Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 121 Qianxie Condensing Light (4k)

Office of the Dean of Tunghai College.

Yu Zhen frowned and looked at Wu Changkong. After pondering for a long time, the shock and emotion in his heart finally turned into a sigh.

Although he had long known that Yu Nanyuan's talent would definitely not be limited to this peaceful corner of Donghai City. But he never expected that during this short ten-day trip to Shrek City, Yu Nanyuan would directly become the direct disciple of the contemporary Poseidon Pavilion Master.

Shrek Academy's status in the Sun-Moon Federation is transcendent, but it is precisely because of that transcendent status that Shrek Academy is too conspicuous. Even the Sun-Moon Federation's attitude towards Shrek Academy is somewhat subtle.

Being a disciple of the current master of the Poseidon Pavilion in Shrek Academy means that Yu Nanyuan is destined to be involved in the games of those upper-level forces in the future.

However, under the guidance of the Poseidon Pavilion Master, it was indeed possible for him to take the fewest detours and grow up as quickly as possible.

The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say more. All Yu Zhen can do now is to accept these facts.

Being in Shrek Academy is at least safer than that of the Blood God Legion. From this point of view, it is not necessarily a bad thing for Yu Nanyuan to worship the master of Poseidon Pavilion as his teacher.

The expression on Yu Zhen's face relaxed, and he said clearly in his heart: "Teacher Wu, you came to me this time not just because of these things about Nanyuan. You plan to take the children in Class Zero to participate in Shrek The college’s admissions assessment?”

"Yes." Wu Zhangkong nodded calmly.

"Shrek Academy enrolls students every three years, and the next enrollment will be six months later. They will be over thirteen years old by then, and this is their only chance to apply for Shrek Academy."

To Wu Zhangkong's expectation, Yu Zhen agreed without much hesitation.

"From the college's perspective, the main purpose of allocating all resources to train students is to produce results, thereby bringing a better source of students to the college. This they have already accomplished in the Tianhai League Competition two and a half years ago. . And if they successfully enter Shrek this time, the publicity effect it will bring will also be the best feedback for the college. I have no reason to refuse, both emotionally and rationally."

"The children's future is decided by themselves, and we are not qualified to interfere too much. The college will deal with the quota of applications, so let them go and do it without too much worry. Of course, the college will always welcome them." Yu Yu I smiled lightly at Wu Zhangkong.

Hearing this, Wu Zhangkong couldn't help but bowed respectfully to Yu Zhen.

Not only because of Yu Zhen's care for him in Donghai College over the years, but also because of his heartfelt respect and admiration for Yu Zhen. Donghai College has invested countless resources in the people of Class Zero, but not everyone can have a broad and free mind like Yu Zhen.

After all, as the direct disciple of the Master of the Poseidon Pavilion, Yu Nanyuan was extremely talented, so the so-called assessment was just a formality for him. But not all the others in Class Zero may be able to enter Shrek Academy. There is no such thing as helping Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Zhen agreed with everyone in Class Zero to apply for Shrek Academy. There was no selfishness involved at all. It was purely for the future development of everyone in Class Zero.

Looking at Wu Zhangkong who was about to leave, Yu Zhen suddenly said with a smile: "Teacher Wu, it seems that you have found your goal again. It has been almost thirteen years since you came to Donghai College."

"Yeah, almost thirteen years."

The corners of Wu Zhangkong's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't tell whether it was a bitter smile or a self-deprecating smile.

Although Wu Zhangkong simply gave Class Zero a long vacation before taking Yu Nanyuan to Shrek City this time, everyone in Class Zero did not relax in their cultivation.

During this period of time, Gu Yue has been practicing at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda. In order to keep up with Yu Nanyuan's footsteps, Xu Xiaoyan also returned home to practice hard.

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie all stayed in the Class Zero dormitory. They are similar in age and have the same interests. Besides practicing, they also have more topics to talk about.

At this time, the four of them were gathering in Tang Wulin's dormitory, because Tang Wulin's soul communicator had received Wuchangkong's message before and knew that Wuchangkong and Yu Nanyuan had returned to Donghai City today.

Different from what Tang Wulin expected, Zhang Yangzi and the others wanted to know more about the soul that Yu Nanyuan obtained from going to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters this time. Judging from the age of Yu Nanyuan's first three soul rings, it is very likely that he will be the first person in Class Zero to fuse a ten-thousand-year soul.

