The vision on Poseidon Island lasted for seven days and seven nights.

Every once in a while, the golden tree will light up with a solid golden light, infecting all the plants on the entire Poseidon Island into the same golden color.

During this period of time, a huge vortex seemed to appear above the Poseidon Pavilion, continuously absorbing the energy of heaven and earth in the surrounding air.

This vortex is in the shape of a three-dimensional funnel. The starting point is Yu Nanyuan, who is sitting cross-legged in the open space in front of the Poseidon Pavilion, meditating and practicing.

A touch of fish belly white began to appear on the horizon in the distance, and the night gradually turned into deep blue. Another day dawns.

Yun Ming's expression suddenly changed slightly, because he clearly felt that Yu Nanyuan's speed of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth had obviously begun to slow down significantly. This also means that the soul core cultivated by Yu Nanyuan has been completely stabilized by the supplement of a large amount of heaven and earth energy.

The cultivation of soul core is indeed very difficult, at least it blocks more than 90% of soul masters. But once you get through this level, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to jump.

It is no exaggeration to say that he reached the sky in one step.

After cultivating the soul core, the soul master no longer needs to worry about exhaustion of soul power.

The soul core itself can draw the energy of heaven and earth to replenish it in time. Generally speaking, the soul power of soul masters above the soul saint level is endless. Even after a battle that consumes a lot of energy, as long as the soul core exists, the soul power in the body can be fully restored in a very short period of time.

Moreover, the soul core will not be affected by external forces. Unless the soul master takes the initiative to detonate his soul core, there is no possibility of the soul core rioting. The soul core that has been cultivated is far more stable than ordinary people imagine.

Yu Nanyuan's fair skin has a layer of crystal clear texture, as if there is a halo circulating. His appearance was already perfect enough, and now it added a bit of extravagant aura to him.

In the dantian, all the soul power light bands disappeared. Only the silver diamond-shaped soul core, whose size had increased several times, was left sitting in the center.

The soul core is only the size of a pigeon egg and is extremely solid. Obscure and complicated lines flicker on its surface, and in the process of rotation, it creates a silver stream of light that hovers like a shooting star.

After successfully cultivating the soul core, Yu Nanyuan's soul power cultivation naturally broke through the fifty-level bottleneck.

On the basis of the original four thousand-year soul rings, another circle of black soul rings as dark as ink rose up from under his body, and finally settled on the fifth soul ring. This was the second soul ring given to him by the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant.

The Five Ring Soul King!

Yu Nanyuan slowly opened his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

From this moment on, he truly laid the foundation for becoming a top powerhouse in the future.

Yun Ming's figure appeared in Yu Nanyuan's sight, but he clearly saw a look of surprise in Yun Ming's eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Yun Ming asked Yu Nanyuan: "Fifty level two?"

"What's the matter, teacher?" Yu Nanyuan nodded subconsciously.

Condensing soul cores will make a soul master's soul power cultivation reach a certain level. His improvement is completely within the normal range. Perhaps it was because the quality of his condensed soul core was too high, so his feedback on soul power cultivation was relatively small.

Yun Ming looked at Yu Nanyuan with a wonderful expression.

"You have been practicing for seven days this time, and with the help of the golden tree. Even part of the golden tree's energy has been absorbed by you. Although the part of the energy absorbed by you is only about 5% of the central energy of the golden tree , but that is the foundation accumulated by the Golden Tree over tens of thousands of years."

Doing some math, such a huge amount of energy might easily be enough to create a strong person at the Extreme Douluo level. This is also the fundamental reason for Shrek Academy’s long-lasting prosperity.

The Golden Tree can help Shrek Academy maintain a stable base, and there will be Extreme Douluo appearing in every generation.

Hearing Yun Ming's words, Yu Nanyuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly and felt enlightened.

When he was meditating and practicing before, he vaguely felt that there was an endless stream of heaven and earth energy integrated into his body. It turned out that it was the energy belonging to the golden tree.

It was completely different from Yun Ming's attitude towards Tang Wulin in his memory of his previous life. Not only was Yun Ming's look at Yu Nanyuan not unkind at all, but there was also a look of expectation deep in his eyes.

"Nanyuan, release your martial spirit and feel carefully whether there are any changes."

Yu Nanyuan raised his right hand with feeling, and in an instant, countless mysterious chains with silver light appeared and shuttled through the space. The intertwining rhythms move vertically and horizontally, making a clear sound of chain sliding.

