Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 154 Designing Doukai for Gu Yue

In order to get a place in this competition with Class 1 of Grade 2, students from Class 1 of Grade 1 started a fierce competition within the next month.

Except for Yu Nanyuan and Wu Siduo, who were far above their peers, the remaining five, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Ye Xinglan, Xu Yucheng, and Yang Nianxia, ​​were all challenged.

The list of participants selected by Yu Nanyuan was basically the most powerful people in Class 1, Grade 1. There were no accidents, and all five people successfully kept their places in the competition.

Although Zheng Yiran was also ranked on the list of young geniuses, it was a pity that his overall strength was lacking and he ultimately lost to Yang Nianxia.

Another group that was likely to succeed in the challenge was Luo Guixing, but he was determined to find Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan.

After this challenge, Luo Guixing's mentality became unbalanced again and fell into deep self-doubt.

He was also in the third-ring soul master realm, and Gu Yue completely crushed him in all directions. There is also Xu Xiaoyan's starry sky soul skill which has absolutely established characteristics. It can be said that he has a unique talent to develop in the direction of a control soul master. In terms of future development potential, it is even far better than him.

Everything before was just his self-righteousness.

In Shrek Academy, where countless talented people gathered, his talent was far from the top.

As for challenges from others, there is no suspense about the outcome.

For example, Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi challenged Xu Yucheng one after another. Without martial soul fusion skills, their current personal strength would indeed be inferior to Xu Yucheng's.

Tang Wulin approached Yang Nianxia.

Although he caused Yang Nianxia to suffer a big loss with his treachery and disguise, he still regretfully lost in the end.

The power of the Blue Silver Grass Spirit and the Golden Dragon King's bloodline gave him the ability to be both an offensive and control spirit master, but his abilities in these two areas were not particularly outstanding.

After all, the quality and upper limit of the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is there, so it is difficult to pose a threat to Yang Nianxia. The blood of the Golden Dragon King can only give him the power to rival Yang Nianxia, ​​and the consumption is extremely huge.

Yang Nianxia relied on the defensive power of his Dark Golden Bear Martial Spirit to outstrip Tang Wulin and achieve the final victory.

For a soul master, the most important thing is to be able to judge the situation.

Yang Nianxia's nickname on the Young Genius List is Dark Bear, and he obviously has no shortage of abilities in this area. What he was best at was forbearance, and he was already on guard against Tang Wulin.

Through these challenges, the students in Grade One and Class One have a deeper understanding of each other's abilities.

In this intense study and cultivation life, a month goes by in a blink of an eye.

Yu Nanyuan's life has returned to peace.

I usually have classes in the morning, go to the Mecha Design Association with Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue in the afternoon to learn secondary professions, and return to Poseidon Island to practice in the evening.

Mecha production has very strict requirements for soul power cultivation, so Yu Nanyuan mainly focused on mecha design during this period.

It just so happened that he and Gu Yue could help Xu Xiaoyan improve his abilities in mecha design.

The three of them often gather in Yu Nanyuan's exclusive production room to study and discuss, and the atmosphere between them is extremely harmonious.

In order not to be eliminated by Shrek Academy, Xu Xiaoyan worked very hard during this period and devoted himself wholeheartedly to studying and practicing.

During this period, Yu Nanyuan personally helped Gu Yue design a set of one-word battle armor, and it was a one-word battle armor made of spiritual alloy. This will make it easier and more convenient to get promoted in the future.

As the direct disciple of Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu, the deputy master of the Spirit Pagoda, Gu Yue has never lacked these resources. She has enough capital to support the production of such a set of spiritual alloy one-word battle armor.

Of course, Gu Yue also participated in the design of her own battle armor, and she and Yu Nanyuan perfectly cooperated with each other to prove their understanding.

Xu Xiaoyan often feels that his existence is a bit redundant.

But seeing that Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were clearly discussing seriously, she didn't think much about it.

Today, the three of them gathered in Yu Nanyuan's production room as always.

This production room was assigned to Yu Nanyuan by the Shrek Academy Mecha Production Association. The entire production room is only about twenty square meters in area, but it has all kinds of equipment.

As time goes by, the night gets darker.

