Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 145 Na’er and Gu Yue share their perceptions

Zheng Yiran looked at Gu Yue without showing any signs of weakness, with a hint of tit-for-tat.

Because of his own personality, Xu Xiaoyan does not have as strong an aura as the two girls.

After a moment of confrontation, Zheng Yiran slightly raised her fair and smooth chin provocatively, but did not say anything. He just smiled and nodded to Yu Nanyuan, and left with the two followers behind him.

In the previous melee, Gu Yue was basically indifferent from beginning to end. Even the intimidation she brings to everyone is not as good as Wu Siduo.

At least in the eyes of most people in the first class of freshmen, the reason why Gu Yue was elected as the deputy squad leader was largely due to his relationship with Yu Nanyuan.

After all, Gu Yue's performance in the Tianhai Alliance was far less impressive than Yu Nanyuan's, and that martial soul fusion skill was entirely based on Yu Nanyuan.

Zheng Yiran thinks that she is no worse than Gu Yue, whether it is talent or appearance.

As for Xu Xiaoyan, she even ignored her.

Xu Xiaoyan's little thoughts can be seen by any normal person.

Tian Tiangan is jealous but dare not take action. There is no way that such a person can pose a threat to her.

Seeing Zheng Yiran gradually disappearing from sight, Xu Xiaoyan snorted softly, and then held one of Gu Yue's arms affectionately.

"Sister Gu Yue, thank you just now for helping me out."

Although Xu Xiaoyan had noticed the difference between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue before, Gu Yue's performance was too calm. Even when Zheng Yiran proposed to exchange soul guide communication numbers with Yu Nanyuan, she did not show the slightest taste.

This made Xu Xiaoyan gradually give up the idea in his mind and fell into his own fantasy time.

The way Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue get along doesn't look like a couple at all, and if they are just regarded as relatively close friends, then everything can be explained.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue have martial soul fusion skills, so it's normal for them to be close to each other.

Besides, Gu Yue's behavior just now seemed like she was just standing up for her.

Xu Xiaoyan's words immediately stunned Gu Yue. She was clearly defending her sovereignty.

However, facing Xu Xiaoyan's sincere and innocent eyes, Gu Yue completely dropped her remaining guard against Xu Xiaoyan, and a smile appeared on her face.

"It's nothing. Anyway, I don't like her very much."

"The domineering side is leaking, Sister Gu Yue." Xu Xiaoyan chuckled.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue left Yu Nanyuan aside and chatted together by themselves.

The expression on Yu Nanyuan's face also became weird, but he habitually did not get involved.

Not long after, the three of them passed through a dome area. From the arched windows on both sides, you can see the huge green spaces outside, with undulating heights and elegant arrangements of various flowers and plants. On the other side of the green space, there are still tall buildings repaired from stone.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg.

Only by being inside can you personally feel the magnificence of the main teaching building of Shrek Academy. I'm afraid even the previous palace can't compare with this place.

After completing the admission procedures, Shrek Academy issued a handbook to each student. The manual contains a schematic diagram of the main teaching building of Shrek Academy. Many special venues used for cultivation are located in this main teaching building.

Including 108 types of mimicry training venues covering a large area.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Yu Nanyuan and the other three walked out of the main entrance of the main teaching building and arrived at the spacious and clean Lingbing Square.

Xu Xiaoyan smiled and asked Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue: "Sister Gu Yue, Nanyuan, what are your plans this afternoon?"

"I'm going to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters." Gu Yue replied in a cold tone, then raised her head and looked at Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan smiled faintly.

"Silver Wings has just evolved to the ten-thousand-year level. I need to gain some insights and practice."

"Aren't you going back to the dormitory tonight?" Xu Xiaoyan pursed her red lips and muttered.

"It's mysterious all day long."

The dormitories for students from the outer college are also in the main teaching building. It is said to be the main teaching building, but in fact it is no different from an independent campus.

The dormitory assigned by Yu Nanyuan in the outer courtyard is close to Zhang Yangzi and others. Therefore, Xu Xiaoyan would be able to know the news immediately whether he returned to the dormitory at night.

Through Na'er, Gu Yue clearly knew that Yu Nanyuan had been practicing on Poseidon Island these days.

