Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 143 Who agrees and who opposes? (4k)

Unlike Wu Siduo and others who were defeated previously, Zheng Yiran's eyes when looking at Yu Nanyuan did not have any fighting spirit or hostility, but were full of strange colors. He looked very interested.

"No need, I am not your opponent. I give up the final right to fight."

Zheng Yiran, who had always been arrogant in front of outsiders, actually pursed her lips and showed a moving smile, and nodded towards Yu Nanyuan.

"Xukong Yu Nanyuan. You probably haven't forgotten what we met three years ago."

Zheng Yiran's words can easily make people think, and Xu Xiaoyan, who was already keeping a close eye on them, became alert again. She couldn't help but pursed her red lips and looked at Yu Nanyuan's back with a faint look.

Why hadn't I noticed before that he was so capable of flirting with women?

And Xu Xiaoyan had a strong hunch that this situation might happen more and more in the future. After all, Yu Nanyuan is so outstanding.

Gu Yue also looked at Yu Nanyuan and Zheng Yiran expressionlessly. But compared to Xu Xiaoyan, she didn't show any obvious mood swings.

Zheng Yiran keenly noticed the changes in Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, her eyes flashed with green light, as if she was judging the relationship between the two women and Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan just nodded politely to Zheng Yiran.

By now, the final outcome of this melee is clear.

Luo Guixing suffered a backlash from his soul skill, Wu Siduo was restrained by the Void Dragon Locking Formation, Ye Xinglan's sword intent was completely crushed by Yu Nanyuan's spear intent, and Zheng Yiran voluntarily abstained. Only Yu Nanyuan, Xu Xiaoyan, Gu Yue and Xu Lizhi, a food-type soul master, were left.

Xu Lizhi was obviously not enough to pose a threat to Yu Nanyuan and the others.

At this time, Xu Lizhi also noticed something strange about Ye Xinglan. He wanted to step forward and help Ye Xinglan, who was unsteady, but he did not dare to take actual action because of his inferiority complex deep inside. In the end, he could only open his fat hands and ask with concern and helplessness.

"Sister Xinglan, are you okay?"

The fat all over Xu Lizhi's body was shaking, and he felt very uneasy. His concern for Ye Xinglan seemed sincere. It looks like a loyal dog domesticated by Ye Xinglan.

Ye Xinglan took a long time to calm down and ignored Xu Lizhi beside him, looking straight at Yu Nanyuan.

Ever since she awakened her martial spirit at the age of six, the only thing in her world was the Star God Sword.

Her strongest thing is not soul skills and various sword-wielding skills, but her understanding of the sword's intention over the years. The ultimate is the sword, and the feedback is the sword.

Among her peers, many people's cultivation talents are actually not inferior to hers. But this concentration on the sword is rare in the world.

All kinds of complicated emotions were intertwined in Ye Xinglan's blue eyes. There is frustration, confusion, and some enlightenment.

It was precisely because her own sword intent was crushed in all directions by Yu Nanyuan's spear intent that she found this glimmer of light. She vaguely felt that there was something in Yu Nanyuan's gun mind that she did not possess.

From Xu Lizhi's perspective, Ye Xinglan seemed to be in a daze, as if Yu Nanyuan was the only one in his eyes.

He opened his mouth with dark eyes and his lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

"Sister Xinglan..."

Yu Nanyuan and Ye Xinglan's eyes met for a moment, and then they lowered their heads to look at the phantom gun in their hands, and groaned softly with their eyes open.

"Ever since I was young and holding a gun, I knew that I would be the leader of the gun class, the best in the world on the mainland."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xinglan's pupils trembled, and his expression was extremely excited, as if he had grasped something.

The brilliance in Zheng Yiran's eyes became more and more intense, and even Wu Siduo's eyes looked at Yu Nanyuan with an inexplicable meaning.

Yu Nanyuan's tone was very calm, so calm that he seemed to be stating an established fact. But they knew clearly what Yu Nanyuan's words meant, and how confident and arrogant he was.

The expressions on the faces of the first-year freshmen class in the rotunda outside were even more exciting.

Who dares to claim to be invincible, who dares to claim to be invincible. They are also the proud ones among the younger generation on the mainland, but many of them only aim to become titled Douluo and Doukai masters. Who dares to say that he will reach the top in the future and become the first person in the mainland?

The shock in everyone's hearts is absolutely indescribable. And speaking these words from Yu Nanyuan's mouth really made them feel convinced.

Even Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi looked slightly startled.

Probably the only ones who acted a little calmer were Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue.

The phantom magic gun turned into bright silver light and dissipated. Yu Nanyuan withdrew his martial spirit, turned around and walked towards Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan's position.

Looking at Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue had a faint smile on her lips.

This may be one of the reasons why Yu Nanyuan attracted her, and she firmly believed in what Yu Nanyuan said.

