Xu Yucheng stared at Zhang Yangzi with a stern face, holding the Dark Demon Sickle in one hand and slowly raising it. His two companions also released their own soul rings, all of which were the best combination of two yellow and one purple soul rings.

On the side of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi, the first to take action was Wang Jinxi, who had been silent before.

"Roar——" A low dragon roar sounded from Wang Jinxi's mouth, accompanied by thick black airflow around him. The area centered around his body seemed to turn into a dark swamp.

Two yellow and one purple, three soul rings appeared, and at the same time, the purple thousand-year soul ring suddenly shone.

Wang Jinxi directly used his third strongest soul skill from the beginning.

The huge Bone Dragon King's shadow appeared behind him, and the dragon's roar in his mouth became thicker and thicker, and his whole person's aura was rising steadily.

Wang Jinxi's upper body tilted downwards abruptly, his back bulged, and black bone spurs grew vertically. And from his shoulders to his head, it suddenly turned into a huge real dragon head.

The bone dragon head opened its ferocious mouth, and a ball of dragon flame as black as ink spurted out. The diameter of this ball of dragon flame was more than one meter, and it flew towards Xu Yucheng and the others opposite with a depressing and heart-stopping aura.

The Bone Dragon King's third soul skill, Dragon Transformation!

Different from the fixed dragon transformation talent of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Wang Jinxi can use this third soul skill to transform any part of his body into a dragon according to his own wishes. With this soul skill, he was able to control the dark attribute dragon flame of the Bone Dragon King's martial spirit in advance.

To a beast soul master, this kind of soul skill is completely like a divine skill. This is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the martial soul's true body, which is far more powerful than ordinary amplified soul skills.

Ever since he broke through to the third-ring soul master realm, Wang Jinxi's top martial soul bone dragon king's advantages began to gradually show up.

Xu Yucheng jumped up with a cold expression, the Dark Demon Sickle in his hand already raised high. The third soul ring lit up, and a huge black sickle appeared behind him.

Black light and shadow passed by silently, and the dragon flames spit out by Wang Jinxi seemed to collapse from the inside, scattering in all directions. The black inflammation was like a gangrene attached to the bones, contaminating the surrounding flowers, plants and trees. It continued to burn and was difficult to extinguish.

During the first confrontation between Wang Jinxi and Xu Yucheng, Zhang Yangzi also activated his thousand-year-level third soul skill.

Two black figures dispersed from his body, and a pair of black wings spread out behind them, flying towards Xu Yucheng's two companions from the air.

The third soul skill of the Dark Phantom Eagle, Shadow Clone.

Compared to Xie Xie's double dragon clones, Zhang Yangzi's two shadow clones are much more agile. Not only is it extremely fast, but it is also quite cunning, as if it possesses wisdom itself.

The soul skills of clones often lie in the essence rather than the quantity.

Although Xie Xie's double dragon clones could transform into six clones, he was unable to accurately control those six clones, and was destined to lose his soul's soul skill. But Zhang Yangzi was different. Under the control of a spiritual cultivation level close to the Linghai realm, his two shadow clones were like extensions of a part of his body, like arms. Moreover, these two shadow clones also possess part of the abilities of his own martial soul.

The martial spirits of Xu Yucheng's two companions were the same pair of steel forks. The steel forks they hold in both hands have a dark silver luster, and their front ends are sharp, and they are good at locking the martial souls of various weapons.

They are not agility-based attack spirit masters like Xu Yucheng, but control-type war spirit masters.

The two crosses in their hands met and suddenly circled in the air. Two circles of gray halo immediately shot towards the two shadow clones alternately.

Although this is not a martial soul fusion skill, the same martial soul and soul skill have complementary effects when used.

But the two shadow clones changed their original forms, twisting and turning into two black shadows, quickly passing through the middle of the two circles of gray halo. Caught off guard, the two twisted and slender black shadows strangely penetrated into the shadows at the feet of the two steel fork soul masters. Their own shadows were entangled and bound by the shadow clones, which actually directly affected the actions of the main bodies.

As control-type war soul masters, the two were completely suppressed by Zhang Yangzi in a confrontation.

Their eyes were full of surprise and suspicion. This was the first time they had seen such a weird soul skill. Moreover, this is clearly the secondary control of soul skills, and is a high-end technique for the application of soul skills.

Zhang Yangzi's Dark Phantom Eagle Spirit is indeed inferior to Wang Jinxi's Bone Dragon King in terms of quality, but in fact, his overall strength is always superior to Wang Jinxi's.

Under Wu Zhangkong's plan, Zhang Yangzi determined his own training method long ago, which is the agility, attack and control system.

Control the field with powerful dark attribute abilities, but at the same time take into account the speed and attack power innately given by the Dark Phantom Eagle Spirit. Coupled with the ability to fly, his potential is not inferior to that of Xie Xie, who is a twin martial spirit.

