Yu Nanyuan hugged Gu Yue and sat on the sofa. He did not do anything out of the ordinary, and just quietly enjoyed the tranquility when the two of them were alone.

Uncharacteristically, Gu Yue hugged Yu Nanyuan and comforted her softly: "What's wrong with you?"

"I just want to spend more time with you." Yu Nanyuan shook his head, his tone unprecedentedly tired and dejected.

He has been different from other peers since he was a child. He was used to disguising himself at a very young age. He had been too tired from living these years, and it was only today that he showed his fragile side to Gu Yue.

Gu Yue didn't know why, but seeing Yu Nanyuan looking so lonely and helpless, she just felt a little tight in her chest. This unprecedented yet extremely real feeling made her even more overwhelmed. He opened his red lips and hesitated to speak.

Underneath her clumsy and youthful expression is her heartfelt concern.

A smile barely appeared on Yu Nanyuan's face, and his eyes were particularly gentle.

"Just stay here with me tonight, okay?"

"Yes." Facing Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Gu Yue nodded gently.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and felt the warm touch from Gu Yue's soft palm. Outside the window, there was white spring snow, flying all over the sky. When the snowflakes fell on the balcony, they quickly turned into crystal water drops. Although he spent his short life, he continued to exist in another form and lasted forever.

Their eyes clearly reflected the light and shadow outside the window.

Yu Nanyuan's whole body relaxed, and his vision gradually became blurred. Gu Yue's fragrance enveloped him, and he fell into a deep sleep, feeling extremely at ease.

In order to make Yu Nanyuan sleep more comfortably, Gu Yue gently made him lie on her lap. Her jade hands caressed Yu Nanyuan's cheeks and hair, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily outlined a slight arc.

After Yu Nanyuan fell asleep, she no longer had any worries. Things I had wanted to do but never tried before were finally possible.

"Finally found it, so you are here." A clear female voice sounded on the balcony outside the living room, it was Lan Fuzi who was chasing Gu Yue.

Lan Fuzi was originally very upset when she was suddenly left behind by Gu Yue, but she didn't dare to show it in front of Gu Yue. But then the spring snow that fell in Donghai City made all her dissatisfaction disappear instantly.

She used to live in the depths of the sea, and she had always been with the sea and loneliness. The pure white snowflakes were absolutely novel to her. She discovered that the human world was not as full of conspiracies and intrigues as her mother had said.

The human world is much more interesting than she imagined.

Because he was delayed for a while while playing in the snow on the road, Lan Fuzi only now approached Gu Yue.

Lan Fuzi opened the crystal shuttle door on the balcony carelessly. When she saw Yu Nanyuan sleeping in Gu Yue's arms, she quickly closed her mouth and sat on the sofa opposite Gu Yue.

Gu Yue stared at Lan Fuzi expressionlessly, and scolded with cold eyes.

"Who asked you to sit down?!"

As if sitting on pins and needles, Lan Fozi stood up suddenly and looked at Gu Yue eagerly. Well-behaved, pitiful and aggrieved.

"Didn't you ask me to follow you?"

"Then did I tell you to sit down?" Gu Yue's eyes were still cold.

"Everyone come out."

As soon as Gu Yue finished speaking, two figures quietly appeared in the living room.

The one on the left is a tall middle-aged man. He was wearing a black robe and had a handsome and resolute appearance. Two strands of blond hair were mixed into his long black hair. The golden eyes seemed to contain an indescribable majesty.

On the right is a stunningly beautiful woman with a slender figure, long green hair hanging down her head, and eyes of the same green color. A long aqua dress perfectly outlined her curvy and delicate body, and a pair of jade arms as white as tender lotus roots were exposed. The most bizarre thing is that there is a pair of wings carved from emeralds behind her back.

The bright green color makes her full of life, like the goddess of nature descending into the world.

The two people were clearly the beast god Ditian and the emerald swan Brigitte among the ten ferocious beasts.

Di Tian and Bi Ji quickly knelt down on one knee to salute Gu Yue.

"My lord."

Although Di Tian and Bi Ji both lowered their heads, their eyes clearly showed strange colors.

