The sparring ring is at the south end of the first floor of the main teaching building.

After passing through the corridor, there is a wide open-air circular area. The competition arena with a diameter of 100 meters is in the center of this circular area.

In terms of scale, this place is no different from a small square, enough to easily accommodate thousands of people.

Today's sparring session was very lively. Under the leadership of their respective class teachers, students from Class 1 of Grade 1 and Class 1 of Grade 2 arrived early.

The average age of students in Class 1 of the first grade is between 13 and 14 years old, while the average age of students in Class 1 of the second grade is between 15 and 17 years old.

There is only a maximum age limit for applying to Shrek Academy, but there is no minimum age requirement, which results in uneven age.

Although the second-year students are not much older than the first-year students, they have studied at Shrek Academy for three years and are obviously more calm.

On the other hand, the students in the first grade were much more active.

One month is not enough time for them to change the habits they formed before entering Shrek Academy. Almost everyone is very interested in this competition with Class 1 of the second grade. They are also the proud ones from all over the mainland. They want to know the strength of the outstanding students in the previous class.

This first-grade class is recognized as the strongest class in a century.

Although there is a certain age gap, in terms of soul power cultivation, the second grade class 1 may not have an advantage.

Yu Nanyuan stood at the front of Class 1, Grade 1, looking calmly at Yuan En Yehui opposite, who was disguised as a man.

Yuan En Yehui, disguised as a man, is thin and ordinary in appearance.

However, the students in Class 1, Grade 2, were very convinced of her. The slightest movement would calm down immediately as long as she looked over.

In contrast, the first grade class was a little noisy, with many people talking to each other.

Of course, this is because Yu Nanyuan never stopped it with words or actions from beginning to end.

In his view, class cohesion and credibility are not reflected through these.

Xu Xiaoyan was standing next to Gu Yue, her red lips pouting with a resentful look on her face.

"Sister Gu Yue, what on earth did you do yesterday? Nanyuan was so mysterious before that he didn't tell me. Do you still think I'm your friend?"

Listening to Xu Xiaoyan's words, in Gu Yue's eyes, Xu Xiaoyan's image became more and more harmless. There was a smile on her lips, her expression was as normal as she leaned into Xu Xiaoyan's ear and whispered something.

"So that's it?!" Xu Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly lit up, and the only trace of doubt in his heart dissipated.

"Sister Gu Yue, do you think Nanyuan has a high chance of success this time?"

"I don't know either." Gu Yue shook her head gently, but there was one sentence she did not say.

She believes that Yu Nanyuan will succeed.

Xu Xiaoyan was extremely envious, and felt like he was in a dream.

She had a lazy sleep yesterday, but Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were already moving towards their goal of being a Doukai master.

It's a pity that her ability in mecha design is limited. Even with Yu Nanyuan's help, it won't make much sense if she doesn't participate. It also has a huge impact on the subsequent fusion and promotion of Doukai.

Therefore, her current top priority is to improve her sub-professional abilities as soon as possible.

On the other side, under Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Yuan En Yehui's eyes flickered.

At this moment, a group of teachers filed in.

The person walking at the front turned out to be the stunningly beautiful Holy Spirit Douluo Yali. She has a slender figure, and every step she takes seems to have a special charm. Her long dark green hair is spread behind her, rippling slightly.

With a gentle smile on her face, Yali's eyes immediately fell on Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan and Yali looked at each other and instantly understood what their mistress meant, and they just nodded slightly.

Silver Moon Douluo Cai Yue'er and Red Dragon Douluo Zhuoshi, both elders of the Poseidon Pavilion, were both half a step behind Yali. This shows Yali's lofty status in Shrek Academy.

Behind these three are the four head teachers from Class 1 of the second grade and Class 1 of the first grade. Wu Changkong and Shen Yi were among them. Some professional teachers from two classes were also present, ready to observe the competition.

All the teachers came to the viewing platform to the north of the competition ring.

Silver Moon Douluo said loudly: "Get ready to start. Today's sparring match will be judged by myself and the Holy Spirit."

Your Majesty?

Yali's arrival had already caused a commotion, and all the students present were shocked when they heard what Mr. Cai called Yali.

