There was a strange color in Cai Yue'er's eyes, and then she slowly withdrew her martial soul and aura.

The power of Yu Nanyuan's shot just now was of course nothing in her eyes, but the artistic conception contained in it, or the aura of a mountain standing still, shocked her. At that moment, she even saw Yun Ming back then in a trance.

Yu Nanyuan and Yun Ming once took the same path, reaching the top with invincibility. This road is the most difficult, because once defeated, all the momentum accumulated in the past will be lost, resulting in all previous efforts being wasted. But once you reach the top, you will definitely suppress an era and become invincible in the world.

But not everyone has the courage to choose this path, let alone reach the top. Shrek Academy has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and only Yun Ming has emerged.

This guy is so destined to Shrek Academy, is he really going to build a great academy?

Such thoughts appeared in the minds of Cai Yue'er and all the elders of Poseidon Pavilion present, and it was still the same style of Shrek Academy. Shameless and self-righteous. In their opinion, the person most qualified to teach Yu Nanyuan on the mainland today is none other than Qingtian Douluo Yunming.

But this is true.

At this time, Yu Nanyuan had entered a state of enlightenment and did not know what people like Cai Yuer were thinking. He was like a sculpture, standing in the competition arena holding a phantom divine spear, his whole body shining with gold and silver light.

All the qi machines in this space seemed to be affected by his aura and became their own.

The emotions in Yali's beautiful eyes gradually calmed down, and she smiled and softly called Yun Ming beside her: "Brother Ming, what do you think?"

"Let's wait until his enlightenment is over." Yun Ming stood up and smiled slightly.

"Some things have to be asked about his personal thoughts. You have to know that with his talent, he does not necessarily need to enter the academy to study, but the academy needs him to join."

Yun Ming, who is the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, stood up, and naturally the others did not dare to sit down anymore. But when they heard Yun Ming's words, they were all shocked.

Yun Ming was so arrogant when he was young. In order to take away Holy Spirit Douluo Yali, he almost tore the sky above Mingdu to pieces. It was only in the past hundred years after he took over the position of the head of the Poseidon Pavilion that he restrained himself a lot and always showed a gentle and upright image.

Yu Nanyuan is the first person to be evaluated like this by Yun Ming.

One of the elders of the Poseidon Pavilion couldn't help but ask: "Pavilion Master, do you think so highly of him?"

"It came into being." Yun Ming replied with an undiminished smile. But just these four words made the pupils of all the elders of Poseidon Pavilion present suddenly shrink, and they no longer had any doubts about this in their hearts.

However, there was one sentence that Yun Ming did not say.

Everything in the world has cause and effect. It was born in response to the circumstances and came in response to the calamity.

Cai Yue'er returned to the rostrum north of the competition ring, still a little doubtful.

"Pavilion Master, his father's teacher is the one from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy."

"The last master of the Temple of War?" Zhuo Shi's eyes narrowed slightly and he blurted out subconsciously.

Unlike Shrek Academy, which is independent from the Sun and Moon Federation, the relationship between the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy and the Sun and Moon Federation is extremely close. After all, the predecessor of the Sun-Moon Federation was the Sun-Moon Empire, and the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy was the first academy in the Sun-Moon Empire.

Before the current Master of the War Temple, almost all the past Masters of the War Temple came from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, or were preparatory Gods of War trained directly by the Sun and Moon Federation.

"It doesn't matter." Yun Ming smiled lightly, and then prepared to leave with Yali.

"Congratulations, Brother Ming."

Yali held Yun Ming's arm and felt happy for Yun Ming from the bottom of her heart. Her only regret in these years was that she could not give birth to a child for Yun Ming and inherit Yun Ming's top genes. If Yu Nanyuan could become Yun Ming's disciple and inherit Yun Ming's abilities, she would be relieved.

Yun Ming smiled and held Yali's hand tightly, and told Cai Yue'er: "Yue'er, please handle the rest of the matter carefully and don't let anyone disturb his enlightenment."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." Cai Yue'er responded respectfully.

The elders of the Poseidon Pavilion also disappeared one after another after Yun Ming and Yali. Cai Yue'er, the dean of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard, asked Song Lin and Long Xiu to bring back the students in their own class and separate the area for the competition arena.

Inner courtyard students like Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi were not allowed to approach and had to leave.

On the way back to the inner courtyard, Ye Xinglan looked completely lost. Her martial spirit and cultivation talent are not as good as Yu Nanyuan's, and her soul skills are far less powerful than Yu Nanyuan's. The only thing she relies on is the sword intention she has comprehended.

But today, her proud sword intent was once again completely crushed by Yu Nanyuan's spear intent.

The scene of Yu Nanyuan's shocking shot kept replaying in her mind, making her look ashen. She knew very well that if it was her shot against Yu Nanyuan, there would never be a second result other than death on the spot.

"Sister Xinglan..." Seeing Ye Xinglan's zombie-like appearance, Xu Lizhi felt extremely painful in his heart. He roared crazily in his heart.

"Just becoming a battle armor master, I will never be able to help Sister Xinglan in a frontal battle. I want to learn mecha! I want to learn mecha! I want to learn mecha! I want to learn mecha..."

