Warm, soft, moist and hot with a faint fragrance, this is how Yu Nanyuan feels at this time. At the moment when the faces were close to each other, all thoughts in his mind were gone. There was only the reflection of Gu Yue's delicate face in his clear golden eyes.

The same was true for Gu Yue, her eyes were in a trance.

This moment seems like eternity.

I don't know how much time had passed before Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue woke up from a dream.

Yu Nanyuan behaved relatively calmly, recalling the previous feelings. But Gu Yue sat upright in panic, tilted her head and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

The atmosphere in the cockpit began to become subtle.

At this moment, the mecha's internal navigation system issued a reminder that it was about to reach the junction of offshore and deep sea. This place is far away from the offshore continental shelf and can be regarded as truly entering the sea. In the ancient and ancient times when sea soul beasts were at their peak, many relatively weak sea soul beast races lived here.

As for the deep sea, only the top sea soul beast races can occupy a place.

Just like the Star Forest is divided into core areas, mixed areas, peripheral areas, etc., the ocean also has such divisions. Moreover, because there is no cover in the ocean, the competition between sea spirit beasts is even more cruel.

Yu Nanyuan came to his senses and began to control the mecha with all his heart. Even in normal times, it is possible to encounter sea soul beasts here. Not to mention that during the day today, he still sensed the faint and powerful aura of blood.

Always be careful.

However, after Yu Nanyuan piloted the mecha and returned to the sea area during the day, he still didn't notice anything strange at all. They didn't even encounter a sea soul beast along the way. It was as if the blood aura he felt during the day was just his illusion.

Of course, it is also possible that the owner of the bloodline aura has left.

The map on the blue light screen inside the mecha was enlarged, showing the logo of an uninhabited island.

There are many desert islands like this in the vast sea. Because it is far away from the mainland and always faces the threat of sea spirit beasts, usually no one lives on it.

The area of ​​​​this desert island is not large. It is high in the middle and low on the four sides. The overall look is like a small mountain peak. Dense vegetation covers the surface, and there is a small sunken lake in the center of the mountain.

Under the light of the stars and the moon, it is like a clear mirror of the night sky, reflecting thousands of stars.

Yu Nanyuan controlled the mecha's descent and stopped smoothly at the edge of the lake. The whole process went smoothly, and the landing of such a huge mecha did not break the silence on this isolated island.

Since it was too late, there was nothing he could do. And now he is more concerned about how to deal with the relationship with Gu Yue next.

The cockpit door opened and Yu Nanyuan looked ahead. The beach is covered with a layer of smooth pebbles, and the water is clear and sparkling.

After a moment, he looked back at Gu Yue beside him, and said with a chuckle: "Don't you want to say something to me?"

Gu Yue turned her head and met Yu Nanyuan's eyes, returning to her usual expressionless look, her dark eyes as calm as water. But before she could say anything, she was hugged by Yu Nanyuan and jumped out of the cockpit.

With her hair flying, Gu Yue instinctively hugged Yu Nanyuan tightly. The emotions that he had finally calmed down resurfaced again, causing ripples deep in his heart. A touching smile appeared on her face, and she curled her lips in a slightly angry tone.

"Obviously you took advantage, shouldn't it be you who should say something to me?"

"Didn't you like it just now?" Yu Nanyuan laughed and sighed in his heart.

It's not easy to let Gu Yue, who has a naughty personality, reveal her true feelings. If he had just been frightened by Gu Yue's look and flinched, Gu Yue might have secretly sulked again.

Hearing Yu Nanyuan's words, Gu Yue immediately glared at him with a blushing face, her face charming and charming. Then she fell silent, her eyes were empty, as if she was thinking about something.

She had to admit that Na'er was right. The emotions in the human world are indeed much richer than those of their soul beasts.

Whenever she was with Yu Nanyuan, her mind was always affected by him unconsciously. She had never experienced the feeling just now, but what was certain was that she had already been immersed in it and could not extricate herself.

The spirit of the Douluo plane only guided her to meet Yu Nanyuan, and these were the subtle changes she experienced.