Even though the two companions around him were suppressed, Xu Yucheng's face did not show any expression. It was cold, as if it had lost all breath of life.

The dark demon sickle in Xu Yucheng's hand was rippling with a faint black air current, and his pale face was exuding coldness. He stared at Zhang Yangzi on the tree trunk and Wang Jinxi who had regained his human form.

"If this is your confidence, then you are looking down on me too much. If I defeat you, why should I have the numerical advantage?"

"Is it possible that the so-called Young Genius List members are all arrogant frogs in the well like you?" Zhang Yangzi shook his head gently, and then a mocking look flashed across his eyes.

"Perhaps you have never seen a real genius, but we have spent time with such people day and night. This is the gap in vision between you and us."

At this point, Zhang Yangzi suddenly shouted.

"Golden Seal!"

Wang Jinxi immediately responded to Zhang Yangzi, the black air flowing out of his body became more intense, and the deep dragon roar sounded again in his mouth.

In the state of the third soul skill, a pair of huge bone dragon wings grew out of thin air from his back, driving his body into the air. This time the part that transformed into a dragon was the Bone Dragon King's pair of dragon wings.

Zhang Yangzi also let out a loud eagle cry, and a pair of black light wings waved behind him, swooping in the direction of Wang Jinxi.

The low dragon's roar and the loud eagle's cry intertwined and resounded throughout the sky. The bodies of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi turned black as ink at the same time, and they circled each other, and then began a strange fusion.

Is it a martial soul fusion skill? !

Xu Yucheng was startled, and his indifferent expression finally changed, and he immediately turned into a black light. The dark demon sickle in his hand quietly passed in front of him, and a deep black halo struck at the light cocoon formed by Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi.

Just because of his previous arrogance and arrogance, he had already lost the best opportunity to interrupt the martial soul fusion technique.

Zhang Yangzi's body turned into black light and completely integrated into Wang Jinxi's body, while Wang Jinxi's body expanded rapidly in the black light.


First, a pair of huge and sinister bone dragon claws poked out, and casually crushed the black halo that Xu Yucheng slashed. Then a giant black dragon with a length of more than seven meters descended from the darkness, with the pair of wings behind it so magnificent that it seemed to block out the sky and the sun. In the eye sockets of the bone dragon's head, a dark flame danced.

Martial spirit fusion skill, Dark Eagle Dragon!

The giant dragon let out a long and powerful roar, and then the space fell into boundless darkness.

The realm of darkness and silence!

Everyone in this forest was alarmed, especially a seven-man team not far from here.

Among this seven-person team, two tall teenagers were at the forefront. The man on the left holds a shield in his hand, and three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, rise under his feet. The man on the right turned out to be Yang Nianxia, ​​who had approached Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan before.

And Yang Nianxia doesn't seem to be the core of this team. The real core of this team is the very handsome young man in the center.

With his long blue hair hanging loosely behind his back, the young man had an aura of being out of this world. There was a gentle smile on his face, and he felt like he had everything under control.

He has a slender build, fair skin, blue hair and blue eyes. The movements of hands and feet appear smooth and smooth.

The young man is Luo Guixing, who once had a relationship with Yu Nanyuan, and his nickname on the young genius list is Jin. Imprison Luo Guixing.

On either side of Luo Guixing were two teenagers. The two of them were lithe in stature and agile in movement. They were obviously agility and attack type battle spirit masters. Together with the other two teenagers behind him, they formed a complete team of seven.

After forming a team with Yu Nanyuan to no avail, Yang Nianxia decisively joined Luo Guixing's team and was subordinate to Luo Guixing. This forbearance alone lived up to his nickname of Dark Bear.

Hearing the roar of a dragon in the forest not far ahead, Luo Guixing's team instantly became alert.

At this moment, they suddenly saw a dark figure emerging from the front, and his whole body was surrounded by a black airflow. The speed was extremely fast, bringing up a series of afterimages behind him.

However, this figure looked extremely embarrassed at this time.

"Xu Yucheng?!" Luo Guixing and Yang Nianxia both widened their eyes when they recognized the person.

As both on the Young Genius List, they have always regarded each other as competitors. Luo Guixing and Yang Nianxia obviously knew Xu Yucheng.

In terms of personal strength, Xu Yucheng will never be weaker than them, but why does he seem to be in a panic now?

And they soon understood why.

"Roar——" The sound was rolling, and the dark eagle dragon transformed by Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi chased after him instantly. Darkness swept behind the Dark Eagle Dragon, as if it was driving a dark sky covering the sky.

