Chapter 169 Yuanen Yehui’s request

Under normal circumstances, Shrek Academy's outer courtyard still has half a month before the holiday.

Therefore, as a second-year student, Yuan En Yehui still needs to stay in the academy and continue taking classes. Of course, the second grade also has a final assessment, but the content of the assessment is different from that of the first grade.

Yuanen Yehui, who looks like a man in men's clothing, is thin and ordinary in appearance. It's the type that can't be found in a crowd.

However, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue saw Yuan En Yehui walking straight from the main teaching building from a distance, and Yuan En Yehui's target was clearly them.

Yuanen Yehui walked up to Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue and said with a slight tangle: "Yu Nanyuan, do you have time to chat now?"

Yu Nanyuan first made eye contact with Gu Yue, and then looked at Yuan En Yehui again.

"Do you need Gu Yue to avoid it?"

"No, I'm looking for you this time because I have something to ask for your help." Yuanen Yehui shook her head decisively. She has always been a character who doesn't like to cause trouble to others. If that matter hadn't been too important to her, she wouldn't have taken the initiative to approach Yu Nanyuan.

Now she naturally doesn't want to cause a gap between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue because of herself.

Underneath her cold personality, she actually has a gentle heart.

"Some things are not convenient to talk about here. Let's go to the drink shop near Lingbing Square." Yuanen Yehui said this and deliberately emphasized it.

"My treat."

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan nodded, and he and Gu Yue followed Yuan En Yehui towards the streets outside Lingbing Square.

It seemed that he had some misunderstandings. He thought Yuanen Yehui came to him for the fourth soul skill of the Fallen Angel Martial Spirit. The soul skill of Hell's Gate coupled with the Fallen Angel Martial Soul makes it extremely easy to become an evil soul master.

Such a secret must not be leaked easily.

But Yu Nanyuan has personally experienced the weirdness of the soul skill of Gate of Hell.

Under the leadership of Yuanen Yehui, the three of them quickly arrived at the beverage shop and ordered some desserts and drinks.

Gu Yue's gaze has been falling on Yuan En Ye Hui, but the focus of her gaze is not on Yuan En Ye Hui's face, but slightly shifted downward to her chest.

Yuan En Yehui, who was possessed by the fallen angel spirit, had full female characteristics, even to the point of being a bit exaggerated.

She was really curious about what kind of disguise technique Yuanen Yehui used to prevent herself from revealing any flaws.

Gu Yue was also affected subtly as he spent more time with Yu Nanyuan. Perhaps out of her own competitive spirit, she always subconsciously compares herself with other girls.

Especially after learning about Yu Nanyuan's hobbies.

Feeling Gu Yue's strange gaze, Yuanen Yehui didn't even think about it in that direction. After all, Gu Yue already knew her female identity.

Yu Nanyuan reached out and stroked the side of the porcelain cup holding the warm black coffee, and smiled gently at Yuan En Yehui.

"Tell me what you need me to do for you."

"I plan to add a soul to my main spirit, but the soul that meets my requirements will not be sold directly in the Spirit Transferring Tower. It can only be sold through the tower." Yuanen Yehui hesitated for a moment before speaking. road.

"You should all have heard of the Soul Tower in the Spirit Transferring Tower."

"Of course, Gu Yue is from the Spirit Pagoda." Yu Nanyuan said with a smile.

Yuanen Yehui's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Gu Yue in surprise.

Only then did Gu Yue calm down her mind slightly, with a look of surprise on her face as well.

What surprised her was that Yuanen Yehui was able to get a place to enter the Soul Tower. Even within the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, only a very small number of direct disciples like her who were high-level disciples of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda had such qualifications.

"Your target won't be the Titan ape with eight thousand years of cultivation, right?" Combined with Yuan En Yehui's main spirit Titan ape, Gu Yue instantly guessed what Yuan En Yehui was thinking.

"With your strength, you will definitely not be able to defeat that Titan ape, so you hope that he can accompany you to break into the tower."

Yuanen Yehui's eyes were full of determination.


Hearing Yuan En Ye Hui's affirmative reply, Gu Yue immediately frowned.

"Since you know that there is the soul of the Titan ape in the Soul Tower, you must also know about other situations in the Soul Tower. There are a total of 108 floors in the Soul Tower, and the first 18 floors store thousands of souls. The higher the level, the higher the level and quality of the souls in it. That Titan ape is the highest level existence among the thousand-year souls, and it happens to be on the 18th level. In other words, you need to go all the way to the 18th level , and defeat the Titan ape."

