All darkness and light disappeared, and the sky became clear again.

The soft golden sunshine poured in, and Yu Nanyuan, who was tall and tall, was bathed in it. His long silver hair was blowing in the wind, and there was no sadness or joy in his clear golden eyes. Standing quietly on the chain across the sky, his whole person has an aura of transcendence.

Le Zhengyu has always been quite confident in his appearance and temperament, but he can't help but feel a little shabby in front of Yu Nanyuan.

How can this guy pretend better than me?

The corners of Le Zhengyu's mouth twitched slightly, this was his first thought at this time.

The key is that Yu Nanyuan looks calm and calm from beginning to end. He is also a saint in front of others, but Yu Nanyuan is much fresher and more refined than him.

Le Zhengyu was not much older than Yu Nanyuan. Due to his youthful nature, he was actually a little unhappy.

Not only because Yu Nanyuan's limelight completely overshadowed him, but also because Yu Nanyuan prevented him from taking action against Yuanen Yehui.

However, the terrifying talent displayed by Yu Nanyuan made Le Zhengyu calm down.

After he was admitted to Shrek Academy, he returned to his family's secret place for seclusion. He did not return to the academy until his martial soul was completely awakened and his angel was formed. It took three years, so he started directly from the second grade.

Yu Nanyuan was clearly wearing the uniform of Shrek Academy, and he looked clearly younger than him.

I just returned to my family and stayed in seclusion for three years. Why did Shrek Academy have such a freak?

The Four-Ring Soul Sect with four thousand-year soul rings is enough to shock even Shrek Academy.

Yuanen Yehui looked at Yu Nanyuan with twinkling eyes, with an unnatural expression on his face.

She knew very well that Yu Nanyuan had long known the secret of her disguise as a man. What she was worried about was whether Yu Nanyuan would reveal her secret to her face.

When using the Titan Giant Ape martial spirit, the changes in his body were too exaggerated. As a girl, she is bound to attract strange looks.

Therefore, Yuanen Yehui always presented himself as a male in Shrek Academy.

"What's going on?" A majestic voice spread throughout the street, and a figure descended from the sky.

It was a middle-aged man with a calm aura, and seven soul rings shone on his body.

The person who came was none other than Shrek City's law enforcer, and every law enforcer was at least a two-word armor master.

If the middle-aged man had not recognized Yu Nanyuan and Le Zhengyu, he would have released his two-word battle armor and forced them to the ground.

As Yu Nanyuan is a direct disciple of Yun Ming, this matter is not a secret in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Le Zhengyu, on the other hand, comes from an angel family, so even Shrek Academy must pay certain attention to him.

The middle-aged man was suspended in the air, slightly restrained his aura, and his eyes fell on Yu Nanyuan.

"They were fighting in Shrek City, and I just stopped them." Yu Nanyuan said calmly.

Of course, when he took action just now, there were also some personal grudges mixed into it. Being interrupted at a critical moment will definitely make you feel a little resentful.

The middle-aged man nodded, and then looked at Le Zhengyu and Yuanen Yehui.

A look of surprise appeared in Le Zhengyu's eyes.

The law enforcers in Shrek City are all from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. They are a group of inhumane guys. If you didn't directly suppress him with your breath before, you were already giving face to the Angel family behind him.

But the law enforcer in front of him had an obviously different attitude towards Yu Nanyuan.

Le Zhengyu did not dare to neglect and responded quickly: "Dear Law Enforcer, I am Le Zhengyu from the Angel Family, and I am also a student of Class 1 of the second grade of the outer college. As we all know, the probability of a fallen angel being an evil soul master is close to 100%. That’s why I took action to capture her and bring her back to the family for trial.”

Listening to Le Zhengyu's words, Yuanen Yehui acted very calmly. Compared to Le Zhengyu, she was more concerned about Yu Nanyuan's attitude towards this matter.

Seeing that Yu Nanyuan didn't express anything, she breathed a sigh of relief and held up a card to the law enforcer in front of her.

"Dear law enforcer, I am a working student at the college. My identity has been verified by the college. I am not an evil soul master."

The law enforcer used his soul power to suck Yuan En Yehui's card into his hand. After checking it carefully, he said calmly to Le Zhengyu: "Her identity can be confirmed. She is indeed a working student of the college. There is no evil spirit. Master's possibility. Since you are dealing with the evil soul master, I won't punish you this time. If there is a next time, you will be punished for both crimes. Okay, let's all disperse."

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man's figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

The card flew in the direction of Yuan En Yehui, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

Yuanen Yehui took the card steadily and left here in a slight panic without provoking Le Zhengyu.

Facing Yu Nanyuan, who knew her secret, she simply could not maintain a normal mind.

"How could a fallen angel not be an evil soul master?!"

Le Zhengyu snorted in dissatisfaction, withdrew his martial spirit and landed on the street below. Obviously not willing to let it go.

But with the warning from Shrek City's law enforcers, he didn't catch up after all.

Yu Nanyuan also landed opposite Le Zhengyu, just in time to see the black soul-guided car Gu Yue was riding in slowly leaving the street, and couldn't help but sigh in sadness.


Le Zhengyu's expression changed for a while, and then he began to look at Yu Nanyuan again.

"Master, stop making trouble." A well-dressed middle-aged man quickly came to Le Zhengyu's side and reminded him.

"The relationship between this young man and Shrek Academy should be extraordinary."

"I know."

Le Zhengyu nodded in response, and then strode towards Yu Nanyuan. From this, we can see that he comes from a big family and has a good temper. After calming down, he can at least control his emotions.

Le Zhengyu smiled slightly at Yu Nanyuan

"My name is Le Zhengyu, what do you call me?"

"Yu Nanyuan."

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and responded politely.

Although he was interrupted by Le Zhengyu before, causing him to miss the opportunity to have close contact with Gu Yue. But with his structure, he wouldn't do anything to Le Zhengyu because of this matter.

Le Zhengyu narrowed his eyes slightly and recalled in his mind some ancient families with long heritage on the mainland. However, no matter in terms of Yu Nanyuan's martial soul characteristics or his surname, no other large family of soul masters with profound background can match him.

After a while, Le Zhengyu suddenly asked Yu Nanyuan: "Do you think that girl just now looks like an evil soul master?"

"Then what do you think an evil soul master is?" Yu Nanyuan glanced at Le Zhengyu inexplicably.

"Purely judging from the attributes of the martial soul?"

After saying this, Yu Nanyuan turned around and left, leaving only Le Zhengyu who looked slightly stunned.

Before heading to Poseidon Island, Yu Nanyuan stopped by the dormitory assigned to him in the outer courtyard. This is the first time he has been here since the beginning of school.

The dormitory building where students from the outer college live is also in the main teaching building.

First-year, second-year, and third-year students live in the same dormitory building.

The dormitory environment in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy can only be said to be quite satisfactory, with two people sharing a dormitory.

The area of ​​the dormitory is about thirty square meters, with a bed and a table. In addition, there are two wooden cabinets for storing clothes and a sofa placed horizontally near the balcony.

Although the dormitory space is not particularly large, it is clean and tidy and has good lighting.

Yu Nanyuan unlocked the door of his dormitory with his student card and was stunned.

A big white fat man is sitting on the sofa practicing. It's none other than Xu Lizhi

His whole body seemed to have sunk into the sofa, and he looked at Yu Nanyuan in astonishment.

Yu Nanyuan spoke first, breaking the strange atmosphere.

"Xu Lizhi, do you live here too?"

"Uh, yes." Xu Lizhi scratched his head honestly, but looked at Yu Nanyuan with a somewhat complicated look.

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