Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 151 Xu Lizhi’s humble request (4k)

Chapter 151 Xu Lizhi’s humble request (4k)

Although Xu Lizhi entered Shrek Academy at a very young age, he was far less crazy than Ye Xinglan back then.

The first person in his mind was not Shrek Academy, but Ye Xinglan.

He was actually able to look at the conflict between Class 0 of Donghai Academy and Team Shrek three years ago relatively rationally.

However, with Xu Lizhi's character, he would definitely not point out Ye Xinglan's problem.

All this was because of his humble feelings for Ye Xinglan that were deep in his bones.

Xu Lizhi knew that he would never be worthy of Ye Xinglan, and he had never asked for this. As long as he could stand and look at Ye Xinglan from a distance, he would be satisfied.

As he grew older, he gradually understood many things and saw the changes in Ye Xinglan over the years.

Ye Xinglan has been pursuing Yu Nanyuan as a target. It seems that in her world, apart from the sword, there is only Yu Nanyuan whom she regards as her obsession. And with her paranoia, these are bound to not be easy to let go.

But Xu Lizhi at least hoped that Yu Nanyuan's attitude towards Ye Xinglan could be a little gentler, so that Ye Xinglan would not feel such despair and pain again and again.

These are his true thoughts from the heart and are not mixed with anything else. For Ye Xinglan, he could suppress all his emotions.

If challenging Yu Nanyuan can make Ye Xinglan feel satisfied and happy, then he will only silently support Ye Xinglan from the sidelines. If there was another conflict between Yu Nanyuan and Ye Xinglan, he would not hesitate to stand in front of Ye Xinglan.

Fully fulfilled the duties of a loyal dog.

Yu Nanyuan walked into the dormitory, and Xu Lizhi stood up from the sofa awkwardly, standing aside and smiling awkwardly.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Xu Lizhi strangely.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Except for the eavesdropping at the door and the moral kidnapping in his past life memories, Xu Lizhi gave him a rather naive impression. Only when it comes to matters involving Ye Xinglan will he become irrational.

Although his different experiences from childhood to adulthood prevented him from empathizing with Xu Lizhi, he could not say that he had much ill feelings towards Xu Lizhi.

"No, it's nothing." Xu Lizhi opened his mouth hesitantly.

Perhaps deep down in his heart, he still had the last glimmer of hope. Subconsciously, he didn't want the relationship between Yu Nanyuan and Ye Xinglan to ease.

Realizing this, Xu Lizhi couldn't help but feel ashamed.

When he was a child, Ye Xinglan had protected him countless times, but now he had such thoughts because of his own selfishness.

Yu Nanyuan frowned slightly, seeing the confusion in Xu Lizhi's heart.

After a moment of silence in the dormitory, Xu Lizhi took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

"Squad leader, can you agree to my request?"

"Tell me about it." Yu Nanyuan looked at the hope in Xu Lizhi's eyes and nodded with feeling.

Xu Lizhi paused for a moment, then sighed softly: "I know that the fault of that incident was Sister Xinglan, but Sister Xinglan's nature is not like this. She is kind and gentle, but she is not good at words. I am food I am a soul master, and I left home early to study at the academy. It was inevitable that I would be bullied by my classmates when I was a child. Sister Xinglan was always by my side to protect me, she was like my patron saint. That time she was also because she cared about me. , that’s why I had those extreme words. I apologize to you on behalf of Sister Xinglan, and I can do whatever you ask me to do.”

"Can you be gentler to Sister Xinglan?" At this point, Xu Lizhi's face was full of hope and confusion.

"I know my request is presumptuous, but I really can't bear to see Sister Xinglan destroying herself like that again. Since she lost to you that time, she has started practicing self-abuse, squeezing and forcing herself desperately. Yesterday's After that melee, she got even worse and closed herself off as soon as get out of class was over. I'm afraid that if she continues like this, she'll crush herself."

Xu Lizhi wanted to solve the problem at its root, while Ye Xinglan's obsession was naturally Yu Nanyuan. If Yu Nanyuan hadn't come forward, things like this would definitely continue to happen endlessly.

"What happened back then has long since passed, and I have never targeted her. The key to the matter is not this, it is her own difficulty." Yu Nanyuan shook his head gently.

"But it's not like I can't help you."

Xu Lizhi's small eyes instantly showed a look of joy, and he nodded repeatedly, the fat on his face trembling.

"thanks, thanks!"

"You don't need to thank me. After all, we are all classmates in the same class. There is no need to make the relationship so tense." Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly and looked at Xu Lizhi calmly.

As former students of Shrek Academy's inner courtyard, Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi's potential is undoubted.

Yu Nanyuan knew very well the college's senior management's intention of arranging them to the first grade class of the outer college in advance.

