Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 132 Ambiguity on the soul guide train (4k)

Chapter 132 Ambiguity on the Soul Guidance Train (4k)

As the soul guide train left Donghai City, which was lined with tall buildings, the view outside the window suddenly became wider.

Gu Yue sat near the car window, watching the scenery passing by quickly with a calm expression on her face.

That night of sleeping together in each other's arms did bring the relationship between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue a step closer, but in the days before going to Shrek City, Gu Yue seemed to be in a mood, and her attitude towards Yu Nanyuan changed. Much more indifferent.

However, Yu Nanyuan knew very well that Gu Yue was not having a fight with him, but more like she was caught in an endless tangle. So he didn't bother Gu Yue much these days, but let him calm down for a while.

Seeing the behavior of Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, who was already at a loss, would not have thought that the two of them had been alone all night behind her back. Yu Nanyuan didn't answer her call that night, and she just played with Yu Nanyuan a little bit.

At yesterday's Xu family banquet, Yu Zhen and Yu Nanyuan came together. The atmosphere between the two families was extremely harmonious and happy. This made Xu Xiaoyan feel more and more confident that he would win.

Xu Xiaoyan was in a good mood today, sitting on the seat and shaking her calves coquettishly.

Sitting on the seat on the other side of the aisle, Wang Jinxi was as taciturn as ever. But unlike Gu Yue's calmness, excitement and anticipation were clearly shining in the depths of his eyes. If he hadn't entered Class 0 of Donghai Academy, he knew that he and Zhang Yangzi might never have the opportunity to apply for Shrek Academy.

The teaching philosophy of the Tianhai Alliance focuses on modern mechas, and the younger generation of soul masters basically aim to become powerful mecha masters. This often causes the soul master to neglect his own abilities.

Wu Zhangkong's teaching philosophy is closer to the central region of the mainland, that is, the area with Shrek Academy as its core. Follow the pure soul master training route, focusing on actual combat abilities and developing one's own potential, rather than blindly improving soul power.

Coupled with the resource tilt of Donghai College and the encouragement brought by the classmates around them, this has created Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi today.

Unlike Wei Xiaofeng, they were lucky enough to seize this opportunity and rewrite their destiny.

Zhang Yangzi was talking quietly with Yu Nanyuan at this time.

"Nanyuan, do you think we have a good chance of getting admitted to Shrek Academy this time?"

"Yangzi, this is not like your character." Yu Nanyuan said with a smile: "Although Shrek Academy's admissions assessment has gathered a group of the best geniuses on the mainland, do you think you are worse than those people?"

"Of course not." Zhang Yangzi raised his head proudly, with a smile on his face.

"It's a pity that Jin Xi and I haven't had a chance to perform in the past two years, otherwise we would probably be able to squeeze into the list of young geniuses. I hope that we can show off our talents in this Shrek Academy admissions assessment." opportunity."

"There will be opportunities. And I believe that everyone will not have any problems getting admitted to Shrek Academy." Yu Nanyuan has not revealed anything about his apprenticeship with Yun Ming. Among the people in Class Zero, only Gu Yue knew about this.

Zhang Yangzi laughed.

"Among us, you and Gu Yue will definitely be able to pass Shrek Academy's admissions assessment anyway."

Although Zhang Yangzi only mentioned Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, the confidence in his eyes was hard to conceal. Then he seemed to think of something again, frowning slightly and changing his words.

"However, if there is a separate actual combat assessment in Shrek Academy's admissions examination, Xiaoyan will probably suffer a lot. Xiaoyan is a purely control-type battle spirit master, and her martial spirit does not have any offensive power."

Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie have out-of-touch personalities. They often gossip about the relationship between Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan in private.

Xie Xie was optimistic about Gu Yue, while Zhang Yangzi felt that Xu Xiaoyan had a better chance. The two of them bet on each other, which has become a daily pleasure.

Hearing Zhang Yangzi's words, Xu Xiaoyan, who was originally in a good mood, immediately fell down. She pursed her red lips and looked over with a pale face.

"Teacher Wu has always said that Shrek Academy always values ​​practical ability. You are not really right, are you?"

"Okay, don't worry so much. Shrek Academy's assessment will not only examine this item, and even if there is a practical assessment, victory or defeat is not necessarily the only criterion." Yu Nanyuan glanced at Zhang Yangzi helplessly, Then he comforted Xu Xiaoyan.

