Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 120 Intermediate Spirit Ascension Platform (4k)

Although the overall strength of the soul beasts in the intermediate spirit-ascension platform is much stronger than that of the primary spirit-ascension platform, there are only a few spirit beasts at the level of the Golden Bear.

The Golden Bear with a cultivation level of more than 7,000 years is at least strong enough to compete with ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts. It is enough to be regarded as a tyrant in the intermediate level soul ascending platform.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Chuu met this violent gold bear when they entered the intermediate spiritual ascension platform. It was more of luck. Of course, they are not excluded because when Yu Nanyuan entered the primary spiritual ascension platform, the instruments in the glass chamber scanned the dark gold terror claw right metacarpal bone in his body, thus teleporting them to the vicinity of the violent gold bear.

The secrets related to the Spirit Ascension Tower are probably only known to the core personnel of the Spirit Ascension Tower.

Yu Nanyuan's right metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear was already close to the 10,000-year level, and now it has absorbed the spiritual energy left behind by the Death of the Dark Gold Bear. After he leaves the Spirit Ascension Platform, he will definitely be able to evolve into a true ten-thousand-year soul bone.

This is why the attached soul bone is as precious as a hundred thousand year old soul bone.

As Yu Nanyuan's cultivation improves, this dark gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone has unlimited potential. It will also be one of his trump cards in the future.

Gu Yue was still struggling with the previous problem.

Yu Nanyuan saw clearly in his heart and did not give a clear answer. Because it is not appropriate to express affirmation or denial on this kind of issue, remaining silent is the most correct choice.

Along the way, the two encountered several more attacks from spirit beasts. However, none of these soul beasts could pose a threat to them.

Yu Nanyuan could handle it easily just by relying on the Void Chain Martial Spirit's innate ability to travel through the void and extend infinitely. Ordinary thousand-year-old soul beasts can't even get close to them.

Since his spiritual power cultivation broke through to the Lingyuan realm, the limit distance of his spiritual power has reached an astonishing diameter of two kilometers. Everything that happens within this range is within his perception, and this is also the area that his martial arts attacks and teleportation can cover.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were just like taking a leisurely stroll in the intermediate spiritual ascending platform, without any sense of urgency of experience. From the beginning to the end, Gu Yue never made a move.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan seemed to notice something, and suddenly pulled Gu Yue into his arms with his left hand. His toes were a little bit on the ground, and he rose into the air with Gu Yue in his arms.

Gu Yue reacted immediately to the sudden change and followed Yu Nanyuan's gaze.

I saw several cyan afterimages passing through the air, heading towards their previous location like arrows.

There were five large green snakes all over their bodies. The snakes had a slender body and a pair of slightly transparent green wings on their backs. The breath is very powerful.

These are five green shadow snakes with cultivation levels of at least a thousand years. The Green Shadow Snake, like the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, is a rare non-venomous snake spirit beast. However, the Green Shadow Snake has the innate ability to fly, unlike the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, which can only glide at low altitudes.

The Green Shadow Snake possesses several quite powerful innate soul skills. It is ferocious in nature and likes to prey on other snake-like soul beasts.

The main reason why the crested crested snake was on the verge of extinction in ancient times was because of its natural enemy, the green shadow snake. Moreover, the habits of the Green Shadow Snake are also different from other snake soul beasts. They like to live in groups and often move together.

When Wei Xiaofeng transferred from Donghai College, his martial spirit was the Green Shadow Snake. Although it is not as good as Zhang Yangzi's Dark Phantom Demon Eagle and Wang Jinxi's Bone Dragon King, the Green Shadow Snake can definitely be regarded as an advanced martial spirit.

The transparent cyan wings behind the five thousand-year-old green shadow snakes flapped, turned around flexibly, and then opened their ferocious snake mouths and pounced towards Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, selecting and devouring anyone.

Yu Nanyuan, who was in the air, held Gu Yue's delicate body with his arms, and calmly landed on a silver chain across the sky. At the same time, several more chains came out of the void and tightly wrapped around the five thousand-year-old green shadow snakes.

The figure was imprisoned, and the surrounding afterimages dissipated, clearly revealing the figures of the five green shadow snakes.

Brilliant silver light bloomed on the void chain, rendering the five green shadow snakes all in the same color.

