Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 127 The traces of the nine-thousand-year-old evil killer whale and the ferocious beast-level

The crisis was resolved, and the sea area became calm again.

The thick and wide ice layer undulated slightly with the sea surface. It seemed so small in the vast sea, but it gave Yu Nanyuan and the three of them a place to stand.

"Three consecutive lightning strikes?!" Yu Nanyuan's meticulous operation just now shocked Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu.

To be precise, the Lightning Three-Continuous Rush is the fusion of the two mecha control techniques, Lightning Rush and Triangular Movement. These two techniques may seem simple, but in fact they have many mysteries.

Especially when these two techniques are combined and moved during high-speed sprinting, both the mecha and the mecha master need to withstand considerable impact. This can easily cause damage to mechas and mecha masters. This is a skill that only senior mecha masters can master perfectly.

At least both Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu are lacking in this aspect.

Sometimes I have to admit that so-called hard work is worthless in the face of absolute talent.

Yu Nanyuan has only been exposed to mecha control for three years, but he has already surpassed them in mecha control skills.

The figure of the Ten Thousand Years Evil Eye Tyrant appeared above the head of Yu Nanyuan's mecha, with eight silver tentacles imprinted with strange golden lines moving softly.

A look of greed appeared in the eyes of the evil-eyed tyrant, and then the eight tentacles seemed to burst out with an invisible attraction, pulling the soul rings of the three dark thunder tiger sharks towards this side.

When these three purple thousand-year soul rings came into contact with the Evil Eye Tyrant's tentacles, they instantly collapsed and turned into pure energy and merged into the Evil Eye Tyrant's body.

Evil Eyes with pure blood and spiritual attributes do not need to eat. All they need is pure energy such as mental power and soul power. Its tentacles will filter out the attribute energy impurities and soul resentment contained in the soul ring on their own.

After devouring the soul ring energy of these three dark thunder tiger sharks, Yu Nanyuan, the evil-eyed tyrant, will be able to increase his cultivation level by at least three thousand years. This is equivalent to a one-third conversion rate, which is much more efficient than hunting soul beasts in the Spirit Ascension Platform to ascend spirits.

Perhaps because the number of evil eyes with pure blood and spiritual attributes is too rare, there is no record of the evil eye tyrant's ability in ancient times. If the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters knew about the Evil Eye Tyrant's ability, I'm afraid it wouldn't be Yu Nanyuan's turn.

Although in this era, soul beasts are already on the verge of extinction, the number of sea soul beasts is definitely not small. As long as there is strong support behind it, it is possible to raise the evil-eyed tyrant's cultivation level to the 100,000-year level by hunting sea soul beasts.

However, the Evil Eye Tyrant also has certain requirements for the quality of the soul-devouring rings. The more powerful the soul beast of its own race, the higher the conversion rate of the soul ring energy it produces. And hunting low-level soul beasts is not even as effective as directly ascending spirits in the Spirit Ascension Platform.

Yu Nanyuan emerged from the mecha and motioned to Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu.

Yinluan, who was in the air, also piloted the mecha and landed on the ice, and he and Xu Xiaoyu left the mecha one after another.

With a few flashes of silver light, Yu Nanyuan held the phantom gun and separated the bodies of the three dark thunder tiger sharks from the ice.

"Brother Luan, Brother Xiaoyu, we just have one each. Let's put the bodies of these three dark thunder tiger sharks into the storage soul guide first."

"Okay." Yinluan smiled and nodded, while Xu Xiaoyu couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

It was the first time he drove a mecha to perform a mission and he could achieve such a reward. Even with Xu Xiaoyu's cold personality, it was impossible to maintain a normal mind. What's more, he has always wanted to prove his abilities in front of Xu Xingwei.

The benefits brought by the corpse of the Thousand-Year Dark Thunder Tiger Shark are still secondary.

Among sea soul beasts, the Dark Thunder Tiger Shark is not a particularly large type. However, their storage soul guide has only just been contained.

Starting again, Yu Nanyuan and the other three continued to control the mecha to patrol the sea areas they were responsible for.

Although sea soul beasts often wandered into the sea area near Donghai City during this period, this sea area is so wide that encountering sea soul beasts is a small probability event after all. From the offshore waters to the junction with the deep sea waters, they only encountered these three thousand-year-old dark thunder tiger sharks.

Just when Yu Nanyuan and the others were preparing to patrol along the dividing line between offshore waters and deep sea waters, an uninvited guest suddenly broke into the radar detection range. This uninvited guest seemed to be swimming on the surface of the sea, causing the signal received inside the mecha to be particularly strong.