Zhang Yangzi laughed sarcastically and quickly explained: "Xiaoyan, I'm not deliberately badmouthing you. You don't need to take it seriously. What I said may not be accurate."

Xu Xiaoyan's mental problems are no longer a secret. Although it has improved a lot over the years, it is not that easy to completely change a person's personality.

After all, the carriage of the Soul Guidance Train is a public place. When Yu Nanyuan and the other three were talking, they deliberately kept their voices low. Most of the passengers in the second-class carriage were ordinary people, and basically no one overheard their conversations.

The entire carriage seemed very quiet, and some passengers were already drowsy.

Xu Xiaoyan was quite convinced by Yu Nanyuan's words. The worries in her heart dissipated a lot, but she was still somewhat uneasy.

Xie Xie actually wanted to join the conversation between Yu Nanyuan and the others, but due to the strong aura of Wu Zhangkong next to him, he had to hold it back. I just feel uncomfortable all over.

Tang Wulin was also sitting by the window, his eyes vacant.

Mu Chen has taken great care of him these years. Without Mu Chen's careful guidance, it would have been impossible for his forging level to achieve such a dramatic improvement.

Mu Chen has never said anything about skewing resources, but he has proved it with facts.

Tang Wulin respected Mu Chen from the bottom of his heart. Since his parents left, Mu Chen is one of the few people who really cares about him.

However, the relationship between him and Mu Xi has never been very close.

Because Mu Chen always liked to praise Tang Wulin, this just aggravated Mu Xi's dissatisfaction and disgust. When Mu Xi voluntarily gave up the blacksmith competition in the Tianhai Alliance competition, it made Mu Chen angry with her for the first time.

Mu Xi attributed all of this to Tang Wulin, leaving a gap from then on.

Later, as she grew older, although Mu Xi looked at things more rationally, the gap between her and Tang Wulin had remained, and they could only become strangers in the end. Moreover, from Mu Xi's point of view, she and Tang Wulin were not from the same world. Like Ouyang Zixin, she plans to stay in Donghai City and work hard to become a master craftsman in the future.

If Mu Xi only influenced Tang Wulin to a certain extent, then the incident between Ouyang Zixin and Xu Xiaoyu completely destroyed his fantasies and aspirations in his youth. Now that he was leaving Donghai City, he didn't know why, he just felt extremely sad and empty inside.

This may be the mentality of young people worrying about gains and losses.

There was confusion ahead, and behind him was the heartbroken city of Donghai City.

The scenery outside the window is constantly changing. The moon rises and sets, and night falls.

The sound of even breathing came from the carriage, and many passengers had fallen asleep after the long journey.

Everyone in Class Zero is no exception. Xu Xiaoyan was still playing around with Yu Nanyuan before, occasionally kicking Yu Nanyuan's feet lightly to relieve his inner uneasiness. But as time passed, sleepiness gradually invaded her.

Only Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue remained awake. Gu Yue looked out the window, while Yu Nanyuan just stared at Gu Yue quietly.

Feeling Yu Nanyuan's burning gaze, Gu Yue's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and she turned around and glared at Yu Nanyuan slightly angrily.

Yu Nanyuan smiled disapprovingly, then stretched out his hand to shake Xu Xiaoyan slightly.

"Xiao Yan, if you feel sleepy, change places with Gu Yue and make it more comfortable by the window."

"Oh, oh." Xu Xiaoyan stood up in a daze.

Gu Yue hesitated for a moment, but still changed places with Xu Xiaoyan. Xu Xiaoyan leaned against the car window and fell asleep soon.

There is only a walkway of less than one meter between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

After a while, Gu Yue finally couldn't stand Yu Nanyuan's direct gaze, so she got up and walked into the bathroom at the end of the carriage.

Yu Nanyuan quickly followed and stood at the door of the bathroom waiting for Gu Yue to come out.

"Bang -" The bathroom door opened, and Gu Yue appeared in front of Yu Nanyuan expressionlessly, with some crystal water stains on the strands of hair between her ears and temples.

Yu Nanyuan stretched out his hand and stroked Gu Yue's hair, wiped away the water stains, and finally expressed his doubts over the past few days.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing." Gu Yue replied coldly, pretending to leave.

However, Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue's white wrist and hugged her into his arms.

"What are you struggling with? Can't you tell me?"

Gu Yue's eyes were a little dodgeful, but she did not break away from Yu Nanyuan's arms.

From Gu Yue's reaction, Yu Nanyuan knew what he should do next. His face moved closer to Gu Yue, but Gu Yue's eyes widened before she could react.

