Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 138 Running for Class Cadres (4k)

Seeing Xu Lizhi's determined eyes and the cool mecha behind him, Tang Wulin became excited.

When he was very young, Tang Wulin dreamed of becoming a powerful mecha master in the future. Even though he had the goal of becoming a Doukai master under Wu Zhangkong's guidance, he never gave up on becoming a mecha master.

It was only in order to save money these years to buy various spiritual objects to impact the bloodline seal in his body that he had not been able to take action.

After getting excited, Tang Wulin noticed that Xu Lizhi's mecha was obviously different from the mechas he had seen before.

"Kaichi, aren't the mechas in our Sun-Moon Federation all humanoid mechas? Why does your mecha feel more like a soul beast?"

"Don't you know? In the history of the Sun-Moon Federation, beast-shaped mechas have been the mainstream for a long time." Xu Lizhi looked at Tang Wulin in confusion.

"It's just that with the development of the times, the form of mechas gradually returned to the original human form. The abilities of humanoid mechas in all aspects are relatively more balanced, and their universality is more suitable for our soul masters to control them. . Beast-shaped mechas focus on certain abilities, which can maximize the areas that the soul master is good at. It is said that in Tiandou Continent and Xingluo Continent, this kind of beast-shaped mecha is still popular. Woolen cloth."

Tang Wulin's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the development of mechas had such a history. He then continued to look at Xu Lizhi's extraordinarily large mecha and said thoughtfully.

"Then the ability that your mecha is good at should be strength, right?"

"Yes." Xu Lizhi chuckled.

"As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten. The defense capabilities of mechas of the same level are basically the same. This kind of powerful mecha will have more advantages in mecha battles. I am preparing to prepare for my mecha. I have a mecha to forge weapons. I have already thought about it, and I will create a pair of thousand-forged metal giant hammers. Wulin, you are a blacksmith, can you recommend to me which rare metal is more effective in forging giant hammers? If so, It would be even better if you could help me forge it directly, and your reward will definitely be indispensable."

"Okay! I'm about to take over the mission." Tang Wulin already had a good impression of Xu Lizhi, and since they were both disciples of the Tang Sect, he also wanted to make friends with him. What's more, Xu Lizhi is still a student in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, so he must have great potential, and he might be able to help him in the future.

"I will recommend several suitable rare metals to you now. You can choose according to your own needs. But if you are particularly pursuing quality, you can use meteorite iron."

Meteor iron is a top-grade rare metal that does not exist on the Douluo Continent. It is refined from meteorites from outer space. Meteor iron is extremely dense and surprisingly heavy. The most peculiar thing is that it contains a special kind of energy. Mechas or weapons built with it will have special penetration effects.

So generally speaking, some powerful mechas will choose to use it to build sharp weapons. The weapon of Yu Nanyuan's mecha, the Thunder God's Spear, was made of meteorite iron at the first-grade level of Thousand Forgings.

However, there is another characteristic of meteorite iron, that is, it cannot be given life through spiritual forging. At most, it can only be used to make one-word battle armor. This greatly reduces its own value, and is more often used only on mechas, but is rarely chosen by combat armor masters.

As soon as Tang Wulin finished introducing the characteristics of meteorite iron to Xu Lizhi, Xu Lizhi nodded repeatedly with shining eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Just use meteorite iron! I will solve the material problem."

Tang Wulin couldn't help but secretly lament Xu Lizhi's wealth.

As expected of a disciple of the inner court of Shrek Academy, he is really not short of money!

Even though he was a disciple of Mu Chen, an eighth-level holy craftsman, he didn't have many opportunities to forge rare metals like meteorite.

Then Tang Wulin seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked with interest: "By the way, Li Zhi. I heard that in truly high-level mechas, the soul and the mecha can even merge into one. This is Really?"

"That's true." Xu Lizhi scratched his head honestly.

"I don't know if I can come into contact with that level in the future. But I chose this form of mecha to prepare for the fusion of the soul and the mecha later."

As he spoke, Xu Lizhi released his soul.

This was also the first time Tang Wulin saw Xu Lizhi's soul.

It was a baboon, about one and a half meters tall. It could be said that it was dwarfed by the huge Vajra baboon. But its majestic body shape can be compared to that of a bear spirit beast, with muscles all over its body bulging high. The pale face was in sharp contrast to the jet-black hair, and there was a pair of blood-red eyes on the pale face, which looked really scary.

