The two rising bright golden lights gradually converged, and two titanium crystals that had completed the first stage of Thousand Forgings were clearly displayed in everyone's sight.

The overall volume of the titanium crystal in front of He Xiaopeng has shrunk by nearly 20%, and the originally messy golden threads inside have been aggregated into a flat gold piece. Even after the process of Thousand Refining and Spirit Ascension is over, there is still a soft golden light that continues to shine from the inside, which looks extremely magical.

A very good quality Qiandian Yipin.

Titanium crystal has always been one of the most difficult rare metals to forge.

This is definitely the pinnacle of He Xiaopeng's promotion to the fourth level blacksmith.

The titanium crystal in front of Tang Wulin turned into a round sphere. The golden thread inside disappeared and was replaced by a small golden ball.

The overall look is like a golden ball made of golden threads wrapped in crystal. This technique obviously surpasses He Xiaopeng's gold thread plate.

Seeing this scene, He Xiaopeng clenched his fists with a solemn expression and remained silent.

The gap is really too big.

Class 1 of the second grade lost the first forging competition. Although it was a bit incredible, the students in the class did not react much.

He Xiaopeng's performance was perfect enough, but Tang Wulin's ability in forging was even better.

Only a handful of people who know the inside story of the forging industry know about Tang Wulin's demon-like forging talent.

For example, Le Zhengyu, who was born in the Holy Angel family. There is a saint craftsman in his family.

Having been exposed to it since childhood, he knew exactly what such a young talented blacksmith meant.

The muscles at the corners of Le Zhengyu's mouth couldn't help but twitch a little.

"What's going on with this freshmen class?"

Others present may not know much about the forging industry, but they can also see Tang Wulin's obvious forging ability. They all looked at Tang Wulin with eager eyes.

After all, everyone's future goal is to become a battle armor master, and maybe they will be useful in the future.

But Tang Wulin himself looked like a money-crazed man, and he quickly put the forged spherical titanium crystal into his storage soul guide, as if he was afraid that Shrek Academy would regret it.

Feng Wuyu's face darkened on the rostrum, and he blew his beard and glared angrily.

Tang Wulin's talent in forging was undeniable, but he just lacked a sense of grandeur.

This is the influence of the environment in which one grew up since childhood.

However, Feng Wuyu was not the kind of person who sticks to trivial matters. He decided to find Tang Wulin after this sparring match and accept Tang Wulin as his disciple.

With his eyesight, he couldn't see that Tang Wulin still had some energy left during forging just now, and his foundation was extremely profound.

In other words, Tang Wulin was at least a level four peak blacksmith. If the soul power cultivation level is enough, you may even try spiritual training.

"Do you have anything to say about his forging?" Red Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi couldn't help but ask Feng Wuyu beside him. Although he is a strong man of the generation, he knows nothing about forging. He only thinks that Tang Wulin's final forged product is very interesting to watch.

"It can barely catch the eye."

Feng Wuyu's heart moved, and then he didn't know what he thought of, so he pretended not to care and rolled his eyes.

"Even if I have some skills, can a layman like you understand what I say?"

Zhuo Shi surprisingly did not refute, and nodded thoughtfully. In his opinion, it is very rare for Feng Wuyu to give such an evaluation.

It seems that this little guy does have some talent in forging.

Tang Wulin returned to the first graders' side, arousing cheers.

Winning the first grade class in the first game is an honor that belongs to the entire class.

"Wulin, I finally understand why Teacher Wu directly appointed you as the forging committee member of our class." Yang Nianxia smiled heartily.

"Based on your forging level, I'm afraid it's almost reaching the level of spiritual forging. You deserve to be the forging committee member of our class."

In the face of absolute talent and ability, Yang Nianxia chose to bow his head without hesitation.

After witnessing today's forging competition with his own eyes, he knew that he would never be able to compete with Tang Wulin in forging.

"It was just a fluke."

Tang Wulin smiled and nodded to Yang Nianxia and everyone, and then came to Xu Lizhi's side.

"Li Zhi, bring me some steamed buns quickly."

"I don't have to participate in the next competition anyway. You can eat as much as you like." Xu Lizhi chuckled and immediately made several large meat buns and handed them over.

Tang Wulin began to eat in a very shameless way. To complete a thousand exercises of this level, his consumption was definitely not small.

