The core of Shrek City is undoubtedly Shrek Inner City, and the core of Shrek Inner City is naturally Shrek Academy.

Because only a very small number of people are allowed to enter and leave the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy and Poseidon Island at will, the most prosperous area in Shrek's inner city is the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Located in the center of Lingbing Square, it is surrounded by bustling business districts.

Although it is said to be a business district, it does not have the tall buildings and high-end shops with magnificent decorations found in other modern cities in the Sun and Moon Federation. There are many snack streets lined up, full of human fireworks.

Except when Shrek Academy is on vacation, the business at the snack street is extremely hot on weekdays. All kinds of food are good and cheap, and every time you take a few steps, a different aroma will come. There were quite a few Shrek Academy students who came over for the tooth ceremony in the evening.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was in a depressed mood, brought Gu Yue here today not because he wanted to eat, but mainly because he wanted to confide some of his worries to Gu Yue. After wandering around in boredom for a while, she took Gu Yue into the beverage shop she had visited with Yu Nanyuan last time.

Le Zhengyu had a dispute with Yuan En Yehui here last time, and then he boldly bought this beverage shop.

The Holy Angel Family has a lot of business in Shrek City, and this drink shop is just a drop in the bucket.

A young man like Le Zhengyu obviously has no time to interfere with the normal operation of this beverage shop. Everything in the beverage shop looks the same as before.

In the inner city of Shrek, where land is at a premium, this beverage shop is not large in scale, covering an area of ​​only about fifty square meters.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue ordered some drinks and desserts and found a quiet corner in the store to sit down. This location is right next to the window, and through the crystal glass you can clearly see the pedestrians coming and going on the street outside.

Gu Yue sat dignifiedly and leaned on the soft sofa. While listening to Xu Xiaoyan's talk, she casually tasted the desserts here.

Even a girl with an eccentric personality like Gu Yue seems to have an inexplicable preference for sweets.

Looking at Gu Yue's calm expression, Xu Xiaoyan pouted slightly.

"Sister Gu Yue, did you listen to what I said?"

"You tell me, I'm listening." Gu Yue smiled, then picked up the cup of black coffee in front of her and took a leisurely sip. There seemed to always be a hint of margin in every move she made.

Under Gu Yue's influence, Xu Xiaoyan calmed down a little.

Gu Yue showed the calmness of a bystander, which just proved that the relationship between him and Yu Nanyuan was just an ordinary friend.

From Gu Yue's perspective, such Xu Xiaoyan posed no threat to herself.

"Xiaoyan, actually you don't have to think so much. When Nanyuan comes back, you can just ask him directly."

"Yeah." Listening to Gu Yue's comfort, Xu Xiaoyan nodded vigorously.

At this moment, a pleasant voice came from outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window.

"Junior brother, let's go to this beverage shop for a drink and then go back, okay?"

As if she had some kind of stress reaction, Gu Yue suddenly looked sideways and slapped Na'er in the face.

Xu Xiaoyan also subconsciously followed Gu Yue's gaze and suddenly froze on the spot.

The stunning appearance and extraordinary temperament of the silver-haired girl in front of him were like a combination of her and Gu Yue, even more so. It is not the kind of cold and inhumane detachment and independence, but the flawless perfection that brings together the beauty of heaven and earth. Everything in the world seems to be eclipsed in front of her.

Although Xu Xiaoyan didn't know Na'er, he saw Yu Nanyuan next to Na'er.

At this time, Na'er was holding Yu Nanyuan's arm affectionately. She felt the eyes of Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, and she looked at Yu Nanyuan pretending to be confused.

"Junior brother, do you know them?"


Yu Nanyuan looked at Na'er seriously for a moment, the expression on his face became rich, and he nodded.

"Since we know each other, junior brother, let's go in and say hello to them." Na'er smiled sweetly, and there was nothing strange at all from the natural expression on her face.

Under the watchful eyes of Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er walked into the beverage shop and came to the table where the two girls were sitting.

Yu Nanyuan coughed lightly and took the lead in breaking the slightly weird atmosphere.

"Let me introduce you to him first."

"Hello, my name is Na'er. You should all be classmates of junior brother, right?" Na'er looked back and forth between Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue, and finally set her sights on Gu Yue, and introduced herself politely.

Feeling Gu Yue's deep eyes, Yu Nanyuan quickly added: "Na'er is my senior sister."

