Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 144 Belongs to Women’s Battlefield (4k)

Chapter 144 The battlefield belonging to women (4k)

Such an appointment is exactly what Wu Changkong and Shen Yi have in mind.

Although Xu Xiaoyan's martial arts ability is special, there is still a big gap between his overall strength and Wu Siduo and other members on the young genius list. Putting the strongest Wu Siduo in the position not only has the effect of intimidating the whole class, but also gives Wu Siduo and others some confidence and encourages them in disguise to compete with Yu Nanyuan.

Only with competition can there be progress. Perhaps people like Wu Siduo will never be able to catch up with Yu Nanyuan, but even if they can barely keep up with Yu Nanyuan's footsteps, the gap between them and other peers will definitely widen in the future.

This was one of the deeper intentions behind Shrek Academy deliberately letting Yu Nanyuan participate in this melee.

Wu Zhangkong took a step forward and came to Shen Yi's side, and said coldly: "Next, we will appoint the other four committee members. The design committee, the manufacturing committee, and the repair committee. These three committees are also held by Yu Nanyuan. The last one is the forging. Member, Tang Wulin."

Everyone's emotions finally calmed down a bit, and after hearing Wu Zhangkong's words, the expressions on their faces became exciting again.

Due to Wu Zhangkong's powerful aura, the audience fell into a brief silence, and no one raised any questions.

But the most important thing for everyone is not to offend Yu Nanyuan recklessly.

Yu Nanyuan can no longer be described with just a few words: extremely talented. His talent is even enough to make people feel an invisible fear.

Not surprisingly, Yu Nanyuan will most likely reach the pinnacle of the human soul master realm in the future.

No one would want to be an enemy of a future top powerhouse.

This is called momentum.

Yang Nianxia hesitated for a moment with his face changing, but in the end he couldn't control his thoughts. He couldn't help but asked Wu Zhangkong doubtfully: "Teacher Wu, don't these four committee members need to be selected through competition?"

"There is no need." Wu Changkong said calmly: "The reason why there is no need to compete is because Yu Nanyuan and Tang Wulin cannot have competitors in this aspect. Yu Nanyuan is good at mecha design, mecha manufacturing, and mecha repair. The three major deputy professions have all reached level five."

As soon as this was said, the whole place fell silent again. The pair of eyes that fell on Yu Nanyuan quickly showed signs of consternation and enthusiasm.

Level 5 sub-profession? ! And are the three sub-professions of mecha design, mecha manufacturing, and mecha repair going hand in hand? !

Combined with the terrifying talent and strength that Yu Nanyuan had previously displayed, Yu Nanyuan's image in the eyes of everyone became more and more transcendent.

They couldn't find any flaws in Yu Nanyuan's body.

The eyes of the male students were awe-inspiring but also a little more friendly and friendly, while the eyes of the female students were shining, like humanoid soul beasts that had locked onto their prey.

Being able to be admitted to Shrek Academy is enough to prove their abilities. Naturally, character and emotional intelligence are also included.

Everyone comes to Shrek Academy with the goal of becoming a powerful armor master. And no one can complete the production of Doukai alone, and they always need help from others. As classmates, it is normal to help each other.

Yu Nanyuan's ability in the secondary profession is so outstanding. If they can get Yu Nanyuan's help, they will be more confident in becoming a battle armor master in the future.

The female students had similar thoughts, but they also had another coincidental thought.

The way of thinking between soul masters and ordinary people is obviously different. When a female soul master looks for a partner, the most important thing is talent and strength.

There is no need to say more about Yu Nanyuan on this point, and his appearance and temperament are also impeccable.

It is no exaggeration to say that many female students who pride themselves on their appearance have such thoughts.

Friends are more reliable than classmates and can support each other to go further.

Wu Zhangkong looked at Yang Nianxia and continued: "As for Tang Wulin, he is a fourth-level blacksmith. If you think your forging ability is superior to Tang Wulin, you can challenge him now."

Yang Nianxia looked at Tang Wulin in surprise.

The reason why he raised the question was because he believed that his ability was enough to serve as a forging committee member. He is a third-level blacksmith. In the blacksmithing industry, it is quite rare for him to reach this level at his age.