With the improvement of his soul power cultivation, although the aura of the martial soul he released became much stronger, the Void Chain Martial Spirit itself was no different from before.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ming suddenly frowned.

Yu Nanyuan also showed a thoughtful expression.

The soul core involves the sublimation of the origin of the martial soul. In fact, the soul core condensed by each soul master is closely related to the martial soul origin of his own martial soul, so the soul core will have some characteristics of the martial soul.

Condensing the soul core is also called a process of reincarnation of the martial soul, which will produce a qualitative change. It is comparable to the second awakening of a controllable martial spirit.

Although the more powerful the martial spirit is, the more difficult it will be to produce another qualitative change. But Yu Nanyuan absorbed such a huge amount of energy from the golden tree, but the martial spirit itself did not change at all, which was a bit unreasonable.

After all, energy doesn't disappear in a vacuum.

The atmosphere between the master and the apprentice became strange.

After being silent for a long time, Yun Ming took the lead in breaking the dull atmosphere.

"Nanyuan, you are already blessed with martial arts, so there is no need to worry too much about it. You should go to the outer courtyard to take classes first. This semester's classes will end today."

"Yes." Yu Nanyuan's mood was relatively peaceful, because he had a premonition. As for whether this premonition is accurate, it will naturally be revealed after he breaks through to the realm of the Seventh Ring Soul Saint in the future.

Staring deeply at Yu Nanyuan's leaving back, Yun Ming's frown gradually relaxed.

There is only one possibility why Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit has not changed. That is, the energy provided by the golden tree is not enough for Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit to complete the evolution, or it lacks such an opportunity.

The condensation of the soul core also allowed Yu Nanyuan's body to be washed again. There are no impurities in his body now, which is similar to dust-free dirt. The skin seems to be covered with a layer of radiant luster, which is enough to make countless people of the opposite sex envy it.

Stepping on the Void Chain, you can shuttle between the mist on Poseidon Island, giving you an ethereal sense of sight.

Because of the previous delay, when Yu Nanyuan arrived at the main teaching building, it was almost time for class to arrive.

As soon as he entered the spacious lecture hall, countless eyes instantly focused on him, and the whole class fell into silence.

Everyone felt the changes in Yu Nanyuan. The changes in his skin and temperament were the most obvious, followed by his golden eyes. In addition to the purity, there is also a vastness and depth as vast as the endless starry sky, which subtly attracts everyone's minds.

The moment they looked at Yu Nanyuan, everyone's hearts seemed to become peaceful.

Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly to the classmates. Under the attention of everyone, he walked to Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan and sat down next to him with a normal expression.

Gu Yue behaved quite calmly, with just a smile on her lips.

Xu Xiaoyan, on the other hand, was completely stunned, her eyes widening in a coquettish yet dazed manner.

"What's going on? Nanyuan, why have you changed so much?"

"It's just a breakthrough in cultivation, so don't make such a fuss." As a person involved, Yu Nanyuan had no real sense of his own changes.

"As for!"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded vigorously at first, then covered his mouth and chuckled, changing the topic.

"You will have no friends if you act like this. Sister Gu Yue, you think so."

"It doesn't matter, he doesn't need too many friends." Gu Yue replied casually, returning to her usual calm expression.

Because of Na'er's appearance, Xu Xiaoyan has now reached a firm alliance with Gu Yue, and he echoed with a smile.

"Sister Gu Yue is right, you don't need too many friends."

For some reason, Xu Xiaoyan always felt confident when Gu Yue was around. It was as if Gu Yue was born with an inexplicable aura.

Many people in the class were paying attention to Yu Nanyuan's situation, especially Ye Xinglan and Wu Siduo. To a certain extent, they all have a very pure purpose in paying attention to Yu Nanyuan.

Ye Xinglan wanted to catch up with Yu Nanyuan so that he could hone himself and improve his strength.

But Wu Siduo did it entirely out of her affection for Yu Nanyuan. From an early age, she was a perfectionist. No matter what it is, she wants the best.

Although she didn't have much interaction with Yu Nanyuan during this year, Yu Nanyuan attracted her all the time. She believed that only Yu Nanyuan could be worthy of her.

Wu Siduo has a typical strong-willed mentality, and is also affected by her own personality.

Of course, Wu Siduo and Ye Xinglan are by no means the only female students who pay attention to Yu Nanyuan.