"Sit down." Gu Yue replied calmly with her eyes opening and closing.

It was just two short words, but it instantly took control of the initiative.

Xu Xiaoyan reacted and couldn't help but give Gu Yue a thumbs up secretly.

Fortunately, I brought Sister Gu Yue with me this time. If I was the only one, who knows what would happen?

As if confronting Gu Yue, Na'er took the initiative to sit next to Gu Yue, with a smile on her pretty face.

Yu Nanyuan could only sit next to Xu Xiaoyan, facing Na'er and Gu Yue. During this period, he inevitably suffered another look from Xu Xiaoyan.

Xu Xiaoyan felt that he was not relieved at all, and couldn't help but lightly kicked Yu Nanyuan's feet under the table, and said with a groan: "When did you get such a senior sister again? Why didn't you tell Gu and I?" Sister Yue, or are you just hiding it from us on purpose?"

Xu Xiaoyan subconsciously felt that adding Gu Yue's name would give her more confidence in questioning.

Qingmei defeated dog has lost hemp.

"You're right to say that. I did hide it from you on purpose. Na'er is the direct disciple of the contemporary Poseidon Pavilion Master of Shrek Academy. The reason why I don't tell you this is because I don't want to bring you more information in advance. Pressure." Yu Nanyuan explained calmly.

Xu Xiaoyan's problems were relatively easy to solve. What troubled him the most was the meeting between Na'er and Gu Yue.

"So, your teacher is also the current master of the Poseidon Pavilion?!" Xu Xiaoyan's focus was indeed guided by Yu Nanyuan, and his face turned pale.

Ever since she was admitted to Shrek Academy, she had felt tremendous pressure. Although her absolutely established starry sky soul skill has powerful control, her personal strength pales in comparison to that of Class 1, Grade 1.

Now that Yu Nanyuan has become a disciple of the contemporary Poseidon Pavilion Master of Shrek Academy, will she really be able to keep up with Yu Nanyuan in the future?

These changes in Xu Xiaoyan were seen by Na'er.

As expected, the only person who could pose a threat to her was Gu Yue.

Gu Yue stared at Yu Nanyuan expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Then why did you hide it from me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes invariably focused on Gu Yue. Even Na'er did not expect that Gu Yue's attitude would be so strong.

"Yes, then why did you hide it from Sister Gu Yue?"

Xu Xiaoyan was the first to react, and he sat upright in sudden realization, and continued to agree.

That’s right, you should question Nan Yuan now! Sister Gu Yue is helping me!

Yu Nanyuan first looked at Xu Xiaoyan in disbelief, and then met Gu Yue's gaze.

Just when he was about to say something, Na'er spoke first and questioned Gu Yue's soul.

"Um, I'm sorry. I want to ask, what is the relationship between you and your junior brother?"

Looking at Na'er's pure silver eyes, coupled with her puzzled and concerned expression, it was as if she was really meeting Gu Yue for the first time.

Being ridden in the face by Na'er like this, Gu Yue suddenly fell into silence and stared at Na'er with burning eyes. And in her silence, there seemed to be something suppressed that could explode at any time.

Xu Xiaoyan felt a sense of crisis instantly.

This seems to be the first time Sister Gu Yue has suffered a loss in front of others, right? This girl is pretty awesome!

When she faced Ye Xinglan in the Tianhai Alliance, Gu Yue was very domineering and never wanted to suffer even in words. Even when facing the Shrek Academy team, they responded without hesitation.

Yu Nanyuan was also watching the confrontation between Na'er and Gu Yue. He also wanted to know why Gu Yue had been unwilling to disclose their relationship in public, as if there were some unspeakable difficulties.

Although he appears to be perfect without any flaws in front of outsiders, he actually has his own vulnerabilities.

Noticing Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Gu Yue's eyes suddenly became a little flustered, no longer as calm and calm as before. Then she stood up and left without looking back.

"Sister Gu Yue!" Xu Xiaoyan quickly chased after her. Although she didn't know why Gu Yue was acting so abnormally today, as an unwavering alliance between them, she must always stand by Gu Yue's side.

Only Na'er, who is also half of the Silver Dragon King like Gu Yue, clearly knows what Gu Yue is thinking at this time.

Gu Yue is different from her. She shoulders the responsibility of reviving the soul beast and will most likely become hostile to the human world in the future. As a human being, Yu Nanyuan inherently has his own position.