In the Tianhai Alliance, where the overall strength and quality of soul masters are weak, there are not many soul masters with ten-thousand-year souls. Many soul kings and even soul masters at the soul emperor level may not be able to possess the black ten-thousand-year soul ring.

The sunlight climbed to the window sill, making the entire dormitory very bright.

Two and a half years have passed, and the appearances of Tang Wulin and the four others have undergone considerable changes. Not only has his figure become much taller, but his facial features have also become longer.

Tang Wulin was sitting on the chair behind the wooden table. His tough character developed through long-term training made him particularly eye-catching. As he grew taller, he became more and more handsome, especially those clear black eyes, which easily left a deep impression on others.

Usually Yu Nanyuan completely covered up his brilliance, but now that Yu Nanyuan was gone, his outstanding appearance was immediately highlighted. In the final analysis, there is a gap only when there is comparison.

Xie Xie's appearance is actually no worse than that of Tang Wulin. The coldness that kept strangers away from him when he was a child has long since disappeared, and he has a naughty smile on his face. His figure looked thinner than Tang Wulin's, and his eyes were not that big, but he was very energetic and full of energy.

At this time, he was sitting boredly on the wooden table in front of Tang Wulin, looking very casual and not caring about his image at all.

"Do you think Nanyuan will directly fuse with a ten-thousand-year soul this time?" Xie Xie sighed softly with a hint of melancholy.

"It seems that the gap between us and him is widening again."

"It sounds like you have narrowed the gap between you and Nan Yuan." Zhang Yangzi, who was sitting on the wooden bed next to Wang Jinxi, complained with disdain.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi's appearance is not that outstanding.

But their characteristics are also very distinct. Although Zhang Yangzi looks calm, his eyes are extremely arrogant and he always likes to undermine each other with Xie Xie.

Wang Jinxi, who is thin and tall, is as taciturn as before. Such first impressions often make people ignore his inner delicacy. A large part of the reason why everyone in Class Zero can get along so well is because of him.

Xie Xie couldn't bear it anymore and glared at Zhang Yang angrily.

"Yangzi, you are no better than me."

"You're right, but my brother has martial soul fusion skills." Zhang Yangzi chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"What, you're not convinced?"

Xie Xie wanted to say something else, but Tang Wulin quickly smoothed things over.

"Okay, you two, please calm down."

At this moment, Wu Zhangkong opened the dormitory door.

"Teacher Wu." Tang Wulin and the others stood up quickly.

Wu Zhangkong just nodded, and then handed the storage ring to Tang Wulin.

"Wulin, Nanyuan asked me to give this to you. The two thousand-year-old spiritual objects you need are all in it."

"Thank you, Teacher Wu!" Tang Wulin blushed with excitement.

With these two thousand-year-old spiritual objects, he can try to break through the second seal at any time. Moreover, the time to gather these thousand-year-old spiritual creatures was much earlier than he expected.

It is indeed Shrek City, known as the first city in the mainland, and there is indeed what you need there.

Wu Zhangkong looked at Tang Wulin with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Spiritual objects with a thousand-year level or above are considered real spiritual objects, but it is not that easy to absorb their medicinal effects. If you want to take these kinds of spiritual objects to improve your body's ability, you can come to me. I can help You should be much safer if you protect the law."

After saying this, Wu Zhangkong turned and left.

Tang Wulin pondered for a long time, and after a while, he raised his head again and looked in the direction Wuchangkong left.

In this short period of time, he had already made a decision in his mind. He planned to tell Wu Zhangkong the secret of his bloodline, but of course not all of it.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Tang Wulin thought that he understood Wuchangkong's character relatively well. The last time he broke through the first layer of seal, he almost died from the pain. With Wu Zhangkong to protect him, he would indeed be much safer. Furthermore, even if he doesn't tell some things, they will be discovered sooner or later.

"Wulin, thousand-year spiritual objects are valuable. So you are usually stingy just to save money to buy these thousand-year spiritual objects to enhance your body's ability?" Xie Xie suddenly looked surprised.

Tang Wulin never mentioned these things proactively, so he didn't know much about them.

Zhang Yangzi suddenly said: "No wonder your power is so strong."