Following the spatial confinement is the effect of the evil eye tyrant's innate soul skill, the mental blast.

The terrifying power of the mental blast directly killed the souls of the five green shadow snakes, causing their bodies to instantly collapse and turn into bits of rich yellow spiritual power floating towards Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

This is the power of spiritual attribute soul skills. It is a completely dimensionally reducing blow to opponents of the same level. Unless you are a spiritual soul master who is good at spiritual abilities, it will be difficult to resist.

Spiritual soul skills are difficult to restrain and impossible to guard against.

If Yu Nanyuan was willing, he could directly use this ability to severely damage his spiritual sea in the last battle with Yuan En Yehui.

After a while, Yu Nanyuan floated down with Gu Yue.

Gu Yue put her arms around Yu Nanyuan's neck, with a smile on her lips.

When they were on Poseidon Island, the relationship between Na'er and Yu Nanyuan was only to this extent, and it was Na'er who took the initiative throughout the whole process. But now it was Yu Nanyuan who took the initiative to make such an intimate act towards her.

In Gu Yue's view, there is an essential difference.

She knew that Na'er could never replace her position in Yu Nanyuan's heart. She has won too much.

Unknowingly, the little emotion deep in Gu Yue's heart had long since disappeared.

Yu Nanyuan lowered his head and looked at Gu Yue, and said helplessly: "Don't be distracted from now on. This is an intermediate spiritual ascension platform after all."

"Do you think I've become a burden to you?" The smile at the corner of Gu Yue's mouth instantly faded, and she stared at Yu Nanyuan expressionlessly.

"Put me down."

"I never said that." Yu Nanyuan quickly denied it. Of course, he couldn't put it down as Gu Yue said. He simply hugged Gu Yue and walked towards the depths of the intermediate spiritual ascension platform.

Gu Yue clearly meant what he said. If he did put it down, that would be something really bad.

While Yu Nanyuan was using his mental energy to sense the surrounding situation, he said with a smile: "Actually, there is no need to rush. There will be many opportunities to enter the intermediate spiritual ascending platform in the future. It's better for you to be happy than anything else."

Gu Yue then rested her head on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder with satisfaction, but she did not say a word. They just silently mobilized the wind element in this space and attached it to their bodies.

Yu Nanyuan's body suddenly felt lighter and his whole body relaxed.

He knew Gu Yue's character very well and knew that her current mood was probably extremely happy.

At this moment, the crisis-ridden intermediate spiritual ascension platform seemed like an ordinary forest to the two of them, and they seemed to have no sense of crisis at all. Gu Yue, who was leaning in Yu Nanyuan's arms, even closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth and tranquility of the two of them being alone.

Maybe even Gu Yue herself didn't realize that her mentality had quietly changed due to Na'er's stimulation. In one day, she exceeded her own limits several times. And the future will definitely be more than just this.

As Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue continued to go deeper, the spirit beasts they encountered next became significantly stronger.

During one of the soul beast attacks, Gu Yue was forced to break away from Yu Nanyuan's embrace. Then Gu Yue personally took action, mobilizing various elemental attributes to destroy the powerful thousand-year-old soul beast to death.

Most of the spiritual power obtained after killing the soul beast was absorbed by Yu Nanyuan. He could feel that the age of his first three soul rings had gradually reached a level close to nine thousand years.

The two stopped walking in a quiet area. The surrounding trees were unusually tall and dense, and the light seemed extremely dim.

But Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue keenly noticed that there were undetectable shadows passing by in the originally dim environment, and they suddenly raised their heads in unison.

Deep in the forest, behemoths appeared one after another.

It was a baboon covered with light golden hair, but compared to ordinary baboon-like soul beasts, their size was too huge.

The leading baboon was extremely majestic, reaching a height of twelve meters. Even its shoulders are more than eight meters wide, and its arms are as thick as giant pillars. The remaining dozen baboons were comparable in size to the golden bear that Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue had encountered before.

"King Kong baboon?" Gu Yue's surprised voice came from Yu Nanyuan's side.

King Kong Baboon, a powerful soul beast. The largest primate soul beast. Given the status of its fellow practitioners, its size is even larger than that of the Titan Ape.

The largest known King Kong baboon can reach a height of forty meters, making it the undisputed giant in the Soul Beast Forest. Except for a very few soul beasts, it is definitely a veritable king of power.

