Donghai Soul Guide Station.

Donghai City has the second largest seaport in the Sun and Moon Federation. It occupies a natural geographical advantage and has extremely prosperous commerce. There are soul trains sent here from all over the mainland every day.

A soul train from Shrek City stopped steadily and entered the station. It was the soul train that Yu Nanyuan and Wu Zhangkong were riding.

Following the dense flow of people out of the Donghai Soul Guide Station, Yu Nanyuan separated from Wu Zhangkong and got into a soul guide taxi alone.

Because Donghai City is close to the sea, the air is much fresher than that in inland cities, and the sky here is particularly clear. Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky. Golden sunlight poured down through the clouds, and the entire Donghai City seemed to be bathed in a layer of bright golden light.

Although the environment on Poseidon Island is also very good, Yu Nanyuan still prefers the climate here in Donghai City. After all, this is where he grew up.

Leaning back on the seat in the back of the soul guide taxi, he dialed the number of Ji Hongyu, the master of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

"Nanyuan?" Ji Hongyu's steady voice came from the other side of the soul guide communicator.

"Have you returned to Donghai City?"

Yu Nanyuan said politely: "Yes, Grandpa Ji, I just left the East China Sea Soul Guide Station."

"Tell me, what do you want to do with Grandpa Ji?" Ji Hongyu's tone softened a lot, losing the majesty he had before, and more of a gentle attitude toward the younger generation.

As the master of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda, he is one of the few insiders about Yu Nanyuan's affairs at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters.

There are multiple factions within the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, among which the Qiangu family with the most say is naturally the one who controls the position of the master of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Apart from this, the most powerful one is the Leng family behind Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu.

And Ji Hongyu, the master of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, was supported by the Leng family and could be regarded as a close confidant of Tianfeng Douluo.

Yu Nanyuan said with some embarrassment: "Grandpa Ji, I would like to ask if Gu Yue is at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda now, and if she has acted strangely recently."

"Miss Gu Yue is here." Ji Hongyu said with a dumb smile: "But this is a matter between you two, so I won't get involved. Come and find her yourself. She is really not in a good mood these days. "

"Thank you, Grandpa Ji. I'm on my way."

After exchanging a few words with Ji Hongyu, Yu Nanyuan hung up the phone.

Not long after, the soul guide taxi he was riding in stopped in front of the main entrance of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Yu Nanyuan handed the driver a large-denomination federal coin, and then quickly walked into the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda. This is not the first time he has come to the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and he is very familiar with the situation here.

He took the soul guide elevator with ease and went straight to the top of the Spirit Transferring Tower, finally stopping in front of Gu Yue's exclusive lounge.

Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath and tried to make his facial expression as natural as possible.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Gu Yue appeared in front of Yu Nanyuan. She has long black hair shawl, and she doesn't have the perfect face like Na'er, a world-famous beauty, but her whole person has an indescribable special temperament that touches people's hearts.

When Gu Yue met Yu Nanyuan's eyes, a hint of emotion clearly appeared in the depths of Gu Yue's indifferent eyes. However, she just glanced at Yu Nanyuan lightly and then withdrew her gaze.

"Step aside."

"No." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly and blocked Gu Yue's way.

Gu Yue seemed to be deliberately ignoring Yu Nanyuan and passing by.

Yu Nanyuan grabbed Gu Yue's white and smooth wrist. Although he already knew roughly the reason for Gu Yue's moodiness, he certainly couldn't show it on the surface.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." There was no waver in Gu Yue's tone, but she didn't rush to break free from Yu Nanyuan's hand. Her deep eyes fell on Yu Nanyuan again.

It was clear that he looked jealous and disapproving of his integrity.

Yu Nanyuan has never been that kind of slow person, and he is even suppressing the smile in his heart. Knowing the reason for Gu Yue's moodiness, and combining it with his current psychology, he immediately made the best response.

Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and hugged Gu Yue gently, burying his head in Gu Yue's hair.

"Thank you, I know all about it from Tianfeng Mianxia. Because of you, I was able to have the opportunity to try to fuse that soul."

Gu Yue's delicate body suddenly became stiff, and when she felt the warm breath between Yu Nanyuan's breath, her whole body softened and relaxed again. It is a kind of tranquility and peace of mind that comes from deep within.

However, Gu Yue was obviously not fooled that easily, or in other words, he was not satisfied with this. He leaned his head on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder and said in a cold voice.

"Didn't you become a disciple of the Master of the Poseidon Pavilion? Even without me and the teacher, you can still obtain a soul from Shrek Academy whose quality is not inferior to that of the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant."

"That's different." Yu Nanyuan let go of his arms and looked down at Gu Yue.

As expected, Gu Yue knew what was happening in Shrek Academy, and it was very possible that she even knew what happened between him and Na'er.

Gu Yue raised her head and looked at Yu Nanyuan, and said expressionlessly: "What's different?"

