Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 128 Gu Yue’s great victory! (4k)

A series of piercing whistling sounds sounded, and more than a dozen lights and shadows shot towards this side from the distant sea.

The figure headed by it was eight meters high, and its entire body was dark black. The three pairs of folded wings on the back unfolded, flames spewed out, and the whole body was filled with powerful aura. It was a powerful black-level mecha.

The dozen or so purple figures following him were purple-level mechas.

The black-level mecha rushing at the front was so fast that it left those purple-level mechas far behind. As soon as its figure appeared, it was already in front of Yu Nanyuan and the others in the next moment, and then suddenly stopped.

Through the door of the cockpit of this black-level mecha, Yu Nanyuan saw the mecha master driving this black-level mecha.

He was an extremely burly man, his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Guanglong, he also had a big bald head and a beard. Even the combat uniform that fits the body can't hide his terrifyingly strong muscles. This sturdy appearance is simply an upgraded version of the Light Dragon.

The middle-aged man is none other than Guang Biao, the captain of Donghai City's mecha squadron and Guang Long's brother.

Noticing the huge and conspicuous corpse of the Evil Orca on the ice, Guang Biao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at the three purple-level mechas opposite him in surprise.

In order to facilitate the mecha master's control of his own mecha, the door of the mecha's cockpit is usually made of a special transparent material. While ensuring protection, it will not affect the mecha master's field of vision.

Guang Biao also recognized the identities of Yu Nanyuan and the others. Whether it is Yinluan, who is the disciple of Yu Zhen, the president of the Mecha Master Association, or Xu Xiaoyu, who comes from the Xu family, a large family of local soul masters, they can be regarded as influential figures in Donghai City and have a bright future. .

However, Guang Biao's gaze lingered on Yu Nanyuan for the longest time.

If Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu's future achievements are very likely to be higher than his, then Yu Nanyuan is destined to become a being that he looks up to, and he may not even be qualified to look up to him.

Guang Biao, who came from an ordinary family, took the position of captain of the mecha team at the age of thirty-five, not just because of his outstanding talent and hard work. After struggling all the way and being able to counterattack from the bottom, almost all of them are human beings.

If the mecha masters from other mecha master associations hunted this evil killer whale, he would inevitably get a big profit from it, but when he saw Yu Nanyuan, he gave up such thoughts in an instant.

At this time, the dozen or so purple-level mechas from Donghai City's mecha brigade also rushed over. When they saw the corpse of the evil killer whale, their eyes were shining and their faces were salivating.

This is the evil killer whale known as one of the three overlords of the ocean. Its body alone can bring inestimable value.

The Sun-Moon Federation has always had generous policies for some outstanding talents. As long as you are willing to serve the Sun-Moon Federation and have a certain talent in mecha control, you can apply to the Sun-Moon Federation to customize a mecha for you.

However, the Federation only provides the core array inside the mecha, and the specific materials need to be provided by the mecha masters themselves or directly paid in federal coins of equivalent value. As long as they serve for a certain number of years, future mecha masters can take away their meritorious mechas.

Even if the conditions are relatively harsh, there are still many civilian soul masters who are willing to serve the Sun-Moon Federation. Because this is the only way they can change their destiny.

Most of the mecha masters in Donghai City's mecha division brigade are from civilian backgrounds. In order to earn more funds to support the mecha, they would do anything they could. Guanglong is running rampant and collecting protection fees in Donghai City because these people are behind him.

A large part of the wealth that Guanglong earned went to these civilian mecha masters in the Donghai City mecha master brigade. Those who exploit the common people at the bottom the most are often those who have also risen from the bottom.

That's why Yu Nanyuan didn't interfere too much when he met Guanglong on the snack street.

"Captain, should we follow the old rules?" One of the purple-level mecha masters in the Donghai City mecha master brigade smiled and said to Guang Biao through the internal communication system.

"Anyway, this evil killer whale also broke through from the area we are responsible for. We must first insist that it is our target. Even if we can't take it all, each of the brothers can make a lot of money!"

"Fart, don't drag me with you if you want to die." Guang Biao roared angrily and reprimanded his men in a low voice.

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look. Who is the person opposite?!"

Yinluan took the initiative to say hello to Guang Biao, just like his gentle tone in the past.

"Captain Guang Biao, are you planning to bring the mecha brigade to support us? I would like to thank you for your kindness on behalf of our Mecha Master Association. But now it seems that Captain Guang Biao is no longer needed. Helped."

"No need to thank you. In fact, I feel relieved." Guang Biao laughed heartily.

"It was our dereliction of duty to let the evil killer whale break into this sea area. I should thank you. It is not easy to transport the body of the evil killer whale to the harbor. If you need our help, please just ask. It can be regarded as Express our apologies.”

