Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 153 Ye Xinglan’s transformation (4k)

Before the end of get out of class, students from class one of the first grade who were willing to participate in this exchange activity had completed their registration with Wu Zhangkong.

To everyone's surprise, Wu Zhangkong directly handed the list to Yu Nanyuan.

"As the squad leader, Yu Nanyuan will lead the team to participate in this match against Class 1 of the second grade. He will also decide on the selection of the other six members for the seven-on-seven team battle."

After announcing these, Wu Zhangkong turned around and walked out of the classroom.

It is in line with Shrek Academy's consistent teaching style. I never interfere too much in the internal affairs of students. If there are problems, I can only solve them by myself.

The eyes of everyone in the room were focused on Yu Nanyuan, making him instantly the target of public criticism.

But because he had shown enough strength in that melee, no one raised any questions.

This is the deterrent effect brought by absolute strength.

Ye Xinglan, who had been studying in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy since he was a child, saw the deeper meaning.

While giving Yu Nanyuan rights, it was also a test for him.

This shows how much Shrek Academy attaches great importance to Yu Nanyuan.

Luo Guixing seemed to have returned to his previous calmness and calmness, but he lacked the high-spiritedness he had when he first entered Shrek Academy. He looked much calmer.

A very important part of Shrek Academy's admissions assessment is the test of character.

Students who can successfully enter Shrek Academy will not have any flaws in their character.

Although Luo Guixing was deeply frustrated in the melee a few days ago, he would not give up on himself because of it. Since your skills are inferior to others, you should recognize yourself more clearly and redouble your efforts to catch up.

Otherwise, the gap between him and Yu Nanyuan will only grow wider.

Furthermore, it was easier to accept losing to Yu Nanyuan, who was far more talented and powerful than him.

Luo Guixing broke the silence in the class with a smile.

"Squad leader, what do you say?"

Yu Nanyuan glanced at Luo Guixing first, and then faced everyone with a gentle smile.

"Since we are selecting the strongest team from the class to compete with the second grade class, strength is the priority. Besides me, the other six participating places are tentatively designated as Gu Yue, Wu Siduo, Xu Xiaoyan, Ye Xinglan, and Xu Yucheng And Yang Nianxia."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions on everyone's faces changed.

Only the three girls, Gu Yue, Wu Siduo and Ye Xinglan, behaved calmer.

Xu Yucheng and Yang Nianxia looked stunned, obviously not expecting Yu Nanyuan to include them in the six participating places.

On the other hand, Luo Guixing, who was ranked higher than them on the young genius list, was not even mentioned by Yu Nanyuan from beginning to end. Combined with Luo Guixing's speech just now, many people in the class had strange expressions on their faces.

The expression on Luo Guixing's face became much stiffer, and the muscles on his face were slightly twitched.

When he spoke before, he was confident that he could be the master soul master in the team. But the reality was that there was a huge discrepancy with what he had expected, putting him in such an embarrassing situation.

He even suspected that Yu Nanyuan was targeting him.

"Why?" Luo Guixing's deep voice sounded, staring at Yu Nanyuan with burning eyes.

"Because I will be the master soul master in this team. If you are not convinced, you can challenge me at any time."

Unlike Luo Guixing's unbalanced mentality, Yu Nanyuan's emotions in his eyes were calm from beginning to end, and he responded with an undiminished smile on his face.

"This also applies to all of you. If you want a place in the competition, let your strength speak for itself. Before the start of the competition with Class 1 of the second grade, all seven of you, including me, can challenge. The winning side Take the spot.”

"But there is one thing I need to declare. Xiaoyan is a pure control soul master. If you challenge her, you can find another person to form a team to challenge her and Gu Yue."

Luo Guixing finally fell silent and said nothing more.

Forming a team to challenge Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue was exactly what he wanted.

Yu Nanyuan's words also caused many people in the class to focus on Yang Nianxia, ​​Xu Yucheng and others.

Such rules are fair enough and theoretically everyone has a chance.

Xu Yucheng stared back without giving in, his eyes flashing with coldness.

With his character, he certainly would not give up this spot.

But the expression on Yang Nianxia's face was a little subtle. He squinted his eyes and said angrily: "The squad leader is really good at it."

"What method?" Zheng Yiran, with an angry face, stood not far from Yang Nianxia, ​​looking at Yu Nanyuan with eyes filled with resentment.

