In the first class of freshmen, out of the one hundred and six students in the class, only eight chose blacksmithing as a secondary profession.

In addition, the number of students who choose the three sub-professions of mecha design, mecha manufacturing, and mecha repair is relatively balanced.

If you want to make a peak battle armor that perfectly suits your own abilities, you must integrate it into the entire production process. Whether it is forging, or the three mainstream sub-occupations of mecha design, mecha manufacturing, and mecha repair.

Relatively speaking, forging is the most difficult to get started, and it is also the most energy-consuming to improve later. Therefore, unless they are soul masters who are truly talented in forging, basically no one will choose forging as their secondary profession.

This can be seen from the choice of secondary occupations of everyone in the first grade class.

In the training of a battle armor master, the most effective sub-jobs are mecha design and mecha production.

Mecha design is to design a battle armor for yourself. No one knows you better than yourself, and the battle armor you design will definitely be based on your own martial soul's compatibility.

When it comes to mecha production, you have to engrav the core array on your own battle armor with your own hands and make your own battle armor by yourself. The subsequent fusion of the Doukai will be easier.

As for mecha repair. Although it can save a lot of time and energy in the early stage, you may face more difficulties in running in with your own battle armor in the later stage. Moreover, choosing mecha repair as a sub-career will consume more resources and must be supported by a certain background.

After all, in this case, the forging of rare metals, the design of the battle armor, and the production of the battle armor must be completed by asking other people to help.

However, for the juniors of the top powers, this is the fastest way to become a battle armor master.

Many students who can successfully enter Shrek Academy are from large soul master families. On the contrary, the most people choose mecha repair.

At this time, there were only six people left in the lecture theater: Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue, Wu Siduo, Ye Xinglan, Tang Wulin and Yang Nianxia.

Shen Yi handed a document to Yu Nanyuan.

"The previous statistical results on the sub-occupations of the whole class are all summarized on this form. You can go to the various associations in the college to register and report."

After saying this, Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong also left the classroom.

There is no forced and ingenious grouping according to the strength of sub-professional abilities like Yu Nanyuan remembered in his previous life, because the world is inherently unfair. Making the strength of each group as even as possible means that people with strong sub-professional abilities will be dragged down by people with weak sub-professional abilities.

Such forced grouping will serve no purpose other than increasing conflicts.

Moreover, making battle armor does not necessarily require relying on the classmates around you. Family background, personal connections, etc., can all be your help.

There is no such thing as absolute fairness.

If you want to improve yourself, you can only use all the resources you control. This also represents the comprehensive ability of a student.

Looking at the document in Yu Nanyuan's hand, everyone present remained silent.

Ye Xinglan was as cold as ever, and it seemed that she only showed obvious mood swings every time she suffered frustration and despair at Yu Nanyuan.

Wu Siduo was sitting on the table, arms folded in front of her, looking at Yu Nanyuan with a complicated expression.

As a rare genius in Xingluo City for a century, Wu Siduo has always believed that she is the best among her peers. She broke into the top ten of the Teenage Genius List at the age of thirteen. Without Yu Nanyuan's appearance, she might even have topped the Teenage Genius List before she turned eighteen.

But around Yu Nanyuan, all the brilliance in her body was destined to be covered up.

Occasionally, when Wu Siduo's eyes fell on Gu Yue, they would instantly turn cold. She could be inferior to Yu Nanyuan, but she didn't think Gu Yue was qualified to be on par with her.

Gu Yue stood beside Yu Nanyuan with a calm face, looking at Wu Siduo with deep eyes, which seemed to be tit for tat.

As for Tang Wulin and Yang Nianxia on the other side, they both looked honest and honest on the surface, but they had their own thoughts behind their backs. The two shady guys got together to see who was better.

Yu Nanyuan looked around at everyone, with his usual gentle smile on his face.

"I will assign the tasks below. Wu Siduo, you go to the Mecha Repair Association to register. Gu Yue, you go to the Mecha Design Association. Wulin, Yang Nianxia, ​​you decide for yourself who will go to the Forging Association. . I’m just about to go to the college’s mecha manufacturing association, so I’ll leave it to you.”

"That's it, let's start splitting up." As he said that, Yu Nanyuan distributed the document in his hand to everyone, and then turned around and left.

Gu Yue was the second to make a move, silently following behind Yu Nanyuan.

These major associations are all in the main teaching building, and the Mecha Design Association and the Mecha Manufacturing Association are close to each other. Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue happened to be on their way.

Wu Siduo had a stern look on her face and stood up to leave without saying hello to anyone else.

Ye Xinglan followed closely behind.

Different from Wu Siduo's coldness, Ye Xinglan was more indifferent and indifferent to external affairs.

However, they are extremely arrogant in their hearts and usually don't talk much. There are few people or things that can make them interested.

Yang Nianxia looked at Tang Wulin with a smile.

"Brother, you are the forging committee member, you can make arrangements."

Tang Wulin kept an extra thought in his heart and smiled back.

"Then let's go there together. Brother Yang, what do you think? You will definitely need to borrow the venue there to practice forging in the future, so it's good to go there and get familiar with it first."

"I heard you." Yang Nianxia touched his head and smiled.

On the way to the Blacksmithing Association, Yang Nianxia asked again casually, seemingly inadvertently.

"Brother, are you familiar with the squad leader?"

"We are all from Donghai City on the Tianhai Alliance side." Tang Wulin glanced at Yang Nianxia calmly.

After this period of getting along, he could somewhat feel Yang Nianxia's deep thoughts.

It is clear that Wuhun is a dark golden bear who is good at frontal combat, but it gives people the feeling of being insidious and cunning.

Yang Nianxia narrowed her eyes slightly, as if thinking about something, and then showed a hearty smile.

