The water on the clear Poseidon Lake is rippling, and the water mist is rising and swirling, giving Poseidon Island in the center of the lake an ethereal feeling.

A huge silver eye loomed through the mist, approaching Poseidon Island. Viewed from a distance, the painting style is extremely strange.

Two figures stood quietly above this silver eye, it was Yu Nanyuan and Na'er.

Ever since the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake's cultivation reached the ten-thousand-year level, it has fallen into silence and has shown no sign of waking up until now. However, Yu Nanyuan could clearly feel the subtle changes in the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake through the contract concluded between souls.

Perhaps it is because the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake is a creature from outside the Douluo Plane, and its evolution process is much longer than that of the native soul beasts of the Douluo Plane.

The evolution of an ordinary thousand-year soul to the ten-thousand-year level can usually be completed within a month.

But Yu Nanyuan's silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake has been sleeping for more than three months. He had a strong feeling that when the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake awakened, its own abilities would surely make a huge leap forward.

Na'er stood next to Yu Nanyuan. Although her face was still filled with a smile, her pale silver eyes were a little hollow.

Out of a girl's intuition, she always felt that there was a hint of alienation in Yu Nanyuan's closeness to her. Through Gu Yue's memories, she probably guessed the reason.

Thinking of this, Na'er couldn't help but look sideways at Yu Nanyuan, and secretly made up her mind.

We can no longer be content with the status quo!

Feeling Na'er's slightly scorching gaze, Yu Nanyuan instinctively became alert for some reason.

"What's wrong, senior sister?"

"It's nothing." Na'er pursed her lips and smiled.

"I just want to see my junior brother."

"What do I have to see?" Yu Nanyuan laughed helplessly.

Na'er looked at Yu Nanyuan seriously, then smiled coquettishly.

"I don't know either, but just looking at my junior brother makes me happy."

"Hiss—" Yu Nanyuan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, almost feeling heartbroken.

She is really good at it!

Sincerity often touches people's hearts more. Na'er, who played straight like this, simply crushed the arrogant and speechless Gu Yue in all aspects.

While Yu Nanyuan was talking to Na'er, the Evil Eye Tyrant had already entered the area of ​​Poseidon Island, and finally paused and hovered over the open space in front of Poseidon Pavilion.

Yun Ming and Yali were standing in the center of the open space, looking at the two of them with smiles on their faces.

Na'er was the first to jump off the evil-eyed tyrant's body, and then happily stepped forward to Yun Ming and Yali's side.

"Teacher, junior wife, I brought my junior brother here!"

Yali hugged Na'er lovingly into her arms, and teased: "You girl ran out this time, I'm afraid it caused quite a commotion outside. You care so much about Nanyuan, my wife and your teacher But I’ll be jealous.”

"Master Wife, Na'er also cares about you and the teacher." Na'er coquettishly blushed and buried her head in Yali's arms.

"Teacher, Mistress." Yu Nanyuan followed Na'er and bowed respectfully to Yun Ming and Yali.

Yali grabbed Yu Nanyuan's wrist affectionately and said with a smile: "Teacher You has already said that you don't need to pay too much attention to these complicated etiquette. This will make you look awkward."

"Yes, Master." Yu Nanyuan responded with a smile, and he and Na'er stood side by side in front of Yun Ming and Yali.

Yun Ming examined Yu Nanyuan, and there was no trace of confusion in Yu Nanyuan's eyes. He suddenly asked inexplicably: "Nanyuan, have the matters in Donghai City been settled?"

"is teacher."

Facing Yun Ming's gaze, Yu Nanyuan nodded seriously.

After he truly confirmed the matter about his parents from Yu Zhen, he became more determined in his thoughts. He will prove everything in his own way.

"Okay." Yun Ming stretched out a hand and patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder intimately, and his expression became serious again.

"Next, I'm going to test your improvement in the past six months. The first is actual combat, with Na'er as your opponent."

Na'er obviously knew about it beforehand and looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

"Junior brother, you have to be careful. I am very powerful."

"Sister, you too." Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er retreated at the same time, keeping a certain distance apart.

Yali held Yun Ming's hand, and the two of them retreated to the edge of the field, smiling.

"With the master's wife and your teacher here, there is no need to hold anything back, just give it your best. Let's start now."

