As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence. The eyes of almost everyone in the freshman class became hot.

Although Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi have not explained the benefits of being elected as class cadres, they mentioned it on the first day of school, which shows how seriously they attach importance to this matter. Moreover, each of the students admitted to Shrek Academy can be said to be a proud person in their place, and naturally they are not willing to succumb to others.

Especially those on the Young Genius List.

Among them was Yang Nianxia. At this time, he was looking in the direction of the podium with his eyes slightly narrowed, with a bright light shining deep in his eyes.

However, his appearance only lasted for a moment, and he soon returned to his previous honest appearance. He turned back to look at where Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan were, and gave them a harmless smile, unabashedly expressing his kindness.

From the position of Yu Nanyuan and the three of them, they could fully see Yang Nianxia's previous changes.

There was something inexplicable in Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

"Xiaoyan, it seems that guy is targeting us."

Xu Xiaoyan pursed her red lips with some dissatisfaction.

"This guy has such a serious mind. His honest appearance was obviously deliberately put on. He must have had impure motives when he approached us yesterday."

While Yu Nanyuan and the three were communicating in private, Shen Yi spoke again.

"In general, a total of seven squad cadres will be elected this time. One squad leader, two deputy squad leaders, one design committee member, one manufacturing committee member, one repair committee member and one forging committee member. The latter four are respectively Corresponding to the four major deputy professions, we will run for election later. Now we are running for the positions of squad leader and two deputy squad leaders."

"In Shrek, strength has always come first. If you can pass the college's assessment, your character has been tested. Therefore, the college believes that any one of you can do a good job as a class leader. Therefore, there will be a discussion within the class. It’s a competition between you. The final winner becomes the squad president. In addition, the other outstanding performers will be judged by Teacher Wu and me to run for the other two deputy squad presidents.”

"This contest will take place in a melee. Theoretically, the last person standing is the squad leader, and the second to last and third to last person who fall are the deputy squad leaders. You can lurk and avoid frontal combat. After all, this is the area where agility attack system soul masters are good at. But remember, pretending to be dead is not allowed. I advise you not to take any chances. Even if I and I Teacher Wu didn't notice, and you can't hide it from everyone in the class. The essence of this melee is to get your abilities recognized by others. If you use this method, even if you survive to the end, you won't be convincing. .”

"Okay. Now I'll give you a quarter of an hour to prepare. You can form gangs or use other methods. The means are not limited, we only look at the results. As for the benefits of becoming a class cadre, we will wait until the results come out. We will inform you separately. Of course, you can also ignore it and voluntarily give up this campaign. Everything is up to you."

The classroom that had been silent for a long time became noisy again.

On the first day of school, Shrek Academy showed an unusual teaching method.

A quarter of an hour to form a clique?

If you want to stand out among the more than 100 people in the class, you must not just rely on your personal strength. Your own wisdom and relationships will play a more important role.

And Shen Yi's last words were selectively ignored by the students in Class 1, Grade 1. No one will take the initiative to give up this opportunity.

During this period, Xu Xiaoyan also briefly told Gu Yue on the side about what happened when Yang Nianxia came to them yesterday.

Then the two women looked at Yu Nanyuan in unison.

"What if that guy comes back later?"

"Just leave him alone."

Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly as usual.

"There are three places for class cadres in this free-for-all election, and the three of us are exactly one group."

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie had no intention of forming a team with Yu Nanyuan. On the one hand, he didn't want to get involved with Yu Nanyuan and the other three, but on the other hand, he had his own pride.

If they have to rely on Yu Nanyuan for everything, then what's the point of coming to Shrek Academy?

Therefore, Zhang Yangzi only planned to form a team with Wang Jinxi, and their goals were very clear. It was Xu Yucheng who Wang Jinxi met during the assessment.

They want to gain a foothold in Shrek Academy, and defeating Xu Yucheng, who is nicknamed Immortal on the young genius list, is undoubtedly the most direct way. They are both soul masters with dark-attribute martial souls. The two are confident that they will never be weaker than Xu Yucheng if they join forces. What's more, they also possess martial soul fusion skills.

After learning about Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi's wishes, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie could only form another team.

They and Zhang Yangzi had different ideas. They both hoped to find another teammate to increase their survivability in the melee.

The first candidate that Tang Wulin thought of was Xu Lizhi. Yesterday, he personally experienced the magic of Xu Lizhi's special food-type martial spirit. If Xu Lizhi joins, their overall strength will definitely improve a lot.

