Chapter 165 The red and warm ancient moon

Perhaps because he didn't respond positively to Yu Nanyuan's expectation to make up for it, Gu Yue has indulged Yu Nanyuan a lot since then.

If it were in the past, Gu Yue would definitely not allow Yu Nanyuan to do such a thing in public.

But now as long as she is not discovered by others, she will turn a blind eye.

Gu Yue always had a strange feeling every time she thought of Xu Xiaoyan being by her side. From instinctive rejection to habit, and even gradually falling in love with this feeling.

Yu Nanyuan's left hand gently clasped Gu Yue's knee, as if he was asserting his absolute sovereignty forcefully and domineeringly.

Gu Yue stared ahead as usual, but glanced at Yu Nanyuan from the corner of her eye, with a slight blush on her fair cheeks.

This is a tacit understanding between the two of them.

After explaining the end-of-class arrangements for more than a week, Wu Zhangkong quickly walked out of the classroom.

Compared with the final final assessment, the completion of each course is relatively easy.

This is not to say that these courses are not important, of course. Corresponding credits will be obtained for each course completed, and each student's credits will be directly related to whether they can successfully graduate from the outer college of Shrek Academy, or even be admitted to the inner college.

The students in the first grade class also went to do their own things, and they were all in a hurry.

After all, according to the rules of Shrek Academy, the end of each semester means that a group of people will be eliminated. No one wants to be one of them.

Most students are so busy in their daily study life and have little free time.

In such a general environment, people around you will naturally be affected in a subtle way.

"Nanyuan, Sister Gu Yue, I'm going to the Mecha Design Association today." Xu Xiaoyan stood up, said hello, and left in a hurry.

Xu Xiaoyan's talent in mental power has always been very good. Coupled with the characteristics of her own martial soul, her current mental power has reached the peak of the spiritual realm, and she may break through to the spiritual sea realm at any time.

With strong spiritual power as her foundation and support, her ability in mecha design has also improved by leaps and bounds. This is also the main reason why so many soul masters choose mecha design as a secondary profession, because the early progress is fast enough.

Although not as good as Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan is now a level three mecha designer. As long as she can continue to upgrade her sub-class to level four, she can participate in the design of her own battle armor.

So she worked particularly hard during this period, hoping to make a breakthrough as soon as possible.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue also left the classroom closely behind.

Yu Nanyuan often spends time with Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, and everyone is already accustomed to this. However, there were several eyes in the classroom that paid special attention to Yu Nanyuan.

The most obvious one is Wusiduo.

Wu Siduo had always looked cold and aloof, and only when she looked at Yu Nanyuan would her eyes show some emotional fluctuations.

Maybe she doesn't feel it herself, but other people see it.

Ye Xinglan paid attention to Yu Nanyuan, mostly because he felt the changes in Yu Nanyuan this year. Her intuition told her that the gap between herself and Yu Nanyuan was getting wider and wider.

As for the remaining looks, they came from female students like Zheng Yiran who had never received a response from Yu Nanyuan, but were unwilling to do so.

When Xie Xie and Tang Wulin left together, they couldn't help but clicked their tongues in envy.

"This guy Nanyuan is really enviable!"

"What are you envious of?" Tang Wulin asked Xie Xie beside him.

Xie Xie was speechless.

"Didn't you notice the way the female students in the class looked at Nanyuan?"

"How old are you, why are you always thinking about these things?" Tang Wulin finally realized and said angrily.

Xie Xie was not ashamed but proud.

"What's wrong with thinking about these things? When you enter puberty, isn't it normal to have a crush on girls? Didn't you also have that senior Ouyang back then?"

Hearing Xie Xie mention Ouyang Zixin, Tang Wulin felt ashamed and his face turned red.

"Senior Ouyang and I are different."

"Why is it different?" Xie Xie laughed and argued with Tang Wulin.

"You are close to that senior Ouyang, isn't it because you have a good impression of her? Speaking of which, you are much precocious than me. At a young age, you have always liked the senior sister you have."

Tang Wulin frowned and stopped talking. Although he is quite sinister, there is no way he can argue with Xie Xie on this matter.

"Xie Xie, you don't understand this. For Wu Lin, that senior Ouyang is his white moonlight and has a special meaning." Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi came over at some unknown time.

Usually everyone is busy practicing, and it is rare to get together like this. Except for Tang Wulin and the taciturn Wang Jinxi who were involved, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie were both in high spirits.

Xie Xie didn't care at all.

"No matter how special the white moonlight is, it doesn't belong to you after all, so what's the point? So, the most important thing is to live in the present."