However, Wang Jinxi knew very well that it was impossible for ordinary thousand-year-old spiritual objects to increase the physical strength of a soul master to Tang Wulin's terrifying level. Tang Wulin didn't say anything, but it probably involved his own secrets.

At that moment, he calmly changed the subject.

"Didn't Nan Yuan also go back to Donghai City? Why didn't he come here with Teacher Wu?"

Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie were immediately attracted by Wang Jinxi's topic. They looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

Xie Xie carelessly stretched out an arm and put it on Wang Jinxi's shoulder.

"Jin Xi, you don't understand this. Nan Yuan has been to Shrek City for so many days. He must report the situation to Gu Yue as soon as he comes back."

"I think it's possible that he went to find Xiao Yan." Zhang Yangzi said with a teasing smile.

After spending a long time together day and night, as outsiders, they can see clearly. The special relationship between Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan has long become the number one topic of gossip in their spare time.

You don’t really think I don’t understand, do you?

Wang Jinxi was speechless inside. In fact, he had discovered these signs when Class Zero was first established. He knows much better than these two slow guys, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie.

Tang Wulin put away the storage ring and said cheerfully: "Invite Shang Nanyuan and the others to go out for a meal together later in the evening. I'll treat you."

As soon as these words came out, Xie Xie, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi suddenly widened their eyes.

"Wulin, did I hear you right? Do you want to treat me?" Xie Xie picked his ears in disbelief, as if he was doubting his hearing.

Tang Wulin smiled and said: "I admit that I am a bit stingy, but Nanyuan has helped me so much this time, so I have to show it."

"Okay, okay! I must seize the opportunity to kill you severely this time!"

East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda, an intermediate level spiritual ascending platform.

After Yu Nanyuan absorbed the spiritual power left by the death of the group of Vajra baboons, he felt that the age of his first three soul rings had all increased to the nine thousand year level.

Although the close combat capabilities of the Vajra Baboon tribe are extremely terrifying, their mental strength and intelligence are their weaknesses.

Yu Nanyuan's use of spiritual soul skills can be regarded as restraining the King Kong Baboon's ability. Otherwise, even with his strength, it would be difficult to deal with such a group of King Kong Baboons led by the Ten Thousand Years King Kong Baboon.

However, after this battle, the soul power in his body was also consumed greatly. The more powerful the soul skill is, the more soul power is needed to support it. Only the soul skills attached to a hundred thousand year soul ring consume less soul power than the soul ring skills of the same level.

This is also a major advantage of a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Yu Nanyuan looked sideways at Gu Yue beside him and smiled slightly.

"Looking at your state today, it's not right. This is the end of this journey to the Intermediate Level Ascension Platform."

"I have no problem." Gu Yue glanced at Yu Nanyuan lightly.

"There will be more opportunities to enter the intermediate spiritual ascension platform in the future, so it will be fine."

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and said with a smile: "But before leaving, I want to test another ability one last time."

As he spoke, his breath suddenly changed.

A strange silver eye emerged from the void behind Yu Nanyuan without warning, and the golden lines in the eye shone with a mysterious and eerie brilliance. Astonishingly, it was the true form of the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant.

The evil eye tyrant's main body pupils shrank, and countless smaller versions of silver pupils appeared in this space. This corresponds to the spatial attribute of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

In the next moment, streaks of silver light shot out from those silver pupils.

Evil eye gaze! The most powerful spiritual attack talent soul skill of the Evil Eye Tyrant family, it is also the most terrifying ability of the Evil Eye Tyrant with purely spiritual attributes.

Countless silver beams of light shuttle through this space, and once the beam of light falls on the silver eyes transformed by the Evil Eye Tyrant, it will immediately refract, and the cycle will repeat. The attacks were so dense that it was difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye.

Only countless silver beams can be seen filling this space. Plants within two kilometers in diameter quickly withered and withered, disappearing into nothingness. Except for Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, all life in this space has disappeared.

Even a few soul beasts that accidentally broke in were implicated and died instantly.

Qianxie condenses the light! Yu Nanyuan, the evil-eyed tyrant soul, formed the ultimate secret by combining his special space attributes and the innate soul skill of evil-eyed gaze.

The soul power in Yu Nanyuan's body was completely exhausted. With burning eyes, he and Gu Yue pressed the distress signal on the back of his left hand one after another, and left the intermediate spiritual ascension platform.

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