Xu Lizhi wanted to go both ways with Tang Wulin, and he was communicating with Tang Wulin with their eyes. However, both of them saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

With Ye Xinglan around, their hopes of joining forces are doomed to fail.

Xu Lizhi knew that with Ye Xinglan's arrogance, he would never join another team.

Although Tang Wulin greatly praised the amplifying effect of Xu Lizhi's martial spirit, he and Xie Xie would not abandon their dignity to get in front of Ye Xinglan. The relationship between them back then was not exactly harmonious.

On the other side, Yang Nianxia found Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan as expected.

"My name is Yang Nianxia, ​​whom we met yesterday. I am a powerful fighting soul master, a martial soul dark golden bear." Yang Nianxia laughed heartily.

"If you don't mind, let's form a team."

Hearing the words "Dark Golden Bear", Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan both had surprised looks in their eyes.

The Dark Gold Bear is a direct branch of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. It possesses almost all the characteristics except for the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear's pair of terrifying claws. It is quite powerful in terms of strength and defense. The Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is too domineering and cannot exist as a human martial spirit. The Dark Gold Bear is known as the strongest bear martial spirit.

Yang Nianxia narrowed her eyes again out of habit and looked back and forth between Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan. His title on the Young Genius List is called Dark Bear, and his mind is far more delicate than his rough appearance.

In the beginning, he took the initiative to find Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan because of the powerful control ability of Xu Xiaoyan's star staff spirit. But after having contact with Yu Nanyuan yesterday, he had a strong intuition that Yu Nanyuan was by no means as simple as he seemed.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue didn't say anything, but Yu Nanyuan imitated Yang Nianxia and showed a harmless smile.

"Sorry, we all mind it. Besides, we already have three people in our team, so I guess we don't need you anymore."

The expression on Yang Nianxia's face froze, and then he smiled honestly.

"Haha. It doesn't matter. There will always be opportunities in the future."

Before leaving, Yang Nianxia turned around and gave Yu Nanyuan a meaningful look. But when he looked at Yu Nanyuan and the three of them this time, he didn't know why, but he always felt familiar.

Three years have passed since Yu Nanyuan and the others defeated Shrek Academy in the Tianhai Alliance Competition. Three years after entering adolescence, the appearance of Yu Nanyuan and the three of them have changed significantly compared to three years ago.

In addition, Donghai College, a little-known intermediate soul master college, defeated the legendary Shrek College, which invisibly added a bit of mystery to Yu Nanyuan and the others.

But the most important ones are actually Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. After all, Xu Xiaoyan basically paddled the whole way and only made one move before and after. His glory was completely overshadowed by Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. This was also the reason why Yang Nianxia failed to recognize Xu Xiaoyan at a glance.

There are many versions of information about Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue circulating throughout the Sun and Moon Federation. The most popular version is a conspiracy theory.

It is said that Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue are actually about the same age as the Shrek team members, and they are special talents directly cultivated by the Sun and Moon Federation. The reason why he appeared in the Tianhai Alliance competition and defeated Shrek Academy was to suppress Shrek Academy. There is a profound political meaning behind it.

In the following period, neither the Sun-Moon Federation officials nor Shrek Academy came forward to refute the rumors, which greatly increased the credibility of the rumors.

Those who were on the Young Genius List in Class 1 of the freshman class may not have subconsciously thought that Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue would apply for Shrek Academy, or even become students in Class 1 of the freshman class.

The only person who knows the truth is probably Luo Guixing. But he has never had direct contact with Yu Nanyuan so far, and he has not been able to recognize Yu Nanyuan's appearance has changed so much in the crowd.

Zhang Yangzi and others did not pay too much attention to Yu Nanyuan's side, but were preparing for the next melee.

A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye. Under the leadership of Wu Changkong and Shen Yi, all 106 students in the first class of freshmen walked out of the classroom in a mighty manner. Then he walked along the corridor towards the depths of the main teaching building.

Finally they were taken to a spacious rotunda.

Although this circular hall looks spacious, it is obviously not enough to accommodate the melee of hundreds of soul masters.

As soon as this doubt arose in everyone's mind, Shen Yi gave an explanation.

"Everyone steps back outside the white circle."

Shen Yi walked to the wall nearby and didn't know how she operated it. The complex patterns on the wall that were similar to the soul guidance array gradually lit up.

Then, the ground cracked. Egg-shaped spherical objects emerged from the white circle one after another, and then cracked.

