In the conference hall on the first floor of Poseidon Pavilion, Yali sat on one side of the conference table, while Yu Nanyuan and Naer sat opposite Yali next to each other.

This long conference table was used to hold Poseidon Pavilion meetings in the past, and only the elders of Poseidon Pavilion were qualified to sit here. However, as Yu Nanyuan and Na'er are Yun Ming's direct disciples, their status in Shrek Academy is not inferior to that of the elders of Poseidon Pavilion, so naturally they cannot talk about overstepping their bounds.

This time, Yali pulled Yu Nanyuan and Na'er to have a private conversation. It was just like a kind elder trying to tease the parents out of their own affairs. There was no serious topic. The temperament revealed in her words and deeds makes people feel close to her. Her gentleness and kindness seem to be able to heal all the wounds in the heart.

Although Yu Nanyuan didn't get along with Yali for a long time, he always felt particularly at ease when he was around her. Perhaps this was what he had longed for but could not get when he was a child.

Under Yali's questioning, Yu Nanyuan would also talk about some things about himself, but he rarely mentioned his parents.

Yali saw Yu Nanyuan's thoughts carefully, and there was a hint of pity in her gentle eyes.

Her original intention was to use this conversation to enlighten Yu Nanyuan. There were some things that Yun Ming couldn't handle, so it was more appropriate for her to do it.

But the obsession in Yu Nanyuan's heart was too deep.

Sitting next to Yu Nanyuan, Na'er listened very carefully. Pursing her red lips gently, she took the initiative to grab Yu Nanyuan's hand.

She didn't know why, but she felt that Yu Nanyuan was not as calm as he appeared, and there seemed to be an invisible hint of sadness and loneliness lingering around him.

"What's wrong, senior sister?" Yu Nanyuan looked sideways at Na'er as usual, with the same smile as before.

Na'er shook her head, and the strength in her hands subconsciously increased a bit. After a moment of silence, a smart smile bloomed on her pretty face.

"Junior brother, if you have the opportunity in the future, can you take me to see Donghai City? That's where the teacher and junior wife brought me back to the academy. Speaking of which, Donghai City can also be regarded as my hometown."

"Okay, senior sister." Yu Nanyuan smiled and nodded.

"There will definitely be a chance in the future."

Seeing this scene, Yali smiled happily.

Although this girl is simple-minded, she is not too slow after all.

In this way, she felt quite relieved.

"You two little guys are really destined to be together. It would be great if your teacher brought you back to the academy together." Yali agreed with a smile on her face. When she said this, she suddenly changed her voice. His eyes fell on Yu Nanyuan.

"Nanyuan, talk to Master Niang. Have you had a crush on any girl in the past few years?"

Yu Nanyuan was a little unclear about Yali's intention when she said these words. Combined with the soul communication incident that occurred in the past six months, it seemed a bit meaningful to think of it this way. He immediately replied calmly.

"I have a very fond impression of you, Master."

"I mean girls of the same age as you." Yali was stunned for a moment, then said with a pretty blush: "Master's wife is already so old, she is no longer a girl."

"But Master Wife still looks so young and beautiful."

Yu Nanyuan, the two girls, had perfect speaking skills, which greatly benefited Yali's heart. The smile in her eyes became more and more charming, and she laughed softly and said, "You understand a girl's thoughts much better than your teacher."

"But Nanyuan, I have something to remind you. Your talent is very good, and you will definitely become a powerful person who dominates the world in the future, and stand at the pinnacle of the entire human world like your teacher. But it is precisely because of your excellence that Sui As you grow older, you will attract more and more girls. But you must be decisive when it comes to relationships, otherwise you will only hurt more people."

"Yes, Master Wife. I understand what you mean." Yu Nanyuan's eyes were blank for a while, and the figures of Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan and Na'er could not help but pass through his mind.

The situations of the three of them are different, but it seems that only when they are with Gu Yue, they have the kind of pure love between man and woman. At this moment, he didn't hesitate much.

Perhaps Gu Yue has already occupied a special place in his heart.

Sensing the strange look in Yu Nanyuan's eyes, Yali smiled knowingly, with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

"Nanyuan, it looks like you have a girl you like? If you don't mind, you can tell the teacher's wife, and she can help you refer to it. Your teacher and I are both relatively open-minded."

Hearing this, Na'er also looked at Yu Nanyuan. She cares more about Yu Nanyuan's answer than anyone else.

Facing the gazes of Yali and Naer, Yu Nanyuan did not hide anything and spoke frankly about what happened between him and Gu Yue.

"Her name is Gu Yue. The first time I met her was at the beach outside Donghai City. It was an accident. Later she also entered Donghai College in the same class as me. The second time we met inside Donghai College , I don’t know why she held my hand in front of many people, but then her attitude towards me was extremely cold. Later we went to participate in the Tianhai Alliance Competition..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Yu Nanyuan's mouth could not help but outline a slight arc.