On the Shrek Academy side, only Red Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi and Shen Yi remained in place.

Wu Zhangkong turned his back to Zhuo Shi and Shen Yi, his straight body trembling slightly.

Shen Yi looked at his teacher and hesitated to speak. But she knew it was not the right time for her to speak. This is the knot between my teacher and my senior brother.

Zhuo Shi stared at Wu Zhangkong's back with slightly moving eyes, and said in a calm tone: "After you send him to the academy, are you ready to leave?"

As if Wu Zhangkong mustered up great courage, he turned around with difficulty and looked at Zhuo Shi, his body trembling even more.

If before returning to Shrek Academy, he still had stubbornness and persistence in his heart. But when he came back here, looking at everything familiar and the vicissitudes of his teacher's hair, the last trace of persistence deep in his heart dissipated.


Wu Zhangkong knelt down straight in front of Zhuo Shi, bowed to him, and hit his forehead heavily on the ground.

"Teacher, I was wrong back then. Over the years, I have understood that people cannot live just for themselves. I am willing to use all my time in the future to make up for the mistakes I made. Teacher, please accept me. Even if I am just here as a A handyman, I will stay too. Never leave again."

Zhuo Shi couldn't help but look stunned. He didn't expect Wu Zhangkong, who had always been stubborn, to say such a thing.

The disciples he taught know best. It was really difficult to make Wu Zhangkong bow his head.

"Teacher..." Seeing this scene, Shen Yi looked at Zhuo Shi with pleading eyes. She knew the character of her teacher and senior brother very well, they were both equally stubborn and stubborn.

Now that Wu Zhangkong has admitted his mistake, things can turn around.

Zhuo Shi sighed emotionally, calmed down his emotional fluctuations, and his tone returned to calmness.

"I can't take you in."

"Teacher-" Shen Yi's complexion instantly turned pale, but the next moment he saw Chaos Shi and continued to speak.

"The college will enroll students in half a year, and we will bring back my disciples as well. If one is missing, you don't have to come to see me anymore."

"is teacher!"

Shen Yi was immediately overjoyed, while Wu Changkong bowed to Zhuo Shi again. From a perspective that Zhuo Shi and Shen Yi couldn't see, Wu Changkong's usually cold eyes were now full of energy.

Zhuo Shi ignored Wu Zhangkong's address to him, turned around and took steps with an expressionless expression. Shen Yi quickly followed with joy, as if she was back to the cute and lively girl she was when she was young.

The knot that troubled their master and disciple was finally solved.

Wu Zhangkong kept kneeling in the direction where Zhuo Shi left. It was not until Zhuo Shi's figure disappeared for a long time that he stood up again to protect Yu Nanyuan, who was in deep meditation practice.

Poseidon Island.

A girl sat quietly on a clean huge pebble by the lake, with her long silver hair flying in the air. She looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. She was wearing a red sportswear, and was blown by the breeze on the lake, revealing a beautiful face.

She is like an elf by the lake, with delicate and flawless features. A pair of large eyes are a strange light silver color, and there is no emotion contained in them.

Although the girl is not old, girls mature earlier and are already slim. Her long legs are straight and slender, and her body proportions are close to perfect.

The girl was Na'er who had finished practicing for the day, and she had just learned from Yali about Yu Nanyuan's arrival at Shrek Academy. Looking at the clear lake in front of her, she suddenly revealed a charming smile that seemed to make the entire world eclipse her.

"He's here. It seems that my meeting with him will be brought forward."

"I'm warning you, don't get close to him!" A cold voice suddenly sounded in Na'er's mind.

Na'er smiled and communicated with the owner of the voice in her head.

"Don't you hate all human beings and disdain the human world? Why do you have such a big reaction? This is not like you."

Before the voice could continue to say anything, Na'er had already taken the lead and asked: "If it were you, would you care about my warning? We are one, and I know everything you have experienced over the years, and what you have Your special feelings for him, even our senses are connected."

Having said this, Na'er smiled again.

"Because I am you."

The voice fell into a long silence.

In the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, in the competition arena.

Yu Nanyuan's deep meditation after this epiphany did not last long. At dusk on the third day, the golden and silver light shining on his body had disappeared, and the strong spear spirit and his own aura that shot straight into the sky were completely restrained.

As his eyes opened and closed, the sparkle in Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes suddenly flashed.

The setting sun in the western sky was like blood, and the entire Shrek Academy seemed to be in a rose-gold ocean.

But the first thing that appeared in Yu Nanyuan's sight was a breathtakingly beautiful face. Her long silver hair shawls around her shoulders, scattering thousands of halos under the afterglow of the setting sun, and the halos in her pale silver eyes are like the light of the stars and the moon.

The silver-haired girl crossed her arms behind her back and moved her face closer to Yu Nanyuan. Their eyes clearly reflected each other's shadow.

She also has long silver hair and a perfect face, but there is a clear contrast between Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes and Na'er's pale silver eyes.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes suddenly condensed, he looked into the girl's eyes calmly, and said knowingly.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Na'er." The girl chuckled and let out a clear laughter like a silver bell.

"Let's go. The teacher said that after you wake up, he will let me take you over to see him."

Just double the happiness, hehe.

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