The title "Mianxia" can only be used for titled Douluo. In other words, this beautiful woman is a powerful person at the Title Douluo level. His prestige in Shrek Academy is even higher than that of Mr. Cai.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Yali smiled slightly.

Just as Yali and Mr. Cai were talking, another fiery figure appeared at the entrance of the corridor.

It was a slovenly middle-aged man with long fiery red hair, and his whole body seemed to be carrying a scorching air current. He is not tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, but his shoulders are extremely broad. Those thick arms are even much thicker than the average adult's waist.

His fiery red beard made him look like a lion, and his voice was particularly loud.


The red-haired weirdo came to the podium in a flash, and then noticed the presence of Holy Spirit Douluo Yali. He finally restrained himself a little and rubbed his hands awkwardly.

"Yali, why are you here today?"

"I'll be the referee." Yali glanced at him.

"Crazy old man, why don't you go work on your iron and come here to join in the fun." Zhuo Shi rolled his eyes with disdain.

The red-haired weirdo is none other than Blazing Dragon Douluo Feng Wuyu, who has always been at odds with the troubled world.

Facing the troubled times, Feng Wuyu's attitude instantly changed 180 degrees.

"I still want to join in the fun, what can you do to me?"

As he spoke, Feng Wuyu sat carelessly beside Zhuo Shi, and pushed Zhuo Shi to the other side a few times.

Zhuo Shi did not want to be outdone and glared at Feng Wuyu.

"Feng Wuyu, I've tolerated you for a long time, why don't you get excited."

"I'm still excited. What, you're not convinced?" Feng Wuyu had a look of disdain on his face, revealing the shortcomings of troubled times.

"In front of Yali, you, an old guy like Zhuoshi, put it on first. Why do you, an old guy, like to pretend to be serious in front of others all day long? Are you hypocritical?"

"That's enough for you two." Yali frowned slightly.

Feng Wuyu and Zhuo Shi suddenly became quiet. Although they still refused to obey anyone, they all remained silent.

Silver Moon Douluo Cai Lao said in a helpless tone: "Don't affect the children's exchange game. Just be quiet while watching the game, or you should leave quickly."

After finally making Zhuo Shi feel defeated, Feng Wuyu felt extremely comfortable. He chuckled and asked Shen Yi behind him: "Little girl Shen Yi, I heard that there is a little guy in your class who is a level four blacksmith? "

"Yes, Mr. Feng." Shen Yi responded respectfully.

"His name is Tang Wulin, and he will represent the first grade class in the blacksmith competition."

"Crazy old man, I'm warning you not to pay attention to them. Since those little guys were taught by Changkong, they are all my disciples." Zhuo Shi finally understood the purpose of Feng Wuyu's coming.

"Disciple? You old guy is really putting money on your face. They haven't officially accepted your apprentice as their master, so you, the cheap master, couldn't wait to step forward."

Feng Wuyu laughed.

"Then the Pavilion Master's disciples should also call you Master? Then you have become the Pavilion Master's uncle? Does the Pavilion Master know about this?"

"Crazy old man, stop farting." Zhuo Shi now didn't care about his own image, and said angrily tit for tat.

"If you keep talking nonsense here, believe it or not, I'll beat you up in minutes until you can't take care of yourself."

"You can't do this a long time ago. Are you tired of pretending to be sanctimonious every day?" Feng Wuyu became even happier, dancing excitedly.

"But I'm not like you. I'm just here to watch the competition and give these little guys some pointers on the forging. If you come here to cause trouble, just listen to Yue'er and get out of here."

Holy Spirit Douluo turned his head and looked over with burning eyes, finally making the two of them calm down.

Hahaha, let you, an old guy, bully me every day.

Feng Wuyu's eyes were filled with pride.

But Zhuo Shi glared at Feng Wuyu fiercely.

At this time, two huge forging tables have been set up in the sparring ring.

Today's discussion between the two classes is comprehensive, starting with the sub-profession. Forge, design, make, repair. The last step is actual combat.

Mr. Cai made a gesture towards Shen Yidian.

