on the physical level have always been weak.

Under the strong consciousness of survival, the Plaguebringer roared crazily, and then a strong green light burst out from him. The green light expanded instantly like smoke, and even his body became illusory, causing the aftermath of Yu Nanyuan's punch to fall into the void.

The Plaguebringer awkwardly distanced himself from Yu Nanyuan, breathing heavily and looking extremely miserable. The bones in his face were broken and distorted beyond human shape.

Now he is not even half as arrogant as before, and his heart is full of panic.

Void chains surrounded him, isolating the green light released by the Plaguebringer. Yu Nanyuan held the phantom gun with a cold expression, once again traveled through the void to catch up with the Plaguebringer, and stabbed out with one shot.

The Plaguebringer was horrified and could only passively move the scepter in his hand. The top of the scepter lit up like a green crystal, blocking the gun light.

However, Yu Nanyuan's shot was not just an ordinary shot, but the space explosion effect of the soul bone skill was incorporated into the phantom gun.

"Ding!" In the crisp sound, the silver gun light seemed to have pierced into a non-existent mirror, and fine cracks began to spread.

The phantom gun has clearly not touched the scepter in the hand of the Plaguebringer. The terrifying space explosion force has been mixed with the sharp gun light and exploded, causing the scepter and the Plaguebringer's body to appear in pieces. Feel.

The scepter shattered, blood mist burst out, and the Plaguebringer's body flew out. In the process, he screamed like crazy.

"Youhuo, why don't you take action?! This kid is weird!"

"Jiejie, it's really embarrassing, it's a plague."

As if in response to the roar of the plague messenger, groups of green flames fell from the sky, infecting the sky with the same color.

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