Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 171 Na’er’s little thoughts

The soul train left Shrek City, and the view outside the window suddenly became wider. As far as the eye can see, there is an endless wilderness.

Even in modern times, it is impossible to have tall buildings everywhere.

Lima Plain, where Shrek City is located, is still the most fertile grain-producing land in the entire Sun-Moon Federation. It is quite different from the dense urban agglomeration pattern in the eastern coastal areas of the Sun-Moon Federation.

Na'er's face was always filled with a delicate smile. Although she knew that Yu Nanyuan was deliberately keeping a distance from her, she was not discouraged at all. Supporting her delicate white chin with a jade hand, she looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

The soft sunshine outside the window fell on the long silver hair behind Na'er, scattering a halo of mist. Her whole body seemed to be bathed in the grace of the morning sun, charming and charming.

Yu Nanyuan stroked his forehead and said helplessly: "Senior sister, why are you looking at me all the time?"

"Why?" Na'er thought for a moment, then smiled at Yu Nanyuan.

"There seems to be no reason, but I just like it. Just seeing you next to me, junior brother, makes me feel very happy."

Looking at each other with Na'er, Yu Nanyuan's eyes fell into a trance and fell into a long silence.

At this moment, a woman wearing a train conductor's uniform walked out of the cab of the soul train. Her appearance is not very beautiful, she looks about twenty-seven or eight years old, but she is quite majestic.

The woman showed a very friendly smile to the passengers in Car No. 1, and then turned on her headset, and her voice spread throughout all the cars of this soul train.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, hello, I am the train conductor Mo Lan. Welcome aboard this soul train from Shrek City to Tiandou City. I wish you all a happy journey."

As the daughter of Mo Wu, the governor of Tiandou City and a federal councilor, Mo Lan has been influenced by her father since she was a child. She has always been rigorous in her work. Every time a soul train departs, she will do it herself, starting from the cab and conducting inspections.

dark blue.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and looked at the capable woman in front of him.

In the memory of his previous life, the evil soul master organization attacked the soul guide train twice, and this man can be said to be the well-deserved protagonist.

Mo Lan is just an ordinary person without soul power. In order to save the passengers in the carriage, she is willing to sacrifice herself and become the gangster's hostage. Her heroic deeds later spread throughout the Sun-Moon Federation, and she was praised and appreciated by countless people.

However, Yu Nanyuan was disgusted with Mo Lan's behavior from the bottom of his heart. Of course, what he resented was not that Mo Lan saved those passengers, but that Mo Lan chose to sacrifice himself for the so-called righteousness.

Sacrifice yourself to save others, isn't it selfish for your loved ones?

Although you clearly don’t have enough ability, why do you always think that you can change something?

Feeling Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Mo Lan couldn't help but look slightly startled. Perhaps it was her intuition as a mother, but she felt a little distressed inexplicably.

Mo Lan came over and bent down, speaking in a gentle voice.

"Little brother, do you need any help?"

"Nothing." Yu Nanyuan shook his head calmly. Although he is tall and his eyes have a maturity that belies his age, there is a certain childishness in his face that cannot be concealed.

"If anything happens, you can always come to me."

The smile on Mo Lan's face did not diminish, and she patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder comfortingly. Thinking that she still had work to do, she didn't want to stay here too long. Before leaving, she glanced at Na'er next to Yu Nanyuan.

With the same perfect appearance and the same hair color, when Yu Nanyuan and Naer are together, their relationship is easily misunderstood.

Mo Lan subconsciously regarded Yu Nanyuan and Na'er as biological siblings or siblings. After all, Na'er was unabashedly worried and caring about Yu Nanyuan at this time.

"Junior brother, were you angry just now?" Na'er hesitated for a moment and asked with her red lips lightly parted.

Yu Nanyuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes met Na'er beside him, and his dull eyes seemed to have regained some vitality.

Na'er's eyes were filled with water and she grabbed Yu Nanyuan's hand.

"Junior brother, are you really okay?"

"Don't worry, senior sister, I'm fine." Yu Nanyuan's expression quickly returned to normal, but this time he did not avoid physical contact with Na'er.

After pondering for a moment, Na'er stopped worrying and took out an exquisite food box from the storage soul guide with a smile.

"It will take a long time before the soul guide train reaches Tiandou City. Let's eat something first."

There is a mezzanine inside the food box, and the two layers are spread out, occupying the space on the folding metal table in front of the two of them. The inside of the food box contains a variety of exquisite dishes. Although the portions are not large, they are almost all made of top-quality nutritious ingredients.

The most eye-catching ones are the two large shrimps that are all blood red, exuding a jade-like luster. The rich aroma immediately hit my face, even overpowering the taste of other dishes.

In order not to affect other people, Yu Nanyuan blocked the leakage of the smell through the control of the power of space.

"Sister, did you do this?"

"Well, I learned it from my wife not long ago." Na'er responded with a sweet smile. As she spoke, she quickly peeled off a red jade shrimp and brought it to Yu Nanyuan's mouth.

"Junior brother, how do you like the taste of this ruby ​​shrimp?"

The red jade shrimp is also called the blood shrimp. It lives in the blood trench three thousand meters deep in the sea. The essence of qi and blood it contains is very similar to that of humans. It is a great supplement for human soul masters. Not only can it increase the power of Qi and blood in the body, it also has a considerable improvement effect on physical strength.

Na'er's slender jade fingers pinched the crystal clear shrimp meat, coupled with her expectant eyes, Yu Nanyuan finally obeyed.

The meat of the red jade shrimp is sweet and soft, and after just a few chews, it turns into a sweet warm liquid and slides into your belly.

For ordinary soul masters, Yu Nanyuan could often eat red jade shrimp when he was on Poseidon Island. The nourishing effect of a ruby ​​shrimp was not enough to affect him at all, but the energy and blood in his body surged and boiled uncontrollably, and then gradually returned to calm.

Since absorbing part of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline power, his digestive ability has also been greatly improved. Even if it's not as good as Tang Wulin, I'm afraid it's not far behind.

Na'er enjoyed feeding Yu Nanyuan very much, because this was something Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue had never done. Then she handed Yu Nanyuan a rice ball made of moonlight rice, which was also wrapped with a layer of dried seaweed.

Na'er stared at Yu Nanyuan and waited until he ate the rice ball before smiling with satisfaction.

Yali helped with all the other dishes, but she made these rice balls with her own hands.

Yu Nanyuan knew that if this continued, it would probably be endless, so he had to stop Na'er from continuing to feed him.

"Senior sister, you can eat too."

"Okay." Na'er also picked up a rice ball and took a bite, puffing out her cheeks while chewing, not forgetting to look at Yu Nanyuan and smile.

Both of them ate in an elegant and graceful manner, but their speed was not slow at all. It didn't take long for them to sweep away the food in the food box.

The stronger the body's ability to absorb nutrients, the larger the appetite will naturally be. Yu Nanyuan and Naer obviously belong to this type.

The soul guide train heading north has also left the Lima Plain and entered the central and northern part of the continent. Before arriving at Tiandou City, we will pass through several cities.

After having this hearty breakfast, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er began to sit on their seats with their eyes closed, digesting and absorbing the nutrients. For them, eating is also a key part of their cultivation. A strong enough body is the foundation of all cultivation and strength.

Na'er seemed to inadvertently put her head gently on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder. Each other's hair and breath blend here.

Just when the soul guide train passed the last city along the way, both Yu Nanyuan and Na'er noticed something strange.

In the perception of Yu Nanyuan's mental power, a group of people mixed into the No. 4 and No. 5 carriages, and one of them was exuding soul power fluctuations at the level of a soul master.

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