Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 149 Suppressing the Twin Angels (4k)

On the mainland, the Mecha Masters Association is a well-deserved top association. It covers a wide range of levels and can almost meet the needs of most soul masters.

Whether it's customizing, repairing, or maintaining mechas, or selling various soul guides and the like.

However, within Shrek Academy, the Mecha Masters Association has the most embarrassing position. Because the students who come here all have the goal of becoming a Doukai master.

In contrast, the carefully divided Mecha Design Association, Mecha Manufacturing Association, and Mecha Repair Association are more popular.

Although these three major associations are also involved in mecha affairs, they mainly specialize in battle armor.

Mo Jue explained the situation of the Shrek Academy Mecha Manufacturing Association to Yu Nanyuan in detail.

Mo Jue didn't have any bad feelings towards Yu Nanyuan, who had defeated her before. He took the initiative to contact Yu Nanyuan with the intention of making friends.

With the terrifying talent Yu Nanyuan showed back then, his future prospects are bound to be limitless.

Making friends with such people in advance and expressing your goodwill is obviously a matter of great benefit and no harm.

Moreover, within the last one or two years, she will be able to complete the training of the one-word battle armor and pass the examination to enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. Maybe he will continue to deal with Yu Nanyuan in the inner court in the future.

This is the kind of courage that the younger generation of elite soul masters should have, instead of all kinds of jealousy and unreasonable hostility.

During the conversation, Mo Jue led Yu Nanyuan to an instrument next to the counter.

"The rules of our Shrek Mecha Design Association are similar to those on the mainland. The more advanced a mecha designer is, the greater the authority he has and the better treatment he enjoys. Do you have a mecha designer badge? I'll help Please register."

As soon as Mo Jue finished speaking, she saw Yu Nanyuan take out a badge that was very familiar to her from the storage soul guide.

The background color of this badge is white, and the unique pattern of the Mecha Design Association is engraved on it. Five purple stars are dotted on it, which is bright, elegant and noble. Under the illumination of the soul guide light, it has a transparent texture.

It is a badge that symbolizes the identity of a fifth-level manufacturing master.

The badge styles of all major sub-occupations are unified, but the patterns on the badge background will be different. For example, the pattern on the blacksmith's professional badge is a forging hammer, and the pattern on the mecha designer's professional badge is a complex soul guidance array.

Level 5 mecha manufacturing master?

Mo Jue subconsciously took the badge from Yu Nanyuan's hand and put it into the instrument.

Information about Yu Nanyuan immediately appeared on the soul guidance screen of the instrument, with his photo next to it.

Professional badges cannot be faked.

Mo Jue couldn't help but glance at Yu Nanyuan one more time, but quickly calmed down his emotions, and quickly started operating the soul guidance screen with his fingertips.

She is only a fifth-level mecha manufacturing master now, and she is well aware of how amazing Yu Nanyuan's talent in mecha design is.

Mecha manufacturing not only requires constant hands-on practice, practice makes perfect, but also requires sufficient understanding. The difficulty of advancement in mecha manufacturing is actually no lower than that of forging. It's just that the emphasis of the two is different.

But when this happened to Yu Nanyuan, everything seemed so reasonable.

Mo Jue handed the badge back to Yu Nanyuan.

"I have completed the registration for you. In the future, you can directly receive tasks here through the professional badge. Next, let me talk about the benefits. As a fifth-level mecha manufacturing master, you can get an exclusive manufacturing room with specifications. It's about twenty square meters. If you complete three tasks that meet the professional level every month, you can also get two thousand contribution points as salary. That's probably the main thing."

"Okay, I remember everything." Yu Nanyuan smiled and nodded.

Mo Jue looked at Yu Nanyuan with a playful smile, and asked curiously: "There is a big contrast between your appearance now and when you came to the academy to challenge half a year ago."

"Senior Mo, do you think it's possible that you guys have misunderstood me? I've always been so approachable." Yu Nanyuan responded while selecting tasks on the soul guide screen.

The main purpose of his visit to the Mecha Manufacturing Association this time was to take on a few missions to practice his skills. Before making your own battle armor, you still need to hone your abilities in mecha manufacturing.

