For members like Wu Siduo who are on the young genius list, Yu Nanyuan's name is definitely known as thunder.

In the Tianhai League competition three years ago, Yu Nanyuan led the team to defeat the Shrek Academy representative team head-on. It can be said that he became famous from this battle. There was an uproar in the entire Sun Moon Alliance, and it was all the rage for a while.

A proud man like Wu Siduo had paid close attention to Yu Nanyuan back then and regarded him as his competitor.

It's just that except for Luo Guixing and Zheng Yiran, Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Yang Nianxia have never seen Yu Nanyuan in person.

Zheng Yiran only had a brief encounter with Yu Nanyuan on the soul guide train. Only Luo Guixing clearly knew Yu Nanyuan's true situation through his relationship with his grandfather, the president of the Tiandou City Mecha Master Association.

He knew that Yu Nanyuan was the same age as him, and that Yu Nanyuan's talent and strength were far superior to his own.

During that time, Luo Guixing was not willing to believe that there was such a huge gap between himself and Yu Nanyuan of the same age, and even fell into deep self-doubt because of this.

What he said back then came true. They are both innately full of soul power, but they are indeed very different from each other.

It was not until he grew older and mentally matured that Luo Guixing gradually accepted this fact.

It was like fate played a joke on him. He finally got out of the shadows and became the best genius in Tiandou City, but he met Yu Nanyuan again when he was applying for Shrek Academy.

However, due to the self-confidence accumulated over the years, Luo Guixing's mood has changed compared to back then. No longer just feeling frustrated, but wanting to personally feel the real gap between himself and Yu Nanyuan.

In other words, he already had the confidence to compete with Yu Nanyuan.

Yang Nianxia looked at Yu Nanyuan with slightly narrowed eyes, a slightly thoughtful look deep in his eyes.

He has also been paying attention to Yu Nanyuan's news these years.

Yu Nanyuan was ranked ninth on the young genius list after defeating the Shrek team. He was not surprised. But half a year ago, without any news being leaked, Yu Nanyuan directly topped the list of young geniuses.

Yang Nianxia thought about what changes had taken place at that time. It's a pity that until now when he saw Yu Nanyuan's true appearance, he hadn't been able to learn the inside story.

The only thing that is certain is that Yu Nanyuan may be even more unfathomable than he expected.

In this slightly tense atmosphere, Yang Nianxia suddenly smiled heartily at Yu Nanyuan and said: "Brother Yu, I didn't expect you to be Xukong Yu Nanyuan who topped the list of young geniuses. It seems that we all made a mistake. But I have some mistakes. Do you care that you didn't meet anyone else along the way?"

There was no need for Yang Nianxia to remind them. Everyone present had already noticed that Yu Nanyuan and the three of them did not look like they had experienced a brutal fight.

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan's clothes and hair didn't feel messy at all, but Wu Siduo, the strongest among them, could not remain so calm until the final melee.

The rest of them were also more or less worn out. The clothes on Yang Nianxia's body had several hideous scars left in the previous battles.

Yu Nanyuan stepped forward slowly. Every time he took a step, Ruyuan's aura swept out of his body became stronger, as if the space in this area became stagnant. However, a faint smile appeared on his face, and his deep eyes fell on Yang Nianxia, ​​Wu Siduo and others opposite him.

"It seems that we have met, but it seems that we have not met. Who knows?"

Suppressed by Yu Nanyuan's momentum, the expressions of everyone present changed again.

Yang Nianxia was the first to bear the brunt. His whole body seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

Neither Xu Xiaoyan nor Gu Yue moved. Yu Nanyuan alone affected the direction of this final melee.

"Let's start, let's decide the final outcome."

Yu Nanyuan approached Wu Siduo and others step by step as if he were strolling in the courtyard. He didn't release his own martial soul, everything seemed very casual.

There was a gentle smile on his face, but everyone felt an unspeakable pressure.

Luo Guixing took the initiative to come to Wu Siduo, Yang Nianxia, ​​and Xu Yucheng. He locked his eyes on Yu Nanyuan with blazing eyes and shouted in a low voice without losing his coolness.

