Chapter 118 Attack on Na'er (4k)

Shrek Academy, Poseidon Island.

It's another night with a bright moon.

Na'er sat on the swing in front of the cliff, swaying gently. Today she put on a long white dress, which even more showed off her alluring body curves. A pair of white and straight calves were exposed, so perfect that no flaws could be found, just like the most exquisite jade. Her long silver hair was spread behind her head, blowing gently in the wind.

Yu Nanyuan quietly accompanied Na'er with a gentle smile. Today is his last day on Poseidon Island, and he will return to East China Sea City with Wu Zhangkong early tomorrow morning.

In fact, even if Yun Ming had not mentioned this before, he would have taken the initiative to resign. There were Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan and his grandfather over there in Donghai City. It was impossible for him to leave Donghai City like this.

But the main reason is about his parents.

Yu Nanyuan knew in his heart that over the years, he and his grandfather had been waiting for the other person to speak first.

In the six months before Shrek Academy's enrollment began, he wanted to stay with his grandfather, also to give himself a buffer time.

Na'er had little contact with outsiders. In the eyes of the inner-court students of Shrek Academy, she was the cold goddess of the dragon spear. But facing Yu Nanyuan, she showed rare intimacy and coquettishness, like a smart young girl.

Seeing Yu Nanyuan's blank look, Na'er couldn't help but whisper softly: "Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, senior sister. I'm just thinking about something." Yu Nanyuan came back to his senses and smiled gently at Na'er.

He is also hesitating these days. He believes that through the channels of Shrek Academy, he will definitely be able to learn about his parents. But he never asked Yun Ming.

"Junior brother, come here."

Na'er stared at Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes. After looking at it for a moment, she stood up and pulled Yu Nanyuan to the swing with a sweet smile.

"sit down."

Yu Nanyuan sat on the swing obediently, feeling much calmer inside. No matter what the reason was for Na'er to be so close to him, he could feel that Na'er's concern for him didn't seem to be fake.

Because of his childhood experiences, Yu Nanyuan's character has certain flaws.

The lack of parental care makes him somewhat indifferent to feelings, but fortunately he has a grandfather who loves and protects him. Therefore, his character is not that twisted, but it is difficult for outsiders to get into his heart.

And when Yu Nanyuan truly accepts someone, the coldness in his heart will quietly melt. What he longed for was pure emotion unadulterated by anything else.

This is also the main reason why his attitude towards Gu Yue has completely changed since the Tianhai Alliance competition.

Perhaps it's because Na'er inherited the kind and innocent side of the Silver Dragon King's heart, and her feelings are more pure and flawless.

Just when Yu Nanyuan was about to say something, Na'er suddenly sat across his lap, a pair of jade arms hugging his neck affectionately.

The moment their eyes met, time seemed to freeze.

Na'er raised her head and looked at Yu Nanyuan, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, as if she was expecting something.

However, Yu Nanyuan never responded to Na'er's expectations. He just used his soul power to push the swing and it slowly swayed.

Na'er did not show any other strange emotions because of this. Instead, she rested her head on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder with high spirits, and her crisp and charming laughter echoed in the valley.

"Junior brother, you are leaving tomorrow. Can you stay with me more tonight?"

"Okay..." Yu Nanyuan smiled softly, and consciously chose to play dumb. Before he was sure what was going on between Gu Yue and Na'er, he really didn't dare to do anything that crossed the line. Even though they are the same person.

From a perspective that Yu Nanyuan couldn't see, the emotion contained in Na'er's pale silver eyes had long since disappeared. Although the indifferent expression does not have the coldness to repel people thousands of miles away, the aloof connotation may also make people stop.

"Because of you, he rejected me."

"Hmph——" A mocking snort sounded in Na'er's mind. Someone far away in Donghai City finally managed to win the game.

But not long after, a heart-stirring smile bloomed on Na'er's pretty face again.

"Do you think you won? Don't forget, he and I have only been in contact for seven days. You probably have never experienced anything we have done these days."

The person on the other side suddenly fell into a long silence, seeming to be suppressing something. This time the confrontation still ended with someone's complete defeat.

During the seven days of practicing with Yun Ming, Yu Nanyuan gained a lot of insights. And under the nourishment of that black steamed bun, his own soul power cultivation level also successfully broke through to level 42.

This is the difference between inherited souls and artificial souls. The spirit beast made from a soul beast that really once existed contains almost most of the power of the soul beast during its lifetime. Among them, particularly powerful beings can even greatly improve a soul master's soul power cultivation.