Having just broken through the bottleneck of level 30, Tang Wulin was in a good mood. But now, his psychological defenses were completely broken by Xie Xie's unintentional words, and his lower eyelids lowered his eyes dimly.

The longings of youth are the most unforgettable, and one year is obviously not enough to dilute them.

Noticing Tang Wulin's change, Xie Xie also realized that he had said the wrong thing and put his hand on Tang Wulin's shoulder.

"Okay, let's go to the cafeteria to eat together first." Zhang Yangzi changed the topic in time.

While Xie Xie and Zhang Yangzi were just talking about it, Yu Nanyuan on the other side had already put it into practical actions.

In the production room assigned to Yu Nanyuan by the Mecha Manufacturing Association, Gu Yue sat on the matte metal table, breathing slightly. She just stared at Yu Nanyuan with a faint look, with a little bit of shame, anger and anger deep in her eyes.

"I'm going to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters."

"Let's go later, we may not see each other for a while." Yu Nanyuan put his hands on Gu Yue's slender and soft waist, and stopped Gu Yue's actions with a smile on his face.

He had put his hand on Gu Yue's knee in the classroom before, conveying a secret signal that only the two of them knew. Every time they would come to this production room and get a little closer. Not only Yu Nanyuan, but Gu Yue herself also enjoyed it.

Gu Yue looked up at Yu Nanyuan in confusion.


"I plan to go to the Poseidon Pavilion to practice today and cultivate the soul core in one fell swoop." Yu Nanyuan smiled lightly and reached out to caress Gu Yue's cheek.

"I can feel that the soul power vortex in my body has begun to transform into a solid soul core. Cultivating the soul core as early as possible will also be more conducive to my future development."

The essence of the soul power vortex is the constantly rotating and compressed soul power. This will certainly make the soul master's soul power foundation deeper, but on the contrary, it will also become extremely difficult to break through the bottleneck.

Because every time a bottleneck is broken through, the soul master's soul power must undergo a qualitative change.

Yu Nanyuan's body has already condensed a vortex of soul power on its own, and it has reached the point where it has become a solid soul core. If he wanted to make his soul power change qualitatively again, he could only try to attack the soul core.

He believed that as long as he successfully cultivated the soul core, he would immediately break through the fifty-level bottleneck. The journey of cultivation will become smoother in the future.

Yun Ming had known about Yu Nanyuan's situation for a long time. Yu Nanyuan's training to attack the soul core was actually arranged by Yun Ming.

"Yeah." Gu Yue nodded, seemingly not surprised by this.

However, Yu Nanyuan didn't like Gu Yue's cold attitude very much. He moved his face closer to Gu Yue and said with burning eyes.

"Aren't you worried about me at all?"

Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan calmly, and after a long time, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

"Don't worry, because I believe you will succeed."

"This is the answer I want to hear." Yu Nanyuan nodded with a smile on his face. After gaining Gu Yue's approval, he felt like he owned the whole world.

Feeling Yu Nanyuan's dependence on her, Gu Yue curled her lips duplicitously.

"Don't be so childish, okay?"

"I'm so naive to begin with, is this the first day you know?" Yu Nanyuan smiled and leaned towards Gu Yue, naturally burying his head in Gu Yue's chest.

Gu Yue's face turned red, and she discovered that Yu Nanyuan seemed to have a special preference for certain things. Ever since she indulged Yu Nanyuan, he became even more unrestrained.

But these were still within the range she could accept, provided of course that Yu Nanyuan didn't do anything more extreme.

After a while, Gu Yue thought of something and frowned slightly. The arms that hugged Yu Nanyuan's head subconsciously increased their strength.

Yu Nanyuan, who was immersed in inner peace, suddenly felt out of breath. He noticed something strange about Gu Yue and immediately raised his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" Gu Yue let go of her hands and replied expressionlessly.

Why are you jealous for no reason?

Yu Nanyuan knew Gu Yue too well, and Gu Yue would not hide her emotions when facing him.

Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan, her eyes darkening.

"Did you feel uncomfortable just now?"

"No." Yu Nanyuan's instinctive sense of crisis told him that he must not obey Gu Yue's words, and he quickly shook his head.

At the next moment, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and vaguely thought of something.

Although Gu Yue and Na'er are both half bodies of the Silver Dragon King, Na'er is the most perfect form and the original appearance of the Silver Dragon King.

No matter in appearance or figure, Na'er has the absolute upper hand, and even her temperament is not inferior to Gu Yue's. Especially in terms of figure, Na'er doesn't look like a girl of her age at all.

Yu Nanyuan almost blurted out: "You don't feel inferior to yourself anymore, do you?"

Gu Yue's cheeks suddenly turned red after being told the central issue, and she glared at Yu Nanyuan fiercely.

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