Each sphere is two and a half meters tall and about one meter and two in diameter. It is somewhat similar to the metal cabinets used to enter the primary spiritual ascension platform, but the cabins that appear in front of everyone look more advanced.

"I believe that everyone should have entered the Ascension Platform. The situation here is similar, so I won't go into too much detail. Each of you can choose a simulation cabin and sit in it. After a while, you will enter an illusory space. The terrain of the illusory space is A forest with a limited range, so you can easily meet other people. Those who want to cooperate with each other sit in the simulation cabin close to each other. You have three minutes to prepare. After entering the simulation cabin, fasten your seat belts."

The profound heritage of Shrek Academy is undoubtedly evident.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes met with those of Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, and then the three of them quickly selected three nearby simulation cabins. The moment I fastened my seat belt, the flap on the simulation cabin closed on its own, and everything in front of me became dark.

After a short time, little stars shone inside the simulation cabin, as if they were in a vast night sky. Gentle energy fluctuations enveloped the whole body, and the entire egg-shaped simulation cabin began to rotate at high speed.

Over time, dizziness develops along with confusion. In the next moment, Yu Nanyuan suddenly felt a sense of being grounded, and his consciousness returned to clarity in an instant.

This is a large and dense forest, surrounded by vegetation, making it difficult to see far.

But this is nothing to Yu Nanyuan. With his current mental strength, he can easily cover a two-kilometer radius. Soon he locked onto the location of Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, both of whom were less than a hundred meters away from him.

In his perception, Gu Yue also locked his position through mental power. Then Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue rushed towards Xu Xiaoyan's position in tacit understanding, and finally the three of them completed the rendezvous.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue coming from different directions, Xu Xiaoyan waved to them with a smile.

"Nanyuan, Sister Gu Yue."

With Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue here, Xu Xiaoyan really didn't think anyone in Class 1 of the freshman class could pose a threat to them. Anyway, she has no interest in running for class cadres, so it's fine to just stick around like this.

Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly at Xu Xiaoyan, and then couldn't help but look at Gu Yue.

"Has your spiritual power reached the Lingyuan realm?"

"Absolutely." Gu Yue responded ambiguously with a smile on her lips.

"Ling...lingyuan realm?"

Listening to the conversation between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan felt bad.

The Lingyuan realm is a realm that only ordinary titled Douluo can touch. And now she is only a high-level spiritual practitioner in the psychic realm, and she is still far away from the threshold of the spiritual sea realm.

This is what Xu Xiaoyan missed. Forming a team with Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, she would inevitably have to bear the blows they brought.

At this moment, a layer of ethereal white mist spread silently from all directions.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were instantly alert. They were surprised to find that this layer of white mist actually had the effect of weakening the perception of mental power to a certain extent.

After all, it is Shrek Academy that brings together the younger generation of elite soul masters on the mainland.

The line of sight within a hundred meters in diameter became blurred, giving an unreal feeling.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" A shrill howl sounded out, and the clouds condensed into solid clouded leopards that bit at the three of them.

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed, and a solid blue tornado suddenly swept away with her body as the center. The sharp cutting power contained in the storm tornado raged in this space, causing the clouded leopards to become fragmented almost instantly.

After one attack failed, the initiator who released this layer of mist seemed to have the intention to retreat, and the mist began to fade.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan slowly raised his right hand, and an illusory silver eye appeared on the tip of his right index finger, just like the projection of the ten thousand-year-old evil eye tyrant. A jet-black light shot out from it and penetrated this layer of clouds. The deep and solid texture seemed to penetrate even the space.

Mental paralysis ray, one of the purely mental evil-eye tyrant's innate abilities.

Not far in front of him, a thin figure fell from the tree trunk, and the clouds and mist became darker and darker, revealing the true appearance of this figure.

This is a young man with bronze skin. Under the influence of the martial spirit, his whole body is covered with white leopard prints, and he is still puffing away smoke. Between the breaths, countless clouds of mist overflowed from the nose and mouth.

Just now, he deliberately downplayed the clouds and mist, clearly wanting Yu Nanyuan and the others to relax their vigilance, but his own body had already quietly approached.

The boy who was shot down by Yu Nanyuan had just recovered from the effects of mental paralysis. His eyes were filled with shock and anger, and he immediately wanted to run away.

Another black mental paralysis ray shot out from Yu Nanyuan's fingertips and penetrated the young man's body. There was just a moment of sluggishness in his figure when several cyan wind blades passed by with a sharp whistling sound.

In a flash of white light, the boy's body turned into white light and disappeared.

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