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said nothing, without explaining too much.

He didn't want to put too much pressure on Xu Xiaoyan, so he didn't tell Xu Xiaoyan about his apprenticeship with Yun Ming for the time being.

"Forget it, then I'll go eat alone." Xu Xiaoyan rolled his eyes angrily, turned and walked towards the canteen near the teaching building.

After Gu Yue's previous performance, Xu Xiaoyan no longer had any defensive mentality.

But the most important thing is that Xu Xiaoyan himself also feels the pressure in Shrek Academy. The classmates around her are all geniuses from all over the mainland, and she can no longer be as lazy in her training as before.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue kept silent in tacit agreement and walked outside Lingbing Square.

"Do you need me to accompany you there?"

"No need." Gu Yue shook her head gently.

Yu Nanyuan followed Gu Yue into a hidden street outside Lingbing Square.

A dark and bright soul-guiding car with a large shell was parked here, and a tall man stood in front of the soul-guiding car.

Seeing Gu Yue, the man quickly came over and opened the car door for Gu Yue.


The soft and fine leather seats are full of texture. Almost the entire interior of the car is covered in brown-red leather and light-colored solid wood, and the decorations are filled with expensive rare metals and gems.

Although Yu Nanyuan was not too surprised by this, he still teased Gu Yue with a smile.

"She's really a rich woman?"

"What do you think?"

Gu Yue pursed her lips lightly, with a smile on her lips, and sat in the back seat of the soul guide car.

But what Gu Yue didn't expect was that Yu Nanyuan also got in and closed the rear door.

The streets near Lingbing Square seemed a bit noisy, but the car was very quiet without any noise.

In this slightly dim environment, Gu Yue's deep black eyes seemed to be filled with shining purple light, and her expression was slightly angry.

"What's wrong?"

"I just want to be alone with you for a while." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly and grabbed Gu Yue's jade hand on his knee.

It's soft and delicate to begin with, just like the finest warm jade.

Gu Yue's eyes turned to Yu Nanyuan and the busy traffic outside the car window behind him, and her eyes gradually became blurred. The eyes were full of affection, and there was a hint of wanting to refuse but to welcome.

The middle-aged driver was waiting knowingly near the soul car. Barriered by black windows, the situation inside the soul car could not be seen from the outside world at all.

Because of the previous exchange between Yu Nanyuan and Yali, Gu Yue didn't say anything, but she was actually in a very happy mood these days. This time I can't say that I was very proactive, but I can say that I was half-hearted.

This is in line with Gu Yue's past character.

At the same time, Poseidon Island.

Na'er was lying on the bed in the wooden attic room, curled up. Her arms were crossed across her chest, and her long silver hair was messy, covering her face.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and a few strands of hair fell on her red lips. She seemed to be in some kind of intense pain, but it seemed different.

Na'er's breathing was extremely rapid, and there were two unnatural blushes on her face, which was quite different from her previous image of the Dragon Spear Goddess who was not touched by the smoke and fire of the world.

After a long time, Na'er's figure stopped trembling, and she stood up softly and sat on the edge of the bed. The hair behind her was loose, revealing her strange light silver eyes. There was no emotion in the eyes, but there was a vague aftertaste of it.

"Junior brother..."

Na'er's red lips parted slightly, and by coincidence, Yu Nanyuan, whom she was thinking about, happened to return to this attic.

"Bang, bang, bang-"

The sound of steady footsteps came, and Yu Nanyuan stopped in the corridor, meeting Na'er's eyes.


"Junior brother, why are you here?" Na'er stood up with a normal expression and came to Yu Nanyuan excitedly, without seeing anything strange at all.

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said: "I had some insights earlier. I felt that the effect of practicing on Poseidon Island would be better, so I came here."

"Okay! Junior brother, then you can stay here to practice and I will help you protect the law." Na'er smiled brightly and pulled Yu Nanyuan towards the direction of the valley.

Then there was such a peaceful picture.

The warm golden sunshine shines down, and the spring breeze blows up the blue silver grass all over the valley.

Yu Nanyuan sat cross-legged on the blue silver grass and entered a meditative state, while Na'er sat on a swing not far away, with a smile on her face.

Quiet and warm, the youthful young girls add a different kind of vitality and vitality.

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