While holding Gu Yue's hand and approaching the lake, Yu Nanyuan said in a half-joking and half-serious tone: "By the way, why have I never heard you mention anything about your family? I kidnapped you, and your family doesn't You will cause trouble for me."

"If you dare to abduct me, I'm sure they will definitely cause trouble for you." Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan with dark eyes, but then she changed her words and pursed her lips and smiled: "But as long as I speak , then nothing will happen. They should respect my opinion more."

Respect opinions? The Lord’s command!

Yu Nanyuan suddenly stopped and complained secretly in his heart. But naturally he wouldn't show it, and hid behind Gu Yue with a teasing smile.

"Then if they come to trouble me, you have to protect me."

"It depends on your mood." Gu Yue's face was also filled with a smile. Looking at Yu Nanyuan's current appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little funny. In her impression, Yu Nanyuan had never shown such a side to others.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Nanyuan is a genius with amazing talents, and he can maintain a good relationship with teachers, classmates and friends. So perfect that not a single flaw can be found.

However, Gu Yue felt that Yu Nanyuan at this moment was the most real him, the one who had removed all disguises. He has a competitive spirit that belongs to a young man, and he also has a playful heart.

Yu Nanyuan stood in front of Gu Yue again and said with a half-smile, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"What's the problem?" Gu Yue stopped in front of Yu Nanyuan. The evening breeze in the mountains was blowing her long black hair, and her glossy red lips were particularly attractive.

"Do you like what you did just now?"

What followed was a long silence. The moonlight flows quietly, reflecting the faces of Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

Yu Nanyuan took the initiative to step forward, and at the same time grabbed Gu Yue's jade hands and intertwined their fingers. Their faces were close to each other, and their hair was intertwined in the wind.

Gu Yue's silence was not active, but passive. While being passive, it gradually began to take on a more guest-oriented tone.

It all comes from instinct. The relationship between a slightly young boy and a girl has completely transformed under the moonlit night.

"Plop!" The crisp sound of water splash suddenly broke the beauty and tranquility. Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were instantly alert, and they suddenly separated and looked at the lake.

I saw a head sticking out from the middle of the lake. It was a face that was not inferior to Na'er's. It had wet long blue hair that was messy and clinging to the cheek. Its beautiful blue eyes were as deep as the ocean. The feeling of the sea.

Judging from her face, this stunning girl appears to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. Her whole body was soaked in the lake water, only her face was exposed.

Seeing this blue-haired girl, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were stunned on the spot.

Yu Nanyuan clearly felt the changes in his own martial soul. His Void Chain martial soul was innately extremely sensitive to the powerful bloodline power. Although the bloodline power in the blue-haired girl in front of her is not as powerful as the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King, the level is still quite high. He already had a pretty good guess in his mind.

The reason why Gu Yue was so shocked by this was because she recognized the true identity of this blue-haired girl at a glance. As the co-master of soul beasts, she is very familiar with the aura of soul beasts.

The blue-haired girl in front of her was clearly the transformed form of a ferocious beast-level soul beast. Moreover, her body is still the deep-sea demon whale known as the head of the three overlords of the ocean.

It is self-evident that the girl's identity is Lan Fuzi, the daughter of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the Demon Emperor.

Lan Fuzi was obviously not expecting the sudden arrival of two uninvited guests, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. After panickingly confirming that she was in human form, she stared at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue with a wary expression.

"who are you?"

"It's up to us to ask this question." Yu Nanyuan asked calmly.

"The distance between here and the mainland is at least three hundred kilometers. It's unusual for you to appear here alone. And you are bathing here alone in the middle of the night. Don't you think you are more suspicious?"

"Yes, that seems to be the case." Lan Fuzi nodded subconsciously, but then he seemed to think of something again, and the vigilance in his eyes became even more intense.

"No, why am I suspicious here? If you can come, can't I come? And I'm not taking a shower, I'm just..."

Having said this, Lan Fuzi immediately dived down and immersed his mouth in the lake water, thinking to himself.

"It was so dangerous, I almost let it slip."