The Lord was so close to a human soul master that they couldn't help but think too much about it. Thousands of years ago, the story of the emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden eagle, was still fresh in my mind.

Brigitte, who was attentive, was keenly aware of something unusual in the eyes she looked at the human soul master.

But Di Tian clearly knew his master's purpose of approaching the human soul master, so he remained calm.

"Yeah." Gu Yue responded lightly.

Di Tian and Bi Ji stood up knowingly, and then stood respectfully behind Gu Yue.

Lan Fuzi looked at Ditian and Biji with surprise in his eyes. Being able to hide from her perception shows that the cultivation level of the two people in front of her is far above hers. And judging from their auras, Ditian and Biji who appeared out of thin air were clearly the same ferocious beasts as her.

Especially Di Tian, ​​it even made her feel like when she faced her mother.

Is there such a strong soul beast on the mainland? !

Gu Yue's eyes fell on Lan Fuzi again, and coupled with the sense of oppression brought by Shen Tian and Bi Ji, Lan Fuzi immediately tensed up, as if he was about to be tortured, and did not dare to move.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"Tell me, what happened in the ocean? And why did you conflict with the human Donghai Corps." Gu Yue's deep black eyes seemed to understand all Lan Fozi's thoughts.

"The Deep Sea Demonic Whales have always lived in the deep sea, which is basically a restricted area that is difficult for humans to reach. If you hadn't taken the initiative to approach here, it would have been impossible to come into contact with the human army."

Lan Fuzi was stunned for a moment, then clenched his fists and said with a sad face: "Your guess is right, I took the initiative to launch an attack on the human army. But my original intention was just to avoid killing. This time those seamen The reason why the spirit beasts attack humans is more because my mother squeezed out their living space. Therefore, I cannot just watch them being wiped out by humans."

"Your mother?" Gu Yue frowned slightly.

Lan Fuzi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded: "My father is the Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea 20,000 years ago. Ever since my father fell into the hands of that human soul master, my mother has fallen into madness. Slaughtering and devouring sea soul beasts in the sea to increase my own cultivation, hoping to achieve the status of a god and resurrect my father. Although I hate that despicable man named Tang San and hope to resurrect my father, I know what my mother did. it is wrong."

As soon as these words came out, Di Tian and Bi Ji both shrank their pupils and were deeply shocked. They didn't expect that Lan Fuzi had such an origin.

Gu Yue continued to ask with twinkling eyes: "Don't your mother know that soul beasts cannot become gods?"

"So I have been trying to dissuade my mother." Lan Fuzi smiled sadly.

"But there is an organization called the Holy Spirit Cult in the human world who came to my mother, saying that it had a way to achieve godhood, and wanted to cooperate with my mother. After coming into contact with this Holy Spirit Cult, my mother became even more insistent. ”

"Holy Spirit Cult?!" Upon hearing this, Di Tian's expression couldn't help but change again. Ten thousand years ago, he had dealt with this evil soul master organization called the Holy Spirit Sect. The leader of the Holy Spirit Cult was once lured into the Star Dou Forest by him, but was severely injured by him in the end. He also left several titled Douluo Evil Spirit Masters of the Holy Spirit Cult in the Star Dou Forest permanently.

The Holy Spirit Religion has disappeared for nearly ten thousand years, but it has appeared again.

After a moment, Lan Fuzi looked at Gu Yue expectantly, with moisture in his red eyes.

"Since you are the co-master of the soul beasts, we sea soul beasts are also your people. Please help me stop my mother for this reason! As long as you are willing to help me, I will serve you for the rest of my life. You are the master!”

"My lord, what do you think?" Di Tian couldn't help but remind Gu Yue.

If their spirit beasts want to regain their former glory, the sea spirit beasts in the sea can be regarded as a big help. Moreover, Lan Buddha's mother and daughter have a common enemy with them.

After Gu Yue pondered for a long time, he looked at Lan Fuzi calmly.

"We have our own goals, but we can't help you if we can."

"Thank you, Lord!" Although Lan Fuzi usually seemed to have a weak mind, his reaction at this time was very fast. He immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Gu Yue with great joy.

