Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 133 Change of attitude towards Tang Wulin (4k)

When he arrived at the door of Wuchangkong's room, Yu Nanyuan happened to meet Tang Wulin walking towards him.

When Tang Wulin saw Yu Nanyuan, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and said hello to Yu Nanyuan.

"Nanyuan, are you looking for the dance teacher too?"

"Yes." Yu Nanyuan smiled and nodded, as gentle as ever. But deep in his eyes, there was an inexplicable meaning.

In front of Yu Zhen before, Yu Nanyuan didn't show any care for his parents, and even belittled them as worthless. Although these are due to his paranoia and part of his resentment towards his parents, it does not mean that he will not feel sad because of his parents' sacrifice.

His parents and even the entire Sun Moon Federation had sacrificed for thousands of years because Tang San had attracted the abyss. In the final analysis, Tang San was the culprit that caused all these tragedies.

As Tang Wulin was Tang San's son, their positions were inherently opposed.

The premise of not harming your family is that you cannot benefit your family. Tang Wulin's spiritual sea contained Tang San's spiritual thoughts, and Tang Hao and A Yin were hidden in the Douluo plane to protect him.

After knowing these things, Yu Nanyuan is destined to never be a true friend with Tang Wulin at this stage. Unless Tang Wulin can understand Tang San's true nature in the future and take the initiative to abandon the relationship with Tang San.

But if Tang Wulin develops as he remembered in his previous life, regardless of the thousands of years of sacrifice in the Douluo plane, and is deeply proud of his identity as the son of Poseidon, then Tang Wulin will be his enemy. He will never show mercy to his enemies.

Yu Nanyuan will no longer have a close relationship with Tang Wulin. It is already magnanimous of him to maintain the current relationship without angering Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin was naturally unaware of Yu Nanyuan's thoughts, and he smiled and rang the doorbell of Wuchangkong's room.

When Wu Zhangkong opened the door and saw Yu Nanyuan and Tang Wulin, he let them in without saying a word. He didn't seem surprised by the two's arrival.

Yu Nanyuan said straight to the point: "Teacher Wu, since I have come to Shrek City, I must go there first."

"Go ahead. I will inform everyone for you later." Wu Zhangkong just nodded slightly, with no emotion at all on his cold face.

After giving a brief signal to the two of them, Yu Nanyuan turned around and left Wu Changkong's room.

Listening to the conversation between Yu Nanyuan and Wuchangkong, Tang Wulin instantly noticed the key and couldn't help but look at Wuchangkong in confusion.

"Teacher Wu, you are about to take part in Shrek Academy's admissions assessment. Where is Nanyuan going?"

"This is not something you should be concerned about." Wu Zhangkong replied coldly.

Tang Wulin didn't ask any more questions about this, but instead talked about his main purpose of finding Wu Zhangkong this time.

"Teacher Wu, can we go to the auction house now?"

Not long ago, Old Tang once again told Tang Wulin that his physical strength was enough to support him in breaking through the third seal.

It just so happened that this time we came to Shrek City, the most prosperous city on the mainland. If he could find the several thousand-year-old spiritual objects needed to break through the third layer of seal here, he might be able to break through the third layer of seal before the Shrek Academy entrance examination begins. In this way, he would be more confident about being admitted to Shrek Academy.

Wuchangkong glanced at Tang Wulin calmly.

"Don't worry, the auctions are all held at night. There are many auctions here in Shrek City. It shouldn't be difficult to find the several thousand-year-old spiritual objects you need. But the premise is that your funds must be sufficient. Those few Thousand-year-old spiritual objects are relatively rare, so you must be prepared to pay a premium."

The muscles on Tang Wulin's face couldn't help but twitch.

Although there are more resources in such a big city, in the end you still have to have money!

"Teacher Wu, I am mentally prepared." Tang Wulin took a deep breath to calm down his emotions. He knew better than to save money in this regard. Breaking through the Golden Dragon King's seal is related to his life, and the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline is also what he relies on to gain a foothold in Shrek Academy in the future.

He never felt that his talent was that good. Even though the two soul rings of his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit are both at the thousand-year level, the essence of the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit has not changed. In terms of martial soul quality, there is still a huge gap between him and everyone in Class Zero.

