A black luxury soul-guided car smoothly shuttled through the antique streets of Shrek's inner city. Gu Yue looked at the rapidly passing scenery outside the window, with a trace of lingering lingering lingering on her cheeks.

Recalling what Yu Nanyuan had said to her before, she couldn't help but look down at her chest, and her face became a little unsightly.

What does it mean to be small and cute? !

At that time, Gu Yue didn't think there was anything wrong, but now the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that there is something in Yu Nanyuan's words.

Among girls of the same age, although she is not particularly talented, she is definitely above the average level. Xu Xiaoyan, who usually lives with her, is the best reference.

Xu Xiaoyan truly perfectly interpreted Yu Nanyuan's words.

Gu Yue's expression changed for a while, and then returned to the calm expression of Gu Jing.

Before heading to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters, she needed to calm down her emotions. Even if he wanted to clear his name privately, he would have to wait until Yu Nanyuan finished his retreat.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan, who was separated from Gu Yue, also entered the area where Poseidon Island is located.

A chain with bright silver light stretched across the sky. The void chain that originally seemed to be able to extend infinitely retracted, driving Yu Nanyuan towards the Poseidon Pavilion. Standing on the chain, he seemed to be moving across the void, shuttling between the misty clouds above Poseidon Island.

The Void Chain completely disappeared into the void, and Yu Nanyuan's figure fell to the ground floatingly.

Yun Ming was wearing a white robe and stood quietly in the center of the open space, looking at Yu Nanyuan with a smile on his face.

"Teacher." Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and saluted Yun Ming seriously.

Yun Ming waved his hand casually, nodded slightly towards Yu Nanyuan and said: "I have noticed a long time ago that your physical strength and vitality are far beyond those of soul masters of the same level. According to my estimation, your physical strength Your abilities are even higher than those of ordinary soul masters at the soul emperor level. These are your advantages. Except for some more special soul masters, most soul masters have to return to their original form after cultivating to a certain level. The reason why I came back to refining my body is because in the process of continuous improvement and breakthrough of soul power, if I don’t have a strong body, I simply can’t withstand such powerful energy fluctuations.”

"You actually already have the most fundamental foundation for cultivating the soul core." Yun Ming was obviously full of confidence in Yu Nanyuan, and his expression was slightly emotional.

"The soul core I cultivated when I broke through the bottleneck of level 60 at level 59 has already broken the academy's record of more than 20,000 years. And I believe that you will surpass me and create history in the soul master world again. . I won’t repeat some precautions for condensing soul cores. You also have unique talents in this regard. You just need to remember one thing. The essence of condensing soul cores is to compress the soul power and the power of space. Enlightenment. Without further ado, let’s start now, Nanyuan.”

"Yes." Yu Nanyuan adjusted his condition slightly, then sat down cross-legged and immediately began to meditate and practice.

The soul power vortex in the body rotates on its own, and the rich heaven and earth energy on Poseidon Island is obviously affected, gathering from all directions towards the open space in front of Poseidon Pavilion.

The Poseidon Pavilion is built on the golden tree and is the core of the entire Poseidon Island and the entire Shrek Academy. Practicing here has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

And just when Yu Nanyuan started practicing, the huge golden tree suddenly lit up, bursting out with a dazzling golden light, spreading its branches and leaves high in the sky. The golden light spread, and all the plants on Poseidon Island turned golden, making it look like an island made of gold.

Incomparably rich vitality mixed with the energy of heaven and earth swarmed in.

This is Yun Ming mobilizing the power of the golden tree for Yu Nanyuan. Of course, the energy that assists Yu Nanyuan in condensing the soul core is only a tiny bit at best for the Golden Tree, which has tens of thousands of years of accumulation and foundation, and is not enough to shake the foundation of the Golden Tree.

In almost just one breath, the whirlpool of soul power in Yu Nanyuan's dantian was completely saturated, and some changes began to occur.

Through the inner vision, it can be seen that there are streaks of light like white lightning around his silver soul power vortex, which continue to flash irregularly.

The changes in the soul power vortex also made him feel tearing pain. As time went by, the pain in the Dantian became more and more intense, like a knife cutting.

From the perspective of the outside world, Yu Nanyuan's expression did not change at all. He still sat there so steadily, silently feeling the changes in the whirlpool of soul power in his dantian.

There is no soul master who can cultivate a soul core. The cultivation of Seven Rings Soul Saint is the sign of truly entering the high-level soul master, and the soul core is the sign of Seven Rings Soul Saint. Only with the soul core can one develop towards the true form of the martial soul.

When the soul core is condensing, the soul power fluctuations will follow the principles of heaven and earth. This is also the soul master's best opportunity to gain insights.

However, soul masters will also suffer tremendous pain. If you want to cultivate the soul core, understanding, character, will, talent and other conditions are indispensable.

This is also the reason why the number of powerful Soul Masters at the Soul Saint level is so rare.

Yun Ming noticed everything Yu Nanyuan did and nodded secretly.

This is the most suitable training method for geniuses. There is no such thing as overthrowing the seedlings, and using the energy of the golden tree to assist Yu Nanyuan can save Yu Nanyuan from the long process of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth to create a qualitative change in the soul power vortex. In this way, you can focus more energy on perception.

At this time, the soul power vortex in Yu Nanyuan's body had turned into silver soul power light strips, constantly collapsing inward while circling. It was like a black hole appeared in the dantian, swallowing everything in the outside world.

Collapse, expand, collapse again, expand again. In fact, this involves the application of the power of space.

Every time this process is repeated, Yu Nanyuan will suffer intense pain. The influx of energy from the outside world made the strips of soul power light in his Dantian suddenly become brighter, and the speed of rotation around the center also accelerated.

In the center of Dantian, a diamond-shaped crystal gradually took shape.

This diamond-shaped crystal exudes a mysterious silver light, and its surface is engraved with obscure and complex lines, which are exactly the same as those on the Void Chain.

The feeling of pain disappeared at this moment, and Yu Nanyuan was immersed in the perception of this world. Enlightenment, meditation, and every energy change in the soul core will make him feel that his life level is constantly sublimating.

From the time Yu Nanyuan started meditating to the time he cultivated the soul core, less than an hour passed. If it spreads, it will definitely make anyone feel incredible.

But all this is based on Yu Nanyuan's terrifying talent.

His strong physical ability allows him to withstand such a strong energy impact, his spiritual power in the Lingyuan realm allows him to control his soul power more meticulously, and the energy of the golden tree allows him to absorb enough from the outside world in a very short period of time. The energy of heaven and earth. Coupled with his astonishing innate ability to control the power of space, this allowed Yu Nanyuan to accomplish things that are simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The formation of the soul core also means changes in Yu Nanyuan's vital signs. From this moment on, he was fundamentally different from ordinary humans.

The soul core has the function of extending the life of human soul masters for hundreds of years. Only by taking this step can every soul master truly embark on the road to becoming a strong person.

Yu Nanyuan's consciousness began to be immersed, forgetting the passage of time in the outside world.

The soul core in his body continues to absorb the energy of heaven and earth from the outside world to strengthen itself.

Condensing the soul core itself will cause the soul master's martial soul to undergo another qualitative change. The longer the energy of heaven and earth is injected, it means that the evolution of the martial soul requires more energy, and it also means that the martial soul is powerful enough.

Yun Ming watched Yu Nanyuan quietly from the side.

Yu Nanyuan was able to cultivate the soul core so smoothly, which didn't surprise him at all. What he cares about and looks forward to most now is what kind of changes will happen to Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit.

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