Gu Yue's interest was not very high, or she felt that Lan Fuzi was more of a hindrance, so she immediately gave instructions to Bi Ji.

"Bigi, you take her to heal first."

"Yes, my lord." Biji respectfully left with Lan Fuzi, who was full of joy.

Gu Yue glanced at Di Tian faintly.

"What do you want to say?"

"My lord, I would like to ask, is he really the last son of destiny in the Douluo plane?" Di Tian said hesitantly.

He was naturally referring to Yu Nanyuan who was in Gu Yue's arms.

Gu Yue said coldly: "Are you questioning my judgment?"

"I don't dare!" Di Tian quickly came to Gu Yue and knelt down on one knee. But there was always a trace of doubt in his mind.

"But Lord, even if he is the son of fate, he is a human soul master after all. Will he really stand on our side in the future? And with your identity, to condescend to approach him like this, isn't it a bit -"

Before Di Tian could finish speaking, Gu Yue interrupted him with a cold expression. Her eyes instantly turned into deep purple, and an invisible pressure swept over her, making Di Tian's body begin to tremble uncontrollably.

"Are you teaching me how to do something?!"

"Please forgive me, my lord, I never meant this!" Di Tian lowered his head.

Gu Yue warned: "Forget it this time, I do things with discretion. From now on, none of you are allowed to have any ideas about him. And if he is in danger, you must do your best to protect him. If we want To achieve that goal, letting him grow up is the most important prerequisite. This is the choice of the entire Douluo plane, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Di Tian did not dare to say any more, and the explanation given by Gu Yue was already very clear. If they want the Dragon God to reappear and rebuild the God Realm in the future, they must rely on the Douluo Plane. If Yu Nanyuan is really the choice of the Douluo Plane Spirit, then it will definitely play a vital role in their plan.

As for the credibility of these words, I am afraid only Gu Yue himself knows clearly.

"Then you will learn about the Holy Spirit Cult and her mother's plan through Lan Fuzi. I have a hunch that they are very likely to have an impact on our plan."

"Yes, Lord." Di Tian's figure merged into the darkness and then disappeared from the place.

"My subordinates resign."

After Di Tian left, Gu Yue's eyes began to become blank again, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this moment, her mind suddenly sensed Na'er's thoughts.

In the past six months, because it was Gu Yue's home court, Na'er had never mocked Gu Yue. And with Gu Yue's character, she wouldn't do such a thing to Na'er. This is their first communication in half a year.

At this moment, Gu Yue finally realized the source of Na'er's confidence.

It's not because of Na'er's stunning appearance, but because of the purity of her feelings for Yu Nanyuan. And she had other motives from the beginning when she approached Yu Nanyuan.

Gu Yue said with a frosty face: "Are you here to show off to me?"

"No." Na'er sat beside Poseidon Lake and shook her head inexplicably.

"You didn't lose, and I didn't win."

"What's the meaning?"

"You will understand later." Na'er smiled slightly, looking like a charming smile.

"You are becoming more and more human now, but there are some things that you cannot escape."

That night, Gu Yue stayed at Yu Nanyuan's house. As time passed, she fell asleep without even realizing it with so many thoughts on her mind.

Like Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue also felt unprecedentedly relaxed around Yu Nanyuan. The two fell asleep hugging each other here.

What they didn't know was that not long after, the screen of the soul communicator placed by Yu Nanyuan on the desk lit up without warning. Displayed above is Xu Xiaoyan's communication number.

"Buzz buzz-"

The soul guide communicator kept vibrating. Xu Xiaoyan made more than a dozen calls in a row, but no one answered the call. Her message was like her own thoughts, destined not to be delivered in time.

Three days later.

Under the leadership of Wu Zhangkong, the seven members of Class 0 sat on the soul-guided high-speed train heading to Shrek City.

It is still the most common second-class seat. Wang Jinxi, Zhang Yangzi, and Yu Nanyuan were sitting together, while Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue were sitting on the two seats on the other side of the aisle.

As for Wu Changkong, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie, they were sitting in the back row behind Yu Nanyuan.

Except for Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, the remaining five people in Class Zero all looked excited. Maybe this will be a trip that changes their destiny.

The maid Lan Fuzi feels pretty good.

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