Although Yuanen Yehui had already been mentally prepared, hearing this again from Gu Yue's mouth inevitably made him feel a little shaken.

There are several restrictive conditions for breaking into the Soul Tower.

First of all, the tower climbers who need souls cannot be over thirty years old. Secondly, if they form a team, the number of people in the team cannot exceed seven, and the age difference between them cannot be greater than three years.

The last condition is that the use of soul guides, mechas and battle armors is prohibited, and one can only rely on the soul master's own ability to enter the tower.

Yuanen Yehui is sixteen years old this year. As a result, the helpers she can hire can only be under nineteen years old.

And that Titan ape with eight thousand years of cultivation is at least equivalent to a Soul Emperor-level powerhouse at the pinnacle level of a human Soul Master.

After a soul beast breaks through the ten-thousand-year realm, it is possible to condense the soul core belonging to the soul beast in its body. The soul core of a soul beast is also called a beast core. It is more derived from blood and is different from that of a human soul master. Once the soul beast dies, the beast core will turn into a soul ring. The most powerful or special beast core will also affect their bones, resulting in the appearance of soul bones.

Once a super soul beast like the Titan Giant Ape breaks through to the ten-thousand-year realm, its body will inevitably condense a beast core on its own. By then, its strength will also undergo a qualitative change. Without the use of battle armor, a Contra-level expert among human soul masters might not be able to please the Ten Thousand Years Titan Giant Ape.

The soul of the Titan ape in the Soul Tower only has eight thousand years of cultivation, so there is still some hope left.

Yu Nanyuan suddenly asked Yuan En Yehui with great interest: "Besides me, have you asked anyone else to help you break into the tower?"

"No, it's just you." Yuanen Yehui responded calmly.

Yuan En Yehui is usually withdrawn and rarely interacts with students from other grades in the outer academy. His popularity in Shrek Academy is not very good. Although she has a high prestige in Class 1 of the second grade, unfortunately, the second grade students have limited strength and cannot be of much help at all.

So she finally had to find Yu Nanyuan. Yu Nanyuan is the only person who has many interactions with her and is strong enough.

"Then you don't need to invite anyone else. Let me accompany you once." Yu Nanyuan smiled lightly, picked up the exquisite porcelain cup and took a sip of the fragrant black coffee inside.

Yuanen Yehui was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yu Nanyuan with a complicated expression, and thanked him very seriously: "Thank you, I owe you a favor."

"I will go to Tiandou City later, and the time will be next week. You can make time on your own." Yu Nanyuan didn't pay too much attention to Yuanen Yehui's favor, and then handed over his soul communicator. passed.

"Leave a soul guide communication number for easy contact when the time comes."

"Okay." Yuan En Yehui acted cleanly and quickly exchanged soul guide communication numbers with Yu Nanyuan. After doing this, she nodded slightly to Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, stood up and left.

"The order has been purchased, I'm leaving now."

Gu Yue sat upright and leaned on the sofa, staring at Yu Nanyuan with faint eyes. Her intention was very clear, which was to use her aura to get Yu Nanyuan to take the initiative to explain.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and teased with a smile: "Are you jealous?"


Gu Yue's eyes clearly showed a little anger, but she only glanced at Yu Nanyuan lightly, her tone remained calm.

Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue's hand and put it on his thigh. He looked at the street outside through the crystal wall and explained softly: "Yuanen Yehui has a special life experience. The place for entering the tower should be given to her by the college. The college I value her very much. I'm afraid my teacher also wants me to have some communication with her. Besides, breaking into the tower itself is also an experience for me. Don't worry, I'm stronger than you think."

"If I'm not strong enough, I won't be worthy of you." While explaining, Yu Nanyuan did not forget to coax Gu Yue and put him in his arms with a smile.

Seeing that Yu Nanyuan did not do anything out of line, Gu Yue, although not used to being outside, only resisted symbolically and let Yu Nanyuan hug her. She spat softly with a charming blush on her cheeks.

"As long as you know."

"You didn't say before, do you have any plans for the holiday? I went to Tiandou City just to find the master craftsman Zhenhua to customize the spirit-forged spiritual alloy I need to make the battle armor. I shouldn't stay there for too long." Yu Nanyuan looked sideways. asked.

Gu Yue looked up at Yu Nanyuan, Yu Nanyuan's face clearly reflected in her eyes.

"I want to go home and then stay in Spirit Pagoda to practice."

"Can I go home with you?" Yu Nanyuan approached Gu Yue with a smile, and their faces were already close at hand.