As soon as Yali finished speaking, the smile on Naer's face suddenly faded. Her whole temperament also completely changed, and a strong chilling air burst out from her body. Those pale silver eyes became extraordinarily bright, and the brilliant silver light was like substance.

Taking possession of the silver dragon gun covered with fine silver scales, three purple and one black, four soul rings also emerged, circling up and down around Na'er's delicate body.

Different from the mutual training between the two half a year ago, Na'er used her soul skills from the beginning this time.

The first millennium-level soul ring shines with luxurious purple light. The silver dragon gun in Na'er's hand and herself seem to be completely integrated together, no longer distinguishable from each other. Her aura soared instantly, and the sharp and cold texture intertwined on the silver dragon gun.

There seems to be an illusory silver dragon light and shadow wrapped around the silver dragon gun, and the bright silver light flashes with crystal clear tail flames.

Almost instantly, Na'er appeared in front of Yu Nanyuan, pointing the silver dragon gun in her hand towards his throat.

The first soul skill of the Silver Dragon Spear is Silver Dragon Strike. This is a rare amplified soul skill among weapon souls. The perfect fusion of the soul master and the weapon soul is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the martial soul's true body.

With the increase in the first soul skill Silver Dragon Strike, Na'er's speed and explosive power will become extremely astonishing. This is also the direction of her training, the agility and attack system.

However, because of the quality of the Silver Dragon Spear god-level martial spirit, Na'er does not have the same obvious shortcomings as a pure agility-based attack spirit master.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and chains stretched out from the void, spinning around his body at high speed. An invisible silver storm erupted, isolating Na'er's silver dragon spear.

It is also a simulation of Xie Xie's second soul skill, Double Dragon Storm, but its power now is not the same as it was back then. Using Yu Nanyuan's soul power cultivation and the quality of the Void Chain Martial Soul, this ability is even more powerful than the thousand-year soul skills of many soul masters.

"Crash-" a crisp sound similar to the collision of metal sounded, and brilliant firelight spattered out.

During this brief stalemate, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er's eyes briefly met. Then he saw the second soul ring next to Na'er also light up.

Dazzling silver light flashed, and Na'er's figure crossed the void. The next moment, he flashed above Yu Nanyuan's head, his skirt fluttered, and the silver dragon spear fell from the sky, seeming to penetrate the world.

The second soul skill of Silver Dragon Spear is Silver Dragon Instant. Silver Dragon Shun's soul skill has the same effect as teleportation, but without any forward movement or pause. As long as the soul power is enough to support it, it can be used without restriction.

Moreover, Na'er's second soul skill, Silver Dragon Instant, can be superimposed with her first soul skill, Silver Dragon Strike. Every time a teleportation is completed, a layer of space power will be superimposed on the silver dragon gun, thus feeding back to Na'er herself.

It will greatly save the consumption of soul power, and the amplification effect of Silver Dragon Strike will become stronger and stronger.

Just from these two soul skills, one can already see Na'er's profound background.

Na'er's figure kept flashing around Yu Nanyuan, her speed was too fast. From a third-party perspective, one can only see countless silver spears shining like rain, pouring towards the silver storm protecting Yu Nanyuan.

Simulated soul skills are not perfect after all. Under Na'er's fierce offensive, those high-speed rotating silver chains still showed flaws.

All the chain clones transformed by the Void Chain were shattered by the gun light ejected from the tip of the silver dragon spear. Only the main body of the Void Chain remained intact.

Yu Nanyuan controlled the void chain with his right hand, causing it to condense into a phantom spear. At this time, the door was wide open in front of him.

Na'er appeared in front of Yu Nanyuan again. She drew her silver dragon spear back, and then stabbed forward like lightning. It is the simplest movement, but the speed is so fast that it is difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

Na'er is definitely the strongest opponent Yu Nanyuan has ever encountered in the same realm. Such terrifying speed and explosive power are almost the pinnacle of agility attack type battle spirit masters.

Not only was it difficult to catch with the naked eye, but even under the perception of his spiritual power in the Lingyuan realm, Na'er's shot felt erratic. Because the layers of space power on the tip of the silver dragon gun greatly isolated his mental power.

A golden and silver vertical line quietly appeared between Yu Nanyuan's eyebrows, and then the thin line expanded to both sides, turning into a silver eye covered with mysterious golden lines.

