The next morning.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er left Poseidon Island early in the morning and came to Lingbing Square in front of the main teaching building of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard.

This is Na'er's first trip away from home, especially with Yu Nanyuan accompanying her. Today, she felt like she was jumping for joy, with a smile on her pretty face, and she was chatting with Yu Nanyuan next to her from time to time.

Under Yali's arrangement, the two wore the same slim-fitting red sportswear, which further highlighted their slender and well-proportioned figures. Such brightly colored clothes are difficult for ordinary people to wear, but when worn on Yu Nanyuan and Naer, not only do they not look vulgar, but they have a unique temperament.

Na'er held one of Yu Nanyuan's arms affectionately and asked with great interest: "Junior brother, have you been to Tiandou City before? I heard the teacher and my wife said that Tiandou City seems to be the same as Shrek City. The situation is different over there.”

"Actually, this is also my first time going to Tiandou City." Yu Nanyuan said with a smile.

Na'er gently shook Yu Nanyuan's arm and said coquettishly: "Junior brother, let's go shopping in Tiandou City later, okay?"


Looking at Na'er's pure and expectant eyes, Yu Nanyuan thought of his promise to Gu Yue yesterday to keep a distance from Na'er, but he couldn't say no at this time. Keeping a distance does not mean that he will regard Na'er as a savage beast, but that he needs to control his own limits and limit them to his close senior sisters and brothers.

Seeing that Yu Nanyuan agreed to her request without any hesitation, Na'er's mood became more and more joyful, and a slightly proud look appeared in her strange light silver eyes.

She has never given up her competition with Gu Yue.

Class 1 of the first grade in the outer college has been on holiday since yesterday, but most of the students have been preparing for the entire night and have only begun to leave the college today.

This led to an extremely abnormal scene in Lingbing Square.

It was still dark tomorrow, and there was still nearly an hour before classes started in the outer courtyard, but a lot of people had already gathered in Lingbing Square. And these people are almost all students in the first grade and class.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan and Na'er coming from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, everyone's eyes instantly focused on the two.

After all, their appearance and temperament are so outstanding that they will become the focus of countless people's attention no matter where they go.

The students in Grade 1 and Class 1 all looked dumbfounded.

After spending almost a year together and studying together day and night, they were relatively familiar with Yu Nanyuan, but when they saw Na'er, they were inevitably shocked.

Last time, Na'er took Yu Nanyuan to the snack street outside Lingbing Square and found Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan within a short time. Therefore, these students in Grade 1 and Class 1 basically met Na'er for the first time.

Yu Nanyuan just nodded to the classmates, without any intention of explaining too much. Na'er, on the other hand, was completely dominated by Yu Nanyuan, with her red lips slightly pursed and a smile on her face.

What a coincidence is that among the first-year students currently in Lingbing Square, there is Zheng Yiran who has contacted Yu Nanyuan countless times but has never received a response. In addition, there is Yang Nianxia, ​​deputy committee member of the blacksmithing committee, who has some interactions with Yu Nanyuan.

If it is said that in the melee for the election class cadres, Yang Nianxia did not have an accurate understanding of Yu Nanyuan's true strength, and he still had some thoughts. But after the sparring match with the sophomore, he had completely recognized the reality.

Facing a peerless genius like Yu Nanyuan, all means and scheming are meaningless.

Because they are not at the same level at all, how can they have any idea of ​​competition. The reality is so hopeless.

The same is true for Xu Yucheng and Luo Guixing.


Yang Nianxia waved to Yu Nanyuan enthusiastically, but did not mention Na'er beside Yu Nanyuan, and even his eyes did not stay too long on Na'er.

Being thoughtful also means that he can better position himself.

Just as Yu Nanyuan nodded to Yang Nianxia, ​​he saw Zheng Yiran walking towards him with two followers.

These two followers are called Zheng Long and Zheng Hu. They are twin brothers. They both come from the poisonous martial arts family behind Zheng Yiran.

Zheng Yiran looked at Yu Nanyuan with resentful eyes. Even though she was proud by nature, she lacked some confidence in front of Na'er.


"See you next semester." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly and walked past with Na'er and Zheng Yiran.

He gave a clear attitude from the beginning. As for what Zheng Yiran would think, that was her own business.

Zheng Yiran stared blankly at the leaving figures of Yu Nanyuan and Naer, and fell into a tangle.

Yang Nianxia didn't know when she came to Zheng Yiran's side and shook her head helplessly.

"Give up. The monitor and we are not from the same world at all."

"What does the matter between me and him have to do with you?! Is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks here?! Who do you think you are?!" Zheng Yiran suddenly turned his eyes and glared at Yang Nianxia, ​​as if he was touched The reverse scale is normal.