"Over the years, I can feel that she has been paying attention to me silently. Although she never reveals her emotions too much, her nature is actually very simple, and she is used to duplicity. She is clumsy, but She cares about me very much. Everything is very ordinary, but only when I am with her, I will have the feeling of real peace in my heart. Sister, this should be called liking. "

This sudden change caught Ariton off guard.

Because of the grudges between the previous generation, she had a deep impression on Gu Yue. As a direct disciple of Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu, Gu Yue's special martial spirit that controls various elemental attributes is not much inferior to Na'er in terms of talent. However, her appearance is not as stunning as Na'er's.

Yali originally thought that there could be no girl better than Na'er among her peers, but Yu Nanyuan did not choose Na'er.

Na'er herself showed no signs of loss or sadness at all, and the light flowing in her beautiful eyes became more and more dazzling. It seemed that Yu Nanyuan chose Gu Yue just like he chose herself.

Although Yali felt sorry, she also appreciated Yu Nanyuan even more. After being silent for a long time, she glanced at the sky outside, and then said to Yu Nanyuan: "It's getting late now. Nanyuan, you can stay on Poseidon Island today."

"Yes, Master." Yu Nanyuan took the initiative to resign and left the Poseidon Pavilion. He had no regrets about confessing these things, he just followed his heart.

When Yu Nanyuan's figure disappeared into the distance, Yali stepped forward and gently touched Na'er's head, sighing softly.

"Nanyuan is a good boy, but it's a pity that you are a step too late."

"Master Wife, why do you say that?" Na'er raised her head and looked up at Yali's face in confusion, then smiled.

"No one can predict what will happen in the future, right?"

Yali frowned slightly and opened her red lips.

"You girl don't want to..."

Selfishly, she naturally prefers Na'er, but her outlook on things does not allow Na'er to do such a thing.

Putting herself in her shoes, she wouldn't be able to bear it if Leng Yaozhu dug into her.

That night, Yu Nanyuan stayed on Poseidon Island, still living in the same wooden house as Na'er.

Na'er's attitude towards him has not changed at all, and she doesn't seem to care about today's incident at all.

But everyone in Class Zero who is staying in Shrek's outer city hotel is preparing for the Shrek Academy's admissions assessment tomorrow.

The next morning, everyone in class zero came to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to have breakfast early in the morning. Perhaps it was the novelty of coming to Shrek City for the first time, but they only thought that the free breakfast provided by the hotel tasted quite good.

Especially Tang Wulin, whose terrifying appetite directly attracted countless strange looks. During this period, Xie Xie, Zhang Yangzi and others did not want to be embarrassed, so they quickly distanced themselves from Tang Wulin.

Then, under the leadership of Wu Zhangkong, everyone left the hotel and walked towards the main entrance of Shrek's inner city. Anyone who participates in the Shrek Academy admissions assessment must complete a series of reviews at the main entrance before being allowed to enter the inner city.

This shows Shrek Academy's strict control over the inner city.

If these candidates want to enter the inner city of Shrek Academy to take the assessment, they must have certificates issued by major regions in the federation. The certificates for everyone in Class Zero are issued by the Tianhai Alliance, which is the quota for applying to Shrek Academy.

In all major regions of the Sun-Moon Federation, the number of places to apply for Shrek Academy is limited.

Gu Yue moved briskly, with a faint smile in her eyes.

The quirky Xu Xiaoyan noticed Gu Yue's abnormality very early, and now he finally found the opportunity. He leaned into Gu Yue's ear and asked in a low voice: "Sister Gu Yue, I noticed that you are in a very high mood today. .Did you think of something happy? Can you tell me?"

"Let's worry about the next assessment first." The emotion in Gu Yue's eyes instantly returned to calm, but her cheeks were a little hot.

Upon hearing these words, Xu Xiaoyan, who was still smiling at first, immediately dropped his face and became filled with sadness.

Last night Wu Zhangkong told everyone that Yu Nanyuan had a separate assessment. Although Wu Zhangkong didn't point it out, they all knew that with Yu Nanyuan's talent, it was almost inevitable to be admitted to Shrek Academy.

In the end, the pressure was all on Xu Xiaoyan.

If she fails to pass Shrek Academy's admissions assessment this time, she may never be able to keep up with Yu Nanyuan's footsteps.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the main entrance of Shrek's inner city. Candidates from all over the mainland had already gathered here. After checking their qualifications, everyone was taken to Lingbing Square in the center of Shrek's inner city.

Candidates are randomly drawn and take the assessment independently in batches. In other words, the only one you can rely on in this process is yourself.

Xu Xiaoyan loses the dog plot, but I will definitely accept it. Don't worry about the fire.

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