The corners of Yu Nanyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

He originally thought that Gu Yue was simple enough, but he didn't expect that Lan Fuzi was even more important. This can't be called simple, but my brain is a bit hard to use.

Gu Yue looked at Lan Fozi thoughtfully, then leaned into Yu Nanyuan's ear and whispered softly: "I don't think she looks like a suspicious person. Why don't you get out of the way first?" I'll talk to her alone."

"Are you sure?" Yu Nanyuan pretended to be surprised and looked at Gu Yue.

Obviously he had guessed Lan Fuzi's identity, but he had to pretend to be at a loss.

This is the same for Gu Yue.

"Didn't you see that she wasn't wearing any clothes?" Gu Yue's eyes became strange, as if she wanted to see through Yu Nanyuan's true thoughts.

Yu Nanyuan quickly clarified: "I didn't see anything."

"You just need to get out of the way a little. You don't have to stay too far away." Only then did Gu Yue's face show a smile again.

"Okay." Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly, then lowered his head and touched Gu Yue's lips in front of Lan Fozi. Before Gu Yue could react, he turned around and got into the woods behind.

"Let's just consider it as compensation for being interrupted by her just now."

Gu Yue suppressed the shyness in her heart, looked at Lan Fuzi with an indifferent expression, and said in a tone similar to giving a name.

"Put on your clothes and come here."

"What are you going to do?" For some reason, Lan Fuzi only felt that his momentum was inherently weaker when facing Gu Yue. But then I thought about it, I had to get dressed and leave here, so I didn't have much resistance.

But there was a prerequisite for her to do this, and that was to make sure that Yu Nanyuan was not peeping. Her mother had taught her since she was a child that no male creature except her father was good.

The close-fitting blue dress could not cover up Lan Fuzi's proud figure. The scale was as exaggerated as her deep sea demon whale, but her figure was very slender and moderate. Typical thin branches bear fruit.

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, then her eyes would fall on it from time to time.

Lan Fuzi, on the other hand, stared at Gu Yue's red lips, thinking of the previous intimate behavior between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, and murmured softly to himself.

"How can a good girl like a man?"

"What did you say?" Gu Yue raised her eyebrows.

Lan Fuzi was shocked. This time she felt it more clearly. It was as if an invisible sense of oppression overflowed from Gu Yue's body, suppressing all the blood power in her body.

"Uh...I didn't say anything."

At this time, the painting style between the two looked very strange, like an adult being scolded by a child.

Gu Yue opened and closed her eyes, and suddenly looked at Lan Fozi with a burning gaze.

"You should be the deep-sea demon whale that was severely injured by the Eastern Navy Regiment some time ago. You are very courageous. You dare to come here without hiding in the deep sea."

"Who are you?!" Lan Fuzi suddenly exclaimed in shock, just in time to see Gu Yue's black eyes turn into a strange purple. The pressure she felt became more and more intense, and even her delicate body began to tremble slightly.

"Who are you--"

The color of Gu Yue's eyes instantly returned to normal, and she coldly interrupted Lan Fozi.

"You will come with us later. Remember not to say anything you shouldn't. I have something to ask you later. In return, we will help you heal your injuries."

"Oh, oh." Lan Fuzi nodded obediently, his beautiful blue eyes shining with light.

As the co-master of the soul beasts, the Silver Dragon King definitely had no need to deceive her. And if she could get help from the Silver Dragon King and the top soul beast masters on the mainland, it might be possible to stop her mother's madness.

As soul beasts, they have innately similar positions.

In this way, Gu Yue ended the brief conversation with Lan Fuzi.

Yu Nanyuan left and came back again, this time it was a conversation between three people. The specific content of the conversation is not known.

The silver moon hung high in the night sky, and a purple-level mecha flew past the sky at high speed.

There were two when we came and three when we left.

Yu Nanyuan controlled the mecha and looked at Gu Yue and Lan Fuzi who were crowded in the co-pilot seat, with an extremely wonderful expression on his face.

The Silver Dragon Demonic Whale has gathered together. How can this purple-level mecha be so virtuous?

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