The soul guide lamp embedded in the silver ceiling lights up on its own, and the soft, warm-toned light illuminates this small room, forming a sharp contrast with the night outside the window.

Yu Nanyuan lowered his head and drew the intricate design drawings of the battle armor on the matte metal table. Gu Yue was sitting next to Yu Nanyuan, staring intently at the content on the drawings. Occasionally express your own opinions and doubts without interrupting Yu Nanyuan's thoughts.

Yu Nanyuan will give Gu Yue a detailed explanation later.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was sitting on the other side of the black metal table, suddenly felt out of place and couldn't help but pout his red lips.

"what the hell."

She really wanted to participate, but the crux of the problem was that she simply couldn't understand it. Listening to Yu Nanyuan's explanation, she looked even more confused.

Although Xu Xiaoyan has long been accustomed to this, she doesn't know why, but she always feels upset today. So much so that she had no intention of studying at all and put down the materials related to mecha design in her hands out of boredom.

Looking at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue opposite, Xu Xiaoyan's eyes were slightly lost in thought.

Gu Yue's appearance is not stunning, but she has a unique and elegant temperament. Her long black hair was tied into a neat high ponytail, revealing her snow-white jade neck. A few messy strands of hair on the back of her neck scattered a halo of mist under the illumination of the soul-guided light.

"Sister Gu Yue is really beautiful and has such a good temperament." Even Xu Xiaoyan, who is also a girl, was deeply attracted by Gu Yue's posture at this time and secretly praised her from the bottom of her heart.

Then her eyes moved to Yu Nanyuan.

When Yu Nanyuan is concentrating on one thing, his every move seems to reveal indescribable confidence. She has silver hair and golden eyes, and her flawless and exquisite face does not lack the perseverance that belongs to a young man, which is enough to make countless people of the same sex look ugly. For the opposite sex, that is absolute attraction.

Xu Xiaoyan's pretty face couldn't help but blush, and her cheeks felt hot. Only then did she realize that she was used to fighting with Yu Nanyuan, and this was the first time she had seriously looked at Yu Nanyuan at such a close distance.

But she soon became alert, her eyes looking back and forth strangely.

Why do Nan Yuan and Sister Gu Yue seem so inexplicably perfect together? !

While Xu Xiaoyan was concentrating on himself, Yu Nanyuan suddenly stopped what he was doing and rubbed his brows with his hands.

"I've always felt that something is missing. Let's take a rest for a while. It is indeed difficult to perfectly grasp the balance between the spiritual alloy and the core array that are the fusion of three rare metals."

"Yeah." Gu Yue nodded gently.

When the two of them raised their heads, they happened to see Xu Xiaoyan with a tangled expression across from them.

Yu Nanyuan said with a somewhat helpless tone: "If you really have nothing to do, go back and have a rest early. The competition with the second graders will start tomorrow."

"Do you think I'm redundant here?" Xu Xiaoyan snorted and rolled his eyes at Yu Nanyuan.

"I didn't say that."

Xu Xiaoyan ignored Yu Nanyuan and turned to look at Gu Yue.

"Sister Gu Yue, can you complete the design drawings of the Doukai today?"

"Now only the last headband is left, it should be almost completed." Gu Yue responded calmly, completely unaware of Xu Xiaoyan's thoughts.

Xu Xiaoyan looked at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue again and smiled capriciously.

"Then I'll go back to the dormitory first. Sister Gu Yue, you should come back early and rest."

After saying that, Xu Xiaoyan walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

I said that that kind of thing would definitely not happen, I must be overthinking it!

Yu Nanyuan felt confused, but he didn't think too much and focused his attention on the design of the table again.

"Gu Yue, do you have any different opinions on my design ideas?"

"Is it unnecessary to use a dual-core design idea to make a one-word battle armor using a spirit alloy that is a fusion of three rare metals?" Gu Yue hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his doubts.

“Not only do you need to consider more factors when designing, but it will also be very difficult for you to produce in the future.”

No matter what level of Doukai it is, there will be one part that becomes the core of the entire set of Doukai and plays a role in connecting the whole set. Normally, when a soul master designs his own battle armor, he will choose to use the chest armor as the core.

This is also the mainstream of Doukai today. After countless verifications by the ancestors of soul masters, this design can best bring out the power of a complete set of battle armor.