"Blood red baboon?" Tang Wulin blurted out almost subconsciously, recognizing the origin of Xu Lizhi's soul.

When he was training in the primary spiritual ascension platform, he had encountered soul beasts like the blood-red baboon. The Blood Red Baboon has extremely strong hand-to-hand combat capabilities, is good at strength, speed, and defense, and possesses the innate soul skill of bloodthirsty.

Judging from the lively eyes of this blood-red baboon soul, it is clear that this is not an artificial soul, but a real soul made from a soul beast.

But what surprised Tang Wulin was that Xu Lizhi's thousand-year-old blood-red baboon soul seemed to be particularly timid, hiding timidly behind Xu Lizhi.

Xu Lizhi smiled sheepishly.

"Ah Fei is more afraid of strangers and doesn't like to come into contact with other humans."

Tang Wulin's expression became a little strange, as expected, there were all kinds of wonders in the world.

However, he remembered that the soul's personality seemed to be affected by the soul master's inner world, especially the soul master's first initial soul. They accompany the soul master's growth and will be most affected by the soul master's character.

From this blood-red baboon, Tang Wulin seemed to see the inferiority complex deep in Xu Lizhi's heart, and he suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for him. Without the bloodline power of the Golden Dragon King, I would probably be just another Li Zhi.

Afterwards, Tang Wulin and Xu Lizhi had a lively conversation, and Xu Lizhi also enthusiastically invited Tang Wulin to visit his mecha. Finally, the two of them left the Tang Sect headquarters, and Xu Lizhi took Tang Wulin to meet each other in Shrek's inner city and had a hearty meal.

A meal once again drew into their relationship.

Early the next morning, the opening ceremony of Shrek Academy's outer campus was held as scheduled at Lingbing Square.

The outer courtyard of Shrek Academy is divided into six grades. This is no different from other colleges, but each grade has only one class. The number of students in the six classes ranges from around a hundred. There are probably more than 700 people in the six grades together.

According to the regulations of Shrek Academy, if you become a one-word armor master before the age of twenty, you will be eligible to participate in the inner court's assessment. Therefore, among the elites, it is the classes in the first three grades that have greater potential.

Starting from the fourth grade means that you have basically lost the possibility of entering the inner courtyard. The most you can do is complete your studies in the outer courtyard. The graduation requirement of Shrek Academy's outer school is to become a one-word combat armor master before the age of thirty-five.

If we look at it by age, Wu Zhangkong is probably only a fifth-year student.

However, even students who graduated from Shrek Academy's outer college are rare talents on the mainland. All forces will compete to win over them, and they are favored by many young female soul masters.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you graduate from Shrek Academy's outer college, you will become a winner in life.

Among the six grades, the youngest is naturally the freshman class. They are all under the age of fifteen, mostly thirteen or fourteen years old.

Yu Nanyuan and everyone in Class 0 stood behind Class 1, Grade 1, not very conspicuous, and occasionally they could whisper to each other.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes fell on Yuan En Yehui, who was standing at the front of Class 1, Grade 2 next door.

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoyan on the side stretched out his little foot angrily and touched Yu Nanyuan's leg lightly.

Although Yu Nanyuan explained the reason to her yesterday, she always felt that Yu Nanyuan had other motives for paying attention to Yuan En Yehui.

Yu Nanyuan looked sideways at Xu Xiaoyan, but received a roll of his eyes from Xu Xiaoyan.

Xu Xiaoyan's hunch was correct, but Yu Nanyuan was actually just thinking about Yuan En Yehui and the demonic plane.

At this moment, figures fell from the sky one after another. More than twenty figures slowly fell down and suspended in the air.

This scene is undoubtedly quite shocking to most of the first-year freshmen.

Flying in the void, except for soul masters with flying martial souls, is something that requires at least a seventh-ring soul saint or above to achieve. This shows that all these teachers are above the seventh level.

One of the middle-aged men stepped forward in vain.

"The new school year has begun, and this is also the time for Shrek to absorb new blood. Now let's ask Mr. Cai, the dean of the outer courtyard, to give us a few words."

Not just Yu Nanyuan, every first-year class one student who passed the assessment had seen this Silver Moon Douluo during the assessment process. Seeing Mr. Cai, everyone looked surprised.

They didn't expect that the dean of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard would personally participate in the assessment.

Today, Mr. Cai put on a dignified dark silver dress. His long silver hair was tied up high, his hands were behind his back, and his face was solemn and majestic.