"Captain Guang Biao, there's no need to trouble you. People from our Mecha Master Association will be here soon." Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly.

"That's fine. We have official duties, so we won't be staying for long." Guang Biao nodded to Yu Nanyuan politely. Having said this, his eyes fell on Xu Xiaoyu again.

"You are the one from Mr. Xu's family, right? I have learned from the General Administration about your joining the Donghai City Mecha Brigade. When this mission is over, I will find an opportunity and introduce all the brothers to you." you know."

"Then I'll trouble Captain Guang Biao." Xu Xiaoyu replied politely. He didn't show too much intimacy, but he also didn't have the indifference of being someone who was thousands of miles away.

However, compared to back then, his current dealings with others are indeed much smoother.

"Haha. You're welcome. This is all my responsibility." After saying this, Guang Biao left with everyone. When he returned to the sea area where the mecha brigade was responsible, he did not forget to warn all his subordinates with a solemn expression: "Today's matter ends here. It would be fine if it was someone else, but who of you dares to do it again this time?" Don't blame me for turning your back on others if you use your wrong thoughts! Remember, there are some people you cannot offend. Don't think that you can offend anyone because you are used to being domineering. You won't know how you died when the time comes."

Not long after Guang Biao and others left, people from the Mecha Masters Association arrived. All fifteen purple-level mechas from the Mecha Master Association have arrived and are suspended in the sky.

"Is that guy Guang Biao leading the mecha brigade?" Lian Tong, the senior purple-level mecha master who was leading the team, was deeply shocked when he saw this scene.

Not only because of the corpse of the evil killer whale, but also because of the retreating mecha team.

Most of the mecha masters in Donghai City's mecha brigade are civilians, while the mecha masters in the mecha masters association have relatively rich backgrounds. After all, as long as they can maintain their own mechas, no one is willing to join a mecha brigade and be restricted everywhere.

The difference in class has led to the unharmonious relationship between the Donghai City Mecha Brigade and the Mecha Master Association.

As the captain of Donghai City's mecha brigade, Guang Biao usually behaves in a domineering manner, so retreating like this is not like his style.

"Lao Lian, this is what happened."

Yinluan smiled slightly and immediately told Lian Tong everything that had happened before.

Lian Tong's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Yu Nanyuan, and he sighed with a smile: "With you and Nanyuan here, the president really has someone to succeed him! It just so happens that it's getting late, and our inspection mission has basically been completed. Everyone Let’s transport the body of this evil killer whale to the port together first.”

Then there was such a shocking scene.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the vast sea. Fifteen purple-level mechas used special mechanical flying claws to pull the body of the evil killer whale closer to the East Sea Port.

When they arrived at Donghai Port, there was even a commotion.

On the one hand, the people here in the East China Sea Port were horrified by the huge size of the Evil Killer Whale. They were also deeply impressed by the fifteen purple-level mechas that were arranged in an orderly manner. Young children may have dreamed of becoming mecha masters at this moment.

Yu Zhen, who had learned the news in advance, personally went to the scene and had the body of the evil killer whale taken away. The body of the dark thunder tiger shark in Yu Nanyuan's storage soul guide was also delivered to Yu Zhen, and he drove the soul guide car to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower with his own ideas in mind.

Yu Nanyuan was extremely concerned about the bloodline aura that he had vaguely sensed on the sea before, and he was finally ready to investigate. But to be on the safe side, you have to find a helper.

There is no doubt that Gu Yue is the best candidate. No matter how powerful the bloodline power of the sea soul beast is, it cannot be stronger than the Silver Dragon King. What's more, Gu Yue also has several ferocious beasts under his command, including Di Tian.

At this stage, we are not strong enough, so we still have to eat soft food.

The slender silver soul car stopped steadily in front of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower.

Yu Nanyuan got off the car and walked along the stairs towards the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Just when he came to the top platform of the steps, Gu Yue walked out of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The silky long black hair shawls, bathed in the golden sunset, as moving as a scroll.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue's steps seemed to become much more brisk, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved.

The light and shadow overlapped, and with a slight exclamation, Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and suddenly picked up Gu Yue.

Gu Yue instinctively put her hands on Yu Nanyuan's shoulders, with a charming blush on her pretty face. Many Spirit Transferring Pagoda staff members in the lobby on the first floor looked over, making her feel even more shy.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"I don't have money to eat anymore, so I want to eat your soft rice." Yu Nanyuan chuckled, twirled Gu Yue around in a circle, and then put him down.

Gu Yue straightened her appearance and hair, and rolled her eyes at Yu Nanyuan.

"Are you going to have no money to eat?"

"That's not the point, okay, the point is that I want to eat your soft rice." Yu Nanyuan was not ashamed at all and emphasized again with a serious face.

"By the way, you must be free tonight."