It is best to be promoted to level six mecha builder. In this way, you can be more confident when making the two-word battle armor.

The corners of Mo Jue's mouth raised slightly, his interest in Yu Nanyuan became more and more intense, and his eyes sparkled.

"Before the end of this semester, I should be able to complete the training of the one-word battle armor. If there is a chance, let's compete again."

"No problem." Yu Nanyuan looked sideways at Mo Jue's burning gaze and responded with a chuckle.

Among his peers, no one can keep up with him. He also wanted to know how far he could go against a real one-word combat armor master.

Just as Yu Nanyuan and Mo Jue were talking, crisp footsteps suddenly sounded in the hall of the Mecha Manufacturing Association.

Gu Yue didn't know when she appeared here, walking towards Yu Nanyuan and Mo Jue with an expressionless face. There was no wave in those black eyes, showing no emotion at all, but there seemed to be an invisible aura lingering around her body.

Seeing this scene, Mo Jue suddenly understood and nodded to Gu Yue generously.

"In that case, I won't stay here to disturb you."

Gu Yue and Mo Jue staggered over to Yu Nanyuan's side, still remaining silent, as if waiting for Yu Nanyuan to say something first.

Yu Nanyuan calmly accepted a few tasks on the soul guide screen, and then turned to look at Gu Yue.

"She is a third-year senior. She just took me to get acquainted with the situation here."

"Yeah." Gu Yue was very satisfied with Yu Nanyuan's attitude and would take the initiative to explain, which meant that he cared about her thoughts and feelings.

She actually knew that there was nothing between Yu Nanyuan and Mo Jue, but she felt very uncomfortable when she saw them laughing and talking with their backs to her.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Gu Yue and slowly stepped forward with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan, who was approaching her, and couldn't help but feel a little panicked. Because it would remind her of those close encounters with Yu Nanyuan.

Looking at each other for a moment, Yu Nanyuan suddenly smiled.

"It's nothing, I just think you're cute when you're jealous. Why do you always keep a cold face? Isn't this nice?"

"I don't!"

Gu Yue turned her head away sternly, turned around and was about to leave.

Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue's wrist and said with a smile: "Let's go together, my affairs have been taken care of."

Gu Yue's pretty face turned red, and she felt a mixture of shame and annoyance in her heart, but in the end she did not break away from Yu Nanyuan's hand.

"Can't you be more honest?" Yu Nanyuan's tone was helpless.

Gu Yue pursed her lips tightly and ignored Yu Nanyuan, but in fact she had already acquiesced.

On the way out of the main teaching building, feeling the slightly dull atmosphere, Yu Nanyuan casually changed the topic.

"I'll go to the Spirit Pagoda headquarters this afternoon."

"Yes." Gu Yue returned to her usual calm demeanor.

Yu Nanyuan laughed and shook his head, but did not say anything to irritate Gu Yue.

I have to say that sometimes it is quite interesting to tease Gu Yue like this.

But he mainly wanted Gu Yue to relax a little and stop tensing his nerves all the time.

After walking out of the main teaching building, the two walked through Lingbing Square and came to the street.

A luxurious black soul car has been waiting here. Standing in front of this soul-guiding car was the middle-aged man Yu Nanyuan had seen last time.

The middle-aged man abided by his duties as an exclusive driver and opened the car door for Gu Yue respectfully without paying too much attention to Yu Nanyuan.


Yu Nanyuan followed Gu Yue and got into the back seat of the soul guide car again. Their faces were close to each other, and they were only an inch apart.

Gu Yue's face turned red again, but in this relatively private space, she did not react as strongly as before. There seemed to be some strange emotion in the panic and shyness.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You are not honest, you must be severely punished." Yu Nanyuan looked directly at Gu Yue, with a smile on his face.

"How dare you!" Gu Yue snorted, her voice obviously getting softer. Her eyes flickered a little, and later she instinctively closed her eyes.

At this moment, a strong wave of soul power swept over from the street not far away.

A bright golden light suddenly shone and then rose into the sky, illuminating a space hundreds of meters in radius extremely brightly.

The same was true for the back row of the originally dim soul car. Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue both saw each other's faces clearly, and all the atmosphere that had been brewing before was suddenly swept away.