Zhang Yangzi, Xie Xie and others sitting in the back row of the lecture theater saw all of this.

Xie Xie suddenly laughed strangely.

"Seeing Nanyuan, I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of something."

"What words?"

Tang Wulin and Wang Jinxi looked at Xie Xie in unison.

Tang Wulin was curious, but Wang Jinxi felt that Xie Xie's dog would never spit out ivory from its mouth.

Xie Xie paused for a moment, then said in a slightly ambiguous tone: "I have few friends, but I have many harems."

After saying that, Xie Xie couldn't help but laugh.

However, he soon discovered that something was not right. Wang Jinxi and Tang Wulin couldn't understand that it was okay to laugh, but it was abnormal for Zhang Yangzi not to laugh.

"Haha. Yangzi, why don't you laugh?"

"Then guess why I don't laugh?" Zhang Yangzi looked forward with a stiff expression, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

Xie Xie subconsciously followed Zhang Yangzi's gaze and met Gu Yue's deep gaze. At that moment, it was like a conditioned reflex, and his whole body became alert.

Xie Xie's fear of Gu Yue was simply engraved in his bones.

At this moment, Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi walked into the classroom side by side.

Wu Zhangkong stood coldly at the door of the classroom. Shen Yi continued to walk to the podium and said to everyone with a smile: "The first semester of teaching has ended from today, and then there will be the final exam that you have been looking forward to. According to the college's regulations The rule is that five people will be eliminated in the final exam of the first semester. So you should work harder and try not to be one of the eliminated people."

"Of course, if everyone is above the passing line, there is a possibility that the whole class will not be eliminated. One thing that can be accommodated is that students who are above the passing line can share their scores with others. But I have to I want to remind you that if you want to enter the inner court in the future, you need enough test scores. I think you should be aware of the consequences of giving your scores to others."

As soon as Shen Yi said this, the students in Class 1, Grade 1 all looked at each other in shock. Even those strong students had some changes in their expressions.

Compared with the assessments of other soul master academies, Shrek Academy is definitely weird. Shrek Academy's assessment rules are much more flexible, but the premise is that you have strong enough strength, otherwise everything will be just talk.

"The specific content of the final exam will be announced below. For this final exam, the college will have a holiday fifteen days in advance, starting tomorrow. Counting the original one-month holiday, it will take a total of one and a half months. During this period, you need to Pass through at least ten cities on the mainland. In each city, you need to defeat at least one opponent whose cultivation level is five levels or more higher than yours. There is no limit to the location or method. You can use any external force or form a team with each other. . The academy will not limit you when you start the assessment. The academy only values ​​the final results. You only need to record each battle with a photo-taking soul guide, and then hand it in at the beginning of the second semester. .”

Yu Nanyuan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

There was a considerable discrepancy between the final assessment of Shrek Academy this semester and his memory of his previous life. But the current assessment method is undoubtedly the most advanced.

The ample assessment time will greatly reduce the sense of urgency in the students' hearts and further test the students' character. You can use any external force to form a team with each other. What tests a student's comprehensive ability and interpersonal relationships.

Deliberately mentioning the need to challenge at least ten opponents, the implication is that there is no limit. The more opponents you challenge, the better your performance, and the higher your final score will naturally be. It's just a disguised form of allowing students to start involution on their own.

After Shen Yi made these announcements, everyone was seriously thinking about how to deal with the upcoming final assessment.

"Ready, you can set off at any time." After leaving these words, Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong turned and left.

Gu Yue's eyes were calm. To her, it seemed that she was just facing an insignificant matter.

There was no worry in Xu Xiaoyan's eyes, and his face was filled with a sweet smile. Since we can form a team, then she can just be a pendant with peace of mind.

At the same time, a tall and slender figure came to Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan at some unknown time.

The visitor was none other than Wu Siduo, and this was the first time she took the initiative to approach Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and looked at Wu Siduo, who had a cold face, and smiled politely and gently.

"Wu Siduo, what do you want from me?"

Yu Nanyuan remained calm, but Xu Xiaoyan immediately looked at Wu Siduo warily, with a strong sense of crisis rising in his heart.

Wu Siduo instinctively ignored Xu Xiaoyan, her eyes paused on Gu Yue, and then said to Yu Nanyuan straight to the point: "If you don't have any teammates, you can form a team with me for the final assessment. There should be some in Xingluo City. There is an opponent for you.”

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