"Roar——" A low and angry voice came from the depths of the sea, and the rolling sound waves made the sea surface thousands of meters in radius tremble. Weird dark red ripples containing strong spiritual waves rippled out, and this space was completely blocked. The powerful mental power invaded pervasively, and the air, seawater, and all materials in this space became as viscous as gel, and then quickly condensed.

Yu Nanyuan, who had already entered the spiritual abyss realm in his spiritual power realm, reacted instantly, and the evil-eyed tyrant's body appeared above his head again. The Evil Eye Tyrant's pupils suddenly opened, and circles of silver light patterns spread outwards with its body as the core.

The silver light pattern impacted on the surrounding dark red ripples, causing huge waves. An invisible spiritual storm broke out, causing the space to become violently distorted, giving it an unreal feeling.

Except for the space protected by silver light patterns, the surrounding space has become completely still, turning into dark red crystals like smooth mirrors.

Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes shone with purple-gold light, and the silver light pattern released by the evil-eyed tyrant also became stronger, and the terrifying power of mental shock exploded.


The condensed dark red crystal shattered silently, turning into countless debris and scattering in all directions.

Yinluan looked at the behemoth that emerged from the distant sea, and his eyes instantly became solemn.

"This is...the evil killer whale?!"

It was a whale-like soul beast that was nearly twenty meters long, and its entire body was gray-black. Although it does not have the streamlined beauty of the Dark Thunder Tiger Shark, the overall look is full of power. Its head was particularly huge, and when it surfaced, a thick column of water shot out of its blowholes.

The sharp teeth and dark red eyes add a bit of fierceness to it.

Adult evil killer whales have more than ten thousand years of cultivation, and are about twenty to twenty-five meters in length. Judging from the size of the evil killer whale in front of him and the attack range of the innate soul skill just now, his cultivation level exceeds at least nine thousand years.

The innate soul skill used by the Evil Killer Whale just now is called the Evil Killer Whale's Mirror Destruction. It is an extremely cruel and domineering skill. Once wrapped in the dark red crystal, when the crystal shatters, all objects within the range will also shatter and perish. The only thing that can compete with it is spiritual soul skills. Or rely on the powerful soul power cultivation and physical strength to withstand the terrifying tearing and shattering power of this skill.

If Yu Nanyuan's ability hadn't restrained the evil killer whale's skills, Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu might not have been able to survive it.

This is the horror of a super sea soul beast like the Evil Killer Whale.

The nature of the evil killer whale is exactly the same as the style of its soul skills, domineering and cruel. The attack failed, but its huge body turned around flexibly, and its huge whale tail suddenly hit the sea surface. The fan-shaped red light condensed into one stream in the air, flashing with crystal afterimages. It was like a red battle ax falling from the sky.

Killer Whale Demon Ax! The powerful single attack skills of the evil killer whale family!

Sensing the crisis, the three of them subconsciously controlled their mechas and immediately dispersed. The red afterimage passed by, and the sky seemed to be divided into two halves. A deep ravine was formed on the sea surface, making a loud rumbling sound.

Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu, who were still in shock, had some intention of retreating in their hearts. The evil killer whale, which has nearly ten thousand years of cultivation, is enough to pose a huge threat to them.

But they weren't planning to just retreat and do nothing. Instead, he wanted to avoid its edge temporarily and wait for support. This evil killer whale has made such a big noise here, the mecha masters from the Donghai City mecha brigade and the mecha masters association should be here soon.

While piloting the mecha to climb higher into the sky, Yinluan solemnly reminded Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyu: "Nanyuan, Xiaoyu, to be on the safe side, don't confront this evil killer whale head-on. I have already sent a request for help. , let’s wait until the people from our Mecha Master Association and Donghai City’s Mecha Brigade come over. This evil killer whale should have broken through from the area that the Mecha Master Brigade is responsible for.”

"Brother Luan, it won't be easy to distribute the benefits when the people from the mecha division team come over." Yu Nanyuan had no intention of avoiding his edge. The whale glue and soul ring of this evil killer whale were rare treasures for him, and he naturally did not want to let this opportunity pass him by. Moreover, he is taking the path of invincibility and fearlessness. If he retreats, it will inevitably cause flaws in his heart.

"Leave it to me, and you can help me capture the formation from the side."

After saying these words, Yu Nanyuan's mecha ejected brilliant flames from the back and dived towards the evil killer whale below.

"Roar——" The evil killer whale jumped out of the sea, opened its ferocious mouth and let out a continuous roar. Rippled red light shrouded the evil killer whale demon.

This soul skill can ignore all physical defenses. Once the body comes into contact with these red ripples, it will be forced into dizziness.

