Chapter 137 Ape God, activate! (5.8k)

There are more than 500 students applying for Shrek Academy this year, but judging from the admission rate of previous years, only one-fifth of them will be able to actually become Shrek Academy students in the end.

The training of a soul master in the early stage is relatively easy. The application requirement for Shrek Academy is to have at least level 25 soul power before the age of fifteen. Even if your martial soul is not particularly powerful, it is not difficult to achieve this.

In areas like the Tianhai Alliance where the overall quality of soul masters is weak, it would be good if only a few of the dozens of applicants who applied for Shrek Academy in the past could be admitted. Most of them are here to make up the numbers.

Shrek conducts elimination and screening through such assessments, and those who remain in the end are basically students with quite good martial arts qualities and certain potential. Or there are students who have special skills and special characteristics. Even if you fail the examination, you can still study as a work-study student.

The Shrek Academy freshmen assessment venue is in the ring-shaped building on the north side of Lingbing Square. This building is also called Shrek Building.

Hundreds of students who apply for Shrek Academy will complete the assessment today, and students who pass the assessment will officially start school tomorrow. Acting vigorously and resolutely is also the consistent style of Shrek Academy.

Wu Changkong stood quietly in the center of Lingbing Square, with his long lake-blue hair hanging behind him, peerless and independent.

He has never worried about the people in Class 0 who he trained personally, that some of them would fail to pass the examination.

Whether it's Gu Yue's control of the seven elements, Xie Xie's twin martial souls, or Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi's martial soul fusion skills, they can all be regarded as unique talents. Although Xu Xiaoyan and Tang Wulin have obvious shortcomings in their own abilities, their flaws are not concealed.

The absolute establishment characteristics of Xu Xiaoyan's star staff spirit destined her to become the core of a team. It doesn't matter much if she doesn't have any attack ability. The strength of the team will help her make up for such shortcomings.

Tang Wulin's situation is even more special. His soul power cultivation level is the lowest, but with the power of blood in his body, his overall strength is not weaker than others.

Of course, this is without Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

As time goes by, many students who took the assessment have walked out of Shrek Building. Some may be confident while looking forward, some may bow their heads and remain silent, some may feel regretful, or some may have a numb expression.

All aspects of life are evident.

After all, only a very small number can pass the assessment. For most people, failure always occurs throughout life.

Yu Nanyuan's figure appeared in Lingbing Square at some point and walked towards the direction of Wu Zhangkong.

"Dance teacher."

Wu Zhangkong just nodded slightly and stared at Shrek Tower intently.

Yu Nanyuan also followed Wu Changkong's line of sight and looked over. Like Wu Zhangkong, he was also full of confidence in everyone.

Shrek City is located in the south-central part of the continent, with a pleasant climate and spring-like weather all year round. The sunshine in early spring is genial and warm, and the breeze is mixed with the faint fragrance of the surrounding plants, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Until noon, familiar figures appeared in the sights of Yu Nanyuan and Wu Changkong.

Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie were walking in the front, and they were playing happily. Wang Jinxi and Tang Wulin were a little behind. Although they looked calmer, they both looked happy.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue fell at the back. Xu Xiaoyan would cover his mouth and chuckle from time to time, saying something to Gu Yue beside him.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan and Wu Changkong in the center of Lingbing Square, everyone quickly walked over.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue's eyes met, and nothing was said. But Xu Xiaoyan thought Yu Nanyuan was looking at her, and waved to Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

Arriving in front of Wu Zhangkong, Zhang Yangzi couldn't wait to speak to Wu Zhangkong: "Teacher Wu, we have all passed the assessment."


Wu Zhangkong responded coldly. But what no one noticed was that a rare smile flashed deep in his eyes.

"Wulin, I will take you to report to Tangmen. The others will make their own arrangements this afternoon. Remember not to miss the opening ceremony tomorrow."

"Yes, Teacher Wu!" Everyone responded in unison.

Zhang Yangzi, Xie Xie, and Xu Xiaoyan, who have relatively out-of-the-box personalities, couldn't help but cheer.

Tang Wulin said hello to everyone and left with Wu Zhangkong. He had another purpose in going to Tangmen to report this time, and that was to exchange his contribution points in Tangmen for one of the thousand-year-old spiritual objects that he would need to break through the third layer of seals.

Yu Nanyuan stepped forward with a smile and came to the middle of the crowd.

"What do you think?"