Xu Yucheng's Dark Demon Scythe martial spirit possesses top-notch dark attribute abilities, which finally allowed him to escape from the dark and silent realm of the Dark Eagle Dragon. With his speed, it would be really difficult for the Dark Eagle Dragon to catch up if he wanted to escape.

Although Xu Yucheng was arrogant, he was not stupid enough to go head-to-head with martial soul fusion skills. Moreover, he was not absolutely sure when facing Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi's Dark Eagle Dragon.

Under normal circumstances, the martial soul fusion skills of the two three-ring soul masters are enough to easily suppress the ordinary four-ring soul masters.

Although Xu Yucheng's martial spirit was powerful, the quality of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi's martial spirits was not much inferior to that of the Dark Demon Scythe. Facing the two soul fusion skills, his first thought was to temporarily avoid their sharp edges.

The Dark Eagle Dragon hovered in the sky and found that it could not catch up with Xu Yucheng. Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi were also helpless.

If it were an arena match, this would definitely not happen, but unfortunately this was a large-scale melee.

After performing martial soul fusion skills, they will inevitably fall into a period of weakness.

With this in mind, Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi decisively changed their goals. It was already difficult for them to persist to the end anyway, so they might as well eliminate as many people as possible.

Their target was Luo Guixing's team.

"Get ready to fight!" Seeing this scene, Luo Guixing shouted quickly. The smile on his face had long faded, and even in the face of this unexpected situation, he still looked extremely calm. His eyes sparkled with wisdom.

"It's a martial soul fusion skill. Judging from their aura, they shouldn't be able to hold on for too long. Yang Nianxia, ​​you block them from the front first."

However, Yang Nianxia hesitated at this time, and stared at the Dark Eagle Dragon who turned around with slightly narrowed eyes.

This improvised team is not very stable. He chose to join Luo Guixing's team just to achieve his own goals, rather than truly willing to succumb to Luo Guixing.

Yang Nianxia's own movements were not slow, and he strode forward to block the entire team.

But at the moment when the Dark Silence Domain spread, he grabbed the body of the Shield Soul Lord next to him without any warning and threw it towards the Dark Eagle Dragon.

The Dark Eagle Dragon raised a pair of bone dragon claws and directly tore the shield soul master's body into pieces.

Luo Guixing could no longer maintain his previous calmness and looked at Yang Nianxia with a mixture of shock and anger.

"what are you doing?!"

Luo Guixing thought that Yang Nianxia had ulterior motives for joining his team, but he did not expect that Yang Nianxia would betray him at this time.

Yang Nianxia ignored Luo Guixing's question, released his martial spirit, and ran wildly towards the depths of the forest.

Luo Guixing's team lost two front row members, and the door was already wide open in front of them.

The boundless darkness descended once again, and in the darkness there was the final counterattack of the Dark Eagle Dragon.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan had brought Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan to the depths of the forest.

There was still a dense forest around them, but the area they were in was a circular open area completely covered by bluesilver grass. The diameter of this area is a hundred meters, like a huge arena.

The ankle-deep bluesilver grass floats in the wind, moving like blue waves.

Yu Nanyuan stood in the center of this area, looking ahead calmly, as if waiting for something.

Half an hour later, Shen Yi's voice sounded from the sky again as promised.

"There are ten people left at the end. The terrain shrinks and there is a melee at the end."

In a flash of white light, figures appeared around Yu Nanyuan and the three of them.

The ones Yu Nanyuan was familiar with were Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi, but everyone else was fighting on their own and being wary of each other.

The winners of the Young Genius List are gathered here.

Netherworld Wusiduo, Imprisoned Luo Guixing, Immortal Xu Yucheng, Dark Bear Yang Nianxia and the green snake Zheng Yiran who had met Yu Nanyuan before.

Three years have passed, and Zheng Yiran has become taller and taller, with arrogant eyes, but a dark aura exudes from her whole body. At this time, she was staring at Ye Xinglan who was holding the Star God Sword.

Two of her followers were eliminated by Ye Xinglan just now.

Luo Guixing was not far from Zheng Yiran, and the expression on his face was a little ugly. After being successively attacked and killed by Dark Eagle Dragon and Ye Xinglan, he was the only one left in his team.

Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Yang Nianxia were in another war zone.

After the terrain changed, everyone present focused their attention on Yu Nanyuan and the three of them.

The expressions on everyone's faces changed differently, and the one who had the strongest reaction was Luo Guixing, who was always known for his calmness.

The moment he looked face to face with Yu Nanyuan, especially when he saw those clear golden eyes, Luo Guixing's memory of that year seemed to have revived, and his body was shaken.

"Yu Nanyuan?!"

Except for Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi, everyone else's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even Wu Siduo's cold eyes showed some strange emotions, her red lips slightly opened, and a clear and sweet voice sounded.

"The top one on the young genius list, Void Yu Nanyuan?"

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