Unlike Yu Nanyuan, Yang Nianxia had nothing to say. But when he was suppressed by the unknown Tang Wulin in the forging that he was good at, his psychology became somewhat unbalanced.

However, although he was not convinced, he did not have another attack and glanced at Tang Wulin with slightly narrowed eyes.

Tang Wulin just nodded to Yang Nianxia expressionlessly, sometimes he just had to do his part. He believes that he is fully capable of serving as the forging committee member of the freshman class.

However, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi were still more immersed in the shock brought by Yu Nanyuan before.

What Yu Nanyuan usually showed in front of them was just the tip of the iceberg. This was the first time they saw Yu Nanyuan show off his sharp edge after many years.

Although they didn't say anything, everyone was actually greatly stimulated.

Especially Xie Xie, who was previously crushed and eliminated by Wu Siduo.

Not to mention people like Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng, even the strength shown by other students may not be weaker than him.

This is the impact of the environment. When I was in class zero at Donghai College, there wasn't as much competitive pressure as there was at Shrek College. If they don't stay vigilant and work harder, it may be really difficult for them to gain a foothold in Shrek Academy.

"This is the end of the election and appointment of class cadres. Now I will tell you what you need to pay attention to when studying in Shrek Academy." Shen Yi took over Wu Changkong's position.

"First of all, from now on, you are a member of Shrek Academy. No matter what you do outside in the future, as long as you are still in Shrek Academy for one day, you will represent the academy. Once you do something extraordinary, The academy will give you corresponding punishment. Remember, this punishment has nothing to do with the Federation."

"The second thing is about the student card. After you passed the college's assessment, you should have received your own student card from the Academic Affairs Office. It contains records of your various situations and information, and is also your entry history. The credentials of Lake Inner City and your contribution points will also be stored in your respective student cards. To put it simply, as long as you are in the academy, your contribution points can be used for anything. Whether it is to exchange for training resources , or the use time of some special training venues and equipment, or even applying for souls and spiritual ascension platforms. All of them require the use of contribution points. As long as they are within a reasonable and legal range, contribution points can buy everything you need. This point I believe you will have a deeper experience in college life in the future.”

"Contribution points cannot be purchased with federal currency. They can only be obtained by completing the academy's tasks based on your own abilities. The tasks include many types, including simple manual labor, metal forging, mecha design, mecha manufacturing, and mecha maintenance. Wait. As long as you can complete the task, you can get corresponding contribution points. Of course, the academy will not restrict you from conducting private transactions, but it will charge a certain percentage of handling fees. As long as Shrek Academy exists for one day, this contribution point will be Effective. If you are expelled from the college in the future, you have the right to use up your contribution points before leaving."

"The last thing is about the arrangement of teaching time. The college's teaching only lasts half a day in the morning every day. The afternoon and evening are your free time. You can make your own arrangements. As long as it does not affect the daily classes. But unless there are special circumstances, With the approval of the class teacher, you are not allowed to be late for class otherwise. Once you are late, you will be treated as truant. If you are absent from class three times, you will be directly expelled."

"This is what you need to know right now. The formal classes will start tomorrow morning, and classes are over now."

After saying this, Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong turned around and left.

After Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi left, no one made any move. It wasn't until Yu Nanyuan led Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan out of the rotunda first that the scene became turbulent again.

It can be seen from here that Yu Nanyuan has impressed everyone in the freshman class with his own strength.

There is no dissatisfaction and provocation in the memory of the previous life, only awe of Yu Nanyuan's talent and strength.

When you use your absolute strength to completely crush the pride in the hearts of those people, everything will be different. this is the truth.

This time, Zhang Yangzi and the others did not leave with Yu Nanyuan and the others. On the one hand, they didn't want to attract too much attention, but on the other hand, they realized more and more deeply that if they wanted to improve in Shrek Academy, they couldn't rely too much on Yu Nanyuan.

However, Tang Wulin's identity as a blacksmith committee member and a fourth-level blacksmith attracted some friendly eyes.

Yang Nianxia walked to Tang Wulin's side with a chuckle.

"Level 4 blacksmith, brother, you are really well hidden!"

"It's just luck." Tang Wulin had long seen Yang Nianxia's deep thoughts and said with a smile.

"There's not much luck in the secondary profession of blacksmithing."