As one of the three overlords of the ocean, the Evil Killer Whale has almost no shortcomings. Physical strength, innate soul skills, and mental strength are all at the top level.

The Evil Orca Mirror's Destruction and the Evil Orca's Demon's Photography, these two innate soul skills are closely related to the application of mental power, making it difficult for opponents to guard against them.

But what Yu Nanyuan is least afraid of is this type of soul skills.

The body of the Evil Eye Tyrant suspended in the sky became illusory, leaving only an illusory silver eye shadow overlooking the situation below.

Yu Nanyuan shared the line of sight with the light and shadow of this eye, which was almost equivalent to having a God's perspective. This soul talent is simply born for mecha masters, allowing him to perfectly utilize the capabilities of his mecha.

The Evil Eye Tyrant's body was shrunk countless times and appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

The spiritual power cultivation of the Lingyuan realm and the assistance of the evil eye tyrant with ten thousand years of spiritual attributes made Yu Nanyuan directly immune to this innate soul skill of the evil killer whale.

black! black! black! black!

Four dark soul rings emerged from the cockpit of the mecha, and the first soul ring suddenly shone.

In the past six months, Yu Nanyuan finally allowed the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake to evolve to the ten thousand year level. Although the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake fell into a deep sleep due to his own evolution, it did not affect his ability to use the first three ten-thousand-year-level soul skills.

The space collapsed, and silver chains descended from the huge magical silver runes, like divine punishment sent by the gods to restrain the huge body of the evil killer whale.

Void Locking Dragon Formation!

The evil killer whale that had just jumped out of the sea was instantly imprisoned in mid-air by the Void Dragon Locking Formation. Almost at the same time, a shocking silver spear shadow penetrated the sky. The target pointed at was the huge head of the evil killer whale.

Void Judgment!

The evil killer whale is not a dragon, and the suppression effect of the Void Dragon Lock Formation is limited. Although it was imprisoned in the air, it still had room to condense the space into a pair of dark red crystal armor to protect its body.


The judgment spear used to judge the evil killer whale instantly shattered the dark red crystal armor into a piece of powder. However, the evil killer whale also burst out with powerful physical strength, and was about to break free from the shackles of the Void Dragon Locking Formation.

In this short period of time, Yu Nanyuan had approached less than thirty meters away from the evil killer whale. The energy core inside the mecha was running wildly. Under the injection of soul power, the tip of the Thor's gun controlled by the mecha extended a thirty-meter-long straight light blade. The purple-gold thunder light is contained within it, and there is no doubt about its terrifying destructive power.

Yu Nanyuan's body was combined with the mecha, and he controlled the light blade to slash at the body of the evil killer whale.

At this critical moment, the evil killer whale also broke free from the void chains that wrapped around its body and twisted its body to avoid its vital points. But there was still a blood mark on its back that was deep enough to show the bones.

This is the power of modern mechas. Yu Nanyuan's purple-level mecha can easily give him an attack power that far exceeds his own level of cultivation. Even if he uses the soul skills of his own martial soul, he may not be able to cause this level of damage to the evil killer whale so easily.

The evil killer whale fell into the water, and the scars on its body made it even crazier, running rampant in the sea. The nearby sea area was stained red with blood spilled from its body.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan's mecha made a twisting movement to prepare for throwing. The purple-gold light blade extending from the Thor's Spear quietly converged, and a purple-gold light shadow submerged into the sea, piercing the head of the evil killer whale.

There is also a thick and solid silver chain connected to the back end of the handle of the Thor's gun.

Yu Nanyuan controlled his mecha to explode at full power, restricting the movement of the evil killer whale. The effect of the evil eye tyrant's spiritual attribute soul skill extends to the Thor's Spear through the chain, attacking the evil killer whale from within the body, making it continue to become weak. The space confinement effect attached to the Void Chain prevents the Evil Killer Whale from expelling the Thor's Spear from its body.

In the sea, the power of Yu Nanyuan's other offensive soul skills will inevitably be limited. At present, it is more effective to use this method to deal with the evil killer whale.

When Yu Nanyuan started to take action, Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu controlled the mecha and rushed over. The sudden change in the situation prevented them from reacting for a while.

Yu Nanyuan's ability is indeed better than the evil killer whale's innate soul skills, but this is all based on the premise that his own strength is strong enough. And the grasp of fighter planes is also quite accurate.

Yinluan came to his senses and quickly came to Yu Nanyuan's side. Countless clear blue vines grew out, entwining the void chains connected to the Thunder God's Spear. Different from ordinary blue silver grass, the skin of these vines shines with a special crystal luster, and they are much tougher than ordinary blue silver grass.

It was Yinluan’s Blue Silver King martial spirit.