Shen Yi stepped forward quickly.

"I am Shen Yi, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 1, and I will be the host of this competition. The judges will be His Majesty Silver Moon Douluo and Holy Spirit Douluo. After discussions between me and the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 2, The four sub-professional competitions will all be conducted in the form of propositions to save time. Now, please ask the squad leaders from both sides to send you students to participate in the forging competition."

In this competition, the squad leaders of both sides have absolute say.

Yu Nanyuan turned to look at Tang Wulin, who stepped onto the sparring ring without hesitation.

Tang Wulin's opponent was a boy who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old. He is of medium stature, with only one pair of particularly thick arms and particularly wide palms.

His body shape is somewhat similar to Feng Wuyu.

The young man had a very calm temperament. His eyes had been on the forging platform since he came on stage, and he did not pay attention to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin greeted the other party politely.

"Hello, senior, my name is Tang Wulin."

"He Xiaopeng, Class 1, Grade 2." The forging committee member from Class 1, Grade 2, then raised his head and nodded to him.

Shen Yi's voice sounded from the rostrum again.

"The first round is a forging competition. The topic is metal purification. Each of you will get a piece of titanium crystal for two quarters of an hour. Within the specified time, whoever purifies the titanium crystal better will get this Victory in a game. The winner can receive one thousand contribution points and credits. If a first-year student wins, an additional 30% reward will be added."

Although Yu Nanyuan has never been exposed to forging, his knowledge of rare metals is involved in both mecha design and mecha production.

After titanium crystal is purified, it has a very high affinity for almost all other rare metals.

After the titanium crystal is spiritually forged, it will be sublimated into titanium gold, which can be added to any spiritual alloy to increase the strength of the alloy.

It is a rare and excellent material for making battle armor.

Many students present knew how precious titanium crystal and titanium gold were, but they didn't know much about the forging process.

After all, there are only a few students who choose blacksmithing as a secondary profession. The second-year class 1 and the first-year class 1 combined have less than twenty blacksmiths. And these people are not yet at the level where they can touch forged titanium crystals.

Shen Yi continued to add: "The winner can take away your forged products, and the timer will start after the calcination is completed."

The eyes of Tang Wulin and He Xiaopeng became hot instantly. Just for this reward, it was worth their while.

Soon two titanium crystals were placed on the forging table in front of them.

The two pieces of titanium look like two irregularly shaped crystal stones, but there are many fine and messy gold threads inside. The key to forging titanium crystals is to sort out the gold wires inside. The better the overall gold wires, the higher the quality of the forged titanium crystals.

It is calcined and then beaten with a forging hammer to remove impurities.

Forging a piece of rare metal is mainly divided into these two stages.

In the competition arena, Tang Wulin and He Xiaopeng had already taken out their pieces of titanium crystal from the furnace and started forging it.

However, their styles are completely opposite.

The pair of forging hammers in Tang Wulin's hands hit the titanium crystal like a violent storm, giving people a feeling of lightness and speed, which was barely noticeable.

And every blow from He Xiaopeng was powerful and heavy, making a deafening roar.

Two contrasting knocking sounds continued to sound in the sparring arena.

Among all the blacksmiths present, only Feng Wuyu truly saw the secret of Tang Wulin's forging method. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, as if he had discovered some rare treasure.

"This kid..."

Zhuo Shi was more feeling the power of blood in Tang Wulin's body.

"It is indeed the aura of the top dragon bloodline, but his martial spirit is not a dragon martial spirit but a blue silver grass. It's really weird."

The two people who had their own thoughts rarely stopped fighting each other.

Two quarters of an hour later, two rays of light rose from the two titanium crystals of He Xiaopeng and Tang Wulin.

The light is bright and appears as a brilliant golden color. After a thousand forgings, the titanium crystal rises to a higher level.

However, the light rising from Tang Wulin's titanium crystal was three times higher than that of He Xiaopeng's Thousand Refinements Spirit.

There is no need to look at the forged product, the result is already clear.

This result was completely within Shen Yi's expectation, and he calmly announced: "The first forging competition is over, and Tang Wulin, the first grade class, wins."

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