"Let's work together to deal with Yu Nanyuan first!"


Both Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng's cold eyes flickered. After briefly weighing the pros and cons, they nodded decisively in response.

The two of them immediately changed their positions and walked in front of Luo Guixing.

"I think what happened before will not affect our sincere cooperation now." Yang Nianxia laughed and stood in the front.

"I hope you can understand. After all, as long as this melee is not over, we will still be competitors."

"You're right, everyone is a competitor." Luo Guixing didn't get angry, as if he really didn't mind Yang Nianxia's backstabbing earlier. But then he changed his tone and said calmly.

"But you should also understand that our goals now are the same."

"Of course." Yang Nianxia shouted in a deep voice, and his body instantly expanded, releasing his Dark Gold Bear Martial Spirit.

Dark golden hair sprouted from his body, and his body, which became stronger under the possession of the martial spirit, was like a bulldozer, striding towards Yu Nanyuan.

Three circles of purple thousand-year-old soul rings flashed alternately around him. Yang Nianxia's body expanded again, and his whole body was covered with a layer of solid dark golden light, which was overwhelming.

The first soul skill is Golden Body, and the third soul skill is Violence. Both of his soul skills are quite powerful amplifying soul skills, and they are also the favorite types of soul skills when beast soul masters add soul rings to themselves.

Under normal circumstances, the amplification-like soul skills increase the abilities that the soul master's own martial soul is good at, so that the advantages of his own martial soul can be more fully utilized.

Yang Nianxia's eyes showed excitement. He is confident that if the four of them on the Young Genius List join forces, they may not be weaker than Yu Nanyuan, the top one on the Young Genius List.

If they can defeat Yu Nanyuan here in one fell swoop, the subsequent benefits of running for class cadres will be secondary. The most important thing is that they will be taken more seriously by the college.

At the same time, Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng suddenly turned into two black lights, rushing towards Yu Nanyuan from both wings like lightning, forming a situation where both wings flew together.

As a control-type battle soul master, Luo Guixing sat at the rear and took charge of the battle.

According to Luo Guixing's original idea, he hoped that Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi, and Zheng Yiran would also participate. With the strength of this seven-member team, he believed that even if Yu Nanyuan topped the list of young geniuses, there would be no chance.

However, Ye Xinglan and the others had no intention of taking action.

Ye Xinglan did it out of his own ideas. Needless to say, Xu Lizhi would naturally support Ye Xinglan unconditionally like a loyal dog.

As for Zheng Yiran, she was immersed in her own world, her green eyes filled with sparkle, and her gaze kept falling on Yu Nanyuan.

The performance of the three people made Luo Guixing relax his vigilance and concentrate on dealing with Yu Nanyuan in front of him.

Occupying such a favorable situation, Yang Nianxia naturally no longer had to hold back, he laughed and rushed towards Yu Nanyuan with all his strength. Especially when he saw Yu Nanyuan still relying on the earth to fight one against four.

His opportunity has come!

Under the violent increase of the first soul skill Golden Body and the third soul skill, Yang Nianxia's own aura instantly climbed to the extreme. The second soul ring beside him suddenly shone, and a dark golden giant bear appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, this huge light and shadow merged into his right arm like a siphon. The dark golden halo blooming on his majestic right arm became stronger and stronger, and he punched Yu Nanyuan in the air.

The second soul skill, the Dark Demon Fist! This punch completely stimulated a trace of the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear bloodline in his own martial soul. This is truly his strongest blow.

Yu Nanyuan's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, and he took the initiative to face the dark golden light and shadow that burst out from Yang Nianxia's right fist.

Just when Yang Nianxia broke out, Luo Guixing behind him raised his right hand without knowing it. A ray of silver light appeared silently at Yu Nanyuan's feet, and the surrounding space suddenly became distorted, and huge pressure compressed inward.

This is his first soul skill, Space Lock.

The powerful spatial confinement force instantly restricted Yu Nanyuan's movements. Immediately afterwards, another strange silver vortex bloomed around Yu Nanyuan, and Yu Nanyuan seemed to be in the center of this silver vortex.