"Because as long as I get benefits from Shrek Academy, I will passively owe favors, and there is no such thing as favors between you and me." Yu Nanyuan met Gu Yue's gaze, and the smile on his face became More gentle.

Hearing Yu Nanyuan's words, Gu Yue's pretty face couldn't help but blush a little, and she turned her head away in a panic.

Such a strong contrast between the front and back highlights a different kind of cuteness.

Gu Yue was still too naive.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and walked into this spacious and luxurious lounge. As a direct disciple of the deputy master of the Ancient Moon Spirit Pagoda, she has always enjoyed the highest level of treatment in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

The decoration in the room is very modern, with the floors, walls and even ceilings made of dark blue crystals. Under the illumination of the soul guide light, thousands of light beams are refracted.

Yu Nanyuan noticed the empty desk, and he casually asked Gu Yue: "I remember if there were some objects on this desk before?"

"No, you remembered it wrong." Gu Yue sat on the sofa with her face as usual.

Yu Nanyuan didn't pay too much attention, sitting down against Gu Yue's delicate body, and then casually put a hand on Gu Yue's thigh. This action seemed to have been rehearsed countless times beforehand.

"Why don't you ask me about what happened in Shrek City?"

"If you want to say it, you will tell me naturally. If you don't want to say it, why should I ask more questions." Gu Yue's attitude was as cold as ever, but she did not push Yu Nanyuan's hand away.

Of course, Yu Nanyuan heard the meaning of Gu Yue's words, and now he frankly recounted his experience in Shrek Academy for more than ten days.

Although he knew that things about Na'er might touch Gu Yue's minefield, he didn't hide anything out of his intuition.

Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan for a long time, and then she uttered an inexplicable sentence.

"Your senior sister is very kind to you."

You're starting again, right?

The corners of Yu Nanyuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he keenly smelled the sourness in Gu Yue's words. But his instincts proved correct. If he had concealed what happened to Na'er, Gu Yue might not just behave like this.

Having been influenced by Yu Zhen, the dean of Donghai College, for a long time, he has always been good at emotional intelligence.

Yu Nanyuan's heart moved and he changed the topic.

"Gu Yue, please accompany me to the intermediate spiritual ascension platform later."

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yue asked subconsciously.

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said: "Since I obtained the fourth soul ring, I haven't fought with all my strength. I want to go to the intermediate spiritual ascension platform to test my own limits, and by the way, Yinyi's cultivation can break through to the ten thousand year level as soon as possible."

"Okay." Gu Yue nodded, and immediately began to meditate to adjust her state.

Yu Nanyuan had long been accustomed to Gu Yue's personality, and shook his head helplessly. He could only start meditating and practicing.

Half an hour later, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue took the internal elevator of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower and arrived at the metal room where they entered the intermediate Spirit Ascending Platform. Gu Yue did not allow the staff of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda to accompany her because of her authority as a core disciple of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Compared with the metal room that entered the primary spiritual ascension platform, the metal room that appeared in front of the two people was much smaller. And instead of entering through a metal cabinet, there are two huge vertical glass warehouses. These two glass warehouses are cylindrical in shape. Although they are made of glass, the inside is completely invisible from the outside.

When the glass warehouse door opens, you can see that the space inside is very wide, and it seems to be enough to accommodate multiple people entering at the same time.

But just when Yu Nanyuan was about to follow Gu Yue into one of the glass warehouses, Gu Yue blocked him from the glass warehouse door with a pretty face and a slight blush.

"You go to the glass warehouse next to it."

Before Yu Nanyuan could answer, the door of the glass warehouse that Gu Yue entered had already been closed.

"Uh..." Yu Nanyuan froze on the spot with a slightly dazed expression, a little confused. Until he entered another glass warehouse, Gu Yue's voice suddenly came from inside the warehouse.

"This is the latest sealed cabin developed by the Spirit Transferring Tower. It can protect the soul master's spiritual sea to a certain extent from collapsing due to heavy damage in the Spirit Ascension Platform. But it needs to take off the outer clothes for scanning..."

Speaking of the latter part, Gu Yue's voice became visibly subtle. What followed was a series of rustling sounds.

Given Yu Nanyuan's nature, when he heard these voices, he could not help but think of some pictures in his mind. But he was not slow in his movements. He quickly took off his clothes and had everything ready. One by one, the metal rings closed and clasped his body.

During this period, Yu Nanyuan did not forget to tease Gu Yue.

"No wonder you won't let me be in a glass cabin with you."

"Shut up!" Gu Yue's voice sounded again.

It is almost impossible to carry a battle armor on the primary level Soul Ascension Platform, but the inspection on the intermediate level Soul Ascension Platform is much stricter.

Circles of golden light scanned Yu Nanyuan's body, and then strong numbness spread throughout his body instantly. The next moment, his eyes were blank.