This class of freshmen is indeed the most outstanding class of Shrek Academy in the past century, and they are preparing for the future.

"Li Zhi, are you in the dormitory? Just in time, come here with some big meat buns. I will eat up all your soul power today!" A familiar voice sounded from the corridor outside the dormitory, and Tang Wulin walked quickly and furiously. Came in.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan, Tang Wulin was stunned.

"Nanyuan, did you go back to the dormitory today?"

"Stop by and take a look." Yu Nanyuan responded casually.

"Oh." Tang Wulin didn't pay much attention and urged Xu Lizhi excitedly again.

"Kasaichi, hurry up. I've just made the pair of metal hammers you want for you. Come and reward me with some big meat bags."

"Okay, no problem. Roubao will definitely take care of enough." Xu Lizhi was also in a good mood at this time. After he realized what he was doing, he muttered the soul curse quickly in a low voice.

"I have a big meat bun, I have a big meat bun, I have a big meat bun..."

Xu Lizhi was in charge of making the meat buns, while Tang Wulin was in charge of eating them. Even Xu Lizhi couldn't make meat buns as fast as Tang Wulin could eat them.

Tang Wulin's heart is now filled with a sense of happiness. This is the benefit of having a food-type soul master by his side. There was still some time before dinner, and if Xu Lizhi hadn't been there, he would have been hungry until then.

If you ask him to eat out, he will definitely be reluctant to part with the money.

After finally taking a breath, Xu Lizhi also smiled and handed Yu Nanyuan a big meat bun.

"Monitor, would you like to try it too? My big meat buns are quite effective."

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan did not refuse, casually took the meat bun and took a bite.

The meat filling is rich, the soup is rich and steaming. After a few mouthfuls, a warmth immediately spread throughout the body. Xu Lizhi’s big meat buns are indeed unique.

While Tang Wulin was enjoying his meal, he looked at Yu Nanyuan and Xu Lizhi doubtfully.

"When did the relationship between you become so good?"

"Haha." Xu Lizhi just smiled honestly and said nothing.

He didn't want too many people to know about Ye Xinglan, and Yu Nanyuan also helped him keep the secret tacitly. Through this incident, the relationship between them seems to have become closer.

"Fat man, give us some steamed buns." Xie Xie, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi, who lived in the dormitories on both sides of the house, appeared at the door of the dormitory at some unknown time, obviously aware of the movement here.


Xu Lizhi originally wanted to ease the relationship with everyone, so he accepted everyone who came.

Wang Jinxi, the last one to come in, did not forget to close the door.

After personally experiencing the effects of Xu Lizhi's martial arts, Zhang Yangzi couldn't help but said with a look of surprise: "When did the effects of food-based martial arts become so good?

He had just been honing his third soul skill, Shadow Clone, in the dormitory, so the feeling at this time was even more profound. He only felt that his soul power and physical strength were recovering rapidly, and the increase effect was quite astonishing.

"It should be that his martial spirit is extraordinary."

Wang Jinxi also looked deeply at Xu Lizhi.

As expected of Shrek Academy, nothing is simple. The talent of Xu Lizhi, a food-type soul master, is probably not lower than any of them.

Tang Wulin smiled and said: "Of course. Li Zhi is a food-type soul master with innate soul power that is rare in a century. He has been a disciple of Shrek Academy's inner court for a long time."

A food-type soul master with innate soul power? !

The expressions of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi changed again.

Food-based martial arts are recognized as the most difficult type of martial arts to cultivate. In the history of the soul master world, the only food-based soul master with innate soul power was Oscar, the God of Cookery Douluo, who achieved the status of a god 20,000 years ago.

Xu Lizhi's talent was even more exaggerated than they imagined.

"Would you like some more steamed buns?" Xu Lizhi smiled shyly, but showed great enthusiasm.

Zhang Yangzi patted Xu Lizhi on the shoulder carelessly.

"Fat man, that's right. You know how to get things done. You don't need to be restrained. My brothers are not unreasonable people. They know that the incident back then has nothing to do with you."

On the day they ran for class cadres, Zhang Yangzi and others recognized Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan. It was just because of the unhappiness back then that we didn't take the initiative to communicate.

Everyone is young at heart and can easily play together.

Xie Xie, who has a free-spirited nature, changed his usual style today. He remained silent for a long time and then spoke with surprising words.

"Wulin, I want to join the Tang Sect."

In the past few days after arriving at Shrek Academy, Xie Xie thought a lot.

He is not a true twin martial soul, nor does he have the martial soul fusion skills like Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi. Even Xu Xiaoyan's absolutely established starlight soul skill has an advantage over him. Not to mention Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

He wants to truly establish himself in Shrek Academy, but what he is now is far from enough.

Surrounded by geniuses, his strong sense of crisis has made him worry about gains and losses these days.