The terrifying power of space was pulling and tearing Yu Nanyuan's body, coupled with Yang Nianxia's oncoming Horror Dark Gold Fist, it seemed that he was already in a desperate situation.

Luo Guixing stared at Yu Nanyuan, and the light of the purple third soul ring around him gradually disappeared.

The first soul skill space lock and the third soul skill space vortex, under the dual control of these two soul skills, even a soul master at the soul sect level may not be able to break free in a short time.

This is the advantage of space attribute soul skills. The power of space is mysterious and terrifying. It is far more powerful than soul skills of the same level, and it is hard to guard against.

And at this critical moment, a silver light suddenly flashed across Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

A crisp sound similar to the sliding of chains sounded from this space, and silver chains imprinted with obscure patterns slowly moved around Yu Nanyuan.

The surrounding twisted space returned to normal in an instant, and even the silver space vortex collapsed and disappeared.

Yu Nanyuan didn't even use the soul skill. He just added the Void Chain and easily dispelled the powerful soul skill that Luo Guixing was proud of.

Suffering the backlash from the soul skill, Luo Guixing felt his vision go dark, and he let out a painful groan, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. And he sat limply on the ground, his face pale.

"How could this be possible?!"

But compared to the physical trauma, the frustration and despair in his heart were even stronger. Surprise and disbelief filled his eyes.

Luo Guixing endured the pain and happened to see the terrifying soul rings rising from Yu Nanyuan's feet.

black! black! black! black!

A total of four thousand-year-old soul rings as dark as ink appeared, and the deep black halo reflected on Yu Nanyuan's calm face, as if it was a silent mockery of them.

Yang Nianxia's figure was also affected by Yu Nanyuan's momentum, and there was a moment of sluggishness.

And in this moment of sluggishness, five dark golden light blades had already cut through his body with deep spatial cracks.

Yang Nianxia's body did not disappear directly into white fragments of light, but was cut into several pieces. When he was unconscious, his eyes were fixed on the five narrow dark golden blades extending from the fingertips of Yu Nanyuan's right hand. The dark golden halo circulates on the sharp blade, sending out a chilling feeling, and it feels like a magical weapon.

Dark gold terror claw? !

Yang Nianxia finally recognized the origin of these five dark golden blades. As a dark-gold bear soul master, how could he not know the dark-gold Dreadclaw soul bone, which is famous in the world of soul masters?

If he could possess such a soul bone, his martial soul might really have the full power of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Nanyuan severely defeated Luo Guixing and eliminated Yang Nianxia. Seeing this scene, Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng were also stunned.

Yu Nanyuan turned to look at Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng. Both of them felt like they were being targeted by terrifying beasts, and instinctively felt the emotion of fear. This is the impact that momentum has on a person.

Wu Siduo's eyes flashed with light, and her figure instantly became illusory, and she rushed towards Yu Nanyuan without retreating.

Netherworld Thrust. A soul skill that increases speed, attack power, and physical defense. Although it is only the first soul skill, it does not mean that this soul skill is weaker than other soul skills.

Xu Yucheng on the other side also pulled out a series of afterimages, and his speed suddenly increased. The dark demon sickle in his hand was raised on his shoulder, and the sickle blade shone with a dark purple light.

Their long-term combat experience lets them know that they must not retreat at this time. Otherwise they won't get any chance.

Moreover, Xu Yucheng's fighting style focuses on his own momentum. Once his momentum is suppressed, it will be difficult to display his strength.

Under the attention of everyone in the audience, among the four ten-thousand-year soul rings around Yu Nanyuan, black light rippled on the soul ring ranked first, and the sky collapsed without warning.

Thick silver chains appeared from the magical silver runes, binding Wu Siduo's delicate body.

Void Locking Dragon Formation!

Wu Siduo's illusory body had nowhere to hide under the chains of void, and was bound in the air.

The body of the Void Chain condensed into a phantom magic gun and appeared in the control of Yu Nanyuan's right hand. In a flash, he crossed the void and came to Xu Yucheng in an instant.