"Shrek Academy's assessment does have a certain degree of difficulty. Among the ten people in my group, including me, only three passed the assessment." Xie Xie changed his usual carelessness and his expression became solemn. stand up.

"There is a guy named Luo Guixing among them. His total score in the ten assessments reached ninety-three points. I heard that this is the highest score in Shrek Academy's freshman assessment in the past fifty years. And this guy's martial soul seems to have space attributes. .”

At this point, everyone's eyes focused on Yu Nanyuan.

"Luo Guixing?" Yu Nanyuan smiled lightly, recalling the scene when he first met Luo Guixing at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Zhang Yangzi put an arm on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder and said nonchalantly.

"That's because Nan Yuan did not participate in this assessment. He also has a space-attribute martial spirit. Facing Nan Yuan, there is no chance for him."

Among his group, there was no one with particularly outstanding abilities.

But Wang Jinxi couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yangzi and said in a deep voice: "There is also a person in my group whose total score in the ten assessments exceeds ninety points. His name is Xu Yucheng, a member of the Four Rings Soul Sect and a martial arts master. It’s the Dark Demon Scythe.”

"Dark Demon Scythe?!" The smile on Zhang Yangzi's face suddenly faded, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Both he and Wang Jinxi have dark-attribute martial spirits, so they have a deep understanding of some special existences among similar martial spirits.

The Dark Demon Scythe itself is not considered the top-notch type of martial spirit, not because it is not powerful enough, but because it is so powerful that it will backfire on the soul master himself. Therefore, the body of the Dark Demon Scythe Soul Master is often very fragile.

But even with such shortcomings, it is difficult to conceal the strength of the Dark Demon Scythe Spirit.

Wang Jinxi continued: "If nothing else happens, I think this Xu Yucheng and the Luo Guixing that Xie Xie met should both be on the list of young geniuses."

"What about those on the Young Genius List?" Zhang Yangzi not only did not suffer a blow, but his eyes showed an eagerness to try. He is proud by nature, and among his peers, he only obeys Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

"If there is a chance in the future, I would like to see how good they are. Before going to Shrek City, I had already made such preparations. If you don't even have the courage to compete with those outstanding peers, then apply for Shrek City What’s the point of the academy?”

As soon as these words came out, even Xie Xie was deeply affected and couldn't help but feel his blood boiling.

"Yangzi, you are right, we are not necessarily worse than those people."

Wang Jinxi nodded silently and said nothing, but his eyes were full of determination.

Seeing this scene, Yu Nanyuan was not surprised. Among everyone, Zhang Yangzi's character has always been the proudest.

As if he thought of something, he turned sideways and looked at Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan.

"How is the situation over there? Is there anyone you think could pose a threat to you?"

"I didn't pay much attention."

Xu Xiaoyan's pretty face turned red, and she blinked in embarrassment. During the previous assessment, she was so nervous that she had no time to observe other people.

Gu Yue thought of the girl in the same group named Wu Siduo, who was cultivated in the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

But in her eyes, Wu Siduo was just like that and not worthy of her too much attention.

"It seems there is."

When she said this, Gu Yue subconsciously raised her head and met Yu Nanyuan's eyes. Different from the indifference in the past, her eyes were particularly soft today.

"I'm going to report to the Spirit Pagoda headquarters later. I'm leaving first."


Xu Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a regretful tone: "Sister Gu Yue, are you leaving now? I also thought that we would all go shopping in Shrek City together later."

"Next time." As she said that, Gu Yue walked towards the outside of Lingbing Square.

Gu Yue didn't have much communication with Yu Nanyuan from beginning to end, and Xu Xiaoyan didn't notice the difference between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue at all.

Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie looked at each other with a smile, and found an excuse to leave.

"Nanyuan, Xiaoyan, let's go back to the dormitory first. You can go shopping by yourself."

Although Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie have different bets on them, they maintain a tacit understanding on this matter. Wang Jinxi also followed the two of them with understanding.

Everyone in Class Zero has passed Shrek Academy's admissions assessment normally. They are not work-study students, but formal students of Shrek Academy's outer campus. Official students enjoy college subsidies and only need to pay 20% of the tuition. They also have independent single dormitories with free food and accommodation.

The dormitory is in Shrek Building. They had received the dormitory keys and school uniforms from the Academic Affairs Office before.

Yu Nanyuan looked at Xu Xiaoyan and said with a smile: "Let's go, Xiaoyan. Let's go shopping in the city together. Find a place to have a drink first, which can also be regarded as a celebration of your success in being admitted to the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy."