When she first came into contact with Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue did have other purposes, but now she has already changed her original mind. She didn't want Yu Nanyuan to be involved in the issue of the stance between soul beasts and humans, and she didn't want them to lose the purity between them.

Not making their relationship public for the time being is the only way to take care of both sides.

It was precisely because Na'er knew Gu Yue's weakness that she could create such a situation with just one sentence. But looking at the loneliness deep in Yu Nanyuan's eyes, she felt a little regretful.

"Junior brother, are you okay?"

"Senior sister, I'm fine." Yu Nanyuan's face showed the same gentle smile as before.

"Let's go back."

On the way back to Poseidon Island, Na'er could clearly sense that Yu Nanyuan was not in high spirits.

She discovered that Gu Yue's position in Yu Nanyuan's heart was far beyond her imagination.

After the competition with Class 1 of the second grade, Yu Nanyuan's study life in Shrek Academy became peaceful again.

But this battle also made him completely famous in Shrek Academy. Not only the first-year, second-year, and third-year students, but almost all the students in higher grades knew him.

There is no doubt that Yu Nanyuan has become the well-deserved number one among the younger generation of Shrek Academy. The outside world's evaluation of him is also highly praised, and he is hailed as another genius after Yun Ming who is about to suppress an era.

While practicing and studying, Yu Nanyuan was also comprehending the mystery of the two arm soul bones.

Just as Yun Ming said, these two soul bones evolved on their own and broke through the 100,000-year shackles as soon as they completed the fusion with him.

Two arm soul bones with the same origin, although they only brought him one soul skill, they had various advantages.

Na'er's appearance seemed to be just an episode. Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue both tacitly agreed not to mention this incident, and their relationship remained as before.

The busy college life has reduced the interactions between everyone. Yu Nanyuan basically only spends time with Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan on weekdays, and returns to Poseidon Island to practice at night.

The person he had the most contact with this year, besides Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, was Na'er who lived on Poseidon Island.

During this time, he successfully made several pieces of battle armor for Gu Yue. At this rate, before the end of the second semester, Gu Yue may have a complete set of one-word battle armor, and it will also be a one-word battle armor made of spiritual alloy.

However, Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie did not make such fast progress.

They all have their shortcomings to a greater or lesser extent, and each of them focuses on different aspects of cultivation during this year.

Like Tang Wulin, his main focus is on improving his soul power. When he entered Shrek Academy a year ago, his soul power cultivation level was level 26. A year later, he finally broke through the bottleneck of level 30.

I don't know if it is because of the loss of the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline. Although Tang Wulin's soul, the Little Golden Light, has been upgraded to the thousand-year level, it is just a defective product after all. It has not evolved to a certain level through the Golden Dragon King's bloodline and cannot be given anymore. Tang Wulin's third soul ring.

Tang Wulin was preparing to go to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda to buy a second soul suitable for him during the holidays.

Xie Xie is diligently practicing the ghost shadow within the Tang Sect, and has received guidance from the Tang Sect's senior officials. His overall strength has also improved a lot.

As for Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi, they naturally focus on their martial soul fusion skill, Dark Eagle Dragon.

But among the first-grade class, they can only be ranked in the middle and upper reaches, and there is still a certain gap between them and Wu Siduo and other members of the young genius list.

Time passed like this day by day, and everyone's first semester at Shrek Academy was coming to an end soon.

Relying on the soul power vortex in his body and the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake's innate ability, Yu Nanyuan's soul power cultivation reached level 49 not long ago. And he is only fourteen years old now.

Shrek Academy outer courtyard, main teaching building.

In the spacious lecture theater, as get out of class was about to end, Wu Zhangkong explained the course schedule for the last week to the students in Grade One Class One.

The semester is coming to an end, and courses in various fields are also facing completion, and there will be some corresponding assessments.

Of course, the final final assessment is the key.

The sky outside the window today is gloomy, and in Shrek City in the depth of winter, the weather is gradually getting cooler. The cold wind whistling by was mixed with a bit of chill.

Being in a warm and comfortable classroom and watching the changes in the sky outside the window gives you a sense of warmth and happiness.

Yu Nanyuan supported his chin with his right hand, and gently touched Gu Yue's knee with his left hand under the table.

But Xu Xiaoyan on the side was at a loss and listened intently to Wu Zhangkong's speech.

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