Xu Xiaoyan crossed his hands behind his back and gave Yu Nanyuan a cute look.

"Now I've let you pretend again. Think about how you can clean up the next mess."

"What kind of mess?" Yu Nanyuan looked at Xu Xiaoyan with a smile.

Xu Xiaoyan curled his lips, then glanced at Wu Siduo, Ye Xinglan and Zheng Yiran opposite.


Yu Nanyuan looked back subconsciously, and then noticed the change in the eyes of Wu Siduo and the others.

Gu Yue was unusually not jealous because of what Yu Nanyuan had confessed in front of Yali and Na'er.

Even if Na'er can't beat her, what do these people mean? This is her margin.

However, it is also necessary to be vigilant so as not to nip problems in the bud.

At this moment, as an outsider, Luo Guixing barely supported the ground with his hands and stood up, raised his head with a paranoid expression and roared.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Two yellow and one purple, three soul rings emerged one after another from Luo Guixing's feet. The soul ring moves slowly, driving surging soul power fluctuations.

Although he has not broken through to the Fourth Ring Soul Sect realm like Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng, he is actually not far away from the bottleneck of level 40.

Luo Guixing has basically had everything going smoothly since childhood. Innately full of soul power, powerful space elemental martial soul, and excellent commanding ability. Unsurprisingly, he became an excellent control system soul master, and was hailed as the most outstanding genius in Tiandou City in the past century.

But Yu Nanyuan's appearance seemed to be an invisible spell, making him lose all the auras on his body. His proud talent was like a joke in front of Yu Nanyuan, who was a soul master of the same type.

And Yu Nanyuan's words stimulated Luo Guixing even more. At a time when he was despairing and doubting himself, Yu Nanyuan had already set his sights on reaching the top of the mainland.

It was a kind of overlooking from above, and Yu Nanyuan never seemed to regard him as an opponent of the same level.

This was the most difficult thing for Luo Guixing to accept.

A special being shaped like a beetle appeared on Luo Guixing's shoulder. It is completely silver-white, about one foot long, and its whole body is covered with gorgeous scales that look like silver gems. The silver-white scales reflect thousands of haloes of light, which is extremely magical.

This is exactly the century-old soul void insect that he fused in the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower.

Luo Guixing held his hands on his chest. While the third soul ring around him shone, a dazzling silver light also burst out from the surface of the void insect. The surrounding space elements quickly became active, giving this space a sense of instability.

A reduced version of the silver space vortex bloomed in the palms of his hands, solid as if it were real, like a delicate silver flower.

Although Luo Guixing's third soul skill, Space Vortex, was taken from his other thousand-year soul, the century-old void insect soul has always been his last trump card. With the assistance of void insects, the power of all his soul skills can be greatly increased.

Under Luo Guixing's control, this silver flower that compressed the terrifying power of space slowly floated out in the direction of Yu Nanyuan and the others. When traveling to the middle, the silver flower suddenly expanded without warning.

Illusive silver light and shadow flashed past, and a strong space gravity exploded, causing the space to rapidly collapse.

After doing this, Luo Guixing was completely exhausted, breathing heavily. But deep in his eyes was a look of excitement and paranoia.

This is the first time he has used this ability. Because with his current cultivation level, he can barely use it, and using it in the outside world will definitely implicate himself, but in this illusory space, he has no such worries.

As an ancient alien species, void insects have average combat effectiveness, but their ability to assist soul masters in fighting is particularly powerful.

Only with the assistance of void insects, Luo Guixing could compress the third soul skill space vortex into such a form. To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as an alternative self-created soul skill.

Space twists and collapses, and the surrounding space elements become increasingly chaotic.

Unlike the excited Luo Guixing, Yu Nanyuan always looked very calm, his eyes looking deeply ahead.

Affected by the breath of the Void Insect, a consciousness gradually revived in his body.

Silver light flashed and the space cracked. Deep space cracks appeared in the sky, and the vast outer starry sky was vaguely visible, but the chaotic and violent space stabilized instantly.

A majestic and wide triangular snake head shuttled through the cracks in space. A pair of eerie black eyes were piercing, and the whole body exuded a majestic and mysterious temperament.

The Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake finally completed its evolution today, and was awakened early by the breath of the Void Worm.

The silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake, which had evolved to a ten thousand-year cultivation level, had its body length shortened to ten meters. It's just that the silver scales covering the whole body have become more angular and thicker. It fully proves that concentration is the essence.

And a second pair of silver light wings grew out of its back. Although these two pairs of light wings have shrunk with the change in the size of the Silver Winged Void-Breaking Snake, they no longer have that transparent texture. The silver light shining on the edge of the light wings is particularly bright, and the sharp aura is restrained within it, as if the space is split apart.