The soul train traveled smoothly, Gu Yue's whole body relaxed, and the frost and coldness on her face also quietly dissolved, becoming bright and moving.

Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly.

"Can you tell me now?"

Gu Yue's pretty face was slightly red and she pursed her lips, a bit shy, as if she was reminiscing about something. Noticing Yu Nanyuan's slightly playful smile, she put away Yu Nanyuan's hand angrily.


But from her brisk steps, it can be seen that her mood has probably improved a lot.

Yu Nanyuan also followed Gu Yue back to his seat, and his eyes met with Gu Yue's in mid-air from time to time. This experience made the two of them feel particularly novel. Instead of making them feel uncomfortable in the cramped space of the second-class seats, they felt strangely warm.

The next morning, when the soul guide train entered Shrek City, its speed slowed down significantly. At the same time, the announcement that they were about to enter Shrek Station sounded in the carriage.

Everyone in Class Zero was awakened one after another.

Wang Jinxi, Zhang Yangzi, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin were all shocked by the magnificence of Shrek City, especially the towering Tianling Pagoda at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters.

The first time Xu Xiaoyan woke up, he looked at Gu Yue beside him and Yu Nanyuan on the other side of the aisle. After seeing that the two of them did not behave strangely, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the scene of this continent's largest city with great interest.

Entering Shrek Station, even Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie, who came from wealthy families, couldn't help themselves. It was also their first time to come to Shrek City.

Xie Xie, who had been holding back all the way, couldn't help but ask Wu Zhangkong: "Teacher Wu, where should we go next? Should we go directly to Shrek Academy?"

Wu Zhangkong's face was calm, still looking cold.

"There are still two days until Shrek Academy's admissions assessment begins. Let's find a place to stay first."

From this trip, Zhang Yangzi finally got to know Wu Zhangkong's habit of not focusing on material enjoyment. If Wu Zhangkong had chosen the hotel, it would have to be one with poor conditions. There might even be a few of them crowded into one room.

His eyes moved, and he quickly suggested: "Teacher Wu, if you want to check in, choose a hotel with a slightly better environment. We can also prepare for the subsequent assessment with peace of mind."

"I agree!" Xu Xiaoyan agreed with a smile.

Although she doesn't have any princess disease, there is no need to deliberately wrong herself.

Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue, and Wang Jinxi did not speak, but Tang Wulin couldn't help but mutter.

"It will definitely be expensive to stay in a high-end hotel like that in Shrek City."

"Wulin, what's the matter with you? You're stingy again, right?" Xie Xie rolled his eyes.

"I'll pay for your room for these two days."

"Okay!" Tang Wulin's eyes lit up and he immediately agreed, as if he was afraid that Xie Xie would regret it. Xie Xie couldn't help but be stunned by the sudden change of expression.

"You're just waiting for me to say this, right?"

Tang Wulin, who got the advantage, just smiled and did not refute.

Seeing that everyone in Class Zero was unanimous, Wu Zhangkong nodded coldly.

"Of course you can pay for it at your own expense, but I want to remind you that during the Shrek Academy admissions assessment period, hotel room rates in the city will be very expensive."

After saying that, Wu Zhangkong took the lead and walked outside Shrek Station.

"It's just a hotel stay for a few days, how expensive can it be?" Xie Xie shrugged nonchalantly, with a arrogant look on his face.

"I'll pay for everyone's accommodation, okay?"

And next, Xie Xie knew what cruelty was. During this period, the prices of hotels in Shrek City can only be described as outrageous. Especially since the hotel they chose was close to the prime area of ​​Shrek's inner city, the price of one night's stay was more than 10,000 federal coins.

Xu Xiaoyan covered her mouth and chuckled: "Young Master Xie of Donghai shouldn't be short of this little money, right?"

"Haha, for the sake of you giving me gold coins, I won't say anything this time." Zhang Yangzi patted Xie Xie's shoulder happily.

Wang Jinxi glanced at Xie Xie sympathetically, while Tang Wulin pretended to look at the surroundings of the hotel.

In the end, Xie Xie had no choice but to bite the bullet and settle the bill. Although the money was extremely painful to him, he could still afford it.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue fell behind everyone, just like they were on the soul train before, communicating with each other with their eyes. The ambiguity between every move made them indulge in it.

Everyone returned to their rooms one after another, and Yu Nanyuan also immediately approached Wu Zhangkong.

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