Before the gangsters could take action, Yu Nanyuan had already stood up from his seat.

Na'er also opened her eyes and grabbed Yu Nanyuan's wrist.

"Junior brother, let me go with you."


Yu Nanyuan nodded and let Na'er follow him towards the No. 4 carriage. With the strength of that group of gangsters, they did not pose the slightest threat to them.

Buying a first-class seat with a high ticket price when traveling on the soul guide train is definitely a big burden for ordinary families, and the price-performance ratio is far inferior to that of a second-class seat.

Therefore, the passengers in first-class carriages No. 1 to 5 are either elites from all walks of life, or they come from relatively wealthy families. Only these people have the energy to pursue a more comfortable travel experience.

And this is the main reason why the gangsters chose to hijack these five carriages.

Although the Sun-Moon Federation has always preached that everyone is equal, even if a soul master commits a crime, he will be severely punished. But the fact is that the value of everyone cannot be truly equal at all.

Compared to kidnapping ordinary people, kidnapping elites from all walks of life is obviously more effective for the Sun and Moon Federation.

After the soul guide train left the city in front, the next stop was its final destination, Tiandou City, and it would never pass through other cities along the way. The soul guide train will pass through a wilderness area like the Lima Plain.

This just gives those gangsters the best opportunity to take action.

"Do it!"

In Car No. 5, a gangster covered in black suddenly appeared. Three circles of yellow soul rings emerged from under his feet, and strong soul power fluctuations swept across, seeming to make the air in the carriage become stagnant.

The three-ringed soul master is naturally nothing to the students of Shrek Academy. But for ordinary people, it is an existence that they cannot compete with.

The oppressive feeling caused by the fluctuation of soul power made all passengers feel tight in their chests and had difficulty breathing. Even their thinking paused briefly.

By the time these passengers reacted, the gangsters lurking in carriages four and five had quickly taken out the soul-guiding ray pistols hidden on their bodies and taken control of the two carriages.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!"

The man in black took out four soul-guiding ray spears and a small soul-guiding cannon from the storage soul guidance device and distributed them to other companions around him. He said with gloomy eyes: "You go and control the ones in front. Three carriages and cab. If anyone dares to resist, he will be shot on the spot."


A total of ten gangsters began to act immediately, looking extremely fierce.

Carriage No. 4 and Carriage No. 5 instantly fell into commotion, and all kinds of frightened screams rang out one after another.

Car No. 6 also quickly noticed the situation here, and the train crew quickly dialed the soul communicator of conductor Mo Lan.

"Train conductor, conductor, please come to Car No. 5 quickly. There are gangsters who want to hijack our train! Now the staff from nearby cars have arrived. However, we don't know the specific situation of the first few cars yet, and we dare not act rashly. Please conduct the train conductor to give the order."

Mo Lan, who was in the duty room, suddenly turned pale.

A few months ago, there was a carjacking incident in the west of the mainland, which directly caused the soul train to explode, killing and injuring more than 500 people. That was a tragedy that shocked the entire league.

Unexpectedly, after a few months, the soul train she was responsible for also became the target of those people. She was certain that this was definitely an organized and premeditated hijacking.

However, at this time, Mo Lan finally showed a psychological quality that was far beyond ordinary people. She took a deep breath, tried to calm down her emotions, and started directing calmly and methodically.

"I am the conductor. I am the conductor. Attention all conductors. I am the conductor. Now I order everyone to open the emergency weapons depot and carry weapons to Car No. 5. Please try to stay calm and do not alert the passengers in other cars. Avoid causing panic."

Mo Lan took out a bunch of keys, opened a safe in the duty room, and put a soul-guided pistol in the safe into his arms. Then she connected the soul communicator with her earphones and continued to listen to the conductor's report while preventing the sound from leaking out.

She took out her wallet from her arms, hurried over and opened it.

Inside the wallet, there is a photo. It was a fair and chubby child who looked to be only a few months old. He was pink and tender and very cute.

Mo Lan just glanced at it with red eyes, then put away her wallet again, resolutely quickened her pace and walked into the car in front.

All the conductors gathered in Car No. 6, blocking the place and evacuating the passengers in Car No. 6 toward Car No. 7. After all, the situation here cannot be hidden.

A dozen staff members with loaded weapons and ammunition stood on the side near Car No. 5, holding soul-guiding rays and using the car as a cover.

There is an automatic sensor metal door between each carriage, but in this situation, no one dares to approach it rashly.

Mo Lan saw the security captain at a glance and asked in a dignified voice: "Li Feng, how is the situation here?"

Security captain Li Feng said with a solemn expression: "After discovering the situation here, I immediately led people over. There has been no movement for a while, and I suspect that the first few carriages may have been controlled by gangsters. But they Until now, it seems that they have no intention of negotiating with us.”

Hearing what Li Feng said, Mo Lan's expression couldn't help but change again.

If those gangsters don't negotiate with them, the situation will only become more and more passive.

Even the worst case scenario. No negotiation means that the gangsters have no other plans. In this case, it can only be for pure massacre.

Such terrorist attacks have never happened before in the history of the Sun-Moon Federation.

Through his father, the consul, Mo Lan knew that there was some inside story behind these cases.

Mo Lan shouted in a deep voice towards Car No. 5.

"I am the conductor of this train. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Mo Lan, an ordinary person without soul power. My father is the governor of Tiandou City and federal councilor Mo Wu. I am right next to the door. Side. Please don't be impulsive and ask for any conditions. I will do everything possible to meet your requirements, but please do not hurt the hostages. To show my sincerity, I will come over alone and you can negotiate with me face to face."

Mo Lan's words were quite sincere, but there was still no response from the other party.

Mo Lan's heart sank. He took a few steps forward and passed the crowd. He decisively gritted his teeth and walked to the metal door.

"Buzz--" With a slight trembling sound, the metal door slowly opened and closed on both sides.

"Train conductor?!" When Li Feng reacted, it was already too late.

He and the other security guards tensed up almost instinctively, and all their soul ray pistols were pointed at Car No. 5.

But the situation there was completely different from what they expected, and there were no tragic scenes. The gangsters all squatted on the ground with dull eyes and put down all their weapons.

The passengers in Car No. 5 were all intact and were staring at Yu Nanyuan and Na'er standing on the aisle in shock.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan and Na'er, Mo Lan, Li Feng and others also looked surprised.

Especially Mo Lan, she had paid attention to Yu Nanyuan when the train just left.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Mo Lan expressionlessly, seeming to be suppressing something deep in his heart.

"If those people really just want to kill, are you here ready to die? You can't save anyone, but you have to risk your own life. What's the point of such a sacrifice?"

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