Wu Zhangkong continued: "There is another question. You must ensure that you complete the improvement of your bloodline strength before Shrek Academy's admissions assessment. You only have one chance to apply for Shrek Academy. If you miss it, you will miss it. If you don't have the absolute I suggest that you don’t rush to increase your bloodline power for the time being.”

Hearing this, Tang Wulin suddenly woke up, as if waking up from a dream. During this time, his mind was so confused that he neglected such important things.

"Teacher Wu, shall we go to the auction house tonight?"

"It won't hurt if you go there. You go back and rest first, and we'll set off when it gets dark." Wu Zhangkong said solemnly: "Wulin, don't be impatient at any time, understand? Don't lose your most basic judgment."

"Yes, Teacher Wu."

While Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong were talking, Yu Nanyuan also came to Gu Yue's room.

Bright silver light shone in the room, and Yu Nanyuan's figure also appeared.

The hotel that everyone in class zero stayed in was not the most upscale hotel, it could only be said to be above average, but the environment in the room was quite good. The space is spacious, has excellent lighting, and has an independent bathroom and balcony.

Gu Yue was changing clothes in the room at this time. When she noticed Yu Nanyuan's arrival, her movements suddenly became stiff.

Yu Nanyuan sat on the sofa with a normal expression, his eyes attracted by Gu Yue.

Gu Yue glared at Yu Nanyuan with shame and anger, but she had almost changed her clothes, so she didn't avoid it anymore. Then he took steps and came to sit next to Yu Nanyuan with faint eyes.

"What's up?"

"I want to go to Poseidon Island first." Yu Nanyuan took Gu Yue's hand and immediately expressed his intention to come.

Gu Yue said expressionlessly: "Then why did you come to me?"

"Isn't this reporting my whereabouts to you in advance?" Yu Nanyuan smiled and put his other hand on Gu Yue's knee.

"I may be delayed for some time on Poseidon Island. If you need anything, please use the soul communicator to contact me."

"What can happen to me?" Gu Yue was still arrogant, but from her tone, it was obvious that she could detect some unsatisfactory emotions.

Yu Nanyuan chuckled, and then used his actual actions to comfort Gu Yue.

Sometimes being tough may not mean being tough.

At the same time, the rest of Class Zero were preparing in their respective rooms in order to be in the best condition to participate in the admissions assessment of Shrek Academy tomorrow.

The hotel is not far from Shrek inner city.

The entire inner city of Shrek is managed by Shrek Academy. This is not only the place where students study, but also the core of the entire Shrek City. Only people and students approved by Shrek Academy can freely enter and exit Shrek's inner city.

After leaving the hotel, Yu Nanyuan arrived at the entrance of Shrek's inner city not long after.

The huge city wall is full of ancient atmosphere. Looking from a distance, it looks like a giant dragon is entrenched there. There is no special decoration on the city wall, but a large number of people gather here. The noisy sounds are endless and it is very lively.

This is the main entrance to Shrek's inner city.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and the dense flow of people dispersed to both sides, revealing a passage.

A beautiful silver-haired girl just walked out of Shrek's inner city. The lotus steps moved lightly, the pure white dress fluttered, and the whole person had an unearthly aura, making everyone around him look dirty. The girl's flawless and flawless face is as beautiful as heaven and earth. It seems that she is the darling of this world.

The girl raised her head and looked forward with all the emotions. The moment her eyes met Yu Nanyuan's, a thrilling smile suddenly bloomed on her beautiful face. Let this world be eclipsed.

"Junior brother!"

Under the gaze of everyone present, the silver-haired girl walked briskly and threw herself into Yu Nanyuan's arms. Her long silver hair floated in the air, drawing a beautiful arc. Time seemed to have stopped, and countless people's jaws dropped, feeling envious and jealous of Yu Nanyuan.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yu Nanyuan, and they wanted to know what kind of person could win the favor of this beautiful silver-haired girl.

"Junior brother, I miss you so much." The girl hugged Yu Nanyuan tightly, smiling sweetly.

Caught off guard, Yu Nanyuan subconsciously stretched out his hands to support Na'er's slender waist, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Senior sister, how did you know that I arrived in Shrek City today?"

"Intuition." Na'er broke away from Yu Nanyuan's arms, crossed her hands behind her back, and looked up at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

"I felt that my junior brother would be coming today, so I came to pick you up in advance."