Yang Nianxia's face froze, and he looked at Tang Wulin thoughtfully in his eyes, and then showed his honest and hearty smile again.

"I hope you don't mind what happened just now. In fact, I am also a third-level blacksmith. Forging committee member, please take good care of me in the future!"

"Take care of each other." Tang Wulin responded without missing a beat.

Following Yu Nanyuan and the others, Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi left.

Ye Xinglan had already caught that glimmer of inspiration during the battle with Yu Nanyuan. This is very important to her.

Yu Nanyuan's previous shot was clearly not just about his understanding of the gun, but also based on his understanding of himself.

This was the part she was missing.

All laws in the world are accessible. Although the sword intention and the spear intention are different, they reach the same goal by different paths.

As Ye Xinglan's loyal dog, Xu Lizhi also left quickly. He didn't even bother to say hello to Tang Wulin, he was focused on Ye Xinglan.

Luo Guixing was sitting alone in the corner of the hall, with his hands wrapped around his knees and his head buried deeply.

He was definitely the one who suffered the most.

Both Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng looked very ugly at this time.

As both members of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, they felt the gap between themselves and Yu Nanyuan more deeply.

After all, Wu Siduo is a twin martial soul, so she doesn't feel that desperate yet. After all, with the improvement of her soul power cultivation, the power of her own martial soul fusion skill has also been essentially sublimated. There may not be any chance to catch up with Yu Nanyuan in the future.

But Xu Yucheng knew very well that he might always be suppressed by Yu Nanyuan.

In the final analysis, it was because of the drawbacks brought about by his Dark Demon Scythe Spirit.

The huge gap between the four hundred-year soul rings and the four ten-thousand-year soul rings was enough to make him completely lose the possibility of chasing Yu Nanyuan.

Also a weapon soul master, Yu Nanyuan is his absolute superior.

What is most difficult for Xu Yucheng to understand is that although he is a weapon soul master, why is Yu Nanyuan's physical fitness stronger than that of a beast soul master? For a twin martial soul like Wu Siduo, the four soul rings of the main martial soul are only at the thousand-year level.

Thinking of this, Xu Yucheng's face became paler. His right hand made slight grasping movements, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

This battle with Yu Nanyuan made his heart start to waver.

If this shortcoming of the Dark Demon Scythe's martial spirit persists, can he really become a top powerhouse in the future?

As for Zheng Yiran, she led her two followers to catch up with Yu Nanyuan in high spirits. The jade neck is raised high, proudly like a white swan.

"Squad leader, wait a minute." A crisp and charming voice sounded from behind them, and Yu Nanyuan and the other three subconsciously stopped and looked back.

I saw Zheng Yiran walking towards me with a smile. It seemed that she was affected by her own martial arts spirit. She felt weak and boneless when she walked, as if she possessed a fatal temptation. Her strange green eyes were shining with strange light, and she made no secret of her interest in Yu Nanyuan.

Following Zheng Yiran were two male students. He is of average height and average appearance, but looks exactly the same. Clearly a pair of twins.

Seeing Zheng Yiran approaching, Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but curled his lips again. Gu Yue, on the other hand, didn't react at all and just stared at Zheng Yiran quietly.

Zheng Yiran seemed to have completely ignored Xu Xiaoyan's reaction and looked directly at Yu Nanyuan. A little shy but far bolder than other girls.

"Squad leader, let's exchange soul guide communication numbers. From now on, we will be classmates in the same class. It will be easier to contact us if there is anything."

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan calmly handed his soul communicator to Zheng Yiran and smiled gently.

Zheng Yiran was distracted for a while, then she took the soul guide communicator with a blushing face and quickly dialed her soul guide communication number.

After returning the soul communicator to Yu Nanyuan, Zheng Yiran shifted her gaze to Xu Xiaoyan. Those cold green pupils made people feel like they were being stared at by a poisonous snake.

"Are you the monitor's girlfriend?"

Xu Xiaoyan was stunned by Zheng Yiran's words on the spot, and after she reacted, she unconsciously puffed up her breasts.

Just when Xu Xiaoyan was thinking about it and was ready to show off what it means to be a royal person, Gu Yue stepped forward and stood in front of Xu Xiaoyan.

"none of your business?"

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