Since exchanging soul guide communication numbers with Yu Nanyuan, she has contacted Yu Nanyuan several times, but Yu Nanyuan has rarely responded. Now that she was not chosen, she felt somewhat emotional due to the pride in her heart.

Yang Nianxia scratched his head honestly.

"Don't you think that the squad leader has unknowingly divided us? I'm afraid Xu Yu Chengkong and I have become the targets of many people. Don't you and Luo Guixing have this idea?"

"With Yu Nanyuan's talent and strength, do you still need to use this method?" Zheng Yiran curled her lips disdainfully.

"How come you, a grown man, are so petty all the time? You are always calculating and scheming. No wonder you are so weak. If you put those thoughts into practice, you might be able to withstand a move in Yu Nanyuan's hands."

Zheng Yiran came from a big family and had long seen Yang Nianxia's disguise. At this time, he was even more merciless and sarcastic.

Yang Nianxia simply stopped pretending and smiled.

"I remember my ranking on the young genius list is at least a few spots higher than yours."

"Then give it a try, I want to see how strong you are?" Zheng Yiran sneered, with a coldness in her green eyes, as if she was choosing someone to devour.

During this short conversation, Yang Nianxia ushered in the first challenger.

But all this was part of his plan. He originally wanted to provoke Zheng Yiran.

Defeating Zheng Yiran, who is also a member of the Young Genius List, is the best deterrent, and it can also save him some things. Moreover, his martial spirit itself is very resistant to poison.

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie knew that Yu Nanyuan's arrangement was for the sake of fairness, so they had no dissatisfaction.

At this stage, their personal strength does still have some shortcomings. If you want a place in the competition, you should fight for it with your strength.

Although there is free time from afternoon to evening, every student will not slack off.

In Shrek Academy, if you don't work hard, there is a possibility of being eliminated.

Learn sub-professions, practice soul power, exercise your body, etc. Everyone has their own arrangements and plans.

As for students who want to challenge, the challenger needs to find Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi as notaries first, and then set a time when both parties are free.

Gu Yue did not go to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters this afternoon. Instead, she and Xu Xiaoyan prepared to go to the Mecha Design Association to learn a secondary profession.

With Gu Yue here, Xu Xiaoyan didn't feel any pressure from being challenged.

She held Gu Yue's arm intimately and said to Yu Nanyuan with a smile: "Nanyuan, are you still going to the Mecha Production Association today?"

"You guys go ahead. I have something else to do. I'll go there later." Yu Nanyuan said as he walked straight to Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi on the walkway outside the classroom.

"Come with me."

Xu Lizhi felt happy, knowing that Yu Nanyuan's call to stop them this time must be related to his request yesterday. He really couldn't bear to watch Ye Xinglan continue like this.

The expressionless Ye Xinglan raised his head subconsciously, and a little light finally appeared in his eyes. She pursed her lips slightly, and then followed Yu Nanyuan.

Xu Lizhi happily fell at the back and followed.

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan stopped and stared at the direction where Yu Nanyuan and the others disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie also came over.

Xie Xie, who had been depressed for a long time, seemed to be unable to contain his restless heart.

"What's going on? That Ye Xinglan followed Nan Yuan, why is Li Zhi still so happy?"

As both disciples of the Tang Sect, Xie Xie no longer calls Xu Lizhi "fatty" anymore.

"Why does he look like a classic suffering master?" Zhang Yangzi chuckled strangely.

Xie Xie looked at Zhang Yangzi with ambiguous eyes. He wanted to laugh but pretended to be serious and denied it: "No, Nanyuan must have something to do with them."

Tang Wulin couldn't help but ask: "What is a suffering master?"

Even Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan looked over in confusion.

Under Gu Yue's gaze, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie felt their whole bodies tremble and did not dare to utter any more words.

"It's nothing, we're just talking nonsense."

Everyone dispersed in a hurry and went about their business.

This can be regarded as an episode in their intense cultivation life.

What no one noticed was that Wu Siduo was also paying attention to the situation here when she left.

On the other side, Yu Nanyuan took Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi to the adaptive training area of ​​Shrek Academy. Various mimicry training areas suitable for the training of specific soul masters are here.

Yu Nanyuan said to the staff: "The exclusive training place for astrological martial spirits, the outer star field."

"Everyone contributes one hour per hundred, how many of you are there?" the staff asked.

The exclusive training ground can be entered by multiple soul masters at the same time.

Ye Xinglan probably guessed Yu Nanyuan's purpose, so he took out his student card and handed it to the staff.

"Two people, hang up student cards."