After regaining consciousness, Yu Nanyuan looked around, surrounded by various lush vegetation. It feels like you are in a dense forest.

If the primary Spirit Ascension Platform is equivalent to the outer area of ​​the Star Forest in ancient times, then the intermediate Spirit Ascension Platform is equivalent to the mixed area of ​​the Star Forest. Here, the possibility of encountering a thousand-year soul beast will be greatly increased, and it is even possible to encounter a ten-thousand-year soul beast.

Gu Yue was not far from him, looking sideways. Yu Nanyuan was also looking at Gu Yue at this time.

With the previous charm, Gu Yue felt uncomfortable being looked at by Yu Nanyuan, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across her calm eyes.

"Don't think too much."

"If you don't think wildly, how do you know I'm thinking wildly?" Yu Nanyuan came to Gu Yue's side with a smile.

"If you are not thinking wildly, how do you know that I know you are thinking wildly?" Gu Yue glared at Yu Nanyuan angrily.

Under Yu Nanyuan's guidance, Gu Yue's cold style of painting has long since disappeared.

Yu Nanyuan held Gu Yue's hand and admitted with a smile: "Okay, I was just imagining things."

Gu Yue snorted softly and followed Yu Nanyuan. But then the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. When she came to her senses and was about to say something, she heard Yu Nanyuan's solemn voice.

"A soul beast is coming."

As soon as Yu Nanyuan finished speaking, the ground began to tremble violently.


A huge creature appeared in the sight of Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. It was a giant bear covered in bright golden mane. It was over seven meters tall, with muscles all over its body bulging exaggeratedly, and a pair of blood-red eyes filled with ferocious color.

Although it does not have a pair of terror claws like the dark gold terror claw bear, the giant bear in front of him is much larger than the dark gold terror claw bear of his fellow cultivators.

"The aura is somewhat similar to the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, this is..." Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Gu Yue blurted out: "The violent gold bear is a subspecies of the dark gold fearclaw bear. It has a trace of the blood of the dark gold fearclaw bear in its body."

During the brief exchange between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, the golden bear with a cultivation level of more than 7,000 years had already rushed in front of them and raised its head to the sky with a deafening roar.


Yu Nanyuan stepped in front of Gu Yue, and the Golden Bear's thick right palm had already slapped him on the head.

The evil wind hit his face instantly, and because the force was so terrifying, both of the golden bear's feet sank deeply into the ground. A bright golden light suddenly flashed, filling its whole body with a violent aura.

This is clearly the Golden Bear's most powerful innate soul skill, the golden body. Although the golden body does not have the heaven-defying effect of a magical skill like the invincible golden body, it integrates offense and defense, making it more balanced.

And at this moment, five long and narrow dark golden light blades extended from the front of the five fingers of Yu Nanyuan's right hand, and the dark golden light rippled on its surface like water waves. He raised his right hand high and made a downward waving motion.

Five fifty-meter-long golden blades appeared across the sky, tearing the sky apart and leaving deep, ferocious space cracks in the sky.

The huge body of the Golden Bear suddenly stagnated in place. Strangely, no sound came out, until a thick spiritual power floated toward Yu Nanyuan, and the Golden Bear's body quietly turned into pieces.

The five space cracks were difficult to heal, and a huge suction force burst out from them, pulling the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

What Yu Nanyuan uses is no longer a pure dark gold terror claw, but a sky-searing claw that is integrated with the power of space cutting. The Sky-Tearing Claw is also Mr. Xiong's famous stunt, the one who can truly tear apart giant dragons with his hands.

Because of the characteristics of his own martial spirit, although Yu Nanyuan's Sky-Removing Claw is not as powerful as Xiong Jun, his understanding of the power of fused space cutting is even better.

The Golden Bear is already known for its amazing defensive power. With its more than seven thousand years of cultivation, it fully activates the innate soul skill of the Golden Body. Its defensive power is definitely stronger than that of ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. But Yu Nanyuan still had no power to resist Yu Nanyuan's sky-searing claw.

This shows the terrifying power of the Sky-Tearing Claw.

As the spiritual energy from the death of the Golden Bear poured into his body, Yu Nanyuan could feel his right palm heating up slightly, as if there were signs of evolution.

Gu Yue didn't show too many surprises from beginning to end, and slowly came to Yu Nanyuan's side.

"It's because there is a trace of Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear blood in the Gold Bear's body."

"But I'm afraid it's not that easy to encounter a soul beast with the bloodline of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear again. Let's try our luck deep in the intermediate level soul-ascension platform."

Yu Nanyuan smiled lightly, held Gu Yue's hand again, and walked towards the depths of the intermediate spiritual ascension platform. He and Gu Yue joined forces, and ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts could not pose a threat to them at all.

"Let's go."

Following Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue said abruptly: "Were you really thinking wildly just now?"


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