The two purple-level mechas exerted force at the same time, and the evil killer whale had been weakened a lot. The two sides had an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength and gradually began to stalemate.

Xu Xiaoyu also took the opportunity to activate the soul bone skill of Ice Tide again, restricting the movement of the evil killer whale by condensing sea water.

Under the circumstances, the evil killer whale became weaker and weaker. After all, it is the top spirit beast in the ocean. It can be said that the evil killer whale has the strongest vitality among all the spirit beasts Yu Nanyuan has ever seen. He was able to persist for such a long time despite the continuous attacks of Evil Eye Tyrant's mental attribute soul skills.

Even before dying, he still had enough energy to break out of the ice and launch a final counterattack.

As it rushed out of the ice, the tail of the evil killer whale immediately brought up a string of bloody afterimages. They were countless dark red light blades only one foot wide, with a harsh whining sound. Every light blade is filled with fierce murderous intent.

The orca's teeth are chopped into pieces!

Yu Nanyuan raised his right hand, and huge silver spears formed a spear array, turning into a transparent silver light curtain to block this extremely dense attack.

Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu also fought back tacitly.

A ball of extremely pure and rich ice energy exploded crazily in front of Xu Xiaoyu's mecha, and then condensed into an ice spear printed with magic patterns. The third soul skill, Ice Fury!

In front of Yinluan's mecha, a golden spear full of sharpness appeared. The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Overlord Spear!

This is currently the strongest single-target attack soul skill between the two.

Golden and blue light and shadow flashed by, and the spears and ice spears disappeared with distorted light waves. The next moment, it penetrated the eyes of the evil killer whale from both sides.

But it was Yu Nanyuan's gun of judgment that ended the life of this evil killer whale. The silver gun shadow came again and penetrated the head of the evil killer whale.

The huge body of the evil killer whale fell from the air and hit the thick ice heavily. A deep purple halo floated, and a circle of purple and black soul rings slowly condensed and formed.

Yinluan had just broken through to the soul king realm, and Xu Xiaoyu's current soul power cultivation level was only level 49, so it was obviously impossible to absorb the soul ring of this evil killer whale.

Yu Nanyuan immediately made the best use of it and let the evil-eyed tyrant swallow the soul ring of the evil killer whale. The quality of the evil killer whale's soul ring is much higher than that of the dark thunder tiger shark. This time, the evil eye tyrant did not devour it with his tentacles, but swallowed it into the mouth behind his eyes and tasted it carefully.

For the Evil Eye Tyrant, the Evil Killer Whale Soul Ring, which has nearly ten thousand years of cultivation, is an absolute tonic.

After doing this, Yu Nanyuan took the Evil Eye Tyrant back into his body, and looked at the corpse of the Evil Eye Killer Whale with Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu. With their close relationship, they were naturally not thinking about distribution, but how to transport the body of the evil killer whale back.

At this moment, the three people's radar suddenly appeared one by one, light spots approaching quickly.

Yinluan smiled and said, "It seems we don't need to consider these issues anymore. People from our Mecha Master Association and Donghai City Mecha Brigade are here."

Xu Xiao was also in a good mood. In this way, his purpose of participating in this operation was overfulfilled.

Although Yu Nanyuan mainly relied on Yu Nanyuan to kill the evil killer whale this time, he had somewhat contributed, and it was more than enough to scare the veterans in the mecha brigade. He wasn't afraid of anyone, he just wanted to save some trouble.

But Yu Nanyuan looked at the northern sea with emotion. He had not noticed the aura of the evil killer whale previously covering him. Through the perception of the Void Chain, there was a vaguely strong bloodline aura in that direction, but the owner of this aura was a little weak.

"This is……"

This seemed to be a kind of guidance from somewhere. This was how he felt when he went to the beach on a whim and met Gu Yue.

At the same time, there is an unknown sea.

All the East China Sea Fleet belonging to the East China Sea Regiment are displayed here. It seemed that there had been a battle just now, and the bodies of sea soul beasts were everywhere on the sea.

On the main battleship that is several thousand meters long, Zhu Ming, the commander of the Eastern Navy Regiment, looked extremely ugly. It was originally just an ordinary mission to eliminate sea soul beasts, but this time, a ferocious beast-level deep-sea demonic whale actually appeared.

Although the deep-sea demon whale was severely injured by them, it did not die on the spot. If this deep-sea magic whale retaliates against surrounding coastal cities, it will definitely cause huge casualties.

And this will all be attributed to his failure to fulfill his responsibilities, and his path to promotion to federal general may be completely blocked.

"Give me an order to search for traces of the deep-sea demonic whale immediately after cleaning up the battlefield!"

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