"Okay!" Xu Xiaoyan chuckled, looking extremely high-spirited.

"Wait a minute! I'll call dad first and tell them about my admission to Shrek Academy."

However, Xu Xiaoyu's call to home this time was answered by Xu Xiaoyu. Xu Xiaoyu, who was cold and arrogant in front of outsiders, was particularly concerned about Xu Xiaoyan, her biological sister. She asked many questions and even chatted with Yu Nanyuan for a while.

Finally, Xu Xiaoyan impatiently took the soul communication device from Yu Nanyuan's hand.

"Brother, you are so verbose! We are going out to play, that's it, hang up."

Through the soul communicator, Yu Nanyuan could imagine the expression on Xu Xiaoyu's face at this time.

Xu Xiaoyan put away the soul communicator carelessly and was about to pull Yu Nanyuan away when a burly young man walked over to the two of them.

He is over 1.9 meters tall and seems to be a student applying for Shrek Academy this time. This shows that he is less than fifteen years old, but his figure is more exaggerated than that of many adults. What's strange is that his eyes are so small that when you squint, you can't even see them.

The young man seemed to have a cheerful personality. After his eyes paused on Yu Nanyuan for a moment, he looked at Xu Xiaoyan again.

"Hello, my name is Yang Nianxia. Your name is Xu Xiaoyan, right? You and I were in the same group to take the assessment before."

Xu Xiaoyan thought for a moment, and then he had some impression of Yang Nianxia and replied politely.

"Oh, Hello."

Yu Nanyuan was also looking at this young man named Yang Nianxia. Through the memories of his previous life, he knew Yang Nianxia's character very well.

Yang Nianxia most likely came to Xu Xiaoyan because of his absolute control over Xu Xiaoyan's Star Staff Spirit.

In fact, this is the case, and Yang Nianxia has such a purpose. He had learned a lot about Shrek Academy in advance. Not to mention, it was very likely that the cadres of the first grade class would organize a group for actual combat.

If he could have Xu Xiaoyan's assistance, he would be more confident.

Yang Nianxia stared at Yu Nanyuan with slightly narrowed eyes, and said angrily: "Hello, are you and classmate Xu Xiaoyan together?"

"So be it." Yu Nanyuan replied calmly, and the gentle smile on his face made it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

Yang Nianxia suddenly became enthusiastic and extended his right hand to Yu Nanyuan honestly.

"Then we will all be classmates from now on. I would like to ask, are you and Xu Xiaoyan boyfriend and girlfriend?"


A charming blush instantly appeared on Xu Xiaoyan's pretty face, and then she took Yu Nanyuan's arm affectionately, showing a shy look, and nodded gently. I don’t know if it’s because of his true feelings or if he’s just being possessed by drama.

It was naturally impossible for Yu Nanyuan to dismantle Xu Xiaoyan at this time, and the smile on his face softened a lot.

"You are indeed quite presumptuous."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else. I just want to get to know you." Yang Nianxia touched his head in embarrassment, his tone apologetic yet sincere.

Yu Nanyuan ignored Yang Nianxia anymore, took Xu Xiaoyan's hand and turned to leave.

And watching Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan gradually disappear from sight, Yang Nianxia's eyes narrowed again, not knowing what he was thinking.

When he just faced Yu Nanyuan, he always felt like he had been completely seen through.

Is it my imagination?

After Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan left the confines of Lingbing Square, they walked into a street that looked very lively.

Yu Nanyuan let go of his hand and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, you're getting into drama again, aren't you?"

"That guy just now looked honest and honest, but I don't think he is a good person." Xu Xiaoyan pouted her red lips cutely.

"I don't want that guy to bother me again."

However, the blush on her face and the shyness in her eyes were difficult to dissipate.

Not far in front of them, there happened to be a fruit tea shop. At this time, many people gathered here, and business was particularly prosperous. Many of them were wearing Shrek Academy uniforms.

Yu Nanyuan withdrew his gaze and said to Xu Xiaoyan, "Let's go over there and have something to drink."

"Okay! I want to eat smoothie!" A smile appeared on Xu Xiaoyan's face again. But what exactly is hidden under her smile is unknown.

Entering the fruit tea shop, Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan found a table and sat down, then called the waiter to order juice and smoothies.

Soon a waiter arrived with juices and smoothies on a tray.

"Sorry, you've been waiting for so long."