As the name suggests, the dual core is to add another core part to the original core part of the battle armor. The two cores form a double circuit. Doukai with dual cores has huge inherent advantages.

But it's also more difficult to design and make.

Only soul masters with Doukai levels above the Two-word Doukai and those with special needs would consider adopting this dual-core design.

"Since I am helping you design and make the battle armor, I naturally want the best." Facing Gu Yue's gaze, Yu Nanyuan smiled and shook his head.

"Okay." Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, and then a touching smile appeared on her face.

"Let's get started."

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand with a normal expression. Gu Yue was about to say something, but Yu Nanyuan had already started to explain seriously.

"The metal you chose is Kongyoujing. Kongyoujing itself is a fusion of three rare metals and has spatial attributes. Its characteristic is that it can accommodate thousands of elements and has a very high affinity for elements with various attributes. Speed. And your martial soul ability mainly relies on mental power to control various elemental energies, so the core magic circle on the headband that increases mental power is essential. Considering stability, the core magic that increases soul power can actually be appropriately reduced. Array. After all, it is a dual core, and the soul power amplifying array on the breastplate can completely make up for this shortcoming. Considering the connection between the headband and the breastplate, this is what I think..."

Gu Yue was fully involved in Yu Nanyuan's explanation.

Both of them seemed to have forgotten time.

There was silence in Shrek Academy, and the soul-guided lights of the production room where Yu Nanyuan was located continued until late at night.

At this time, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and completed the first draft of the headband design.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue looked at each other, both seeing the smile in each other's eyes.

Gu Yue stood up and stretched her body lazily, and her exquisite body curves were fully displayed in front of Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue's wrist with a smile and pulled her into his arms.

"We've been together for so long, why are you still like this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Gu Yue put a hand on Yu Nanyuan's chest in a slight panic, her pretty face was slightly red, and she still looked like she meant what she said.

Getting Gu Yue to stop being so harsh is probably the most difficult thing in the world.

At this time, Yu Nanyuan understood and stopped talking nonsense, and directly expressed his request with actions.

The shadows of the whirling trees were reflected outside the window, and the two figures inside the window slowly overlapped.

The tall trees in the main teaching building of Shrek Academy swayed in the wind, causing their shadows to shift slightly on the ground.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue walked in the corridor one after another, enjoying the tranquility and warmth when they were alone.

Gu Yue's hair tie was untied at some point, and the gentle night breeze blew in her face, causing her long, silky black hair to flutter.

Yu Nanyuan turned to look at Gu Yue, and happened to see this scene, which touched his heart.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Yue glanced at Yu Nanyuan slightly angrily, while arranging her hair.

Yu Nanyuan said frankly: "Look at you."

"I'm not pretty." Gu Yue pursed her red lips, as if thinking of something, she looked straight at Yu Nanyuan.

Facing Gu Yue's soul questioning, Yu Nanyuan just stepped forward with a gentle smile and hugged Gu Yue gently.

"But I just like looking at you."

"This is what you said." Gu Yue's mouth curved slightly, but her tone became deeper.

Yu Nanyuan keenly sensed the change in Gu Yue's tone and quickly changed the topic. His intuition told him that he could not continue like this.

"If I ask you to forge the Sky Nether Crystal in the Spirit Transferring Tower tonight, finalize it, and purify it for the second time, will there still be enough time?"

"Do you want to compete in tomorrow's competition..." Gu Yue instantly understood Yu Nanyuan's thoughts.

Yu Nanyuan nodded and smiled lightly.

"After all, I have to give it a try. Tomorrow's sparring match just has this opportunity."

"There shouldn't be any problem with the timing. There is a dedicated blacksmith at the Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters." Gu Yue took out his soul communication device and prepared to dial the soul communication number of his teacher Tianfeng Douluo.

"Then I'll go there first."

"I'll go with you." Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand.

However, Gu Yue's expression was a little unnatural, but she did not reject Yu Nanyuan.

While talking, the two of them had arrived at Lingbing Square outside the main teaching building.

Not long after, a black soul car drove over from a distance.

When getting in the car, Gu Yue couldn't help but remind Yu Nanyuan in shame and anger.

"Don't move. My teacher will personally wait for us at the Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters."

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