The silver-winged void-breaking snake stretched out in the air, and then swallowed the silver flower compressed by Luo Guixing in one gulp.

The moment the silver-winged void-breaking snake appeared, the void worm on Luo Guixing's shoulder began to tremble violently. He clearly felt the fear transmitted by the void worm.

Before Luo Guixing could react, the silver-winged void-breaking snake appeared in front of him through the void again, swallowing his body and the void insect together.

His consciousness also became blurred.

Even if Luo Guixing was extremely unwilling, it would not help.

This sudden change made the eyes of everyone in the freshman class even more astonished.

At the same time, the illusory space began to change, with light and shadow overlapping.

Yu Nanyuan and others only felt that their vision went dark, and the strong mental shock caused them to fall into a brief blank.

I don't know how much time passed, but when their consciousness regained their consciousness, their eyes were clear. The door of the simulation cabin opened, and they returned to the rotunda where they entered the illusory space.

The seat belt fell off on its own, and Yu Nanyuan was the first to walk out of the simulation cabin. Hundreds of pairs of eyes on the field were focused on him. The eyes of most of them were filled with awe.

The strong is supreme, which is an eternal theme.

Those who were eliminated before the final battle could be said to have witnessed Yu Nanyuan's devastating battle against Wu Siduo and others from beginning to end. Some people even noticed Yu Nanyuan and the others very early.

When the melee started, everyone else tried their best to save their soul power and would not go deep into the forest without authorization. But Yu Nanyuan and the other three headed straight to the circular place in the center of the forest.

The fighting they experienced along the way was only a lot more than that of Wu Siduo and the others. This is an absolute crushing in terms of strength.

At this time, Gu Yue and others also walked out of the simulation cabin one after another and looked at Yu Nanyuan in unison.

After this battle, Yu Nanyuan is destined to become the center of attention.

Yang Nianxia's Dark Gold Bear Martial Soul was good at defense, and Yu Nanyuan used the Dark Gold Terror Claw attached to the soul bone to break through the defense.

The lethality of Xu Yucheng's Dark Demon Scythe Spirit was astonishing, and Yu Nanyuan suppressed it head-on with the Phantom Spear.

Luo Guixing was proud of his powerful space attribute control soul skill, and Yu Nanyuan used the same ability to break it.

Ye Xinglan wanted to use his sword intent to break the situation, but Yu Nanyuan used a higher level spear intent to crush him.

Wu Siduo's own martial soul fusion skill, Netherworld White Tiger, was also useless under Yu Nanyuan's first soul skill, Void Dragon Locking Formation.

Among the five people, some may have complicated expressions, but they can't find any excuse to cover up their failure.

Among them, the one who was hit hardest was Luo Guixing. He sat on the ground in despair, as if isolated from the world.

The martial soul's ability was completely suppressed, even the soul.

If he hadn't been in an illusory world just now, his void worm might have really been swallowed by Yu Nanyuan's soul. Yu Nanyuan was like his nightmare, and he even lost the courage to face Yu Nanyuan.

In comparison, Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng and Ye Xinglan behaved relatively calmly.

Yang Nianxia, ​​on the other hand, looked at Yu Nanyuan's right hand with furrowed brows, and his eyes showed a strange light from time to time. When he met Yu Nanyuan's eyes, he restrained all his thoughts and gave him a friendly but bitter smile.

At this time, the rotunda hall that accommodated hundreds of students was surprisingly quiet.

Facing everyone's gaze, Yu Nanyuan took a step forward with a smile and said in a calm tone: "I will be the monitor, who agrees and who objects?"

The whole place was still silent.

"Since everyone has no objections, I will announce that Yu Nanyuan will be the monitor of our first grade class."

Shen Yi came over at the right time.

"Judging from the rules of this melee, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan should be the deputy squad leaders, but the overall strength you showed in this melee is still lacking. You have two choices now, insist on becoming deputy squad leaders, or give up . What I want to remind you is that the squad leader will be changed every semester, and he will be promoted based on his strength."

Gu Yue didn't say anything, but silently walked to Yu Nanyuan to express her attitude.

"I give up." Xu Xiaoyan made the opposite choice to Gu Yue, acting very free and easy. She has a full understanding of her own abilities, and her own personality does not like fighting.

"Xu Xiaoyan gives up the position of deputy squad leader, and you can get a reward of one thousand contribution points." Shen Yi was not surprised by this.

"The position of deputy squad leader is based on the same calculation. Wu Siduo, are you willing to serve as deputy squad leader?"

Wu Siduo glanced at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue with gleaming eyes, her chest rose and fell slightly, and then she took a deep breath.

"I do!"

"Okay, then it's decided. Class 1, Grade 1, monitor, Yu Nanyuan. Deputy monitors, Gu Yue and Wu Siduo."

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