"Shrek Academy has never forced anyone to practice, but Shrek Academy has never had compulsory education. There is a small test every year and a big test every three years. If you fail the small test twice, you will be expelled. If you fail the big test once, you will be expelled. So the college's numbers will only decrease over the next three years, not increase, and that's true for any grade level."

"Students who haven't graduated from the sixth grade, you don't have much time left for you. Thirty-five years old is the final critical point, I hope you can grasp it. New students, you don't have to work hard, but after three years, here Maybe there will no longer be a place for you."

"At the same time, Shrek will never hesitate to help good scholars. Your teachers are the ones you ask for advice. The various facilities in the academy are open to everyone, and you can use them at will. Of course, the premise is that you have enough contributions. Points. Freshmen students, you will soon understand the importance of contribution points. The new year is about to begin. The glory and glory of Shrek Academy are composed by generations of Shrek people. You will become the glorious part of Shrek in the future. Some of them are still excluded from the glory. It doesn’t matter what I say, you have the final say. That’s it. The teachers of each class will take your respective classes back to the classroom. The opening ceremony is over.”

After saying these words, Mr. Cai's figure disappeared from where he was. The teachers suspended in the air were flying towards different classes.

The two teachers from the outer school who fell in front of Class 1 of the first grade were none other than Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi.

After Mr. Cai left, Zhang Yangzi couldn't help but mutter to Yu Nanyuan beside him: "Why don't you leave the glory and splendor of Shrek Academy in every word? You won't brainwash us in the future, right? We met in the Tianhai Alliance back then. Those guys are already crazy enough, and I don’t want to become like them."

"One thing to say, those people are really crazy," Yu Nanyuan nodded with deep understanding.

"But it varies from person to person."

Yu Nanyuan and Zhang Yangzi's conversation was not loud, but perhaps because some people are sensitive by nature, they still attracted the attention of two eyes.

One of them was Xu Lizhi, who had a great chat with Tang Wulin yesterday. His fat figure was particularly eye-catching. And the blond girl next to Xu Lizhi is undoubtedly Ye Xinglan.

Three years later, Ye Xinglan has fully grown. Her exquisite and perfect appearance is comparable to that of Xu Xiaoyan, but the coldness on her face has not changed at all, it is still that cold look.

Previously, Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi were mingling with the crowd with their backs turned, and no one in Class 0 noticed yet. Now the two looked back, and Yu Nanyuan and others recognized them instantly.

Looking at Xu Lizhi, Tang Wulin reacted belatedly. It turns out that this is the surprise Xu Lizhi told him, but why are the occasions when the two parties meet always so awkward?

However, unlike the situation in the Tianhai Alliance competition, Ye Xinglan did not dare to say harsh words this time. Her eyes paused on Yu Nanyuan for a moment, then she bit her red lips tightly and turned around suddenly.

"Sister Xinglan——" Xu Lizhi greeted Tang Wulin without interest and quickly followed Ye Xinglan.

Xie Xie looked at everyone and shrugged.

"The fat man from back then? And that self-righteous guy?"

"It should be them. Why did they come to the outer courtyard?" Wang Jinxi said with a slight frown.

Zhang Yangzi laughed mockingly.

"Maybe he was kicked out by the inner court because of his lack of ability."

At this point, everyone's eyes focused on Tang Wulin.

"Wulin, are you familiar with that fat man? He seemed to be greeting you just now."

"Actually, Mr. Kasagi is quite good." Tang Wulin said with some embarrassment.

Gu Yue also stared coldly at the direction Ye Xinglan left. As for Xu Xiaoyan, because of her own personality, she didn't show much hostility.

And Yu Nanyuan was even more unconcerned.

Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi were the two head teachers of Class 1, Grade 1. Under their leadership, a group of students walked into the Shrek Building, which is the main teaching building.

The first-grade classroom of the outer courtyard is on the first floor. After entering the main teaching building, turn left and walk more than 100 meters.

This is a huge lecture hall, large enough to accommodate three hundred people. There is no particularity about the seats in the classroom, you can sit wherever you like.

Naturally, everyone in Class Zero sat together. Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue sat on either side of Yu Nanyuan, as if they were swearing sovereignty. As for the four Zhang Yangzi, they deliberately kept a certain distance from the three Yu Nanyuan, not wanting to be involved.

Wu Changkong and Shen Yi stood still on the podium.

"Before starting formal classes, run for class cadres. This is also an opportunity for you to get to know each other."

Start showing off and try harder.

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