Without Na'er's cover, everyone present finally saw Yu Nanyuan's face clearly. No matter how jealous they are of Yu Nanyuan, they have to admit that Yu Nanyuan's appearance and temperament are not inferior to Na'er in the slightest.

The two of them stood together, feeling extremely well-matched. It is as if it has become the center of the world, which is particularly eye-catching.

Yu Nanyuan didn't believe Na'er's so-called intuition and changed the topic with a smile.

"Senior sister, let's go visit the teacher and senior wife first."

"Okay." Na'er responded with a smile, and then naturally took one of Yu Nanyuan's arms.

Until Yu Nanyuan and Na'er walked into Shrek's inner city intimately, everyone was still immersed in the shock.

Because Na'er usually lives in seclusion on Poseidon Island, only a handful of teachers and students in the inner courtyard have seen her, so no one recognized the identities of Na'er and Yu Nanyuan. But after that, there will definitely be some rumors in Shrek's inner city.

Passing through the main entrance of Shrek's inner city, the hustle and bustle outside instantly turned into the silence inside. There are antique buildings everywhere, and it's like walking back to ancient times through that door.

The streets in Shrek's inner city are all paved with bluestone floors, which are simple and neat. Compared with the outer city, the inner city is not so lively. There were very few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally a few pedestrians passed by without paying much attention to Yu Nanyuan and Na'er.

Na'er's face was full of smiles and she shook Yu Nanyuan gently.

"Junior brother, have you received all the text messages I have sent you in the past six months?"

"They're all in the soul communicator." Yu Nanyuan looked at Na'er with strange eyes and clicked on the rows of pictures saved in the soul communicator.

At first, Na'er sent pictures such as full-body photos, but later the style of the pictures was not quite right. For example, those high-definition photos of beautiful legs, or pictures of delicate and fair feet.

Yu Nanyuan occasionally replies to Naer and communicates through text messages. However, he always felt that the style on the other side of the soul guide communicator was seriously separated from Na'er. In his impression, although Na'er has some small thoughts, she is still very simple in nature and will not pull back and forth like a seasoned person.

Na'er took Yu Nanyuan's communication soul guide and looked at the pictures. Two charming blushes suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

She didn't think it was anything at the time, but when she saw these pictures on Yu Nanyuan's soul communicator, she felt a little embarrassed. These were Yali's teachings to her, and it was Yali who subsequently communicated with Yu Nanyuan through text messages.

In the words of Yali's teaching Na'er, she should always give Yu Nanyuan hope but also control it. Only in this way can Yu Nanyuan become more interested in her, and even become inseparable from her.

If it develops as Yali expected, Yu Nanyuan may be accurately identified. It's a pity that Gu Yue cut Hu in the middle, and he can start it directly. Who cares about these crappy pictures?

After a rough review, Na'er returned the soul communicator to Yu Nanyuan and gently pursed her red lips.

"Junior brother, do you like it?"

"Senior sister, do you think I am that kind of person?" Yu Nanyuan looked at Na'er seriously, then changed his tone and said in a half-joking tone.


If when getting along with Gu Yue, he still needs to pay attention to his thoughts at all times, then when getting along with Na'er, he can completely relax. Of course, some truths are often told in a joking tone.

"Ah?" Na'er looked slightly startled, then frowned, thinking seriously about the meaning of Yu Nanyuan's words.

So should I send those kind of pictures to my junior brother again?

After hesitating for a moment, Na'er finally decided to wait until she went back and asked her mistress before making a decision.

As they spoke, a huge square appeared in front of Yu Nanyuan and Na'er. Entering the square, the ground turns into gray stone.

This square is called Lingbing Square, named after the title of Lingbing Douluo Huo Yuhao who lived thousands of years ago. The main teaching building of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard is built around this Lingbing Square. It is a huge ring-shaped building. There are statues carved on the surface of the building. Every student who can enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy will have a statue left here as a commemoration. This is also to witness the history of Shrek Academy.

After passing through this Lingbing Square, you are about to enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er had an unimpeded journey, deep into the inner courtyard, and directly to Poseidon Island.

Yun Ming and Yali were already waiting for their arrival in the open space in front of the Poseidon Pavilion.

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