Gu Yue shyly turned her head away, avoiding Yu Nanyuan's extremely aggressive gaze.

Outside the car window, a tall young man was seen floating in the air. The whole body is filled with golden light and filled with sacred aura.

As three purple soul rings rose from his feet, a pair of flawless white wings also unfolded from his back. Coupled with the young man's handsome appearance, it greatly increased his sense of sanctity.

The boy's eyes were pure gold, but the pupils were a strange dark gold, and his short golden hair was combed meticulously. He was not wearing the Shrek Academy uniform, but a white dress.

From these distinctive features, Yu Nanyuan recognized the boy's identity at a glance.

Le Zhengyu comes from the Angel family.

The person confronting Le Zhengyu was Yuan En Yehui, who revealed his true appearance.

A pair of black wings also grew behind Yuanen Yehui, and the space behind her turned completely dark and twisted slightly.

With black wings and short dark red hair, her beautiful face has a slightly enchanting brilliance.

The second soul ring beside him shone, and Le Zhengyu raised his hand, and the bright golden holy sword appeared out of the sky. The extremely rich aura of light fell from the sky, suppressing Jiyuan En Yehui and leaving him nowhere to hide.

"I think I saw it right. It is indeed a fallen angel." Le Zhengyu smiled and looked down at Yuan En Ye Hui. The white angel wings behind him flapped, completely dispelling the darkness around Yuan En Ye Hui.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect that there would be a fallen angel soul master in Shrek City."

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?!"

Yuanen Yehui stared at Le Zhengyu with a cold face, and the wings behind her lifted her body into the air. Two circles of purple soul rings rose under her feet, and among these two purple soul rings, another purple soul ring actually separated.

As the three purple soul rings were beating, the aura on Yuanen Yehui's body also began to rise rapidly.

Faced with Le Zhengyu's aggressiveness, Yuanen Yehui naturally couldn't just sit back and wait for death. At least she had to protect herself until Shrek City's law enforcers arrived.

The second soul ring was also shining, but what appeared in Yuanen Yehui's hand was a purple-black magic sword, which was in sharp contrast to Le Zhengyu's bright holy sword.

The thick dark energy and the rich light aura were clearly distinct, causing quite a commotion in Shrek's inner city.

"Have you hidden your cultivation?"

Le Zhengyu's eyes immediately became wary, and then he snorted again.

"Even so, you don't have any chance. Just surrender and follow me back to face trial."

Le Zhengyu swayed, and like an arrow, he rushed straight in the direction of Yuan En Yehui. The bright holy sword in his hand swung out a shocking golden sword light, falling from the sky, as if it was a judgment on the fallen angel.

Yuan En Yehui didn't mean to be cowardly at all. The purple-black long sword brought out the purple-black sword light and faced Le Zhengyu brazenly. There seemed to be countless cries of ghosts and wolf howls, and the surrounding space infected by darkness became sticky and muddy.

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, a mysterious silver chain appeared.

Yu Nanyuan appeared quietly between Yuan En Yehui and Le Zhengyu. The phantom divine spear condensed and appeared in the control of his right hand, wrapped around his waist and swept across with a single shot. The extremely sharp silver spear light instantly shattered the sword light of Yuan En Yehui and Le Zhengyu.

At the same time, the tip and handle of the Phantom Gun accurately blocked Le Zhengyu's bright holy sword and Yuan En Yehui's dark magic sword.


Two deafening roars overlapped, and a violent storm of soul power rippled with Yu Nanyuan's body as the center.

Yu Nanyuan stood elegantly on the Void Chain, while Le Zhengyu and Yuan En Yehui were both forced back.

The pair of wings behind the two people waved quickly, and then they withstood the soul power storm and barely stabilized their bodies in the air.

All the eyes of Le Zhengyu, Yuan En Yehui, and even the pedestrians on the street below were focused on Yu Nanyuan.

black! black! black! black!

Four circles of ten thousand-year soul rings as black as ink were suspended around Yu Nanyuan, giving the space a stagnant feeling.

Yuanen Yehui's delicate body trembled slightly, and Le Zhengyu's pupils suddenly shrank, staring at Yu Nanyuan.

Four ten thousand year soul rings? !

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