The mental attribute of the Ten Thousand Years Evil Eye Tyrant was in a rather special situation, and the quality of Yu Nanyuan's soul power was too amazing. If it were to be fused with other top ten-thousand-year-old souls of the same level, it would at least be able to help ordinary soul masters increase their soul power by several levels.

The ten-thousand-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex that Tang Wulin fused with in Yu Nanyuan's previous life memory also falls into this category. However, due to the influence of the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King in Tang Wulin's body and its evolution, most of the energy contained in the Tyrannosaurus Rex was consumed, so It couldn't be reflected.

Yun Ming did not interfere too much with Yu Nanyuan's cultivation direction, but rather guided him. Following Yun Ming's path, becoming a Super Douluo or an Ultimate Douluo is a matter of course, but it cannot reach the pinnacle.

Therefore, the real top players will find their own way.

However, Yun Ming still taught Yu Nanyuan a set of self-created marksmanship to learn the skills and techniques of using guns. Na'er used this set of marksmanship when she sparred with him before.

Then there is the self-created soul skill that has been passed down in Shrek Academy for thousands of years and dominates the world. The method of integrating spiritual power and soul power has also been passed down by other forces on the mainland. For example, the Noumenon Sect and those ancient sects with profound foundations.

However, these sects inherited from ancient times have either been discontinued or declined. It is impossible for them to be as prosperous as Shrek Academy. In every era, there will be strong people at the Extreme Douluo level.

After being perfected by successive Poseidon Pavilion masters in Shrek Academy for thousands of years, the self-created soul skill of Jun Lin Tian Xia has been fundamentally different from what it was ten thousand years ago. It has been passed down by a single line from successive Poseidon Pavilion masters.

Those who are not extremely talented cannot learn, and those who are not blessed with great luck cannot learn. If you want to practice this self-created soul skill, you have extremely strict requirements for your mind and character.

This is also the fundamental reason why Naer cannot inherit Yun Ming's mantle.

And Yun Ming taught this unique skill to Yu Nanyuan, which meant that he was unofficially determined to be the successor of Lord Poseidon.

Early the next morning, Yun Ming and Yali personally brought a group of elders from Poseidon Pavilion to bid farewell to Yu Nanyuan. This is also to announce Yu Nanyuan's identity as Yun Ming's successor in public.

Yun Ming and Yali walked in the front, followed by Yu Nanyuan and Na'er. After that came the elders of Poseidon Pavilion.

Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi followed Zhuo Shi respectfully, their dark green eyes sparkling with energy. Although Zhuo Shi did not expressly accept Wu Zhangkong, during this period he basically allowed him to serve him.

The knot in his heart was over, and Wu Changkong's changes in his state of mind naturally affected his entire temperament.

The group of people arrived at the shore of Poseidon Island. Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and spoke respectfully to Yun Ming and Yali.

"Teacher, Mistress, please send it here."

"Okay." Yun Ming nodded gently. His character has always been like this, and he doesn't like that kind of false politeness. The current Yu Nanyuan is in line with his wishes.

Yali caressed Yu Nanyuan's cheek distressedly, her gentleness seemed to melt people.

"Nanyuan, if you encounter something that cannot be solved, come to your teacher and mistress. This is also your home. In our eyes, you, like Na'er, are our children."

"Thank you, Mistress, I will do it." Yu Nanyuan's expression was moved, and he grabbed Yali's jade hand that was pressed against his cheek.

Although they had not been together for long, he felt the tender care from Yali that he had longed for since he was a child.

In the end, Na'er threw herself directly into Yu Nanyuan's arms. Her long silver hair drew a graceful arc in the air, and her delicate body seemed to be completely integrated into Yu Nanyuan's body.

"Junior brother, take care. See you in half a year. I'll be waiting for you at Poseidon Island."

"Senior sister, take care." Yu Nanyuan smiled and stretched out his arms to hug Na'er, and then let go after a long time.

The two looked at each other and smiled, with smiles on their faces.

Wu Zhangkong bowed respectfully to Zhuo Shi, and then he and Yu Nanyuan got on the boat leaving Poseidon Island.

Zhuo Shi didn't say anything and watched silently as the boat Wu Zhangkong and Yu Nanyuan were riding disappeared from sight. But for Wu Zhangkong's return, he was actually very happy deep down. It’s just Wu Changkong who understands the knot in his heart.

Zhuo Shi pretended to be calm and straightened his back, and said to Yun Ming.