"Zheng Long, Zheng Hu, let's go!" With a low voice, Zheng Yiran walked quickly towards the outside of Lingbing Square.


Yang Nianxia, ​​who was disappointed, shrugged with deep eyes.

At the same time, a streamlined dark green soul car stopped Yu Nanyuan and Na'er on the street outside Lingbing Square.

"Na'er, Nanyuan, get in the car!" Shen Yi waved to the two of them from the driver's seat with a smile on his face.

What surprised Yu Nanyuan and Na'er was that Wu Zhangkong, who had a cold temperament, was sitting in the passenger seat next to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong were the direct disciples of Red Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi, so Na'er naturally knew them, and she immediately smiled.

"Teacher Shen, are you also going to the Soul Guidance Train Station?"

"Well, I'm going to send senior brother there." Shen Yi said with a smile: "We just learned from the teacher that you are going to Tiandou City by soul guide train. We happened to be on the way with senior brother, so we asked senior brother to accompany you to Tiandou City. Let’s go to the city to take care of you.”

Yu Nanyuan opened the car door for Na'er and let her sit in first, then he sat on the other side. He probably guessed Wu Zhangkong's purpose of going to Tiandou City this time, and said hesitantly.

"Teacher Wu, wouldn't this be inconvenient?"

"No." Wu Zhangkong replied coldly, and then started to close his eyes and meditate again.

"As long as you don't feel inconvenienced by my presence."

Hearing Wu Zhangkong's words, Yu Nanyuan's face suddenly became strange, and Na'er, who was told what he was thinking, lowered her head with a blushing face.

Shen Yi couldn't help but laugh.

"Although your dance teacher is usually cold and cold, occasionally he will say a few interesting words."

Although Na'er was a little shy, she instinctively leaned on Yu Nanyuan's body, feeling the warmth and breath that made her feel reassured.

Because of Wu Zhangkong's words, there was a silence for more than an hour.

Shen Yi drove very fast, and made no unnecessary movements during the driving process. The soul-guided car drove very smoothly. More than an hour later, everyone arrived at the Shrek Soul Train Station smoothly.

Yu Nanyuan knew that with Wu Changkong's character, he would definitely choose to buy the most common second-class seat. It wouldn't matter if it was him, but he didn't want to sit in a narrow second-class car with Na'er, so he bought two first-class tickets separately.

Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything, and he and Yu Nanyuan were temporarily separated.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er's seats are in Car No. 1. Under normal circumstances, carriages one to five of the soul train are all first-class seats, and the environment is much better than that of the second-class carriages. Of course, it can't be compared to the exclusive VIP carriage.

But Yu Nanyuan had another more important reason for buying the ticket for carriage No. 1.

If the plot in his past life memory had not changed, the passengers in carriages 1 to 5 of this soul train would have been hijacked by terrorists and suffered heavy casualties. He had no reason to sit idly by when he knew it could be avoided.

And what Yu Nanyuan did was just what Na'er wanted.

The soul guide train arrived on time, and then it was time to check in and enter the station. The fare for first-class seats is almost twice that of second-class seats, and there is an exclusive ticket check-in channel.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er quickly entered the station and found their seats in the No. 1 carriage of the soul guide train. In the first-class carriage, there are two seats on both sides, with a wide aisle in the middle.

Yu Nanyuan gave up his seat by the window to Na'er, while he sat on the side near the aisle.

Na'er seems to be particularly curious about everything around her. Sharing Gu Yue's experience and memories and practicing it herself are two completely different feelings.

"Junior brother, can this thing be put down?"

"Senior sister, let me put it down for you." Yu Nanyuan smiled gently, stood up and thoughtfully put down the metal folding tabletop in front of Na'er.

Na'er smiled and put her forearms on the metal folding table, sitting upright slightly. The slim sportswear clearly outlined the curvature of her chest. She has a maturity that is completely inappropriate for her age.

It's like passing through the budding stage and entering directly into the fruitful harvest season.

From Yu Nanyuan's perspective, there is a deeper feeling. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he calmed down and sat back down in his seat.

Na'er gave a sweet smile and took the initiative to come to Yu Nanyuan's side. Her chest even touched Yu Nanyuan's arm through her clothes.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"


Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath, looked at Na'er calmly, and calmly retracted his right hand.

No matter how dull a person is, they can still detect Na'er's thoughts at this time. What made him confused was why Na'er always seemed to know his weakness and did things that made him shaken.

Not long after, the soul guide train left the station.

However, Yu Nanyuan's released mental power did not notice anything strange at all. As he expected, those terrorists did not have the courage to lurk in Shrek City, and they should have come up from other cities.

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