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yue asked doubtfully.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and walked down the steps, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I've finished making my mecha, and I went on a mission today. I want to take you to experience it tonight."

Gu Yue did not respond positively to this, but waited until she was sitting in the soul guide car before she pursed her lips and said to Yu Nanyuan, "What do you want to eat?"

"You decide." Yu Nanyuan understood instantly and smiled understandingly.

Although Gu Yue acted calm, there was a strange light shining deep in her eyes. He knew that Gu Yue expressed her wishes in disguise in this way.

Does it have to be so duplicitous?

Yu Nanyuan shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, his emotional intelligence was online. Otherwise, just guessing what Gu Yue was thinking would be worth it.

Regarding food, neither Yu Nanyuan nor Gu Yue had high requirements. The two found a mid-to-high-end restaurant near the Spirit Pagoda and had a simple dinner.

It is worth mentioning that this time it was Gu Yue who paid the bill.

As night fell, Yu Nanyuan brought Gu Yue to the Mecha Master Association again.

Originally, he wanted to go see his grandfather first, but Yu Zhen is not in the Mecha Master Association because he is busy dealing with some things.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue simply went directly to the platform where the mecha was parked.

There are many mechas parked on the wide platform, including Yu Nanyuan's mecha.

In addition to customizing mechas, the Mecha Masters Association also provides maintenance, repair, and charging services. As long as you are a mecha master, it is impossible to bypass the mecha master association. Therefore, the Mecha Master Association is the richest first-level association on the mainland.

Yu Nanyuan took out the exclusive remote control paired with the mecha, pressed a button on it, and the cockpit door slowly opened. He hugged Gu Yue's slender waist and jumped into the cockpit.

Gu Yue sat down in the passenger seat next to Yu Nanyuan, and her seat belt was automatically fastened. The soft and thick leather seats are slightly sunken, and the passenger seat is much more comfortable than the main driver's seat, which requires standing.

However, the space in the cockpit is not very large, especially after the hatch is closed. While it's not crowded, it's certainly not spacious either.

Yu Nanyuan turned to Gu Yue who was very close and reminded him softly: "Get ready to go."

"Yeah." Gu Yue responded with an unnatural expression. In the small cockpit, she could even clearly feel the warm breath coming from Yu Nanyuan's body. Even if you don't think about it, the atmosphere has become a bit ambiguous.

The glass dome opened and closed to both sides. After making sure that all the parameters of the mecha were normal, Yu Nanyuan immediately controlled the mecha to take off.

Purple flames streaked across the night sky, and the mecha quickly flew away from Donghai City. After climbing to an altitude of about a thousand meters, the three pairs of folded wings on the back slowly opened. The propeller continued to spray, speeding towards the eastern sea.

In order to distract herself, Gu Yue lowered her head and looked at the blue light screen in front of Yu Nanyuan. It displayed some detailed parameters of this mecha, and the name of this mecha particularly concerned her.

"Lord of the Void?"

"That's the name of this mecha." Yu Nanyuan explained with a smile.

Just like a battle armor master can name his own battle armor, a purple level or above mecha master can also give his own mecha a unique name. The Sun-Moon Federation will register these exclusive names to facilitate more efficient identification.

The air defense radars in major cities scan mechas, and the first information that comes out is this special exclusive name.

Standing thousands of meters high in the sky, the bright silver moon seemed to be within reach, and below was the sea passing by at high speed.

Yu Nanyuan controlled the mecha to rotate in the air, but the flight was extremely smooth, with a smile on his face.

"handsome or not?"

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, and then reacted after a moment. This was the first time she had seen Yu Nanyuan show such a side.

However, hearing the showoff in Yu Nanyuan's tone, the arc outlined in the corners of her mouth became more obvious.

"so so."

"Then I'll give you something unusual."

Yu Nanyuan seemed to be competing with Gu Yue, and he controlled the mecha to perform a series of difficult movements. He even experienced a series of bumps when encountering high-altitude turbulence, and Gu Yue's body leaned on Yu Nanyuan's body.

But she liked this feeling very much, and for the first time she showed a touching smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, stop. I take back what I said before."

When Yu Nanyuan heard this, he looked sideways at Gu Yue with a smile, his expression slightly startled. Gu Yue's face was close at hand, but his eyes were a little dazed, and his heart was throbbing.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yue didn't notice anything strange and subconsciously opened her red lips.

Yu Nanyuan came back to his senses and laughed softly: "You look good when you smile."

Gu Yue's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and for some reason, there was a sour feeling on the tip of her nose.

The faces of the two people, who were close at hand, were once again close to each other, and the two hearts were intertwined here. To a certain extent, Gu Yue and Yu Nanyuan are very similar. They both suppress themselves because they are burdened with certain things.

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