Gu Yue could no longer maintain her previous calmness. A hint of shame, anger and panic emerged from the depths of her eyes, and her whole body became stiff.


"Don't get excited, I always respect your opinions." Yu Nanyuan smiled heartily, he was just talking. If you really want to go home with Gu Yue, you have to go directly to the dangerous place in the Star Dou Forest.

But just when Gu Yue relaxed her vigilance, she saw Yu Nanyuan's face instantly enlarged in her sight.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. People were coming and going on the street outside the window, but Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue in the drink shop only felt that the space they were in was silent, as if they were isolated from the real world.

After a moment, Gu Yue stared at Yu Nanyuan with shame and anger, and pursed her glossy red lips.

Yu Nanyuan coughed slightly and changed the topic.

"Actually, there is something I forgot to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Gu Yue broke away from Yu Nanyuan's arms angrily and straightened her appearance. You could tell from her tone that she wasn't actually angry.

"Senior sister will also go to Tiandou City with me."

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand again, and then quickly added: "Senior sister went to Tiandou City for the same purpose as me. She was going to find the master craftsman Zhenhua to customize the spiritual alloy for the Doukai."

A truly top-level battle armor needs to understand the soul master's requirements from the moment it is forged. By laying a good foundation in forging, the subsequent production of battle armor will naturally be smoother.

Gu Yue suddenly turned around and stared at Yu Nanyuan, as if she wanted to see through Yu Nanyuan's innermost thoughts. After a long time, she suddenly gave Yu Nanyuan a domineering warning.

"I'm only going to say it once, keep your distance from her!"

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan nodded seriously.

Gu Yue thought that Yu Nanyuan had been performing well during this period, and her expression softened a lot. But she didn't know why, she just felt uncomfortable.

"When you come back, pick me up at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda."

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue stayed in this beverage shop until nightfall, enjoying this rare alone time.

After watching Gu Yue get on the soul car heading to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters in Lingbing Square, Yu Nanyuan returned to Poseidon Pavilion.

Poseidon Island, shrouded in night, is quiet and peaceful.

Tonight, the moon and stars are sparse.

The valley near Poseidon Pavilion is dotted with soft, warm-colored lights. These lights are emitted from the wooden attic where Yu Nanyuan and Naer usually live.

In the living room on the first floor of the attic, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er sat on one side of the wooden table, and opposite them were Yun Ming and Yali. If you don't look at the identities of the four people, it really looks like an ordinary and warm family.

From Yun Ming, Yu Nanyuan learned that Yuan En Yehui's quota for entering the tower was indeed granted by the academy. Yun Ming was also happy to see his idea of ​​helping Yuan En Yehui break into the tower.

Although the new generation of Shrek Seven Monsters in Shrek Academy has not yet been selected, Yu Nanyuan and Yuan En Yehui will definitely occupy two of the places in the future. This is something that has been decided internally.

In terms of talent alone, Yuan En Yehui, who possesses the two top martial arts spirits of Titan Giant Ape and Fallen Angel, is worthy of ranking in the history of Shrek Academy.

Yun Ming looked at Yu Nanyuan with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice: "Nanyuan, I want you to accompany Yuan En Yehui to break into the tower. There is another reason. Your teacher's wife should have told you before that the fallen angel spirit will become A medium that connects to the demonic plane. In the future, you may be able to completely solve this hidden danger until your martial soul's ability is truly awakened."

"Teacher, do you mean that my martial spirit is not in its most complete form?" Yu Nanyuan's heart trembled. Although he had a feeling in the dark, he was actually not sure.

Yun Ming frowned and said: "I am just guessing. The situation of your martial soul is somewhat similar to that of a certain sect that once flourished, but there are differences. You may have heard of the name of that sect. That sect is called Noumenon Sect. Thousands of years ago, the master of Noumenon Sect once delivered a secret book called the Secret of Noumenon to Lingbing Douluo at that time. Later, the secret book remained in the academy until the descendant of Noumenon Sect came to take the Noumenon Sect. Retrieve the secret. If you have a chance in the future, you might as well try to get in touch with people from the Noumenon Sect. Maybe people from the Noumenon Sect will take the initiative to contact you, and your situation is quite in line with their requirements."

"Although the relationship between the academy and the Noumenon Sect has never been very harmonious, if they knew your true identity, they would not dare to do anything to you." Yali said with a gentle smile on her face at the right time.

"Nanyuan, Na'er, but when you go to Tiandou City this time, you still have to pay more attention, you know?"

"Yes, Master Wife!" Yu Nanyuan and Na'er looked at each other and responded in unison.

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