"I didn't expect that the Tianhai Alliance would produce so many outstanding talents like you at once. It seems that the rumors are not credible. Brother, I'm afraid your strength is not bad."

Tang Wulin was keenly aware of the probing meaning in Yang Nianxia's words and pretended to smile shyly.

"Brother Yang, to tell you the truth, I am actually just a two-ring great soul master, and I am far behind you in terms of strength. If it weren't for my talent in forging, you would definitely be the one who holds the position of forging committee member. Genus."

Just as Tang Wulin and Yang Nian were talking to Xia Xu, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue had already entered the depths of the teaching building.

Corridors crisscrossed each other, and the situation in the teaching building was far more complicated than imagined. If you want to become thoroughly familiar with this place, it will inevitably take some time.

There are only more than 700 people in the entire outer courtyard of Shrek Academy. With the size of this main teaching building, it will inevitably look empty.

In addition, it was lunch break, so Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue didn't even meet other students along the way. Only their steady footsteps echoed in the corridors.

Yu Nanyuan smiled and held Gu Yue's hand.

"How is everyone doing lately?"

"They must have been somewhat stimulated when they came to Shrek Academy." Gu Yue's mouth curved slightly, and her right hand was gently swayed by Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan laughed out loud and said: "I can see it. Even Xiaoyan has been practicing much harder these days than before. I remember that her secondary profession is also mecha design. You can help her more in the future."

Gu Yue looked sideways at Yu Nanyuan with doubtful eyes.

"You are a level five mecha designer. Wouldn't it be better if you help her improve her sub-profession?"

"I might not be able to get out of here anymore." Yu Nanyuan shook his head helplessly.

"I plan to start directly with the two-word battle armor. Before that, I have to complete the design of the battle armor, and I also need to upgrade my soul power to the soul king level as soon as possible. I will also help you with your future two-word battle armor. Make it.”

"Yes." Gu Yue responded softly, the arc outlined by the corners of his mouth becoming more and more obvious, and even his steps became much lighter.

But Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue and said with a half-smile, "Shouldn't you express your gratitude?"

"What does it mean?" Facing Yu Nanyuan's burning eyes, Gu Yue's cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot.

At this moment, there was a sound of conversation in the corridor, from far to near.

Yu Nanyuan still held on to Gu Yue's hand, and looked at Gu Yue's calm black eyes as panic gradually emerged in a playful manner.

The sound of conversation got closer and closer, Gu Yue finally made a compromise and satisfied someone's request of 'repaying a favor'.

Two young men in their twenties walked towards them. Judging from their age, they should be at least fourth grade students. After this age, they have almost lost the possibility of being admitted to the inner courtyard, but they are more leisurely.

They only need to complete the one-word battle armor training before the age of thirty-five and meet the conditions for graduation from the outer academy.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, the two senior students nodded in a friendly manner.

Yu Nanyuan also nodded politely and led Gu Yue to the fifth floor of the main teaching building. The Mecha Design Association and the Mecha Production Association are both on this floor.

Gu Yue broke away from Yu Nanyuan's hand with a slight blush on her face and walked towards the direction of the Mecha Design Association.

Yu Nanyuan, on the other hand, went to the Mecha Manufacturing Association on the other side with a normal expression, licking his wet lips with emotion, recalling the previous taste.

Gu Yue's transformation was greater than he expected, but he was not sure about the opportunity that caused Gu Yue's transformation.

He could only roughly confirm that Gu Yue seemed to have changed like this after coming to Shrek City.

With such doubts, Yu Nanyuan stopped in front of the gate of the Mecha Production Association.

There is a metal nameplate hanging on the door.

Manufacturing Association!

These four big characters look very powerful.

Yu Nanyuan pushed the door open, and a wide hall appeared in his sight.

In the center of the hall is a huge counter, more than thirty meters wide, with a total of more than fifteen windows on it.

Behind several windows sat staff members not much older than Yu Nanyuan, who should be students from the academy.

This situation is very common. Working within major associations is also a way to earn contribution points.

Yu Nanyuan casually came to an occupied window and took out a form.

"Hello, I am the monitor of the first class of freshmen. This is the list of those in our class who are willing to join the Mecha Manufacturing Association. They should register here."

The young man behind the window subconsciously raised his head and looked at Yu Nanyuan, his eyes widened instantly, and the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

Senior students from Shrek Academy's outer courtyard may not know Yu Nanyuan, but second-year and third-year students will definitely not be unfamiliar with Yu Nanyuan.

"Mu Chi, what's wrong?" Suddenly, a clear voice sounded behind Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan looked back and saw a sweet-looking girl walking towards him.

The girl is of medium build, only about 1.7 meters tall. She has long, silky black hair that reaches her waist. The beautiful eyes looked like a proud black swan.

The young man named Mu Chi greeted the girl with a wry smile.

"Sister Mo, see for yourself."

Without Mu Chi's reminder, the girl recognized Yu Nanyuan at a glance.

The girl is none other than Mo Jue, the black swan soul master who was defeated by Yu Nanyuan, and is now the deputy squad leader of Class 1 of the third grade.

"Please help him complete the registration and filing first."

Mo Jue quickly understood the current situation. He first gave instructions to Mu Chi, and then looked at Yu Nanyuan with interest.

"I didn't expect you to come to the academy. I saw that your name was also on the list. You should also be preparing to join our Mecha Manufacturing Association. If you don't mind, I can take you to familiarize yourself with the situation here."

"Then I'll trouble you, Senior Sister Mo." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly.

Mo Jue's eyes were a little strange.

Recalling the tragic defeat at the hands of Yu Nanyuan, Mo Jue always felt that Yu Nanyuan's title was ironic. Although Yu Nanyuan himself did not have such thoughts.

"Come with me."

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