The soul power can be restored by itself, but the consumption of energy and blood needs to be made up by eating.

It is extremely convenient to have a food-based soul master like Xu Lizhi by your side.

Ye Xinglan frowned slightly and glanced at Tang Wulin dissatisfied. But her eyes soon fell on Yu Nanyuan again.

Although Tang Wulin was handsome, his impression in the eyes of many female students was not very good.

The fundamental reason is that his talent and strength are not too outstanding, and he doesn't care about his image at all, especially when eating. What's more, there is such a sharp contrast as Yu Nanyuan.

"Second session of exchange, mecha design. Please invite representatives from both sides to come to the stage."

Yu Nanyuan walked towards the sparring with calm eyes. The moment he made a move, the entire first grade class became quiet.

It seemed that no matter where he was, he would instantly become the center of attention.

Class 1, Grade 2, came on stage with a girl who looked about the same age as He Xiaopeng.

The girl is tall, sweet-looking, and beautiful. Compared to the first-year female students, she already possesses the charm of an adult woman. Sixteen or seventeen years old is the age when girls are most youthful and energetic.

The previous forging table has not been removed, and the flat and smooth table can be used as a design table.

Drawings and corresponding design tools are already ready.

The girl smiled slightly at Yu Nanyuan, reserved but not impolite.

"Hello, I am Bai Hanying from Class 1, Grade 2. Please give me some advice."

"Grade 1, Class 1, Yu Nanyuan." Yu Nanyuan also responded with a gentle smile.

Shen Yi promptly announced the rules of the competition.

"Mecha design, the competition is about the rationality of the design and the amplification effect. Within two quarters of an hour, you have to draw the Doukai design you think is the most suitable. In view of the time limit, you only need to select the Doukai. Design any independent part of the design. You can use the design drawings you have completed before. After the competition, the final winner will be selected by the Silver Moon Crown and the Holy Spirit Crown."

Design battle armor?

Basically no one in the first grade class who had entered Shrek Academy for just over a month had ever been exposed to the design and production of battle armor.

The students in Class 1 of the second grade were not surprised. Because according to the learning progress of Shrek Academy, normally you need to start trying to make your own battle armor in the second grade.

"Start." Following Shen Yi's low shout, Yu Nanyuan and Bai Hanying, who were sitting in front of the forging table, began to draw the designs in their minds at the same time.

It is simply impossible to complete the design of a battle armor part within two quarters of an hour. This competition will test the two's background in mecha design.

From a bright point of view, Bai Hanying, who has already tried the Doukai design, obviously has an advantage.

However, to everyone's surprise, Yu Nanyuan's drawing speed on the drawings with the help of various tools was much faster than Bai Hanying.

The mecha design competition was not enjoyable to watch at all. Students from Class 1 of the second grade and Class 1 of the first grade could only see Yu Nanyuan and Bai Hanying writing and drawing on the table.

But everyone didn't feel boring at all. After all, looking at the opposite sex with outstanding appearance is also a pleasing thing. Of course, people with abnormal orientations are not included.

The male students paid attention to Bai Hanying, while the female students looked at Yu Nanyuan. Occasionally someone would laugh and talk in a low voice.

Two quarters of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Yu Nanyuan and Bai Hanying stopped writing one after another, and the two drawings they drew were also sent to the rostrum.

Mr. Cai took the two drawings, first handed Yu Nanyuan's drawing to Yali, and then he looked at Bai Hanying's design.

Bai Hanying's design was indeed remarkable. Mr. Cai nodded slightly.

But just when she was about to exchange drawings with Yali, she noticed something strange about Yali.

She subconsciously followed Yali's gaze to the drawing drawn by Yu Nanyuan, and her eyes suddenly froze.

After a while, Yali put down the drawing in her hand, raised her head and met Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

Mr. Cai whispered to Yali for a few words, then stood up slowly and said in a deep voice.

"Bai Hanying's design is a design for the hand armor of a one-word battle armor, targeting twin martial arts. The various theories are perfectly applied, but the overall design is not perfect enough. Yu Nanyuan's design is for the headband of the one-word battle armor. Focusing on spiritual alloys, a dual-core design idea was adopted. The design was very comprehensive and highly practical. In this competition, Yu Nanyuan, Class 1, Grade 1, won."

Hearing this, the whole place fell into silence.