Judging from the performance of Yu Nanyuan and Ye Xinglan, it is obvious that this is not their first time here. The staff said nothing more and handed a black metal number plate to Ye Xinglan.

Ye Xinglan, who was busy trying to verify his thoughts, quickly walked into the metal passage in front. This passage is surrounded by metal, even the door.

Xu Lizhi, who had been ignored, had a slightly bitter smile on his face, but he was sincerely happy for Ye Xinglan.

Seeing Xu Lizhi's performance, the staff's eyes became even weirder.

Passing through the metal door of Room 10 is like entering another world.

Looking around, there is a vast and deep starry sky. Stars hung high, blooming with bright and soft golden starlight. The ground turned into a desolate area without any animals, plants, or even life.

The ground is rugged, rugged, and irregular, like the surface of a meteorite in the universe.

Yu Nanyuan looked around thoughtfully. This exclusive training place seemed to involve the application of the power of space.

And Ye Xinglan had already turned around and faced him not far away.

"Use your strongest sword intent." Yu Nanyuan calmed down and looked at Ye Xinglan with a calm face.

Ye Xinglan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and there seemed to be a bright star shining deep in her eyes.

With a flash of light, the bright yellow Star God Sword appeared in her right hand. There are countless stars shining on the sword, like a microcosm of the star field outside the sky.

Ye Xinglan's eyes condensed, and the Star God Sword in his hand suddenly shone brightly, with awe-inspiring sword intent.

Immediately afterwards, she shouted loudly, and her sword intent surged into the sky. The terrifying sword intent was mixed with dots of starlight and was extremely sublimated.

Ye Xinglan's entire body turned into brilliant gold, and a star in the starry sky seemed to be pulled by her martial spirit and sword intent, falling from the sky like a shooting star.

The golden light on this star became stronger and stronger, and the dazzling light contained endless light, and the starry sky seemed to be stagnant for a moment.

Yu Nanyuan slowly raised his right hand, and the Phantom Spear quietly formed.

Facing this massive falling star, he just stabbed it out with a careless shot.

From Ye Xinglan's perspective, Yu Nanyuan's figure instantly became taller, making it insurmountable. And the phantom divine spear in his hand transformed into countless forms, and then reunited into one, turning into a shocking spear light that penetrated the star that descended from the sky.

At this moment, the stars began to collapse from the inside and quietly disappeared into nothingness. It seemed that everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

Yu Nanyuan and Ye Xinglan looked at each other from a distance and said in a calm tone: "The gun spirit is the perception of the gun, and the gun soul is the perception of oneself. The gun god abandons everything but one gun. Use yourself as the gun, focus on the only thing, Only when you forget life and death, emotions, and everything else in the world can you find the charm of your own spear. The same is true for the way of swordsmanship. They all lead to the same goal through different paths. Your understanding of the sword's intention is not yet complete, and forcibly touching the realm of the sword soul is destined to be in vain. .”

These are Yun Ming's teachings to Yu Nanyuan.

Only genius knows genius best. When Yun Ming taught him for the first time, he explained to him the realm and insights after the Spear Intent.

This is not to be too ambitious, but to allow him to confirm each other and walk his own path.

Ye Xinglan's delicate body trembled slightly, finally knowing the key, and the paranoia in her heart dissipated a lot. She looked at Yu Nanyuan with a complicated expression, her face no longer as cold and indifferent as before.

"Why did you still help me when that kind of thing happened?"

"What happened back then has long since passed, and you are the only one who is still struggling. If you still insist on treating me as your target, that is also your freedom." Before Ye Xinglan could say anything else, Yu Nanyuan had already walked out of this exclusive room. training room,

Seeing Yu Nanyuan coming out, Xu Lizhi hurriedly greeted him.

"Monitor, how is Sister Xinglan?"

"I've done everything I can, and the rest can only be looked at by herself." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly, and then walked in the direction of the Mecha Manufacturing Association.

Not long after, Ye Xinglan also came out.

She seemed to be much more relaxed and her steps were brisk, which was quite obviously different from before. The warm sunshine of early spring shines on Ye Xinglan's cheeks and golden hair, making her feel like she's from another world.

"Sister Xinglan seems to have really changed?" Xu Lizhi rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Although he didn't know what Yu Nanyuan did to Ye Xinglan, his heart was full of gratitude at this time.

I went to the hospital for a checkup today and luckily there was nothing major. In February, I will make up for what I owed before, and I really won’t dare to stay up late in the future.

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