Xu Yucheng was startled, and his body suddenly jumped into the air. The dark demon sickle in his hand transformed into phantoms in the air. It was like countless black lights erupted from his body.

Brilliant silver light bloomed from the transparent tip of the Phantom Gun, and the powerful space-cutting power instantly shattered these black lights.

Yu Nanyuan held the phantom magic spear and changed the front thrust to a sweeping sweep. The whole movement was smooth and smooth, as smooth and natural as a simple one.

But Xu Yucheng felt that it was inevitable, so he could only raise his Dark Demon Scythe and fully mobilize his soul power to block.

"Keng!" The crisp sound was deafening. Xu Yucheng felt a terrifying force coming from the long handle of the Dark Demon Scythe, and his body flew out uncontrollably. A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and his nose, ears, and eyes were also full of blood, and he looked extremely ferocious.

At the next moment, the Dark Demon Sickle in his hand and his body collapsed at the same time.

With one shot, Xu Yucheng was defeated again!

In the rotunda outside, the eyes of everyone in the freshman class were dull. Who would have thought that Luo Guixing's team, which had four members on the Young Genius List, would be defeated in such a devastating manner by Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan landed on the ground floatingly, with his back to Wu Siduo and Luo Guixing, and turned to look at Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi, and Zheng Yiran.

Being restrained by the Void Dragon Locking Formation in a slightly shameful posture, coupled with Yu Nanyuan's ignorance, Wu Siduo couldn't help but feel a mixture of shame and anger in her eyes.

Black and golden light alternately flashed on her delicate body, and then overlapped together. A layer of strange dark golden color suddenly burst out from her body, and crystal-like white hair grew all over her body.

As soon as she bent down, she lost her human form and transformed into a strange, transparent white tiger.

Martial soul fusion skill, Netherworld White Tiger!

In the process of becoming transparent, the Netherworld White Tiger with two wings on its back just broke away from the shackles of the Void Dragon Locking Formation. But in the next moment, thicker silver chains emerged from the void, once again binding the Netherworld White Tiger transformed by Wu Siduo.

No matter how much the Nether White Tiger struggled and roared, it could not break free.

The Void Dragon Locking Formation is innately equipped with special attacks against dragons and powerful bloodline forces. Although Wu Siduo does not have the dragon bloodline, the essence of this Netherworld White Tiger martial soul fusion skill is the fusion and sublimation of the two martial soul bloodlines, the white tiger and the Netherworld Civet Cat.

After displaying the Netherworld White Tiger, Wu Siduo met the special attack conditions of the Void Dragon Locking Formation.

Only a soul master with strong physical strength who does not rely on martial soul bloodline might not be restrained by the Void Dragon Locking Formation. For example, the lineage of Noumenon Sect.

Ye Xinglan's blue eyes immediately became brighter. At this moment, no words are needed.

For the past three years, she had been looking forward to this day all the time.

The sword is soaring into the sky!

Ye Xinglan held the Star God Sword tightly with both hands, and bright sword lights intertwined in the air. The sky has become much darker, and the sword lights are like stars twinkling in the sky.

This is what she has learned about her own sword power over the years.

The overwhelming sword intent filled the air. Wherever he passed, all the darkness was cut one after another.

But Yu Nanyuan just made a gesture of pointing his spear forward. The phantom spear in his hand stabbed out, seemingly heavy and slow, but also as fast as lightning.

Thousands of golden and silver spear lights bloomed in the air, causing Ye Xinglan's sword lights to fall apart.

Ye Xinglan only felt that countless spear intents penetrated his body, and even his soul seemed to be shattered by the spear intents in the sky.

In that intense pain, Ye Xinglan only saw a huge golden and silver spear flashing past her eyes, and all the thousands of spear lights were gathered in this one spear.

A shot penetrated the sky!

While everyone else present was still at a loss, Ye Xinglan was staring ahead blankly, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Only she could feel that Yu Nanyuan's shocking spear intent invaded every inch of her body. It was like it left a mark on her body that would never go away.

Yu Nanyuan put away the Phantom Spear and pinned it behind his back, looking at Zheng Yiran with calm eyes.

"Finally it's your turn."

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