The largest number of students choose mecha design as a sub-career, and the two sub-careers of mecha production and mecha repair are also closely related to mecha design. Almost everyone present knew the significance of Yu Nanyuan's design.

There are two types of battle armor on the head, one is a helmet that balances abilities in all aspects, and the other is a headband that focuses on increasing abilities in certain aspects.

But no matter what kind of head armor it is, it is the most difficult to design and produce.

As for spiritual alloy, it is usually only used when making two-word battle armor. The use of spiritual alloy as the material for the one-word battle armor means that the more complex characteristics of spiritual alloy need to be taken into consideration when designing, which is obviously difficult.

Not to mention the dual-core design idea. The design idea for the core part of the battle armor was originally derived from the soul cores of soul masters in ancient times. Dual cores are equivalent to dual soul cores.

Of course, the design and production of dual-core battle armor is far from comparable to the difficulty of condensing dual soul cores for soul masters in ancient times. This is just an analogy.

However, the dual-core design has always been synonymous with top-level battle armor, and even many two-word battle armor may not adopt this design. Because it takes too much time and energy to design and produce, and if a soul master wants to fuse this kind of battle armor, the requirements for physical and mental strength are also very demanding.

Le Zhengyu originally thought that Tang Wulin's sub-professional ability was abnormal enough, but he didn't expect that Yu Nanyuan was even more heavyweight.

Combined with the talent and strength that Yu Nanyuan showed before, even with his vision, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"This class of freshmen is really incredible..."

The performance of other students in Class 1 of the first grade and Class 1 of the second grade was not much better than that of Le Zhengyu, even Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Xie Xie and Tang Wulin who were familiar with Yu Nanyuan.

Even Bai Hanying, who was in the sparring arena, looked sideways at Yu Nanyuan, her eyes widening involuntarily.

Only Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue showed no signs of surprise from beginning to end.

Gu Yue stared at Yu Nanyuan quietly, with a faint smile on her face.

Xu Xiaoyan looked even more proud and stuck out his tongue at Yu Nanyuan coquettishly.


Only she and Gu Yue knew these things, which showed how special they were to Yu Nanyuan. This gave her a sense of superiority. Moreover, Yu Nanyuan stole the show in front of everyone, and as a childhood sweetheart, she felt honored.

After two consecutive exchanges and discussions, the first grade team had the absolute advantage.

Naturally, the first graders cheered again, much louder than when Tang Wulin won before. It can be seen that Yu Nanyuan is very popular in Class 1 of the first grade.

In comparison, Class 1, Grade 2, was a bit lifeless.

Yuan En Yehui turned around with an ugly expression, and the tall Le Zhengyu showed what he thought was a perfect smile and walked out of the second grade class one students.

Le Zhengyu knew that Yuan En Yehui didn't like him very much, but he liked to see Yuan En Yehui making compromises for the sake of the overall situation.

In fact, he is not the only level 4 mecha builder in Class 1 of the second grade. However, when the mecha manufacturing levels are similar, the advantages of martial soul quality, soul power cultivation, and own background are reflected.

Among all the sub-professions, mecha builders pay the most attention to the soul master's own martial soul cultivation talent.

Some soul masters with powerful weapon spirits can even imbue themselves with some characteristics of the spirit during the process of engraving the core array. This is also the fundamental reason for the gradual decline of modern carving knives.

Le Zhengyu stepped onto the competition ring with his head held high and took a deep breath with emotion. After studying in Shrek Academy for a month, he was finally given a chance to show his abilities in front of others.

He has never been a peaceful person. When he first entered school, he challenged Yuan En Yehui, who was the monitor, but Yuan En Yehui never paid attention to him.

It didn't take long for the expression on Le Zhengyu's face to become stiff. Looking at Yu Nanyuan who was still sitting on the edge of the forging platform, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't tell me that you are also the one representing the first grade in the mecha manufacturing competition."

"Sorry, you guessed it right." Yu Nanyuan smiled lightly.

Before Le Zhengyu could say anything else, Shen Yi's voice sounded again.

"Mecha manufacturing, the test is the completion and practicality of the battle armor. Same as the previous mecha design, you need to make any part of the battle armor and select it from the design drawings you have seen before. In view of the peculiarity that the battle armor production will fail if interrupted midway, there is no time limit for this competition."

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