Under the prying eyes of this silver eye, Yu Nanyuan felt that Na'er's movements suddenly slowed down several times, and he also found a flaw in it.

His movements were also very simple. The Phantom Spear sank down and blocked the tip of the Silver Dragon Spear with the barrel of the gun with great precision.

A crisp sound of "ding!" heralded the beginning of the head-on confrontation between Yu Nanyuan and Na'er.

The phantom spear in Yu Nanyuan's hand opened and closed vertically and horizontally, turning into numerous gun shadows, and was able to neutralize Na'er's fierce offensive every time. He also has the ability to teleport. Na'er's second soul skill, Silver Dragon Teleport, has no advantage against him.

And Na'er's astonishing speed and explosive power are restrained by the Evil Eye Tyrant's natural ability.

In the sight of the Evil Eye Tyrant, you can slow down your opponent's movements, and there are no blind spots, allowing you to make predictions in advance.

The silver eyes between his eyebrows turned, and Yu Nanyuan swept a shot across his waist, blocking Na'er's shot from a tricky angle. The strong force forced Di Na'er to fly backwards.

Na'er's whole body was surrounded by silver light. The silver dragon spear was propped up on the ground, and her figure turned around in the air before floating down.

Floating like a startled giant, as powerful as a swimming dragon.

Na'er, who was at a disadvantage, didn't look embarrassed at all. Instead, she felt heroic. When fighting, she seemed like a different person.

Yu Nanyuan and Na'er looked at each other from a distance, with a smile on their faces.

Yali looked at the body of the Evil-Eyed Tyrant between Yu Nanyuan's eyebrows in surprise, and naturally saw the clue with her vision.

"Brother Ming, why don't I remember that the Evil Eye Tyrant tribe has such innate abilities?"

"It should be that the evil-eyed tyrant in Nanyuan is special." Yun Ming replied to Yali calmly, but he didn't show too much surprise.

"The Evil Eye Tyrant who dominated the Evil Emperor back then finally understood the secret of time through his own powerful spiritual power and the power of perceiving space. The Evil Eye Tyrant in Nanyuan is not only a pure evil eye with spiritual attributes, but also has innate mutations. Apart from its spatial attribute ability, its potential is probably even higher than that of the Evil Emperor."

"There is something I may not have told you. I once considered fusing this evil-eyed tyrant as a soul, mainly because of this."

Yali was instantly alert and glanced sideways at Yun Ming. She remembered that Yu Nanyuan's evil-eyed tyrant was the inherited soul of the Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters.

"Then why didn't you merge with it in the end?"

"Maybe it's because I have no connection with it." Yun Ming's eyes became profound.

At his level, he has been able to confirm that the theory of luck is real. Every strong person above the Ultimate Douluo level can be said to be a person favored by the plane. The difference lies in the degree of favor from the plane.

If you are not a person with good luck, it is simply impossible to cultivate to the level of Ultimate Douluo.

"Nanyuan's ability is just right to restrain that girl Na'er. It seems that she can't put much pressure on Nanyuan." Looking at Yun Ming's appearance, Yali also realized that she was too sensitive, and her pretty face turned red. The topic changed.

"Nanyuan is exactly the same as you were back then. But sometimes it may not be a good thing if a man is too good. You can't help but see Na'er's thoughts, right?"

"They are still young after all." Yun Ming smiled and held Yali's hand.

"Although we don't need to interfere too much, we still have to lead them by example in private. If they can come together in the future, we will naturally be happy to see it happen."

Yun Ming continued to look at Yu Nanyuan and Na'er in the center of the field, but what he didn't notice was that the blush on Yali's cheeks became more and more obvious.

As a mistress, she really sets an example. In the past six months, she has used her identity as Na'er to help tease Yu Nanyuan.

"Be careful, junior brother!" Na'er shouted softly, and the fourth soul ring, which was as black as ink, bloomed with a deep black halo. The tip of the silver dragon gun suddenly emitted a dazzling silver light. The layers of space power accumulated previously were superimposed, making the light in this space seem to become much dimmer.

Just like the light of the cross of stars shining at dawn, the terrifying power of space cutting is condensed into one point. A spear stabbed out and pierced the sky.

The fourth soul skill of Silver Dragon Spear, Silver Dragon Break!

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