What King Kong baboons are good at is pure power. The terrifying power gives them amazing speed. They only have one innate soul skill, and that is madness. They are not as comprehensive as the Titans, but they have truly improved their power to the extreme.

While losing its long-range attack ability, it has extremely powerful melee capabilities.

The leading Vajra baboon raised a pair of extremely thick arms, hammered its chest hard, and let out an angry and low roar. And in the next moment, it was on all fours, running towards Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

"It seems that we have mistakenly entered the territory of this group of Vajra baboons." Yu Nanyuan did not feel panic because of this, but there was a hint of eagerness in his golden eyes.

The leading Vajra baboon is at least ten thousand years old. Together with the remaining dozen Vajra baboons with thousand-year cultivation, the spiritual power brought to him by this Vajra baboon group should be enough for him to defeat the first three. The life span of the soul ring has been increased to nine thousand years.

Gu Yue promptly reminded Yu Nanyuan: "The Vajra baboon's weakness lies in its mental strength and wisdom."

Primate soul beasts are generally smarter than other types of soul beasts in the world of soul beasts, but the Vajra Baboon is an anomaly. Its wisdom is very low, and it can even be said that there is no wisdom at all. All actions are based on survival instinct.

At this moment, the leading Vajra baboon had raised its thick right arm and struck at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. As he waved his right arm, a series of explosions sounded in the air. An invisible wave of air burst out instantly, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees began to sway violently.

"The fourth soul skill, dimensional division."

Yu Nanyuan calmly stretched out his right palm, looking like he was trying to block the Vajra Baboon's punch.

A huge silver spear fell from the sky in an instant and lay horizontally in front of him. The spear has no entity, but is somewhere between reality and illusion. A transparent silver curtain of light rose from the row of spears and shot straight into the sky, with no end in sight.

The Vajra Baboon's punch hit the silver light curtain. The terrifying air wave erupted again, the ground shook, and the trunks of countless thick trees broke. The ground within a radius of fifty meters was lifted up layer by layer, and fresh soil mixed with flowers, grass, branches and leaves were scattered in all directions, making it a mess.

The silver light curtain in front of Yu Nanyuan became more and more dazzling, but it remained motionless. In this space, the area where he and Gu Yue were seemed to be completely isolated by this silver light curtain, without being affected at all.

However, the power of the King Kong Baboon was still too terrifying. In order to block this blow, Yu Nanyuan also consumed a lot of soul power in his body.

The low-intelligence Vajra baboon was unable to hit a single blow, and due to instinct, its eyes instantly turned blood red. The light golden hair all over his body seemed to be on fire, and the color quickly darkened, turning into a fierce dark red.

Go crazy!

The aura of the leading Vajra baboon also became violent, and it also affected the entire group, like a blood spread among these Vajra baboons.

The other dozen thousand-year-old Vajra baboons that rushed over after the leading Vajra baboon also entered a state of madness. Their low intelligence, even the last trace of their sanity disappeared.

Crazy roars sounded one after another.

The fourth soul ring surrounding the rhythm of Yu Nanyuan's body once again rippled with deep black light, and brilliant silver light flashed in this space. Cages made of silver chains condensed into shape, accurately placing each prisoner in the cage. King Kong Baboon is imprisoned in it.

The cage that imprisoned the leading King Kong baboon was even more huge.

These Vajra baboons began to rush and beat wildly, but they were still unable to break through the blockade of these space cages. Another series of shocking spear shadows fell, turning into spear formations to reinforce each space cage.

The cylindrical silver light curtain rose, and the effect of dimensional division was activated, cutting off all breath and sound in the space cage. The area suddenly became quiet. This is the dimensional cage after the combination of space cage and dimensional division.

And inside the dimensional cage, there is a dazzling silver light shining. The space was violently distorted, and the effect of the mental blast erupted directly from the inside, forcibly destroying the soul and consciousness of every Vajra baboon.

This is the true power of Evil Eye Tyrant's innate soul skill Spiritual Explosion combined with Yu Nanyuan's fourth soul skill.

After a few breaths, the dimensional cage disappeared together with the body of the Vajra Baboon, leaving only the spiritual power that was so rich that it was almost substantial, hovering here.

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