This is a girl who is not much older than Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan. She has short maroon hair, extremely beautiful appearance, soft voice, and a pitiful temperament when she speaks.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes were instantly fixed on the girl. He was certain that the girl in front of him was Yuan En Yehui who had resumed her female form.

Half a year ago, he left the mark of the void contract on Yuanen Yehui. Although Yuan En Yehui had already erased the mark of the Void Contract through his own soul and mental power, Yu Nanyuan still had a sense of it coming from somewhere.

Yuanen Yehui also recognized Yu Nanyuan and looked slightly startled. A little shame and anger could not help but appear in her black eyes, and then she walked away in a panic.

Yu Nanyuan belatedly looked away from Yuan En Yehui, but Xu Xiaoyan snorted and lightly kicked Yu Nanyuan under the table.

"You're still watching after everyone's gone."

"Look what's wrong?" Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly without any guilt.

"No one told me not to watch, so why are you so anxious first?"


Under Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Xu Xiaoyan felt inexplicably flustered and hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word. In the end, I had to bite the metal spoon stuck in the smoothie and sulked alone.

What made her most angry was not that Yu Nanyuan looked at other girls, but that he ignored her, a beautiful girl right in front of her. She thought that she was no worse than that girl!

Yu Nanyuan was never a slow person, and he probably saw what Xu Xiaoyan was thinking. It's just that they grew up together, and he wasn't sure whether Xu Xiaoyan had a relationship between a man and a woman or a pure dependence on her.

But no matter what, there was no need for him to deliberately provoke Xu Xiaoyan. At that moment, he briefly told in a low voice the story of Yuanen Yehui disguising herself as a man.

At the same time, Tangmen headquarters.

The Tang Sect has two headquarters in the Sun-Moon Federation, one is in Tiandou City and the other is in Shrek Inner City.

Half of Shrek's inner city belongs to Shrek Academy and half to Tang Sect. This shows the close connection between Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect.

Tang Wulin was preparing to take on several forging tasks at the Tangmen headquarters in order to collect points to exchange for the thousand-year-old spiritual objects he needed. A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Tang Wulin?"

Tang Wulin felt familiar with this voice and quickly looked back. Behind him, there was a big fat man with a smile on his face.

"Xu Lizhi?"

"It's me." Xu Lizhi chuckled.

Although there was some unhappiness between the people of Donghai College and Shrek College, Tang Wulin and Xu Lizhi had a good impression of each other. Maybe it’s because we are both foodies.

Tang Wulin looked at Xu Lizhi in surprise.

"Are you also a Tang Clan disciple?"

"Yes." Xu Lizhi responded with a smile: "Why did you come to Shrek City?"

As both a disciple of the Tang clan, Tang Wulin didn't hide anything.

"We applied for Shrek Academy and were just admitted today."

"Are you a blacksmith?" Xu Lizhi asked curiously as he looked at the task Tang Wulin accepted.

"What level?"

"I should be considered a level four blacksmith." Tang Wulin thought for a while. He had not tried spiritual training yet, so he could only be considered a level four blacksmith.

Xu Lizhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you able to refine the first level of a thousand exercises?"

"Okay." Tang Wulin nodded.

"Why do you ask this? Do you need me to help you forge it?"

Xu Lizhi did not hide anything and invited warmly.

"I have customized a mecha before, and now I am preparing to upgrade it to a purple-level mecha. I need some rare metals of the first grade of Thousand Forgings. Do you want to come and take a look with me?"

"Okay!" Tang Wulin agreed without hesitation. Mu Chen had taught him before that if a blacksmith could personally participate in the production of battle armor and mecha, he could gain some insights and valuable experience. And he himself is also very interested in mechas.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at an open area deep inside the Tang Sect headquarters. There are metal walls on all sides, and the height is more than a hundred meters. This is a place specifically for mecha masters to hone their mechas.

Tang Wulin was the second peer of his age to witness his mecha. Xu Lizhi took out the remote control of his mecha from his body in a rather showy manner. He clenched the rectangular black metal remote control in his right hand and shouted with firm eyes.

"Ape God, activate!"

In a flash of light, a twelve-meter-tall yellow-class mecha appeared behind Xu Lizhi. The remote control paired with the mecha itself has the function of a storage soul guide.

However, due to its special structure, the remote control can only store the mecha it is paired with, but cannot store other items.

Different from the regular humanoid mechas in the Sun and Moon Federation, Xu Lizhi's yellow-level mecha looks like an ape.

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