After witnessing the rise of Tang Wulin and the Tang Sect's unique skills used by Wu Zhangkong, Xie Xie felt that this should be the right choice for him at the moment.

Hearing Xie Xie's words, Tang Wulin first felt surprised, and then came to Xie Xie with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Then I will take you to find the dance teacher now. The Tang Sect headquarters is inside Shrek, not far from the academy."

"Yeah." Xie Xie nodded. Now that the decision has been made, there is nothing to hesitate about.

"I will also go to the Tang Sect headquarters with you." Xu Lizhi chuckled.

"It's just in time to test out the pair of mecha metal hammers you built for me, Wulin."

"Then let's go together!"

Tang Wulin, Xu Lizhi, and Xie Xie left here impatiently, and only Yu Nanyuan, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi were left in the dormitory.

Yu Nanyuan came to sit on the sofa, leaning against the sun with his back, and raised his head to look at Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi with a gentle smile.

"Yangzi, Jinxi, and Xie Xie have chosen to join the Tang Sect. What are your plans?"

"Jin Xi and I have relatively relaxed families. I guess we can't stand that kind of restriction." Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi looked at each other first, and then smiled freely.

"If you want to improve your strength, you don't necessarily have to rely on those. After all, the foundation of a soul master is always the martial soul. As long as you can understand the true meaning of your own martial soul, you can also become a top powerhouse. And just the method of distraction control, I have arrived I haven’t fully understood it yet.”

Through family connections, Zhang Yangzi found a method that suited him a long time ago. It is this distraction control.

Twenty thousand years ago, distraction control was the unique secret skill of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Even in modern times, it is difficult to obtain the complete practice method of this method.

The reason why Zhang Yangzi is able to control his third soul skill, Shadow Clone, is because of this distraction control.

Unlike Xie Xie's confusion, he has clearly found his own cultivation direction.

"Yangzi is right, one's own martial soul is the foundation." Wang Jinxi agreed in a low voice.

The improvement of his soul power cultivation gave him a deeper understanding of his own martial soul's abilities.

The Bone Dragon King Martial Spirit is already a top-notch beast Martial Spirit, not inferior to the True Dragon Martial Spirit. It is enough to focus on developing the ability of your own martial soul.

After all, Yu Nanyuan in front of them is the best example. Furthermore, they still need to allocate time to improve the abilities of their sub-professionals.

The secondary profession Zhang Yangzi chose was mecha manufacturing, and he currently has a level close to level three. The secondary profession Wang Jinxi chose was mecha repair, and he is now a second-level mecha repairer.

Facts have proven that being strong does not necessarily mean you are good at forging.

Wang Jinxi's first secondary occupation was blacksmithing, but he soon discovered that he really had no talent for blacksmithing, and finally decided to switch to mecha repair. In the early stages of training, mecha repair is a relatively easy profession.

In this slightly serious atmosphere, Zhang Yangzi suddenly laughed evilly.

"By the way, Nanyuan. What exactly do you think, Gu Yue and Xiaoyan."

"Whatever you think, let nature take its course." Yu Nanyuan replied calmly.

Zhang Yangzi continued to gossip.

"I heard that Zheng Yiran also asked for your soul guide number, and that Wu Siduo looked at you a little wrong. Didn't you notice that?"


The three of them parted after a small chat. Time in Shrek Academy is still quite tight.

Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi went to the Mecha Manufacturing Association and Mecha Repair Association to learn sub-vocations first, while Yu Nanyuan came downstairs to the girls' dormitory, preparing to eat in the cafeteria with Xu Xiaoyan.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue were in a dormitory. Gu Yue usually only came back from Spirit Transferring Pagoda at night, and Xu Xiaoyan had always eaten alone before.

When he walked out of the main entrance of the dormitory building and saw Yu Nanyuan waiting here, Xu Xiaoyan jumped forward quickly, his joy was beyond words.

"Why do you have time to come and have dinner with me today when you are so busy?"

"If you don't appreciate it, then I'll leave." Yu Nanyuan glanced at Xu Xiaoyan with a smile, and pretended to turn around and leave.

Xu Xiaoyan quickly followed Yu Nanyuan and snorted angrily.

"I'm a girl, can't you just comfort me?"

"You are a child, why do you still need to coax him?" Yu Nanyuan said helplessly.

Xu Xiaoyan smiled and counted his fingers seriously.

"Yes, this year I only have..."

"Don't follow me, I'm embarrassed."

Before Xu Xiaoyan could finish speaking, Yu Nanyuan quickened his pace and left Xu Xiaoyan behind.

Xu Xiaoyan chased after him, letting out bursts of clear laughter like silver bells.

At this moment, the two seemed to have returned to their carefree days as children.

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