"Pavilion Master, I'm going back first."

"Everyone, please disperse." Yun Ming smiled slightly, and the elders of Poseidon Pavilion resigned one after another.

At this time, only Yun Ming, Ya Li and Na'er were left on the shore of Poseidon Island.

Na'er's eyes looked a little hollow, and there was a bit of reluctance in her beautiful eyes. Unlike Gu Yue, she doesn't deliberately suppress her emotions. Moreover, there is no need to hide one's emotions in front of the close teachers and mistresses.

"Silly girl, you are still young. There is plenty of time in the future, so there is no need to rush."

Yali stepped forward and hugged Na'er into her arms, teasingly saying: "You are so attached to Nanyuan, your teacher is very jealous."

"Master Wife, I am also very attached to you and the teacher." Na'er's eyes returned to normal instantly and she said reluctantly.

Of course she wasn't in a hurry, she was just reluctant to give up. With that person's character, even if she was ridiculed several times, he would probably just keep it in his heart and not dare to express it. At most, he would just get angry with Yu Nanyuan.

She has a winning chance.

Thinking of this, Na'er felt even more confident, and her light silver eyes were full of energy.

"Okay, let's go back too."

Yun Ming couldn't help but cough slightly. Although he was the number one person in the world in Megatron Continent outside, he was a little embarrassed when Yali exposed all this in front of Na'er.

After saying that, Yun Ming turned around and walked towards the depths of Poseidon Island.

Yali covered her mouth and followed Yun Ming with a chuckle. She held Na'er's hand with her other hand and taught her earnestly: "Na'er, although the master just said that you don't have to rush, you must make sure to take Nan'er in the future." Yuan is watching closely. Nanyuan's talent is rare in the world, and he will definitely become a great talent in the future. Precisely because of his excellence, as he grows older, he is destined to attract more and more girls in the future. Maybe you are temporarily If you are negligent, some people will find opportunities to take advantage of it.”

"I remember, Master Wife." Na'er nodded seriously.

"And I also have confidence in myself."

"Of course, our Na'er is so beautiful, how could she lose to other girls." Yali was still smiling, but in her mind she recalled the little girl named Gu Yue from Donghai College.

Leng Yaozhu lost to her back then, but now in Na'er and Gu Yue's generation, the outcome will still not change.

"But Master Wife still wants to remind you that as a girl, you should be more reserved. Only in this way will you be more valued and cherished."

Hearing this, a charming blush suddenly appeared on Na'er's pretty face, her crystal earlobes were slightly hot, and she said in a low voice: "Master Wife, can't you do it when you meet someone you like?"

Yali suddenly stopped, the slow smile on her face faded, and her tone was extremely serious.

"Na'er, both the teacher and the mistress like Nanyuan very much, and they are happy to see things between you two come to fruition, but you must first determine your own heart."

"Senior Wife, I really like my junior brother, I can't help but like him." Na'er met Yali's eyes firmly, and she answered without any hesitation.

Yun Ming, who was walking in front, felt even more complicated.

Yu Nanyuan and Wu Zhangkong left the inner city of Shrek Academy and boarded the soul train back to Donghai City that day.

Yu Nanyuan delivered several spiritual objects purchased by Tang Wulin in Shrek City to Wu Zhangkong.

"Teacher Wu, these are the spiritual objects that Wu Lin asked me to buy for him. After returning to Donghai City, please help me deliver them to him."

"Did Wu Lin tell you what effect these kinds of spiritual objects have on the special blood power in his body?" Wu Zhangkong naturally knew about Yu Nanyuan's purchase of spiritual objects in Shrek City these days, and said thoughtfully .

Yu Nanyuan shook his head freely and said: "He didn't tell me, but it probably can have an enhanced effect on the blood power in his body."

Wu Zhangkong didn't ask too much, just put away the storage rings that stored these kinds of spiritual objects, and began to close his eyes and rest.

When the two returned, Wu Zhangkong habitually booked the most common second-class seat.

Yu Nanyuan looked at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window. He had already decided in his heart that he would go to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda to find Gu Yue as soon as he returned to Donghai City.

For more than two years, Wu Zhangkong has been teaching Class 0 of Donghai College in an orderly manner. This time when he went to Shrek City, he simply gave everyone in Class Zero a long vacation.

Normally, Gu Yue would practice at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Yu Nanyuan had a strong feeling that something bad might happen if he didn't do this.

Tata is on! Tata is on!

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